After several people had eaten and drank enough, as soon as they left the room, they met a drunk man with his arms around a prostitute.

The drunk man was young and immediately met Yu Qiaqing's eyes.

"Brother Qiaqing!" the drunk man shouted.

Yu Qiaqing said: "Yingshi, you are very courageous. You dare to bring the fireworks woman to Huizhong Hotel in an upright manner."

The drunkard said: "Now that both Cixi and the emperor are dead, the capital is in chaos, and the officers and soldiers have no time to catch us idlers."

"A key revolutionary figure like you is no idler," Yu Qiaqing said, then looked at the fireworks woman in his arms and added, "As soon as you relaxed, you started to live and drink."

"If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and tomorrow you will be worried!" said the drunkard.

Wang Yiting and others seemed to know him, but they all shook their heads and left first.

Only then did Yu Qiaqing remember to introduce him to Li Yu: "I'm sorry, this brother is the leader of the Shanghai Youth Gang, Chen Qimei, also known as Yingshi."

Li Yu didn't react when he heard "Yingshi" at first, but now he realized that it was Chen Qimei, a veteran of the Tongmenghui, who was also the uncle of brothers Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu.

Yu Qiaqing introduced Chen Qimei again: "He is the famous god Li Yu."

"Ah!" Chen Qimei pushed away the prostitute in his arms and said in surprise, "The Imperial Master is a man of culture, and I heard many people mention you. I have a brother who is a disciple, named Jiang (principal), and he said he met you in Japan. At that time, you and Liang Qichao stood side by side. Unfortunately, I am a rough man and do not understand profound knowledge. I can only worship a scholar like you."

Li Yu said: "You're welcome."

Lao Chiang Kai-shek had many brothers who worshiped him.He claimed to have three ignorances: first, he did not know how many official positions he had, second, he did not know how many warrants he had, and third, he did not know how many sworn brothers he had.

A rough estimate shows that Chiang Kai-shek must have had twenty or thirty brothers who were his disciples.

But among the top three most critical ones, Chen Qimei is definitely among them.

Chen Qimei is Chiang Kai-shek's eldest brother.

But Chen Qimei is more difficult to evaluate than Yu Qiaqing. The main reason is that he is too unlike a revolutionary. He has very serious problems with his life style, including eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and he is also the leader of a gang.

Yu Qiaqing looked out the window and said, "There are patrol officers here."

Chen Qimei said proudly: "The Chinese detective's name is Huang Jinrong. He is from our Youth Gang and one of our own."

Chen Qimei is ten years younger than Huang Jinrong, but in terms of seniority in the Youth Gang, Chen Qimei is indeed higher.

Chen Qimei was a member of the "big" generation and was the highest-ranking member of the Youth Gang during the Republic of China. Later, Yuan Shikai's son Yuan Kewen was also a "big" generation.

After the "big" generation is the "tong" generation, Huang Jinrong and Zhang Xiaolin are this generation.

Du Yuesheng, on the other hand, is a younger generation and belongs to the generation with the word "enlightenment".

Li Yu looked over and saw Huang Jinrong. His features were quite obvious, but he was wearing a French Concession patrol uniform, which was a bit different from his impression of the three tycoons of Shanghai's Tang Gang.

Yu Qiaqing said: "You are so cowardly that you let the patrolman look after you."

"He owes me a favor, what does this little thing mean?" Chen Qimei said indifferently, and then said to Li Yu, "Master Huo from Jingwu Martial Arts School also talks about you often."

Huo Yuanjia was Li Yu's savior. Li Yu said, "Master Huo is in Shanghai?"

"Yes," Chen Qimei said, "Master Huo is really tough. We have just established the Jingwu Martial Arts School. In order to open up the market and kill the foreigners with prestige, Master Huo is preparing to set up a ring in Zhangyuan to challenge the foreigners."

Yu Qiaqing said: "I saw this in the newspaper. Master Huo said boldly in the advertisement, 'The world has ridiculed our country as a country of sick men. I am a sick man in the country of sick men. I am willing to give it a try with the strong men in the world! I will recruit strong men from all over the world. Although I have copper skin and iron bones, I have nothing to worry about. Now there is a lot of news in Shanghai. It is said that a strong foreigner has already accepted the challenge and made a bet of 1 taels of silver."

Li Yu said: "1 taels?"

Chen Qimei said: "The jackpot is really big, but Master Huo agreed."

Yu Qiaqing said: "This is not a small number, can you come up with it?"

Chen Qimei said: "It's not like we have to lose."

"It's interesting," Yu Qiaqing said, "When will the ring start?"

Chen Qimei said: "Would you like to go take a look tomorrow?"

