Chapter 490 Scientific Talent
Li Yu has become famous in the American "Science", and more and more people in the American scientific community are submitting articles to this magazine.

He would transport a large number of scientific books and the latest scientific magazines to China on every ship from the United States.

The most recent issue of "Science" contains a very important article, and it is also the most valuable article currently except for several articles by Li Yu: Professor Morgan of Columbia University's experimental report on fruit fly hybridization.

Morgan is a character who can be read in middle school biology textbooks. Those who can reach this level are by no means ordinary people.

Although it was a professional biology paper, and it was common for foreigners to write verbose articles, Li Yu could still understand it easily.

After all, even if you are not a biology major, just relying on the biology knowledge from middle school is still top-notch in this era.

Li Yu quickly sorted out the context of the article and planned to write it in Chinese and publish it in domestic newspapers to let the public know about the current scientific frontiers.

In fact, the current development of biology is not very advanced, and it is one of the subjects that backward countries can relatively easily catch up with.

Biology is called a discipline of the 21st century because the soil it requires is too harsh. Only other disciplines must reach a certain level before biology can take root.

In other words, this thing is too cutting-edge.

At present, the understanding of biology is only at the level of Mendel's pea experiments; Darwin's theory of evolution has not developed to the level of complexity that later generations have.

Decades ago, Swiss biologist Mitchell had accidentally discovered a new substance in the cell nucleus, which he named "nuclide."

Mitchell believes that this thing is likely to be related to genetics, but it has not attracted the attention of the scientific community.

But you must know that this thing will be called "DNA" in the future!
That is DNA!

This thing is a bit too advanced. The current view of the scientific community is that "nuclide" may be related to heredity, but it cannot be a crucial thing.

Everyone thinks so, and the reason is easy to understand: its structure is too simple, with only four components in total, namely nucleotides. In middle school biology textbooks, they are generally represented by C, A, G, and T.

According to the current understanding of scientists, how can life be expressed in such a simple form if it is so complex?
Isn't this a joke!The Creator must be too lazy. Just like Morse code, all information is represented by just dots and horizontal lines.

Therefore, current scientists believe that "nuclides" can at best bind chromosomes in some way, or adjust the pH of body fluids and blood.

Academics believe that life is so complex and diverse that its secrets can only exist in complex proteins.

Anyway, genetics is a big problem. Before biology entered the molecular age, it was difficult to study it.

But there is still a way – try it.

Morgan's experiment was the first time that people gradually unveiled the veil of inheritance.

When Li Yu wrote articles for newspapers such as Shenbao and Ta Kung Pao, he wrote them as simply as possible and told them like a story.

The response to this kind of article is naturally very average, but Li Yu is not discouraged because its audience is originally small, but those who should see it will eventually see it.

A few days later, Li Yu was invited to give some more scientific lectures at the Capital University Hall.

There will be more and more lectures like this because it is a tradition of the Republic of China University.

College students in the Republic of China liked to listen to lectures.

Good traditions should be promoted as early as possible.

Again, the Chinese people's learning ability is engraved in their genes. In just a few years, students at the Capital University have made great progress.

After the speech, a middle-aged man and a young girl of sixteen or seventeen years old were waiting at the door.

"Are you Emperor Master Li Yu?" the middle-aged man asked.

Li Yu said: "It's you. Who is your Excellency?"

The middle-aged man said: "I'm Chen Shutong, this is my niece, her maiden name is Wu Yifang. Due to the great changes in the little girl's family, almost all her relatives passed away in a short period of time, which hit her hard and she often wanted to die. The only thing she is interested in is reading. After reading an article about biology written by the Imperial Master a few days ago, she hopes to devote herself to academia."

Wu Yifang was a talented woman in the Republic of China, and one of the few talented women engaged in science.

She later ran China's first women's university, Jinling Women's University, for more than 20 years. She was also the first woman in China to sign the United Nations Charter. She was praised by Roosevelt as a "wisdom woman from the East."The National Government twice invited her to serve as Minister of Education, but she declined both times.

She is a talented woman with great temperament.

