Li Yu and Russell chatted for a long time. He was quite talkative and even talked about how he fell in love with a married woman a few years ago.

"You know, that feeling is wonderful," Russell said, blowing smoke rings. "One afternoon, while I was riding my bicycle, I suddenly felt that I didn't love Alouse (Russell's wife's name) anymore. Mrs. Morel That unique charm is so charming, it makes me seem to see what love looks like.”

Li Yu was stunned, how could he have the same interests as Meng De? !
Russell had affairs with seven women in his life and married four...

Li Yu didn't know how to evaluate him for a moment. He couldn't praise him for his Jian'an character, right?
Fortunately, Hilbert, Minkowski and others left the blackboard and returned to their seats.

Minkowski finally talked about some topics that Li Yu was good at: "In the past three years, I have spent a lot of energy on electrodynamics, but I didn't expect that Einstein in Bern was already far ahead of me. Oh, that love Einstein always doesn’t come to class—I never thought he could do something like this!”

Before Einstein published his theory of relativity, Minkowski gradually touched the threshold of the theory of relativity, but he did not take the most critical step.

Li Yu explained for Einstein: "The theory of relativity is currently in a purely theoretical stage and cannot be separated from mathematics. He has now realized the importance of mathematics and is working hard to make up for it."

Minkovsky seemed to still have little hope for Einstein's mathematics. He said: "I have read his papers a long time ago, but Einstein's mathematical expression of profound theories is rough - I can That’s because he learned mathematics from me in Zurich.”

Hilbert suddenly said: "There will be an annual physics meeting in Cologne next week. Why don't you just give a speech and publish your recent mathematical achievements on time and space."

Minkowski asked Li Yu: "Are you going?"

"I will definitely go, Mr. Planck told me a long time ago." Li Yu replied.

Minkowski asked again: "Where is Einstein?"

Li Yu said: "I heard from Mr. Planck that quantum theory and the theory of relativity will be mentioned at the annual meeting, and Einstein will naturally attend."

Minkowski said, "Well, I'll let him know what mathematics is."

Hilbert said: "Since mathematics was mentioned, I think I should go too. But I have to wait until I finish this week's class before setting off."

It was relatively close to Cologne from Göttingen, so Li Yu stayed in Göttingen for the time being.

The next day, it snowed heavily. When he opened the door, the snow was already [-] to [-] centimeters thick. Li Yu said, "Oops, I'm afraid we won't be able to go to the classroom."

Hilbert calmly moved out two sets of ski equipment: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Li Yu was surprised: "Are you going to go to class on skis?"

Hilbert had already begun to put it on: "Don't tell me you can't ski."

Li Yu could only lean over and put on his ski boots. Fortunately, he had skied with Einstein in Switzerland before.

Hilbert put on his glasses: "Karl Runge has been my ski instructor for the last year, and I found this thing to be really fun, but of course, very strenuous."

Hilbert walked out of his house. There was a slope going from his house to school. It was like a natural ski resort. "You must follow closely!"

Li Yu quickly followed, feeling that these mathematicians were so good at playing.

After all, Hilbert was older and was a little out of breath when he arrived at school. He hurried to the classroom, still wearing his pair of fat Norwegian ski boots with a pointed front and a buckle at the back.

After taking a sip of hot water and calming down his breathing, Hilbert started class.

Li Yu still sat in the last row and listened.

Unexpectedly, Hilbert spent the first half hour reviewing the content of the previous class.

"We saw this last time. Now, it doesn't seem to work in the new situation. How could it be possible? Why did the old methods fail? What is going on? What can we do? How can we get out of this? difficulty?"

After a series of questions, Hilbert began to talk about something new.


A few days later, Li Yu went to Cologne with Hilbert and Minkowski.

Planck, Einstein, and Laue arrived early.

Planck smiled after seeing Li Yu: "I thought you met a beautiful girl in Göttingen and your wife didn't care."

Li Yu said: "Bicheng and Qiu Jin want to travel around. This time they may have arrived in Denmark or the Netherlands."

"This is nothing like my impression of a Chinese wife," Plank said.

Li Yu said: "The two of them are called female heroes, so of course they are different."

Einstein came over and said: "My good friend from the East, I finally see you again."

Li Yu shook hands with him and said, "Mr. Einstein, how is the progress of your invention?"

Einstein said: "It won't be long before it is available."

Okay, the boss is still talking tough... Li Yu asked again: "Has the University of Zurich hired you?"

