After this round of review by Fengtian, Cai Yuanpei became a little scared and did not dare to continue taking the train south. Instead, he chose to follow the Manchuria Railway to Dalian and then take a boat to Shanghai.

Li Yu saw off Cai Yuanpei at the station: "We will meet again soon."

Cai Yuanpei said: "When you arrive in the capital, you must be more careful. Brother Yu has always believed that Yuan Shikai would never be loyal to the Qing court based on ethical ideas like Zeng Guofan, nor did he have the character of the founding father of the United States, Washington, who was willing to give up his personal life for the country. Fame and position. When he comes out this time, he is likely to sabotage the revolutionary cause because of his own ambitions, and even become the emperor himself."

Li Yu didn't expect that Cai Yuanpei's prediction was so accurate, and he was worthy of being one of the four elders of the Kuomintang.

Li Yu said: "Brother Heqing has a cave like watching fire, he is very powerful!"

Cai Yuanpei sighed: "Let's see again! Shucai, farewell!"


As for Liang Qichao, he is still undecided and does not want to go south. In fact, he will return to Japan soon.

So Li Yu returned to the capital alone.

"Haha, Xiao Xian'er, let me hug you! Look at your chubby face, it's really dripping with water."

Holding the baby in his arms, Li Yu was in a good mood.

Lu Bicheng said: "Thanks to Fengling, otherwise I really don't know how to take care of this little ancestor."

Fengling smiled and said, "This is what a slave should do."

Lu Bicheng said: "Didn't Sir tell you not to call yourself a slave or anything like that?"

"Look at my mouth, I still can't change it." Feng Ling said with a smile.

Zhao Qian came over and said, "Sir, can I ask you a favor?"

Li Yu pinched the child's chubby hand and said, "Just say whatever you want."

Zhao Qian said: "My brother wants to go back to the capital to work, but he suffered a serious injury to his legs and feet. The rickshaw cannot be pulled. Do you think you can help him find a good job?"

Li Yu thought for a moment and asked, "Can he get a haircut?"

"Having a haircut?" Zhao Qian was stunned, "This doesn't seem, probably, sounds like a very good job."

Li Yu said: "Don't you understand? This is called the Blue Ocean Market. How many people in the capital dare to get a haircut now? But once the market starts, demand will definitely exceed supply."

"But..." Zhao Qian hesitated a little.

Li Yu said: "Don't worry! You go and save money and buy a store. Then I will invite some dignitaries to come and get haircuts. I will soon make a name for myself."

Zhao Qian said: "But he's not very good at haircuts either."

Li Yu said: "Then practice quickly. The early stage is very simple, and he is not allowed to do styling. Remember, as long as you stand on the wind outlet, the pig can fly."

Zhao Qian didn't know this Internet slang, but he followed Li Yuyan's advice and started to do it immediately.

When Li Yu was playing with his children, Xiao De Zhang suddenly visited again.

"Master Emperor, our family is polite." Xiao Dezhang's attitude was a little extra polite.

Li Yu said: "Eunuch De, I can no longer call you a master."

"No, no, no!" Xiao Dezhang said, "The Queen Mother is going to let you be the teacher of the current emperor, and teach Western learning and Eastern learning respectively with the former number one scholar Lu Runxiang. Maybe in a few years, you can be appointed as the crown prince's Taibao. "

The title of Prince Taibao is from the first rank, which is quite high, but it is basically a false title.

Li Yu couldn't refuse directly, so he said: "The New Year is coming soon, how about starting from scratch after the New Year?"

Xiao Dezhang said: "Yes! As long as the emperor agrees, it will be easy."

Li Yu was secretly happy that the Qing Dynasty would not be able to survive the New Year.

After Xiao De Zhang left, Li Yu went to see the barber shop owned by Zhao Qian and his brother Zhao Rang Zhang Luo. Li Yu even gave him some decoration ideas: "There should be a place for washing hair here. It must be Use hot water, trim your beard while getting a haircut, and know some massage techniques..."

Zhao Qian said: "Fortunately, my brother has not worked in the fields because of his bad legs and feet in recent years, so he is quite dexterous with his hands."

Li Yu pointed at the wall: "Don't waste this large area, hang up your hat."

"What kind of hat?" Zhao Rang asked.

Li Yu said: "We put the Western-style hats like those from Dongjiaominxiang Matheson Company and our hats to see what the customers like. These people have just had their hair cut, so I think they will be embarrassed, and most likely they will buy a hat."

Zhao Qian said: "Let me just say that my husband is not only knowledgeable and wealthy, but he is also a good businessman."

Zhao Rang said: "It's amazing! Just like... just like the husband of the great beauty Xi Shi. What is his name?"

Zhao Qian said: "You have the ability to praise people, and you are suitable for doing business, but your knowledge is not good enough. I tell you, remember it, your name is Tao Zhugong Fan Li."

"Yes, yes!" Zhao Rang said, "You know a lot now."

