Chapter 483 Harvard Medical School

China has been dubbed the sick man of East Asia, which must be related to opium.

By the late Qing Dynasty, it was conservatively estimated that the number of opium smokers reached almost 2000 million.This number is so terrible that the number of addicts in other countries combined is estimated to be less than that.

Knocking on the marrow and sucking blood is nothing more than that.

Senior officials in the late Qing Dynasty, such as Li Hongzhang, Zhang Zhidong, Yuan Shikai and others, had long understood that opium must be banned and could no longer afford to delay it.

Around 1906, the Qing government issued a plan to ban opium, aiming to eradicate opium poisoning in the country within ten years.

Of course, as a time traveler, Li Yu knew that this goal was impossible to achieve. It was more symbolic. Only China in the new era after 49 could achieve drug control.

Throughout the Republic of China, due to the support of some warlords and Japan, the epidemic of opium had been serious.

But doing nothing now will definitely be more troublesome. It just so happens that the emerging industrial power of the United States has greater support for the anti-smoking issue, so the Qing government is ready to use their help to at least mention the smoking ban in a legally binding manner.

The United States has its own interests to consider. From the perspective of Americans who are not involved in the opium trade, the proliferation of opium will weaken the purchasing power of the Qing Dynasty and seriously affect U.S. trade exports to China.

With the support of the United States, the late Qing Dynasty emboldened itself and angrily submitted a formal note to Britain, which had profited the most from the opium trade, to initiate negotiations on the issue of banning smoking.

Strong pressure from international public opinion forced Britain to make concessions and pledge to support the Qing Dynasty's smoking ban.

A verbal agreement would definitely not work, so the Qing court and the US government held an anti-smoking conference in Shanghai.

Tang Guoan invited Li Yu to participate. The meeting was held at Huizhong Hotel (later renamed Peace Hotel).

There are many countries participating, including the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as Japan, Germany, India, the Netherlands, France, Portugal, etc.

However, from a camp perspective, except for the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, all other countries support the ban on smoking.

However, the British representatives still had to quibble. They said: "According to my country's foreign trade statistics, Hong Kong and other places have never imported opium to the Qing Dynasty."

Tang Guoan had been prepared for a long time. He was not the old-school official who knew how to speak with data. Tang Guoan took out a thick stack of documents: "This is the data on the import of opium from Hong Kong and Singapore to my country by Swire and Sassoon. , Swire alone is so high, let alone many other foreign companies.”

Swire Pacific did produce these internal data in order to raise funds, but now Tang Guoan directly used it as a weapon to refute.

Seeing that the British representative was silent, the Dutch representative immediately followed: "It is okay to ban smoking, but we must ensure the implementation of the ban in your country. I propose to set up anti-smoking offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Wuhan, with representatives from each country responsible for supervision and independent It is handled by local governments full-time.”

Tang Guoan understands diplomacy and immediately understood that the Dutch representative wanted to use the banner of anti-smoking to once again infiltrate control of customs and finance in various places.

Tang Guoan said: "Even if an anti-smoking office is established, there is no doubt that the person in charge of every anti-smoking office in my country should be a Chinese person."

Tang Guoan directly blocked the Dutch representative's idea.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Guoan said loudly: "Opium smoking is the most urgent moral and economic issue that our country must face. This harm will also endanger other trading countries. From the loss of expenses incurred by opium smoking, To calculate the economic losses caused by opium smoking to China, it not only affects China, but also affects countries all over the world! Because if the things sold to every Chinese in the world are as good as If every Japanese has the same amount of things, the whole world can earn 30 billion taels of silver from China every year!"

Tang Guoan's strategy is the same as Li Yu's setting up a factory in the United States. Although he is helpless, he must consider both his own and the other party's perspectives and think of benefits for the other party.

In other words, only win-win solutions will be accepted by the great powers.

This is the diplomacy of a weak country.

Tang Guoan and other early diplomats were very good at dealing with foreigners.

The United States, Japan, and India saw that the Qing Dynasty had such knowledgeable diplomats, and they became even more determined to ban smoking together.

They have good reasons to ban smoking. Since China stopped opium on its own, the demand for opium from India has dropped significantly. Therefore, many opium grown in India can only be "produced and sold at home", resulting in a large number of smokers in India.

Japan was an early indirect beneficiary of the opium trade. It was a help to defeat the Qing Dynasty that year and the Qing government was deeply trapped in the quagmire of opium.But now Japan has changed its foreign policy, and banning smoking is more beneficial to them.

