Chapter 464

The wave-particle duality of light is already one of the best understood. Later, with the great development of quantum mechanics, everything has wave-particle duality, and it has become a universal law.

Back in Berlin, the speech was published in a journal.

Planck looked at the magazine and said to Li Yu: "I really don't know why you young people have been clinging to quantum theory. I admit that radiation contains discrete quanta and can also be considered as the medium of interaction. But quantum It’s just that the assumptions I introduced when explaining the mathematical formulas are not intended to overturn Newton’s theory.”

Li Yu said: "Times create heroes, and quantum theory and the principle of relativity are bound to be the waves of the times."

"Oh, my God! You also said that this is a profound revolution. You must know that revolutions have to pay a price!" Planck said, rubbing his forehead. "Quantum seems to be only a part of the radiation that is emitted or absorbed. That’s it, how come it’s everything?!”

Li Yu said: "It won't be long before physics will undergo major changes. Professor, just wait and see."

"Yes, I can only wait and see what happens," Planck said. "I have read your speech at the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Do you know how they felt after listening to it?"

Li Yu asked: "What's the state?"

Planck said: "They can only reluctantly walk around aimlessly and complain sadly. In the future, they will have to see light as waves on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and see light as waves on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Particles, and on Sunday it’s just prayer.”

Li Yu smiled and said: "This kind of worry will not last long."

"I hope so," Planck said with some helplessness, "otherwise the more successful quantum theory becomes, the more stupid it will appear."

Li Yu shrugged: "There is an old Chinese saying that great wisdom is like foolishness. It looks stupid, but in fact it is great wisdom."

"Well," Plank said, "speaking of your old sayings, I started learning Chinese half a year ago, and I hope I can use idioms soon."

Li Yu was surprised: "Have you really started learning Chinese?"

Planck said: "Yes, you keep saying it's difficult, but I don't believe it!"

Li Yu said: "It's for your own good to speak out..."

Poulenc put out a few books: "I have asked the biggest sinologist in France to get some famous Chinese books."

Li Yu thought it was something like the Four Books and Five Classics, but he didn't expect Planck to show "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Journey to the West", "Water Margin" and "The Plum in the Golden Vase".

Planck added: "I am also a person who loves literature, and novels are easier to understand."

Li Yu said: "I think we can start with "Journey to the West", which seems to be easier to get started with."

"No," Planck said, "Mr. Pelliot said that "The Plum in the Golden Vase" is closer to what China was like three or four hundred years ago."

"This book..." Li Yu wanted to say something, but suddenly something flashed in his mind, "Pelliot? Could it be Paul Pelliot?"

Planck said: "Yes, he is the best Sinologist in France, no, it should be said that he is the best in Europe."

There are two biggest cultural relic robbers in the history of Dunhuang. The first is Stein and the second is Paul Pelliot.

After Stein removed a large number of Dunhuang cultural relics, Paul Pelliot went to loot again.

Moreover, Paul Pelliot was a serious Sinologist. His proficiency in basic Chinese and knowledge of Chinese history enabled him to steal all the essence of the scripture cave. In other words, the scriptures he stole were the most valuable. of.

He loaded more than 6000 extremely valuable manuscripts and some picture scrolls in 10 carts with the more precious scriptures, linguistics, and archeology that Stein had ignored due to translation, and transported them to Paris.

——No different than a robber, no need for any embellishment.

Li Yu looked down upon these people very much and flaunted himself by taking other people's things.They robbed the Dunhuang scriptures without actually studying them. They just used them as wealth and capital to show off, so they were no different from bandits.

European science Li Yu is convinced, not to mention the character of truly great people like Planck and Einstein.

As for Paul Pelliot, Stein and others?

Ha ha!

The world does not need such so-called "Sinologists".


Planck saw Li Yu stunned for a few seconds and then said: "Mr. Pelliot would like to meet you very much."

"No." Li Yu blurted out.

Planck took out another telegram: "Your ladyship and that very chivalrous woman are also in Paris. They also want you to go there."

Unexpectedly, they had already arrived in Paris, so Li Yu had to say: "I really want to go to Paris. I have some financial issues with Hachette Publishing House that need to be settled."

Plank said: "I will definitely urge them when the time comes. Although I have already read the English version of Star Wars: Episode II, but when the German version comes out, I will definitely collect another set."

Germany currently has the densest railway network in Europe, and the transportation is very convenient. One of the reasons why Germany dared to fight on two fronts during the two world wars is that they were confident in their ability to dispatch and transport troops.

But cross-border railways are more troublesome.

So Li Yu arrived in Rotterdam, Netherlands first, and then transferred to train to Paris.