But her life experience is indeed pitiful. Last year, her father was framed by her boss and committed suicide by jumping into the river. Later, her brother, mother, and sister died one after another. She lost four relatives in one month, which is a disaster for an ordinary person.

Wu Yifang wanted to commit suicide many times, and her uncle Chen Shutong had to hide all the sharp weapons that could be used in the house.But this is not a long-term solution, so I hope to distract her through studies.

Li Yu looked at the girl with an elegant expression in front of him and was quite moved, so he said to Chen Shutong: "If she wants, she can definitely enter the school I opened and have the opportunity to study abroad in the future. But the studies will be very hard, and studying abroad requires very strict procedures. assessment.”

Chen Shutong looked at Wu Yifang and said, "Yifang, I will listen to you this time. As long as you don't seek death, I can say anything."

Wu Yifang said softly: "I want to learn something new, like a nun guarding a lone lamp, just for learning all my life."

Chen Shutong sighed: "You have to think carefully."

Wu Yifang said: "I have already thought about it. Even if I never marry, I will not hesitate. After all, I never want to experience the pain of losing a loved one again, and knowledge will never hurt me."

Li Yu sounded a little pitiful. You can imagine the pain in his heart when a young girl said such words.

Li Yu smiled slightly and said to her: "It is very interesting to do science. Whether you like biology or chemistry, or zoology or botany, these subjects are very vital and rising subjects, and there are many things that have not been discovered yet. Waiting for you to explore, every day will be fulfilling and happy.”

Wu Yifang said: "That's good, I don't want to be the old scholar in the village."

Li Yu said: "You read the translated article. Are you interested in biology?"

Wu Yifang nodded: "I want to study living things, they are alive."

Li Yu said: "No problem, I have laboratories in Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai. You can do whatever you want. You can even start by replicating Morgan's fruit fly experiment."

Wu Yifang's eyes flashed with a rare light: "Can I do such a complicated thing?"

Li Yu confidently said: "It's not difficult. Do you want to go to my laboratory and have a look?"

Wu Yifang blurted out: "I think so."

Li Yu said to Chen Shutong, "You two, follow me."

Li Yu had already bought a complete set of experimental equipment from the Shanghai Zhong Tourist Office, including various beakers and test tubes.

Wu Yifang's heart began to waver when she looked at them.

Li Yu explained the fruit fly experiment to her: "I wrote some simple and profound things in the newspaper. It is necessary to tell you separately, for example, the chromosomes discovered 20 years ago." Li Yu took out the microscope. After some operations, he said to her: "My technique is rough, but you can barely see it."

Chromosomes stain easily, hence their name, and are easy to see under a microscope after staining.

Wu Yifang looked at it and said, "What a strange thing. Are they in cells?"

"Being able to say the word cell means that you have read my introductory biology lectures on daily basis," Li Yu said. "This thing is very magical and is highly suspected to be related to the characteristics of living things, but the mechanism of action is unknown."

Wu Yifang's interest has been piqued: "Is this little thing so powerful?"

Li Yu said: "It's incredible, this is biology."

Wu Yifang said: "Master Imperial, I want to learn this!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "If you want to learn cutting-edge biology, you need to lay a lot of foundations, study abroad for several years, and endure hardships."

Wu Yifang said: "I'm not afraid of hardship, but I still have a question."

Li Yu said: "What doubts there are, but there is no harm in talking about them."

Wu Yifang took out a newspaper: "Master Emperor said in the article that a man named Morgan in the United States made a conclusion by studying fruit flies. Why did he...use flies as such...such a disgusting thing?"

This is a very reasonable idea for a girl who loves to be clean.

Li Yu said: "Because of poverty."

"Poor?" Wu Yifang wondered.

"That's right," Li Yu said, "Morgan doesn't have much funding for experiments, so he can only use fruit flies. And fruit flies don't grow in feces, but in fruits, so they are not so disgusting to raise. In addition, fruit flies The reproduction speed is fast enough and the chromosomes only have four simple pairs. For genetic experiments, the advantages are obvious."

Wu Yifang felt more and more miraculous the more she listened, and said: "Survival or destruction, it turns out that it is not a big problem."