"That's not the case!" Zhao Qian said proudly, "This is called being close to the red, and it is stained by the eyes and ears every day. Now I am also half a scholar! Not only can I speak a few pairs, but I can also speak foreign languages. Come, come, go, nod. Yes, shake your head no!"

Zhao Rang was even more impressed: "I will also learn foreign languages ​​in the future!"

Li Yu gave the car keys to Zhao Qian: "Wholesale more hats, and then take a few to the textile factory to customize them. Just buying foreign ones is definitely not enough."

After the barber shop opened, there were not many people, and most people took a wait-and-see attitude.

It happened that Lu Runxiang came to see Li Yu because of the imperial master mentioned by Xiao Dezhang.

Lu Runxiang is currently a very high-ranking scholar. He is a bachelor of Dongge University. He also serves as a lecturer at Yuqing Palace, specializing in teaching Emperor Xuantong's studies.

In today's world, it is impossible not to learn from Western learning.Lu Runxiang knew Li Yu's name, so he came to meet him in person.

"Lord Lu, when you come to my humble residence, you are not welcomed from afar!" Li Yu said.

Lu Runxiang is already a 70-year-old man. He said: "Master Li, although this is our first official meeting, I have heard your name many times."

Li Yu said casually: "It's just a false name."

Lu Runxiang said: "I have also studied Western learning, but Western learning is too complicated and trivial, and it requires a professional person to teach the emperor. And you have a natural talent, and you are the best in Western learning, so you are the most suitable candidate for the emperor's tutor."

Anyway, it was a matter of no concern. Li Yu said easily: "The imperial court has assigned such an important task. I am sincerely afraid that I will not be able to do it well."

Lu Runxiang said: "The emperor's master has experience as the emperor's master in the previous dynasty, Emperor Guangxu. It will not be difficult for you."

Li Yu saw that he was in a good mood, so he said, "I heard that Mr. Lu's calligraphy is the best in the world. Can you ask me a few words?"

Lu Runxiang said: "What word?"

Li Yu thought for a while and said: "Where Qingsi returns."

Lu Runxiang blurted out: "I don't see you, the bright mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and the morning is like blue silk and turns to snow at dusk! Li Bai's "About to Enter the Wine"; Return to the boat without waiting for the moon, return to the Yue Wang family. It is still a poem by Li Bai."

Fortunately, Li Yu memorized Li Bai's poem and echoed: "As expected of Mr. Lu, he guessed it in an instant."

Lu Runxiang said: "I also like Li Taibai, please take the pen."

Li Yu smiled and said: "I have vodka brought back from Russia. Li Bai wants to drink it when he writes poems. Do you want to try Mr. Lu's inscriptions?"

"Wine that foreigners drink?" Lu Runxiang said, "Give me a taste." Li Yu poured a glass, Lu Runxiang took a sip and clicked his tongue: "The wine is too strong, it is the wine of the common people."

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, there was basically no habit of drinking liquor. It is normal for Lu Runxiang to say this.

Lu Runxiang stopped drinking the rest and wrote the four characters "Where the Green Hair Goes" in one breath.

As a great calligrapher in the late Qing Dynasty, Lu Runxiang was very good at writing large characters on plaques.

Li Yu asked his master to make a large plaque and hang it in the barber shop that day.

After learning about the number one title, the barber shop's business improved significantly.

It was then that Lu Runxiang found out that the calligraphy he had inscribed was actually used as a sign for a barber shop, and he probably wouldn't feel good about it.

A few days later, a big customer came to the barber shop - Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai was so powerful that his soldiers directly surrounded the entrance of the store and allowed him to enter alone.

They had also told Li Yu in advance.

"Master Yuan, are you here?" Li Yu asked.

Yuan Shikai said: "When you go to a barber shop, of course you get a haircut."

Li Yu asked: "Cut them all off?"

Yuan Shikai said: "Cut it shorter, don't shave it all off, leave a little bit."

It seems that Yuan Shikai has not yet completely made up his mind.

Zhao Qian's brother Zhao Rang knew that he was the most powerful minister in front of him, and his hands were trembling a little.

Li Yu gave him reassurance: "Just cut it, the store's business will be better in the future."

Since it's not all cut off, it's just a matter of scissors, very quick.

Yuan Shikai looked at most of his braid and said to himself: "One knife cuts two pieces, but it can't cut off the thread of worries."

Li Yu said: "Master Yuan is a soldier, and the new army's haircut is nothing."

Yuan Shikai's eyes were wandering, and he suddenly asked: "Shancai, I heard that you are still an academician of the French Academy of Sciences. Do you think that Louis XVI in France had a chance to avoid the guillotine? Is there any other way out? ?"

Li Yu was shocked and said slowly: "You have to ask the south side about this."

"Can we discuss it?" Yuan Shikai asked.

"Yes!" Li Yu nodded, and then took out the book about the French Revolution, "Master Yuan, you can take a good look at this book."

"Very good!" Yuan Shikai happily took it, "I want to study it carefully."

The book is in English, but there is no shortage of translators at Yuan Shikai's house.

