Chapter 487 Righteous
After Zaifeng came out, Xiaode Zhang also came to visit Zhang Zhidong on behalf of Queen Mother Longyu.

When walking into the courtyard, Zaifeng happened to meet Li Yu. He said, "Academician Li, is that what foreigners call him?"

Li Yu replied casually: "Yes, Regent."

Zaifeng said: "Recently, I have also started to study the art of war. After all, I am the Grand Marshal of the Army and Navy. Duan Qirui from Beiyang recommended to me a set of lecture books that you compiled at the Armed Forces School, saying that they are about the key things in the army. Ballistics and surveying, so I read them."

Li Yu said casually again: "It is gratifying that the regent is forging ahead."

"But," Zaifeng said, "I don't think it's difficult."

Li Yu deliberately praised him: "The regent is extremely smart, so naturally he thinks it is simple."

Zaifeng said: "I just read about the hit rate of artillery shells, and the dense coverage and redundant attacks mentioned in it made me quite puzzled."

Li Yu thought to himself, didn't you say it was simple just now, so he asked, "What's wrong with it?"

Zaifeng said: "It shouldn't be because I don't understand, it should be because there are errors in the book."

Li Yu said: "Then please correct me, the regent."

Zaifeng said: "There is a question in the book. If the hit rate of one artillery shell is 70%, then what is the hit rate of three artillery shells? According to common sense, isn't the hit rate of three artillery shells 210%? Why can't it still be fired? middle?"

Li Yu put a black line on his head and said: "Prince Regent, the probability is not calculated this way. It should be calculated based on the non-hit rate."

Zaifeng said: "We are obviously looking for hit rate, so why do we calculate non-hit rate?"

Li Yu explained to him: "That's it, the probability of missing a shot is 30%, and then use 30%..."

Zaifeng waved his hand: "Foreigners' arithmetic is really superfluous, seeking the far away instead of the near."

Before Li Yu could continue to explain, Xiao Dezhang came out and said to Zaifeng: "Prince Regent, let's go back to the palace."

Before leaving, Zaifeng said to Li Yu: "Don't forget to revise and revise."

Li Yu was speechless, but asking him to learn probability theory must be more difficult than teaching Guangxu, so he might as well forget it. He didn't need to learn it either.

After Li Yu entered the room, he saw Zhang Zhidong slowly sitting up, so he greeted him: "Xiang Shuai."

"It's a lack of talent," Zhang Zhidong said. "Young people are the future of the country, not to mention talents like you. I suggested to the regent and Eunuch De that you should be given important positions, but they only agreed to let you do some academic work in the future. The doctor in charge of Xinxue. This makes no sense at all. The doctor is a small fifth-grade official and has no say. It’s really...ahem!"

Li Yu said: "I have no intention of holding an official position, so don't think of Xiang Shuai."

Zhang Zhidong said: "What a pity! What a pity! The court can't see talent, it can't see talent!"

Zhang Zhidong recalled what he had just told Zaifeng about the selection of personnel for railway construction. Not only had corruption occurred during railway construction, but the person sent to investigate corruption was Na Tong, who loved money as much as life. It was simply ridiculous.

But who said that Na Tong was a Manchu and his surname was Yehenara.

The more Zhang Zhidong thought about it, the more angry he became. He might as well have been like Yuan Shikai, claiming his illness early and staying away from the center of the court.

Li Yu said: "Xiang Shuai, actually I can do more things like this."

Zhang Zhidong sighed: "What I'm anxious about is this country. The Aixinjueluo family can't see it, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Zhang Zhidong felt anxious and suddenly fainted. A doctor rushed forward to check his pulse.

Li Yu walked out helplessly.

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty, from Zeng Guofan to Zuo Zongtang, from Li Hongzhang to Zhang Zhidong, all contributed a lot to the broken Qing Dynasty after the Opium War. At the same time, they also allowed Han ministers to begin to rise strongly, slowly giving birth to Yuan Shikai, the mourner, emerged.

But Zhang Zhidong was still relatively loyal to the Qing Dynasty in his heart. After his death, the young Aixinjueluo were happy to lose a nagging old minister, and the Qing Dynasty also embarked on the fast track to death.

That night, Zhang Zhidong stopped his heartbeat in a coma and died.

A few days later, Li Yu attended his funeral, which was not very extravagant. Zhang Zhidong, like Zuo Zongtang, was very incorruptible among the four famous officials in the late Qing Dynasty and had little money.


A few days later, Li Yu suddenly received a telegram from Harbin. The sender was the cultural relics thief Kozlov.

Kozlov is dying now and is in great pain, but he has finished drinking the radium water and hopes to ask Li Yu for some more.

This guy was in poor health at this time. Tunguska was too far away from St. Petersburg, so he was transferred to the nearby Harbin Hospital.