Li Yu said: "Of course I want to go."

Yu Qiaqing said: "I would like to see Master Huo today."

Chen Qimei hugged the prostitute and said, "Okay! But you have to wait for me."

Yu Qiaqing and Li Yu were speechless and could only go to the hall to wait.

A French consul greeted Li Yu and took out a copy of Star Wars for Li Yu to sign.

Huang Huangrong outside the door saw it and said to his younger brother: "Who is the Chinese next to Mr. Yu?"

The younger brother replied: "Awesome?"

Huang Jinrong pointed over there and said, "Look, the foreign consul ignored Mr. Yu, but politely held a book for the Chinese to sign."

The younger brother looked around and shook his head: "I don't even know the detective, let alone me."

Huang Huangrong said: "It shouldn't be an ordinary person."

The younger brother said: "We all know that there are very few people in the French Concession who can be respected by the French consul."

Huang Huangrong thought about it. If he didn't know him, it would be a disgrace to his reputation as a Chinese detective in the French Concession, so he straightened his clothes and said, "Go over and ask."

Huang Jinrong walked up to Li Yu, coughed, and then said, "What is your surname, sir?"

Li Yu looked up at him and asked, "Do I need to report?"

Huang Jinrong chuckled and said, "It's not a report, just a random question."

Chen Qimei just walked out of the elevator and said to Huang Jinrong: "Inspector Huang, you don't have enough ink in your stomach! Our gang must improve its culture in the future and learn more from other gangs."

Huang Jinrong said politely: "Mr. Chen."

Chen Qimei said: "Do you know about Hongmen?"

Huang Jinrong said: "I know."

Chen Qimei said: "Mr. Huang, the Hongmen boss, and Mr. Hongguan Sun are both very respectful to Mr. Li Yu."

"It turns out it's the Imperial Master Li Yu!" Huang Jinrong said in surprise, "I don't know how to recognize Mount Tai! You are a famous person, a big shot who gives face to the Chinese people!"

Li Yu said casually: "He is no longer the emperor's master now."

Chen Qimei continued to say to Huang Jinrong: "You should read more news on weekdays and don't go out drinking and going to brothels all the time."

Huang Huangrong murmured in his heart: Have you done these things less than me?

However, he still said: "I am too tired from studying, but when I asked my subordinates to read the newspaper, I heard that the Imperial Master solved a case in Tianjin that caused headaches for the British and Belgians."

Chen Qimei said: "What case?"

Huang Huangrong muttered in his heart: You don't usually read newspapers.

Huang Jinrong told Chen Qimei that Li Yu built a machine in Tianjin to record sound waves and thus won the case.

Chen Qimei praised: "Sure enough, intellectuals are smarter!"

Huang Jinrong said: "We are also planning to learn some of the latest patrol and investigation techniques from foreigners. I think we will also need to use the strange instruments used by foreigners in alchemy. We may also need to ask the imperial master for advice in this regard."

Li Yu said: "If it is to enforce the law impartially, uphold justice, and redress the injustice, I will definitely help." Huang Jinrong patted his chest and said, "This is the slogan of our patrol room."

Li Yu had a dark look on his face and didn't know whether to believe what he said.

Chen Qimei said: "One more thing. Zhang Yuan will compete in the ring tomorrow. You are a detective after all. Don't let foreigners interfere."

Huang Jinrong said: "But Zhang Yuan is in the public concession."

Chen Qimei said: "You can finally talk to the police station in the public concession, and I will ask the brothers from the Qinggang to take care of you."

Huang Jinrong said: "I understand."

Chen Qimei said to him again: "Miss Yihong will be sent back by your men."

The prostitute raised her handkerchief to Chen Qimei and said delicately: "Brother will come to see me often in the future."


That night, in Jingwu School, Li Yu and Yu Qiaqing met Nong Jinsun and Huo Yuanjia.

Chen Qimei had sobered up and kept saying: "Drinking is such a waste! I actually paid twice as much! No wonder Miss Yihong is so considerate to me."

Yu Qiaqing smiled and said, "You've said this so many times."

Li Yu asked: "Mr. Nong, Master Huo, how prepared are you?"

Nong Jinsun is a relatively cautious person. He said: "The challenge is a British strongman, but I heard that he is not a person with superior martial arts skills, but he has a really bad mouth. He often ridicules the Chinese as the 'sick man of East Asia'."

Li Yu asked: "For this kind of competition in the arena, the rules should be set first, right?"

Huo Yuanjia said: "It has been publicly stated in newspapers that Chinese martial arts techniques such as finger pokes and foot hooks are not allowed."

Li Yu said: "You can't help but point out foreign techniques?"