Not to mention the United States and Germany. They have never benefited from the opium trade and are happy to see Britain cut its overseas income so that they can challenge Britain's century-long hegemony.

So the meeting actually went well, and countries quickly adopted anti-smoking charters.

Tang Guoan is now very confident in banning smoking. On the one hand, everyone is well aware of the dangers of opium. On the other hand, the emergence of cigarettes directly announced the decline of opium.

Cigarettes can meet the special needs of smokers without reducing tax revenue.During the Republic of China, many warlords encouraged opium just for military expenses. Now that cigarettes are available, they are actually more useful.

After the meeting, everyone attended the dinner together at Huizhong Hotel.

The formal representatives sat at one table, while Li Yu and other attendants sat at other tables.

A Jew sat next to Li Yu. He said to Li Yu in Chinese: "I unexpectedly saw the respected Academician Li Yu here."

Li Yu asked, "Your Excellency?"

The Jew replied: "Your Majesty, Edward Sassoon, President of Sassoon Company, and next to me is my wife Irene."

Well, the biggest opium dumper in China was Sassoon.

The Sassoon family and the Hartung family can be regarded as the two richest people in Shanghai.

The Sassoon family is more powerful and also has a large industry in India.And Edward’s wife Eileen’s original surname was Rothschild.

In other words, the Sassoon family has now entered into a marriage alliance with the Rothschild family, making it even stronger.

There are many myth-level exaggerations about the Rothschild family in later generations, but it is undeniable that this family is indeed very wealthy.


Li Yupi shook their hands with a smile.

Irene Rothschild asked: "Why don't you see your lady, that amazing and talented woman?"

Li Yu said: "My wife is presiding over the examination at Beiyang Women's Public School in Tianjin."

Eileen Rothschild said: "I have read many articles about talented women in your country, and I admire Ms. Bicheng very much. If I have the opportunity, I very much hope to have a cup of afternoon tea with her."

Li Yu could only say: "I will convey your request."

Edward Sassoon said: "By the way, I heard that the idea of ​​producing cigarettes came from Mr. Academician."

Li Yu was shocked. These guys were indeed well-informed, but there was no need to deny it. Li Yu admitted generously: "Yes. We have a saying in China, which is called fighting poison with poison. But the reason is that you brought opium, which produced a huge number of people. Hurt, this kind of money is stained with blood." Edward Sassoon didn't expect Li Yu to speak so sharply, and smiled and said: "We are businessmen, and we emphasize abiding by the law. As long as there is a contract and it is not illegal, then it will be done. It's just business. So, we don't really want to poison the people of your country."

Li Yu heard this kind of sophistry countless times, and said calmly: "We also have an old saying, 'Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.' It is similar to the 'Love your neighbor as love' in the Bible." It’s the same as myself.”

Li Yu did not clarify what he said, but Edward Sassoon was a smart man and heard the overtone. He picked up his glass and said: "Now that the resolution has been passed by the World Anti-Smoking Conference, things have changed. We should look forward and work together. Creating wealth is what smart people should do.”

Li Yu said: "Whether the story is turned over or not is not up to you. It depends on how the history books are written in the future."

Eileen Rothschild said: "Let's all have some fun. After our couple's suggestion, tomorrow Lewismo Auction House will hold a charity auction in the name of the Red Cross Society of China, and all proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Red Cross Society. , Mr. Academician, are you interested?"

Li Yu asked: "What is the origin of the auction items?"

Eileen smiled and said: "Mr. Academician, your question is a bit unnecessary."

Li Yu was stunned. Today's auction houses are not as formal as those of later generations. Some shady items are auctioned openly.

Especially in the auction houses of foreigners in the concession.

Over the years, foreigners such as the Sassoon family and the Hartung family have accumulated a lot of wealth and acquired many Chinese antiques. They originally obtained these items for a very low price, but now they auction them off. Even if they are charity sales, they will not lose anything, but they will still gain something. A good reputation will make it easier for you to continue other business activities.

It has to be said that the Jewish people's brains in business are terrible and impossible to guard against.

Edward Sassoon said: "The auction house's auction items include several paintings by Zhu Da, which are said to have high artistic content."

Zhu Da is a Bada Shanren, a descendant of the Ming Dynasty royal family.

Li Yu knew that the Japanese liked Bada Shanren very much and would probably buy the paintings, so he agreed: "I will participate."