After Yuan Shikai left, Zhao Rang's legs softened and he sat down on the chair: "I actually cut Master Yuan's head! It's like a dream."

Li Yu said: "When the news comes out, you will be busy."

Sure enough, the next day's newspapers reported on Yuan Shikai's haircut, which immediately became a hot topic. Many newspapers reprinted it one after another, and some even drew pictures of Yuan Xiangcheng's haircut.

Zhao Qian happily showed the newspaper to Li Yu. In addition to Yuan Shikai's haircut, Li Yu saw another news: "In order to relieve the national crisis, the imperial branch is now issuing 'patriotic bonds'. Everyone should actively participate! You can go to Purchase it from the branch gold and silver treasury, the Qing Dynasty Bank, and the Jingshi Commercial Association! Guaranteed by the reputation of the imperial court, not only the principal will be returned, but also yearly interest!"

Li Yu smiled and said, "You still have a shitty reputation."

Li Yu was right. No one was willing to pay to clear this so-called national debt.

The most ironic thing is that even Manchurian people don’t buy it.

In the Taiji Hall of the Forbidden City, Yuan Shikai specifically found Empress Dowager Longyu about this matter and reported: "Empress Dowager, the political system should be a constitutional monarchy. Since it cannot be achieved now and the revolutionary party refuses to recognize it, a decisive battle should be fought with it. But the war must be paid. Now There are only more than [-] taels in the treasury, which is not enough for use, and foreign countries are unwilling to borrow money, so a decisive battle is uncertain."

Now that so many provinces are independent, the Qing Dynasty is in danger. Queen Mother Longyu said urgently: "Yuan Shikai, you are the Prime Minister, please think of a way!"

Yuan Shikai said: "Empress Dowager, now the treasury is in a flood and the military needs are urgent. We cannot achieve success unless we use coercive measures."

Queen Mother Longyu said: "Any method of coercion will do, as long as our orphans and widowed mothers are not bullied."

Yuan Shikai said: "Now that ministers and banks from various countries are unwilling to borrow money, we can only think of ways on our own. Patriotic bonds must be promoted, but we must set an example from above so that the people can raise money. After all, if there is no money, the war will definitely begin." No."

Yuan Shikai's last words were so heart-wrenching that Queen Mother Longyu burst into tears. She wiped them with a handkerchief and said, "Tell me quickly, what should I do?"

Yuan Shikai said: "I believe that no matter the royal family, Manchu or Han ministers, they should all be named to donate money to meet the needs of the country."

"Okay! I will take the lead and take out 6 taels from the internal funds first." Queen Mother Longyu then looked at the ministers, "Where are you?"

The hall went completely cold, and not a single member of the Aixinjueluo royal family made a sound.

Yuan Shikai sneered in his heart.

After a pause of more than ten seconds, Longyu slapped the table and said, "You all usually regard yourself as a loyal minister. Why don't you say anything when you are being used?"

The representative of the royal family, Prince Qing Yikuang, first said: "Queen Mother! I don't want this ruined family anymore. The ancients said that it is difficult to rescue a ruined family. I will use all my family wealth to serve the Qing Dynasty today!"

Queen Mother Longyu knew that his family was well off, and she felt refreshed: "Prince Qing, how much do you want to donate?"

Yikuang gritted his teeth, stretched out a hand, spread his fingers and said word by word: "I want to donate...donate 5 taels!"

Longyu almost lost his temper, but it was even less than me.

Yikuang caught sight of Empress Dowager Longyu's expression from the corner of her eye, and said quickly: "This is not over yet! I want to sell horses and carriages in the newspaper, and I have sold them all. I can at least collect another 5 taels!"

So touching!Not to mention Queen Mother Longyu, Emperor Chongzhen in the underground shed tears when he saw it!

If, just if, the imperial court could confiscate Yikuang's family, it would cost tens of millions of taels of silver at least.

While other royal families only had a few hundred or a few thousand taels, only Prince Zaifeng and Na Tong, who had substantial assets, got a little more.

Longyu asked: "Yuan Shikai, how much money does it cost to fight on the front line?"

Yuan Shikai said: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, our Beiyang Army can endure some hardships. At most, we can chew wild vegetable roots and wear rag shoes. But even so, the guns and ammunition cannot be used up. Our patriotic bonds must raise at least 750 million taels."

Queen Mother Longyu said almost miserably: "750 million taels! This, this is not even enough to make up the fraction!"

Yuan Shikai said: "Queen Mother, without money, we can't fight on the front line. If we can't fight, just... just..."

Empress Dowager Longyu cried and said: "Is it true that I am dead?"

Yuan Shikai said: "If we don't continue to apportion, based on the amount of royal donations today, I think we can set a target. For example, the minister should donate 2000 taels, and even a seventh-rank official should donate 20 taels."

Queen Mother Longyu was so frightened that she lost her backbone: "Just do as you say. I don't believe that the Qing Dynasty can't even raise this little money. We will lose the country because we have no money."

Yuan Shikai said: "Please rest assured, Queen Mother, I will definitely supervise and complete the errands."

(End of this chapter)

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