Freud was going to give a lecture at a university in the United States, and Li Yu was also busy.

The automobile market is gradually becoming more and more popular. Li Yu knows that Ford's Model T will be released this year and he needs to quickly expand the production capacity of his factory.

Li Yu now holds a lot of automobile patents, and most of them are designs that manufacturers can't live without. All major automobile companies must adopt them, otherwise they will fall too far behind others and lose their competitiveness.

For every car sold, almost [-]% of the profit goes to Li Yu's company.

Li Yu still has many better designs in his mind, but he will adhere to the principle of gradual progress and release them slowly in the future.

According to the principles mentioned before, foreign technology cannot be allowed to make significant progress. The most it can do is to advance some patents slightly.

Doing so will be more beneficial to Li Yu and allow him to stay ahead in the long term. Automobile companies around the world will never be able to do without his patents in the future.

In ten or twenty years, Li Yu's company will become the real invisible overlord behind the automobile industry.

At that time, cars also ushered in an explosion, entering more households and selling more.

After staying in Detroit for a while, Li Yu took the train back to New York.

When I went to bed that night, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Lu Bicheng next to me asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Yu said: "My butt hurts."

"Let me take a look." Lu Bicheng immediately sat up.

"This..." Li Yu felt a little embarrassed.

"What's the point of being embarrassed? I've read them all." Lu Bicheng said with a smile.

Li Yu could only turn over.

"Oh, what a big boil!" Lu Bicheng said in shock.


"And it seems to have suppurated."

Lu Bicheng touched him lightly, and Li Yu shouted in pain.

"It looks like I need to go to the hospital. I don't dare to deal with suppuration," Lu Bicheng said, "Why do you get boils? And, are they growing here?"

Li Yu smiled bitterly: "Taking the train every day will make your butt rot, so I'm thankful that I only got a boil. And the weather in Detroit is smoky all day long, and you'll get sick if you're not careful; what's even worse is the train from Detroit back to New York. , the windows are leaking!"

Lu Bicheng understands this dilemma very well: "If the windows are leaking, the carriage must be full of coal dust. No wonder boils will appear."

The next day, the two went to a Roosevelt Hospital in New York. Fortunately, it was just a minor operation and was completed quickly. They should be healed after a few days of gauze application.However, for such a small surgery, the charge reached US$35, which is really shocking.

As soon as the two returned to the Fifth Avenue Laboratory, Li Yu saw Situ Meitang, and there was a young man with him.

Situ Meitang said: "This little brother has been waiting for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to stay in Europe for so long."

Li Yu said: "Chinese?"

"I have met the Imperial Master!" The young man bowed, "My Excellency, Feng Ru, came from San Francisco specifically to ask for your advice."

"Feng Ru!?" Li Yu's mind turned, "Are you developing an airplane?"

Feng Ru was even more surprised: "The Imperial Master actually knows about me, a nobody."

Feng Ru is no unknown person.

Known as the "Father of Chinese Aviation," he began researching airplanes in 1906. A few years later, he flew a homemade airplane into the sky, causing a sensation in San Francisco.

Unfortunately, he died young. After returning to China, he died during an air show in Guangzhou in 1912.

Li Yu said: "Of course I know about you. The Chinese newspapers in San Francisco have reported it."

Feng Ru said: "Everyone is indeed paying attention to me, but San Francisco's Chinatown was severely damaged by the earthquake the year before last, which caused my plan to raise funds to build an aircraft factory to be delayed."

"How is the development of the aircraft going?" Li Yu asked curiously.

"I have been studying mechanics by myself for many years. I have also collected all the newspapers and magazines I can find and drawn preliminary drawings. In another year, I think I can make the first test aircraft." Feng Ru said.

There is no doubt that Feng Ru is a genius. He built an airplane entirely by self-study, and most of the ways he obtained knowledge about airplanes were newspapers and magazines!

The understanding is terrible!
"Can you let me see your drawings?" Li Yu asked.

"Of course," Feng Ru immediately opened his suitcase, "I came to seek advice from the Imperial Master precisely because I hope to get advice from you."

"Teaching is not enough, let's make progress together!" Li Yu looked at it for a while and said, "Looking at your drawings, the research time is indeed not short."

"Ever since I saw the news about the successful test flight of the Wright brothers' airplane written by Emperor Shi, I decided to build an airplane. Although I have never been exposed to it before, Americans can do it, and so can the Chinese." Feng Ru said firmly said.