Huo Yuanjia said: "Actually, during the fight, we don't have to worry about too much."

Li Yu said: "I hope everything goes well."

Chen Qimei said: "I have great confidence in Master Huo. I have tried the tricks he taught me in the gang, and they work great!"

In terms of martial arts, Chen Qimei can be regarded as Huo Yuanjia's disciple, but her time was a bit short.

Fearless was well prepared. On the second day, he arrived in the ring wearing shorts, but after waiting for a long time, the British strongman did not show up.

Nong Jinsun said: "Abstained?"

Chen Qimei said: "You speak so nicely, but you are obviously timid."

Li Yu said: "Let reporters report it properly, and the effect will be better than a real fight."

Only Huo Yuanjia felt too weak to exert any strength.

The matter quickly spread in the newspapers and caused a great sensation.There was a wave of martial arts learning in Shanghai, and the reputation of Jingwu School instantly spread.

Li Yu said to Huo Yuanjia and Nong Jinsun: "Master Huo must be careful about the Japanese in the future."

Without hesitation, Fearless said: "Japanese judo? Or karate? I have studied both of them, and they all have methods to confront the enemy on the spot, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Li Yu said: "Don't worry about it in the ring, what you worry about is outside the ring."

Nong Jinsun understood what Li Yu meant: "I will be more careful."

Li Yu said: "If the Japanese Judo Club or Karate Club challenges Master Huo, I must inform you in advance."

Huo Yuanjia smiled and said, "Are you coming to cheer me on?"

Li Yu said: "Yes, cheer."

They had no idea how sinister the Japanese were.

Huo Yuanjia was very moved: "I will never let down all the friends who support me."


Li Yu recently received another batch of letters from Europe.

First, I opened a letter sent by the boss Einstein:

"Dear Academician Li Yu, I haven't contacted you for several months. These short months seem to be a long time. Because there is no one around me with whom I can chat about the physical principles and mathematical methods of the theory of relativity.

I am very sad to tell you that my mathematics teacher in college, Professor Minkowski, who was extremely knowledgeable and insightful, has passed away.

I had just exchanged several letters with him, and I was deeply impressed by his mathematical expression of four-dimensional space-time. I even had the idea of ​​returning to Germany to study with him for a while.

But he suddenly suffered from appendicitis a week ago and died not long after the operation.

I am very sad and regret not being able to study the mathematics of four-dimensional space-time with him earlier. He is one of the few people in the world who can understand my theory of relativity.

The other one is you, Academician Li Yu.

So I think I should correspond more with you, - this is what Professor Minkowski said in the telegram he sent me before the operation.

Yes, he also highly praised your mathematical skills and believed that your insights into physics and mathematics are the best in the world.It is really not easy for a mathematics professor at the University of Göttingen to say such a thing.

I have attached some of my recent research results, hoping that Academician Li Yu will review them and make corrections.

By the way, I would like to thank you, Professor Planck, and Mr. Laue again for helping me find a position at the University of Zurich.

Although the current salary is not particularly high.

I once said that each coordinate system that moves relative to each other in the universe has its own clock.However, in fact, my family cannot even afford a clock. "

Every time I read Einstein's letters, I find it very interesting. This big man's side of life is very interesting and not dull at all.

Compared with the serious Planck and others, Einstein and Li Yu of the same age were more able to chat on topics.

Li Yu looked at Einstein's manuscript. It was basically about the special theory of relativity, but he had a vague feeling that Einstein had realized its limitations.

The special theory of relativity is relatively easy to understand, and it is enough to explode the existing view of physics, but it is far from perfect.

If Newton's three laws are a complete classical mechanical structure, the current special theory of relativity plus the mass-energy equation can be regarded as half a law at most.

But if you want to expand to general relativity, you will first encounter a mountain of mathematics, and it is a towering mountain.

Li Yu was not in a hurry to reply to him because he still had to take a good look at the mathematical part of it.

Li Yu opened another letter sent from Rutherford:

"I don't know how to describe my mood. Recently, when I was doing scattering experiments with alpha particles, I accidentally discovered the reverse scattering phenomenon!
It was the most incredible thing that had ever happened to me in my life. It was like you were hitting a piece of paper with a 15-inch shell and the shell bounced back and hit you. "

Because Li Yu is very famous and has left a good impression on these big guys in the scientific world during his contacts with them, the big guys are willing to write to Li Yu to discuss the latest discoveries, even if he is far away in China. .

——This kind of communication is completely normal in the scientific community.

It can be seen from his excited words that Rutherford also touched the threshold of atomic structure.

But Rutherford's experiment was more troublesome and needed to be done many more times to get convincing and publishable results.

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