Chapter 501
Tsiolkovsky's life was still relatively miserable, but he would get over it in a few years.After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union paid more and more attention to him and even celebrated his birthday nationwide.

But as for the Rockets dream, it is indeed only a dream at present.

Li Yu got on the passenger ship bound for Antwerp, Belgium, and opened the invitation letter jointly written to him by Solvay and Nernst.

The name of the invitation is "International Meeting of Scientists to Clarify Some Current Issues in Molecular Kinetic Theory":
“...We are currently at a critical moment in a complete reformulation of the physical foundations that build a complete theory of molecular kinetics of matter.

Classic Newtonian mechanics seems to be under an unprecedented impact.The problems of photoelectric effect and black body radiation have always been lingering in the minds of all scientists, and they cannot be eliminated no matter how hard they try.

Not long ago, several conclusions on specific heat issues were completely rejected by many measurements.

You are all outstanding scholars of physics, and you must understand that these are issues that touch the core of physics and need to be solved urgently.

In particular, as Planck, Li Yu, and Einstein have shown, these contradictions magically disappear under what they call the energy quantum theory.

However, this interpretation is so far away from the equations of particle motion that people still apply to this day that admitting it will inevitably lead to the re-statement of our previous basic concepts.

Therefore, we believe that by convening scientists who are more concerned about quantum issues to exchange views face to face, we may be able to find a perfect answer..."

At the end of the invitation letter were the names of the invited scientists, most of whom supported or had little opposition to quantum theory.

After Li Yu finished reading, he closed the invitation letter. It seemed that the theme of this meeting was inseparable from quantum.

It is said that if it had not been for the Solvay Conference, Solvay's reputation might not be as great as it is now.

——It is estimated that many people have always thought that Solvay is a place, but it is actually the name of a person.

Solvay was a Belgian industrialist engaged in the chemical industry. The Solvay alkali production method (also called the ammonia-alkali method) he created greatly increased the output of soda ash and made it cheaper.

Soda ash is soda, or sodium carbonate, which is taught in chemistry class.This thing has been in great demand since the industrial revolution and the rise of textile and other industries.

The Lubrand alkali production method used to produce soda ash had great flaws. Until Solvay developed the ammonia-alkali method, soda ash was finally industrialized and produced in large quantities.

Hou Debang's joint alkali production method was improved on the basis of Solvay's alkali production method.The reaction principle of Hou's alkali production method is the same as that of Solvay's alkali production method, but the source of raw materials and subsequent by-product treatment are different.

In short, relying on the ammonia-alkali method, Solvay made a fortune and became a wealthy industrial tycoon.

His wealth should be much higher than that of Nobel.

Although Solvay was a chemist, he also had a dream of theoretical physics and had unique views on the universe and gravity. He also wrote a book called "Gravity and Matter". Those who didn't know better thought he was planning to steal Einstein's job. .

And once they become rich, some people will start seeking fame.

Because for them, money is just a number and has no meaning. (Just like the famous saying of a rich man named Ma: I am not interested in money!)
Solvay wanted to set up a bonus to reward scientists, but Nobel beat him to it. If he did it again, it would be a bit of a copycat.

It happened that Nernst knew Solvay's idea, so he proposed that he fund an academic conference, invite all the famous figures in the European physics community, entertain them with delicious food and drinks, and then everyone could talk freely about cutting-edge issues in physics.

Nernst even made a special statement to Solvay: You can also speak at the conference and tell your theory of the universe.

Solvay thought this was a good idea, so he worked with Nernst to promote the conference.Nernst is responsible for finding people and preparing topics. After all, he is familiar with the scientific research circle; Solvay is responsible for funding and general logistics.

Nernst was an academician of the Prussian Academy of Sciences and knew many people. He first found Planck.He gave the initial draft of the meeting to Planck, who read it and replied:

"I have made a note in the margin of your manuscript; and please allow me to make a few more general remarks.

Most physicists today, including some of the people you suggested must attend the meeting, are not really interested in or doing deep research on quantum problems.Of all the people you mentioned, I believe only Einstein, Lorenz, and Wien would be seriously interested in the problem.

And you also forgot about an important person - Li Yu.

Without him, I think this session would lose a lot of authority.