Li Yu nodded: "Yes indeed!"

"After living in the United States for many years, I know the importance of technology. The Russo-Japanese War, a war that had nothing to do with us, actually happened on our own soil. The Qing government dared not speak out in anger. It was all caused by weakness. Tragic experience!" Feng Ru became more and more excited as he spoke, "And in my opinion, the most powerful military weapon that can save the country is an airplane! Flying down into the blue sky from a high position!"

Li Yu said: "Your Excellency has lofty aspirations, and I will support him unconditionally. Besides, I am also interested in airplanes."

"Great!" Feng Ru said happily, "With your help, it will be the greatest help! To be honest, now that the Wright brothers' company has blocked the aircraft technology and patents, my research progress is difficult, so I can only I got scattered knowledge from newspapers and periodicals. Although I know that France has some better technologies, it’s a pity that I can’t read French.”

Translation of technical information is a long-standing problem. There is no way to solve this problem. The only way is to learn foreign languages.

Li Yu said: "I will help you buy European newspapers and magazines, and you can enter the aviation club that I co-founded with Mr. Belan to study. The information there is very rich."

Feng Rutai was very grateful: "The Imperial Master has put so much effort into it! Don't worry, I will definitely build the Chinese's own aircraft! I would rather die if I fail!"

"Of course I believe you," Li Yu said, "but there are still some flaws in your drawings and technical data. As it happens, I will send you the latest rotary cylinder engine patent and data in Europe for free. In this way, your entire It would be a huge workload to completely change the aircraft design.”

"With the research direction, it doesn't hurt to have a larger workload!" Feng Ru didn't care at all. "The aircraft factory I accurately established in Ocra, California can be built exactly according to the emperor's opinions."

"How much money has the aircraft factory raised now?" Li Yu asked again.

"Only four to five thousand US dollars were raised." Feng Ru said matter-of-factly.

"It's too little. This money can only be used to build an airplane frame, but it's not enough at all." Li Yu certainly spared no effort in supporting the national aviation industry. "You can build it, and I can provide it no matter how much it costs."

Feng Ru said: "This...isn't good!"

"What's wrong!" Li Yu said, "Just do as I say, and I will provide you with the required technical information for free." Feng Ru said, "But now I can't get around the Wright brothers' patents."

"It's easy to say," Li Yu understood the key. "We just adopt a different aerodynamic layout from the Wright brothers."

Li Yu immediately sketched him on another piece of paper.

In fact, the Wright brothers' technology had begun to lag behind, and both France and Germany had found safer and more reliable routes. ——It’s the aerodynamic layout problem mentioned before. The Wright brothers’ canard layout is too difficult.

Feng Ru praised: "The Imperial Master is worthy of being called a scientific giant, and he is well versed in such cutting-edge technology."

Li Yu smiled and said: "I am just talking on paper now. The specific manufacturing and testing will take a long time, and all of this depends on you."

Feng Ru said: "I will definitely live up to the emperor's trust."

"Also," Li Yu said, "it would be very helpful for you to study more college courses related to machinery."

"University courses?" Feng Ru asked.

Li Yu said: "You are in Oakland, right? I will contact the University of California, Berkeley, which is also in Oakland, and ask them to accept you to audit the course."

"But this will cost a lot of money. That school is the best university in California, and the tuition is very high," Feng Ru said. "This money would be better spent on developing aircraft."

Feng Ru's idea is not unreasonable. The cost of education in the early [-]th century was much more shocking than in later generations, especially in Europe and the United States.

At present, an ordinary farmer in China only earns less than ten taels of silver a year, and the tuition and miscellaneous fees for studying in Europe and the United States for one year are 1200 taels, which is simply appalling.

This gap is much more outrageous than that of later generations.

Otherwise, most international students would choose Japan, which would cost fifteen or sixty taels a year, which some middle-class families could still afford.

Li Yu said: "Whether you sharpen your sword or chop wood, you can chop wood! Even if the Wright brothers are not highly educated, they only dropped out of college in their third year, let alone those who are engaged in aviation in Europe."

Feng Ru said: "I listen to the emperor's master! But I feel sorry for spending so much money on me."

Li Yu waved his hand: "Don't be polite to me! Just bring technology and talents back to China in the future."

"That was my idea from the beginning," Feng Ru said. "Even when I registered the name of the aircraft factory, it was called 'Guangdong Aircraft Manufacturing Factory'. All the equipment must be shipped back to China."