"No," Einstein said helplessly. "A few weeks ago, after I saw a high school hiring a mathematics and graphic geometry teacher, I also submitted an application, telling them that I could teach physics and attached a certificate on the special theory of relativity. Essay. But they seemed unable to understand such profound knowledge, so among the 21 applicants, I was not shortlisted for the re-examination.”

Einstein's situation was exactly the same as that of many frustrated young people, looking for a breakthrough everywhere.

But Li Yu felt that he felt more friendly like this.

Li Yu smiled and said: "I will contact other professors and write another formal recommendation letter for you together."

While they were talking, several people had already come to sit down in the auditorium.

There was a banner hanging above the podium in front of him, which read the title of Minkowski's speech today, "Space and Time."

"The concepts of space and time that I want to propose to you," Minkowski began in a gentle but resounding voice, "sprouted and grew in the soil of experimental physics, and this is where their power lies. The changes these ideas will have in the world will It is fundamental. From now on, separate space and separate time are destined to disappear into illusion, and only the combination of the two retains its independent authenticity."

Minkowski was speaking and writing on the blackboard behind him. He had excellent mathematical skills. In just a few ten minutes, he introduced his extremely brilliant and concise mathematical view of time and space to the theory of relativity. Based on this idea , different descriptions of the same phenomenon can be given in an extremely simple mathematical way.

Li Yu had known these conclusions for a long time, so he was not particularly excited, but Einstein beside him was extremely excited and kept writing notes in his notebook.

Minkowski continued: "...Through my mathematics, three-dimensional geometry became a chapter in four-dimensional physics. Now you know why I dare to say that space and time will disappear into illusion, and there will be only the world itself will last forever.”

Finally, he paused and said loudly: "Now, I can declare that the 'great moment of geometrization' has arrived!"

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but start applauding, and Einstein excitedly said: "Isn't this the entire arsenal of mathematics needed for the theory of relativity!"

At this time, Minkovsky was very high-spirited, so high-spirited that Li Yu felt extremely sorry.

Because in another year, Minkowski would be dead.

He died of acute appendicitis.

Yes, this disease, which was only a minor problem in later generations, is still extremely scary at this time.

Humanity only had the technology to perform appendicitis surgery more than ten years ago. Pushing back further, appendicitis was completely a terminal disease.

However, even if appendicitis surgery can be performed, there are still very high risks after the operation. Minkowski died a week after the operation.

Minkowski was only 45 years old when he died. If he had lived a few more years, it would have been an immeasurable contribution to the development of the theory of relativity.

After the speech, Li Yu did not return to Göttingen, but returned to Berlin with Planck and Einstein.

Hilbert said goodbye to him: "Every meeting with you is impressive. I must keep in touch for a long time in the future."

Li Yu said: "That's natural, because I still need your help."

Minkowski smiled and said: "Don't worry, if Zemelo can't handle it, I will help."

After returning to Berlin, Li Yu asked Planck to write a letter to the University of Zurich recommending Einstein.

After seeing the formal letter from the two bosses, the University of Zurich had to treat it cautiously and agreed to let Einstein be an unpaid lecturer first. If the results are good, he can be promoted to professor.

Li Yu gave Einstein the reply letter from the University of Zurich.

Einstein was very happy and immediately set off back to Switzerland.

Naturally, unpaid lecturers were not part of the university staff, so Einstein did not give up his formal and staffed job in the patent office.

The course the university asked him to teach was not relativity theory, but regular thermodynamics, which started every Thursday and Saturday morning.

Einstein had his hair specially gelled, changed his usual casual hairstyle and clothes, and stepped onto the podium.

However, it seems that he is still not very good at giving lectures. There are only three students, and two of them are even his colleagues in the patent office.

Unpaid lecturers rely solely on the number of students attending classes, so it seems that they have really failed.Fortunately, the income from the patent office is enough to support his daily life.

After Einstein lectured for a week, there was only one more student.This student became the only one who insisted on listening.

Thinking about the situation when there is only one student below during the lecture, it is a bit... shabby. In this case, it is better to go directly to one-on-one private tutoring.

When Yang Zhenning attended the class, there were two of us, so we could have some company.

This student is also very perseverant. Fortunately, in a few years, he will be able to brag about this matter.

In short, Einstein's first appearance on the podium did prove that he was not very good at giving lectures.

He has never been a teacher. Later, many people praised his casual way of teaching, mostly because of his unparalleled talent and fame~~
Li Yu naturally knew the situation and would make a special trip to the University of Zurich to help Master Ai.

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