So you must not ignore this mysterious power from the East.

But even so, there are too few people who can be invited.So I suggest that the meeting be postponed for a year or two, and then we can take another look at how the gaping gap in existing theory develops.Perhaps some people who are still at a distance will have to join in. "

Nernst respected Planck's opinion. After showing it to Solvay, Solvay felt that there was no need to wait and directly sent out an invitation letter. Naturally, he also sent a copy to Li Yu.


When he arrived at the port of Antwerp, Belgium, Li Yu was greeted by Einstein and another middle-aged man who was not too old.

At present, Einstein is still a "little Karami" in front of other big names.

"Li Yu, the giant of science in the East, we meet again!" Einstein said.

In order to attend this meeting, he specially styled his hair and looked very energetic.

Li Yu shook hands with him and said, "Mr. Einstein, long time no see."

Einstein introduced the person next to him: "This is M. de Broglie from France. You must not believe it. He is the Duke of France!"

Li Yu immediately realized that this M. de Broglie was the brother of the famous de Broglie who proposed matter waves and won the Nobel Prize with a one-page doctoral thesis.

Now de Broglie is still studying, embarking on the path of physics, and has a close relationship with his brother who participated in the 1911 Solvay Conference.

Li Yu also shook hands with M. de Broglie and said: "It's a great honor to meet you, Mr. Duke. It's incredible that you have devoted yourself to science."

M. De Broglie said: "My father felt even more incredible. He even said before his death that 'in the De Broglie family, science cannot be a profession.' At that time, the family only gave me a room as a laboratory, and the conditions You cannot resign from the Navy."

Li Yu said: "So Mr. Duke is still a soldier now?"

"So." After M. de Broglie said, he called over the driver and drove Li Yu and Einstein to Brussels in a Renault car.

Einstein joked: "I just bought a bicycle not long ago. I don't know when I can buy a car again."

M. de Broglie said: "This car belongs to the Admiralty and is not mine."

Einstein was even more envious: "I am at the University of Zurich, and they only give me a salary of a few thousand Swiss francs every year. I can't buy a car at all, let alone equip me with a car."

Li Yu said: "Ford in the United States has developed a new production line, and perhaps the price of cars will come down soon."

M. de Broglie shook his head: "American-made cars are all low-end and cheap. How can they be compared with our European cars?"

Einstein thought it didn't matter: "I can't control that much, as long as I can drive it, I will be satisfied."

Li Yu added: "I read the invitation letter, and it seems that Mr. Nernst also noticed the article you wrote before explaining the specific heat of solids from a quantum perspective."

Einstein said: "So I think there are many benefits to being a physics professor at the University of Zurich. At least more people are willing to believe what a serious university professor writes instead of throwing it into the trash as nonsense. Bucket. Oh! I used to despise authority, but I didn't expect to go down this road now." Li Yu said with a smile: "I just make the best use of everything."

In that paper on the specific heat of solids, Einstein argued that at sufficiently low temperatures, the specific heat of solids will decrease as the temperature decreases.It is generally believed that at normal temperature, the specific heat of a solid is a fixed value; but at ultra-low temperatures, the specific heat is no longer a fixed value.

As a master of thermodynamics, Nernst has been studying the specific heat of solids. Einstein's use of quantum theory to explain the specific heat of solids gave him great inspiration.

Just last year, Nernst obtained experimental results that were consistent with Einstein's expectations, so he gradually began to recognize quantum theory.

At the beginning of the 20th century, not many people in the physics community clearly accepted quantum theory. Nernst was a traditional classical physicist, and his acceptance of quantum theory so quickly must have been influenced by Planck.

When they arrived at the meeting place, Solvay and Nernst walked over to Li Yu and said: "We feel very lucky to have you come. With more outstanding scholars who have won the Nobel Prize present, our meeting will be more important." Increase your impact.”

"Thank you sir for the invitation," Li Yuke said angrily, "I am also very happy to participate in the most cutting-edge physics discussions."

The venue was not large, after all, there were only a dozen or so people, but they were all elites in the physics community.

Planck came over and said, "Lee, if you don't come, the theme of this conference will be too bleak."

Li Yu smiled and said, "It will be even worse if you don't come."