Edward Sassoon said: "Mr. Academician, you forgot to clink glasses with me."

Out of etiquette at banquets, Li Yu drank a glass of wine with him.

The next day, Li Yu arrived at the auction house by car, and Edward Sassoon invited him to sit in a good seat.

Sure enough, the auctions were almost entirely Chinese ancient works of art, and the time period was basically concentrated in the Ming Dynasty.

The finale is "Fish" by Zhu Da. The picture is very simple. On the huge rice paper, only a fish is drawn in the lower middle position, with Zhu Da's inscription and postscript on the upper left.

There are still some seals in the lower left corner and upper right corner of the painting, but fortunately there is no "psoriasis" of Qianlong, and the picture is very clean.

The fish in the painting is a typical Zhu Da style, with its eyes rolled upward.

"Open your mouth silently and stare into fish eyes".

Li Yu liked Zhu Da's style very much, the way he rolled his eyes, as if looking at the world with cold eyes, so he was ready to buy it.

Also constantly raising signs was Han Shimada, the Japanese cultural relics dealer who historically helped the Mitsubishi family buy the Kaiseong Building.

After losing the Kansong Tower, Shimada Han was not reconciled and continued to collect good things from China. He thought that not many Chinese people liked Zhu Da, so he wanted to buy them at a low price.

But suddenly Li Yu appeared and kept raising signs.

The Mitsubishi family gave him a limited budget, and he was defeated within a few rounds.

After that, there was another painting by Zhu Da, which Li Yu also took.

Shimada Han felt extremely unlucky, why did he keep running into this guy!
Li Yuke ignored his feelings and left the auction house to inquire about the relevant business of the Red Cross.

At present, there are disasters of varying degrees in various places. Local officials rarely intervene and have little ability to provide disaster relief. Organizations like the Red Cross play a big role.

The president is Sheng Xuanhuai. Seeing that so much money was obtained from an auction, he was in a good mood. He said to the visiting Li Yu: "I took the Jinpu Railway that just opened to traffic yesterday. It's such a great thing after arriving in Shanghai."

Li Yu asked: "Does the Cross Society have the ability to provide medical assistance?"

Sheng Xuanhuai said: "We are preparing to build a hospital specifically for plague. After a major disaster, there will be a major epidemic. Just solving the food problem is far from enough."

Li Yu said: "I will contact the newly established Harvard Chinese Medical School to ask them to provide the greatest help."

Sheng Xuanhuai said: "This is the best. These foreign scholars are very arrogant. I think you are the only one who can negotiate with them."

Li Yu had been planning this matter when he went to Harvard a few years ago. Now Harvard Chinese Medical School has been established two or three years earlier than in history.

Edwards, the representative sent by Harvard, took Li Yu to see the new medical school building: "As the academician can see, the college has the conditions to run a school. Although it is slightly worse than Yale's results in Changsha, but compared with Shanghai's The potential, I don’t think we’ll lose to them.”

Li Yu nodded and said, "Your Excellency, don't forget the original conditions. We must recruit more Chinese students."

Edwards said: "Of course, the majority of students in schools in Shanghai are Chinese students, but now there is a more troublesome problem."

Li Yu came today to listen to his questions, so he said, "Sir, it's okay to just talk."

Edwards said: “The practice of medical schools is that they must have supporting affiliated hospitals, otherwise they will not be able to carry out scientific research and internship work.”

Li Yu said: "That means we need to build a new hospital?"

"It's faster to buy one off the shelf and remodel it," Edwards said.

Li Yu said: "You are professionals. Just take care of it. When you need funds, just show me the budget application form."

"It gives me peace of mind because otherwise it would be a lot of trouble trying to find funding," Edwards said.

Even though Shanghai is already a very open city, the status of Western medicine in the country is not particularly high at present, and its high prices are more likely to be reserved for wealthy people or foreigners.

Li Yu is very aware of the charging standards of Western medicine hospitals. A minor operation to remove boils in the United States previously cost more than 30 US dollars, equivalent to 15 taels of silver. However, ordinary farmers do not have that much income balance in a year, so how could they charge this much? Western medicine.

But like Changsha Xiangya and Peking Union Medical College, there are many benefits to developing medical departments early.

And Li Yu thought further. He knew that the matter was not simple, so he tried every means to let German pharmaceutical companies such as Bayer build factories in China.When the price of western medicine is lowered, more people can benefit.

(End of this chapter)

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