Lu Bicheng and Qiu Jin had already received the news and came to the train station to greet them. A young man in his thirties stood beside them.

Lu Bicheng introduced: "Brother Yu, his name is Qi Rushan. He is a graduate of the Tongwen School of the Capital. He is proficient in German, French and drama."

Li Yu shook hands with him: "Nice to meet you."

Qi Rushan is a big boss of the opera house and has a very good relationship with Mei Lanfang. He personally helped arrange "Farewell My Concubine".

Qi Rushan said: "Master Emperor, I have admired your name for a long time. It is a blessing to meet you today."

Li Yu said: "Meeting an old friend in a foreign country is a great blessing in life. Let's find a shop to have a drink first."

"That's what I meant." Qi Rushan said happily.

A few people randomly found a restaurant, sat down and ordered food. Qi Rushan said: "I have read the masterpieces of Emperor Master - of course it can only be the Star Wars series. The style and calculation are really beyond my ability. Star Wars can be called A strange book with a magnificent imagination that has never been seen before.”

Li Yu said: "It's just for entertainment after tea and meals."

Qi Rushan said: "Many editorials called it science fiction. The name is great. I even thought about a future-themed drama."

Li Yu smiled and said: "This innovative step is a bit too big..."

Qi Rushan said: "Master Emperor, I don't know, but there have been some problems that have been bothering me recently. If I had a future background, I wouldn't have such troubles."

Li Yu wondered: "Drama has been developing for so many years. Is there any problem that cannot be overcome?"

Qi Rushan said: "For example, can the predecessors read the poems of the descendants?"

"What do you mean?" Li Yu asked.

Qi Rushan said: "I have rehearsed many operas, especially the Qin and Han Dynasties, but people in the operas will say a few lines of Tang poetry from time to time. You know, starting from the Ming Dynasty, it has been a tradition to add quatrains. But at the turn of the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was no Tang poetry , let Xiang Yunai or Yu Ji read out, 'The poor bones by the Wuding River are like those in a spring boudoir's dream', for fear of being laughed at by others."

This kind of problem has become common in later generations, and many people have become accustomed to it.

So Li Yu replied: "If it doesn't affect the overall situation, what's there to worry about? If you worry about such a small problem, I'm afraid all the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties will be burned down."

"Don't you really need to worry?" Qi Rushan asked.

"Of course not!" Li Yu said, "Few people will realize that, and Tang poetry is just a small detail. It is difficult to restore history. Many of the things we eat now did not exist at all in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Even Xiang Yu has never seen the most common noodles, dumplings, or iron pots for cooking."

Qi Rushan said in surprise: "I forgot about this. It seems that there is nothing to worry about." Li Yu said: "If it is too dull, it is not art."

Qi Rushan clasped his fists and said, "Sure enough, bystanders know better. Outsiders see things more clearly than we do."

After finishing the meal, Qi Rushan said: "There will be a wonderful performance at the Guimet Museum in Paris later. The performer has oriental charm and is the most popular dance star in Paris at the moment."

"Let's go and have a look." Anyway, there are not many entertainment projects now, so Li Yu agreed.

When he arrived at the theater, Li Yu found that there were many people. There were huge slogans hanging on the surrounding walls: "Eye of Dawn", "Sacred Dance of Hinduism", and some in Sanskrit that he couldn't understand at all.

Only then did Li Yu discover that the performer was Mata Hari, the most famous double agent during World War I.

This woman is extremely well-known in the West and is known as one of the "Top 10 Most Famous Super Spies."

But right now, she's just a dancing star.

Not long after, Mata Hari, wearing a gorgeous Indian costume, came on stage, and the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

Lu Bicheng lowered her eyes: "Do all Indians dress like this?"

For a time traveler like Li Yu, the dress Mata Hari wore on stage could not even be considered a stripper. She only exposed her shoulders and had a little groove on her chest.

It is indeed big, but the clothes of the early 100th century are still too conservative compared to [-] years later.

Li Yu remained calm, but the others were so excited that they started shouting.

Qi Rushan praised: "As expected of an imperial master! Mount Tai collapsed in front but his appearance remained unchanged, and the elk rose to the left but his eyes did not blink!"

Lu Bicheng was very happy, and Qiu Jin also praised Li Yu as a gentleman.

Li Yu could only smile awkwardly in his heart...

From the current perspective, Mata Hari's dance is indeed quite gorgeous, not to mention that she has also taken photos of more revealing clothes and even nudes, and brought this image to stage performances. Various bold practices have won her many awards. gained a great reputation.

Mixed-race people often have stunning beauties, and Mata Hari is a white-yellow mixed-race woman who looks like a Xinjiang beauty.

A high nose bridge, deep eyes, fair skin and an oriental flavor will all be super weapons in future generations, let alone now.