Li Yu said: "You give it a try, and then I will arrange for you to study in Tianjin Middle School."

Chen Shutong was left alone for a long time, but he finally felt relieved when he saw that his niece had a direction in life and said to Li Yu, "Thank you, Master, for pointing out a clear path for Yifang."

Li Yu said: "Creating talents for society is my duty. I have nothing to thank you for."

Chen Shutong took out a banknote and said, "I will pay you all Yifang's living expenses and tuition fees in the past few years."

Li Yu smiled and said: "No need, if she can be admitted as an international student, we will still give her money."

Chen Shutong was stunned: "There is such a good thing!"

Li Yu said: "Anyway, sir, don't worry."

A few days later, they went to Tianjin together. Li Yu had already begun to recruit girls in middle schools to civilize the atmosphere so that more girls could go to school.

The Tianjin Middle School opened by Li Yu was located next to Nankai School. The schools were almost merged and differentiated, but Zhang Boling took great care of both sides.

They are open-minded people who do not exclude female students and are very happy.

After arranging for Wu Yifang, Li Yu sent a message to Zhang Xiangwen of the Earth Society to get some materials from the National Geographic magazine.

Li Yu brought a latest globe and a portable Kodak camera as gifts to them.

Zhang Xiangwen was moved and said: "Academician Li Yu has always thought of me. I am really grateful."

Li Yu said: "You can use them and bring out their value."

Zhang Xiangwen couldn't put it down: "To be honest, my favorite things are maps and globes, but the place to buy them is very difficult to find. I asked someone to buy one back from Japan a few months ago. I don't know if I can tell you. There were many mistakes, including assigning Korea, our client state for hundreds of years, to Japan."

What Zhang Xiangwen is talking about is the current difficulty in drawing maps. Changes are so fast that a country is gone at every turn. Some maps are still being printed, and major territorial changes have already occurred internationally.

Li Yu said: "So this globe represents more of the terrain."

Zhang Xiangwen said: "What I love most is terrain. This is geography!"

Zhang Xiangwen played with it carefully for a while and said to Li Yu: "One more thing, Imperial Master, I have a question that has puzzled me for a long time. You see, the convex part of South America seems to be consistent with the concave part of Africa. Are they possible?" Were they together before?"


Zhang Xiangwen's statement surprised Li Yu.

Li Yu naturally knew about the continental drift theory, but it had not been formally proposed yet, and Zhang Xiangwen actually thought of it himself.

Li Yu encouraged: "It's a very good idea and can be verified."

Zhang Xiangwen said: "How to verify?"

Li Yu said: "For example, through geology, paleontology, fossils, or the current distribution of some species. If a certain kind of creature is found on the other side of the ocean, it can be indirectly proved."

Zhang Xiangwen thought for a while and said: "It sounds very complicated. It requires inspections all over the world. It's a pity that my idea cannot be verified in this way."

Li Yu said: "Just go, I happen to have a cruise ship that does signal testing, and it travels frequently to various parts of the world."

Zhang Xiangwen said: "Can I ride?"

Taking a boat is expensive.

Li Yu said: "Anyway, it is used for scientific experiments. It would be better to conduct more inspection tasks."

Zhang Xiangwen said excitedly: "I have heard from foreigners that in their legends, there once was an existence called Atlantis, and maybe we can find it."

Li Yu smiled and said: "Don't believe the legends. Not everything foreigners say is right. Let's use scientific theories, make bold assumptions, and be careful to verify."

Zhang Xiangwen said: "I have also seen in foreign articles that there were continental bridges in ancient times. It seems that many foreign geologists and biologists are of this school."

Li Yu said: "The truth may not always be in the hands of the majority of people. Even if the theory that the continent can drift seems like a fantasy, once the evidence is presented, no matter how weird it is, it is the truth."

Zhang Xiangwen was deeply encouraged: "I will study it carefully."

This kind of investigation will take more than ten years, and Li Yuting hopes that he can complete it. It will become another case that greatly inspires the Chinese people.

(End of this chapter)

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