Lorenz, the chairman of the conference, asked: "Do you know what outside scholars called us after they heard that a group of us were going to discuss subverting the traditional quantum theory?"

Rutherford said: "Could it be a pagan?"

"No," Lorenz shook his head, "but it's almost the same. They said we were hosting a witches' feast in Brussels."

Einstein looked at Madame Curie: "Fortunately, we have a real witch."

Madame Curie said calmly: "I'm not afraid of this kind of reputation."

Her husband Pierre Curie passed away before her after all. Although Li Yu warned her to be careful about traffic safety, he did not die under the carriage, but still had an accident while driving.

After being widowed, Marie Curie also had rumors with Langevin.The scandal between the two was recently exposed by the media in Paris.

The media likes this kind of explosive news, and it was immediately known to everyone that Marie Curie was under considerable mental pressure.

Originally Nernst and Solvay were reluctant to invite her to attend, but in view of her influence, the invitation was sent anyway.

Li Yu said to Madame Curie: "I also heard some rumors about you."

Madame Curie lowered her eyes: "Of course I will hear about it."

Li Yu then said: "The rumor is that you will win the Nobel Prize again. It is unbelievable that one person has won the highest prize in science twice."

Madame Curie's eyes flickered: "But..."

Li Yu interrupted her: "Don't care what others say. I firmly believe that the jokes told by those rough people who read tabloids are worse than their own virtues."

Marie Curie smiled slightly: "What I want to say is that even if the Nobel Prize Committee awards me the award, it may not let a now infamous Polish woman go to Stockholm to receive the award."

At present, many tabloids have written about Madame Curie as a "Polish slut", using very vicious words.

Li Yu immediately said: "I will write a letter to the Nobel Committee and publish an article in the newspaper to publicly support you."

Poincaré, who is also French, was surprised: "Lee, you still don't understand Paris well enough. Speaking out for Madame Curie will bring about bad reviews for yourself."

Li Yu shrugged: "I don't live in Paris, so why should I care what Parisians say about me?"

Einstein raised his hand and said: "I also want to join you in supporting Madame Curie in the newspaper. In my opinion, if two people love each other, no one has the right to interfere."

Einstein was originally a die-hard supporter of Madame Curie, and he had far more scandals than Madame Curie. He also didn't care what Parisians thought of him.

Li Yu smiled and said: "In short, madam, please don't worry, let alone any pressure from public opinion."

Marie Curie felt a little helpless and said: "It would be great if all Parisians thought like you."


There is no specific agenda today, it is mainly about the meeting and the welcome dinner provided by Solvay himself.

Solvay was so wealthy that he hired a French chef to cook.

Einstein was more casual and not particularly gentlemanly when it came to eating.

Madame Curie on the side reminded: "This is not how you should eat French food."

Einstein pointed at Li Yu and said, "He can't even use a knife and fork proficiently. He is no more of a gentleman than I am."

"Your observation ability is really amazing. You can understand the surroundings even while eating." Li Yu said with a smile.

The waiter served another snack for everyone.

Einstein was surprised and said: "Is this the 'Fountain of Love'?"

Li Yu looked at the fluffy snacks in front of him and wondered: "What kind of love is Fang Quan?"

Einstein said to M. de Broglie: "You know best, you tell me."

M. De Broglie explained: "This is a very famous French dessert, which originated from Emperor Napoleon's palace cook Karem. This dessert is extremely light, as if it is floating in the wind from the oven."

Karème plays a very important role in the history of French cuisine.

Li Yu tasted it and found that the taste was okay, but the most important thing about high-end Western food is the appearance and sense of ritual. The taste will not be much better than the ordinary dim sum in Beijing and Tianjin.

M. de Broglie asked expectantly: "Lee, what do you think?"

"Not bad." Li Yu said.

M. de Broglie thought that Li Yu would be very shocked by this complicated pastry, but he only had this slightly bland comment.

It's a pity that Li Yu was not able to enter the legendary Michelin restaurant and try it in his previous life, so as to judge the difference.

But looking at online reviews, it seems that its characteristics are not much different from the French food we eat at the moment. The main focus is the eight-character mantra: big plate, small portion, spread sauce, put grass.

(End of this chapter)

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