Li Yu was a little afraid that he would spill the beans and had to go over to "see him off".

Now the Japanese and Russian forces in the entire three eastern provinces are very empty, but it is a pity that the railway has not been recovered yet.

When Li Yu got on the train, he met Xu Shichang who was also taking the train to Fengtian (Shenyang).

After Zhang Zhidong's death, the Qing court appointed another Han minister as the minister of military aircraft, namely Xu Shichang, the second-in-command in Beiyang.

However, Xu Shichang was not given any real power.

But this was just what Zaifeng thought.

In the previous two or three years, Xu Shichang had been the governor of the three eastern provinces and did a lot of practical things.

Seeing that he was about to become bigger and stronger like Yuan Shikai, the imperial court immediately used the trick of ascending and descending secretly to transfer him back to the military aircraft department.

However, Xu Shichang's early Beiyang high-level capabilities were indeed much stronger than those of the Manchu nobles. Now the new armies in the three eastern provinces have been roughly trained, and the overall structure still belongs to the Beiyang department.

In other words, now the armed forces in the three eastern provinces, the land of Longxing in the Qing Dynasty, are almost all Beiyang troops.

This group of troops is currently mainly stationed in Fengtian, and is also defending Jilin. In a certain sense, it can be regarded as the origin of the Fengjun army in the future.

The new governor of the three eastern provinces was named Xiliang. He was from Mongolia's Xianglan Banner. He could not command the new Beiyang Army in the three eastern provinces, so he had to ask Xu Shichang to come over and make arrangements.

The Qing court was really embarrassed. The marshals of the Army, Navy, and Army were all members of the royal family, but they were actually mere commanders. Military orders failed once they came out of the War Department.

Li Yu said: "Xu Zhongtang, while the Japanese and Russians have little strength, we should survey and map the Northeast as soon as possible without giving the Japanese any clues."

Xu Shichang said: "I have arranged for people to do it. I already knew what the Japanese were planning. They wanted to test me at the beginning, secretly setting up wooden stakes and secretly dividing our country's territory into the Korean border. After I knew it, I immediately let them go. They all pulled them out, re-recorded their names and numbers, and nailed up the signs."

Li Yu said: "The Japanese can't say anything at this time. We must prevent their evil plot from succeeding."

Xu Shichang did a good job in all aspects during his years as governor of Northeast China, effectively curbing the Japanese's desire to take advantage of the situation.

Xu Shichang asked: "Where are you going this time?"

"Harbin," Li Yu said, "go to meet a Russian Geographical Society explorer."

Xu Shichang said: "It's a pity that the Harbin area is not completely under my control."

Russia still has troops stationed in the Harbin area, dreaming of slowly carving up Northeast China with Japan.Had it not been for the sudden death of Tsarist Russia during World War I, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Xu Shichang got off the bus in Fengtian, where most of the newly trained new army was.

Li Yu continued to drive north. When the car stopped in Changchun, Toushan Man got on the bus.Mitsuru Toyama is just like his name at this moment, "satisfied". He is very proud of the victory he has achieved by insisting on being tough on Russia, and his reputation in Japan has risen sharply.Some political figures in Japan also have to pay tribute to this man who is similar to a mafia boss.

Tou Shanman said: "I met Li Jun on a train before and had a drink all the way."

Li Yupi smiled but said: "Mr. Toushan, is he still interested in drinking?"

Tou Shanman said: "Of course there is, but I didn't bring any good wine today."

Li Yu said: "It's okay if you don't drink. Drinking too much will cause trouble."

"Indeed," Tou Shanman said, "and it's not a good time to drink alcohol today."

Li Yu asked in surprise: "Mr. Toushan still reads the almanac when he goes out?"

"This is a Chinese habit," Tou Shanman said, "but I have business today."

Li Yu didn't want to ask any more questions at all, so he said, "Let's make an appointment another day."

Li Yu wanted to take a rest, but Tou Shanman said again: "I wonder why Academician Li went to Harbin?"

Li Yu explained to him again.

Toushan Man touched his beard and said, "I see, I understand."

Li Yu was about to go back to the private room to sleep for a while. While walking in the aisle, he accidentally stepped on someone's foot and said quickly: "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it."

The person who was stepped on was sleeping on his back with his head covered by a peaked cap. The kick suddenly startled him and he almost jumped out of his chair.

Li Yu didn't expect such a big reaction from him, so he apologized again: "I'm so sorry!"

The person who was stepped on had already put one hand into his arms. Seeing that Li Yu was Chinese, he relaxed. After looking around, he said to him in Japanese: "Be careful."

Li Yu waved his hand: "Pay attention next time."

The trampled hand stretched out from his arms, and Li Yu discovered that his ring finger was missing.

Li Yu was shocked and asked whether he was referring to the Alliance?
However, he didn't show any emotion on the surface and went back to his room.