Historically, Feng Ru moved the aircraft factory back to China in 1910.

But Li Yu didn't want him to leave too early. He wanted to learn more before leaving.

Moreover, Feng Rushi died in a plane crash. If the aircraft manufacturing technology can be improved, it is highly possible to save his life and contribute to the national aviation industry.

"Then I will invest in you even more!" Li Yu said, "You study slowly, steadily, and don't be eager to make rash advances. I will study and improve the radio equipment to install it on the aircraft."

"What a genius idea!" Feng Ru exclaimed.

Li Yu said: "Radio will have many uses on aircraft, such as navigation, early warning, radar, etc. In the future, we will do it together, so I said we will make progress together."

Feng Ru didn't understand the unfamiliar terms of radio such as "navigation, early warning, radar", but being able to get along with radio must be something high-end.

Feng Ru said: "Remember the emperor's teachings."

Li Yu said: "I will first support you with US$5 in expenses and several aero engines."

"Fifty thousand!" Feng Ru's jaw almost dropped.

He broke his leg while running in San Francisco, and only a few Chinese businessmen were willing to pay. Each person donated only one to two hundred US dollars, which amounted to four to five thousand US dollars.

However, these Chinese businessmen did not understand airplanes. After the first flight test failed, almost all of them withdrew their investment, and they all believed that Feng Ru was a "liar."

Li Yu certainly understands the hardships in the invention process, and it is normal for mistakes to be made.

Feng Ru was most likely eager for success because he had too little money on hand.He had too few opportunities for trial and error, and at the same time he cherished the aircraft he built, which led to the tragedy of crashing the aircraft and killing people.

At this time, Li Yu paid out 5 yuan in one breath, which was comparable to half of the Wright Aircraft Factory. His wealth completely solved his financial worries, which was enough for him to build many aircraft and conduct many flight tests.

"I...this...can..." Feng Ru stuttered directly, and after a while he said, "I don't even know how to use so much money."

"Didn't I say, study slowly, work steadily, step by step, and don't be eager to make rash advances." Li Yu emphasized again, for fear that he would not remember that such a good talent cannot die prematurely.

Feng Ru said: "Let's do this! You will be the chairman of the aircraft factory, and I will only be the chief engineer."

"It doesn't have to be like this," Li Yu said with a smile, "I don't have so much time in the aircraft factory."

"That's why I asked you to be the chairman of the board!" Feng Ru said, "If you don't agree, I won't accept your money! By the way, the aircraft factory would also be called Li Yu Aircraft Factory!"

Li Yu quickly said: "Okay! I can be the chairman, which will be convenient for funding in the future. But the name of the aircraft factory must not be changed."

Only then did Feng Ru accept it.

After returning to China in the future, Li Yu can completely expand based on Feng Ru's Guangdong Aircraft Factory.


Li Yu was about to return to China, so he went to San Francisco with Feng Ru.

It takes three or four days to take a train from New York across the United States. Lu Bicheng considered Li Yu's "posthumous affairs" and thoughtfully prepared a soft quilt.

After arriving at the place, Li Yu personally went to the Berkeley campus to ask Feng Ru for an opportunity to audit.

(It is said that "branch branch" is a translation error and a problem left over from history. In fact, Berkeley is a university, not a "branch branch" as conventionally considered.)
The conditions offered by Berkeley were simple - let Li Yu give a lecture at Berkeley.

California was already the richest state in the United States before Li Yu traveled through it, but it is currently mostly wasteland.

Berkeley and Stanford University are currently unable to compare with Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University in the east.

Therefore, when Li Yu, a top figure in the scientific community, arrived, Berkeley was extremely welcoming.As for Li Yu's small request, Berkeley even went a step further and agreed to issue a diploma as long as Feng Ru passed the exam.

Feng Ru cherishes this learning opportunity very much.

But as a result, he was very busy. On the one hand, he couldn't let go of the research and development work of the aircraft. On the other hand, he also had to study part-time, which occupied all his time without any holidays.

But the Chinese are strong in this regard. In terms of learning ability, they sincerely refuse to accept anyone's wishes and are willing to endure hardship.In later generations, there are still outstanding people who have obtained several doctorates in the United States.

Before leaving, Li Yu solemnly said to Feng Ru: "This is a fulcrum. I hope you can use this to support China's aviation industry."

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