Qi Rushan said: "Although the dance has a sinister taste and is not like traditional Indian dance, this woman has really pushed herself to the limit, which can be regarded as an art."

Li Yu said with a smile: "After staying in Paris for so many years, Mr. Qi has become very fashionable."

Qi Rushan also smiled, "I am examining the art forms of various countries to inject more inspiration into future creations. This woman's experience is very exciting. It is said that she is a descendant of a Javanese Indian monk and has learned the sacred dance of Hinduism since she was a child. "

These are actually made up by Mata Hari, but her mother is indeed Javanese and her father is Dutch.

Due to the limitations of communication means, many identities are difficult to verify. Many people who travel to Paris will add a noble identity to themselves in order to become famous.

It's just hype, nothing surprising.

The theaters were more willing to hype her up, ticket prices were getting higher and higher, and they were making more money.

After watching the performance, Li Yu and Lu Bicheng went to Hachette Publishing House. During this period, the royalties from sales in Europe were similar to those in the United States, which is about US$70.

Then he settled in Paris.

The next day, Paul Pelliot sent an invitation, hoping that Li Yu and Lu Bicheng would attend a cultural salon.

It was impossible for Lu Bicheng to know the tragedy of Dunhuang in later generations, so he happily took Li Yu with him.

Although Li Yu had asked Liu E to guard Dunhuang and there would be no more problems, and the sins of Pelliot and others seemed to have been washed away by the way, Li Yu still didn't like them when he saw people like them.

Paul Pelliot was very happy to see Li Yu and his wife. He asked them to come to the center and then introduced the other guests one by one.

Most of them were people who liked Sinology. Li Yu didn't know them, but when they mentioned a Russian, Li Yu was shocked.

"This is Major Kozlov, from St. Petersburg."

That bastard who robbed Blackwater City!

Li Yu frowned and shook hands with him symbolically.

Pelliot displayed several more cultural relics from the Western Regions, some from Afghanistan and Japan, and some that clearly came from Xinjiang.

"I really can't describe how I felt when I saw them," Paul Pelliot said excitedly. "Oh my god, they are simply the most beautiful works of art! Sparkling!"

Li Yu said coldly: "Cultural relics can show their true brilliance only in the corresponding cultural soil."

Paul Pelliot said: "Mr. Li Yu's words make sense. I think I should build a special Oriental art museum for them."

Li Yu almost fell over. Your understanding ability is too poor!

Kozlov was obviously very greedy and said: "Mr. Pelliot, we can organize an expedition team to go deep into western China again."

Li Yu immediately said: "After many explorations, there is no place left to continue digging. After all, the Western Region has long since disappeared into the dust of history due to lack of water."

At this time, Dunhuang items were no longer leaking out, and Pelliot was no longer in the mood to explore the desert, so he tactfully said: "I still have to wait for the opportunity, otherwise I will lose everything."

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly Kozlov said: "If Mr. Pelliot doesn't go, I can only seek help from the geographical society in my country."


Li Yu cursed secretly in his heart, this guy really doesn't want to give up!Obviously, after seeing France and Britain plundering a large number of cultural relics in China, they felt unbalanced.

Typical gangster mentality!
An idea flashed in Li Yu's mind and he said to him: "Major Kozlov, you have to know that the northwest region is full of deserts and is very difficult and dangerous."

Kozlov is a soldier and is more difficult to deal with than Pelliot and others. He said indifferently: "I have very strong logistics support capabilities."

Seeing that he had taken the bait, Li Yu continued: "Anyway, countless explorers die in the desert every year. You can defeat Death a hundred times, but Death only needs to defeat you once."

Kozlov moved his lips, obviously worried.

Li Yu continued: "But I know a very powerful potion that can allow you to exercise your body in advance, gain strength in a difficult environment, and save your life."

Kozlov was indeed interested. They valued the supplies for survival and asked eagerly: "What is it?"

Li Yu said slowly: "Radium water! It can give you unexpected power! Moreover, radium is luminous, so you can see the time clearly even at night if you apply it on your pocket watch; the radium mask can repair the pain caused by the wind and sand." skin."

Kozlov was surprised: "Is it really effective?"

Li Yuxin said: "If you don't believe it, you asked someone to send newspapers from the United States. Radium products have almost sold out among the rich."

Kozlov said: "Great! The academician helped me a lot!"

Li Yu smiled slightly: "I can provide you with large quantities of radium materials for free."

Absolutely enough!Big enough!That’s enough!

Kozlov was actually a little embarrassed: "I want you to pay?"

Li Yu said expressionlessly: "Even if it helps you on your journey, the journey will be more comfortable!"

(End of this chapter)

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