If he guessed correctly, the person Li Yu stepped on just now was An Zhonggen, the North Korean who assassinated Ito Hirobumi.

Li Yu slapped his forehead and said, "I'll go." It turned out that Ito Hirobumi was also in the car.

No wonder Toushan Manhui said just now that he had something serious to do today.

And An Zhonggen just spoke Japanese, so he should be pretending to be Japanese.

It seems that he still wants to do something on the train, but Ito Hirobumi is sitting in a special carriage, and the two carriages adjacent to other carriages are full of Japanese security personnel, so there is no way to do it.

When the train arrived in Harbin, there were many welcoming people outside.

This time Ito Hirobumi came to Harbin to meet with the Russian Minister of Finance, hoping to obtain Tsarist Russia's understanding of Japan's complete annexation of North Korea.

Even though Ito Hirobumi has been dismissed from power in Japan, his current identity is the "Unified Supervisor" of North Korea, that is, the Supreme Emperor of North Korea.

Two years ago, Ito Hirobumi forced the Korean King Gojong to abdicate and disbanded the Korean army, turning Korea into an out-and-out Japanese colony.

And Hirobumi Ito became the teacher of the Prince of Joseon and was awarded the position of "Prince's Grand Master", preparing to cultivate the Prince of Joseon into a puppet king.

In short, Ito Hirobumi's status in North Korea is quite prominent today.

Ito Hirobumi also pretended to be kind and courteous. Before the end of each speech, he would never forget to say to the North Korean and Japanese officials present, "I now propose that you please follow me and say long live the Emperor of Korea three times."

When it comes to drama, you must perform it well.

When Hirobumi Ito stepped out of the train, the crowd below couldn't help but cheer.

An Zhonggen quickly approached, made a prompt decision, took out the Browning M1900 pistol in his arms, and fired three shots at Ito Hirobumi, who was five meters away.

The gun hits the nail on the head.

When Ito Hirobumi's guards rushed forward to arrest him, An Zhonggen fired the remaining bullets and was arrested calmly.

Li Yu actually witnessed this historical event with his own eyes. Hirobumi Ito, who fell to the ground, was surrounded by people, and the scene was chaotic.

The Russian soldiers at Harbin Railway Station were also speechless. Li Yu shot several Japanese to death with a pistol here, and now a North Korean did it again, using the same pistol, and he almost beat the Russian security personnel in the face. Snap.

Ito Hirobumi did not curse "idiot" when he heard that the assassin was a North Korean, as was rumored. In fact, he died after 10 minutes, and he did not know who killed him until he died.

By the way, he has nothing to scold.

From planning the Sino-Japanese War of [-] to [-], the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and taking charge of North Korea, every move this old man made was a naked act of aggression.

In order to plunder the treasure island as soon as possible, Ito Hirobumi exhausted all his tricks.Li Hongzhang couldn't stand his ugly eating appearance, and said to Ito Hirobumi: "The treasure island is already in Japan's possession, so why be so anxious."

Ito Hirobumi replied shamelessly: "We haven't swallowed it yet. We are very hungry."

He should have guessed that this day would come. I wonder if he remembered that Li Hongzhang also experienced an assassination when he was in Shimonoseki, Japan.

The scene was quickly cordoned off, An Zhonggen was also arrested, and other people were rushed to the hall to check their identities one by one.

After four or five hours, Li Yu left under the instructions of Russia's Eastern Route Commander Horvat.

Horvath had no good impression of the Japanese, and Li Yu's shooting incident in Harbin also indirectly saved him.

Horvath took Li Yu out of the train station: "Academician Li Yu, I'm sorry that I can't catch up with you. I have to deal with matters at the train station."

Li Yu had to go see Kozlov for the last time, and had no intention of staying here for a long time, so he said, "Thank you very much."

Ordinarily, since the case occurred in Harbin, the right of way to the train station belongs to Russia, and both China and Russia can be responsible for hearing the case.

But Japan is really overbearing. The entire trial process, from the observers and translators to the trial judge, prosecutors, and even lawyers, are all Japanese.

The North Korean authorities originally wanted to hire a lawyer for An Jung-geun, but Japan refused.

So there is no need to guess the outcome, An Jung-geun will definitely be sentenced to death.

After being sentenced to death, the Japanese judge gave An Jung-geun five days to appeal in order to show his "humanity."

An Jung-geun responded: "I am not satisfied with the verdict, but I will not appeal. I am not afraid of death, so I will not appeal. If I am guilty, it is because I am a kind and weak North Korean citizen."

The Japanese hated him so much.

Zhang Taiyan praised An Zhonggen as "Asia's No. [-] chivalrous man."

Mr. Zhongshan wrote a poem and said that he is: "His merits have reached three Koreas and are famous in all countries. He will live for a hundred years and die for a thousand years."

(End of this chapter)

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