After arriving in Shanghai, everyone found Hartung, a wealthy Jewish businessman in Shanghai, and stayed in his Hartung Garden.

Mr. Zhongshan will arrive in Shanghai soon and will also stay at Hartung Garden.

Hartung said to everyone: "I have opened a unique restaurant here with a real Jewish flavor. Are you interested in trying it? Mr. Zhang Jian, who brokered your peace talks, will also be at the banquet."

At present, foreign products are very rare for Chinese people. Regardless of whether they are delicious or not, the main reason is that they have never seen them before.

Tang Shaoyi had followed Yuan Shikai for so many years and had eaten countless delicacies from the mountains and seas, but Jewish food was really unheard of, so she said, "We will take the liberty of tasting it."

Li Yu smiled bitterly, they would regret it after eating it.

Jews have so many dietary precepts that they are outrageous. They even have so-called "kosher laws" that stipulate what can and cannot be eaten, just like monks.

Perhaps the most famous one is that "meat and dairy products must not be cooked or eaten together", which comes from a sentence in "Exodus", "You must not cook a kid in its mother's milk."

It seems that it appears at least three times in Exodus and other scriptures, and it can be considered important three times.

Jewish rabbis (that is, Jewish elders) have various interpretations of this commandment. Their favorite saying is that God believes that people must have a sad heart, and no animal wants to see their children being used. Come and feed the child's milk and cook together.

Since then, the Jewish commandment that milk and meat cannot be mixed in the same meal has been extended. Therefore, restaurants in Israel that serve meat usually do not provide coffee with milk, ice cream with fresh milk, and cakes with cream.

Li Yu didn't understand it at all, but he didn't dare to comment too much these days. If he said too much, he would definitely be scolded for not respecting other people's food culture.

This is only the most basic.Modern cheese may be made by adding animal fats, so food mixed with cheese and meat is rarely seen on Jewish tables.

I guess KFC in Israel definitely doesn’t have an Angus beef burger.

In addition, there are countless regulations such as stores that sell hamburgers cannot sell ice cream, and those that sell pizza can only sell fast-food pizza.

Of course, even with so many commandments, there is still some edible food, but Jewish wine is really not flattering.

Wine is a designated kosher drink in Judaism. From the beginning of grape planting, it must be completed under the supervision of a rabbi. Does it taste...

Hartung happened to take out a bottle of wine and said: "This bottle is pure Jewish wine. In order to adapt to China, I specially found a luminous cup, because you have an ancient poem, Grape wine luminous cup. You must use this kind of cup to drink wine. .”

Tang Shaoyi said: "Mr. Hartung has been in China for so long and can already recite ancient poems."

"Do as the Romans do!"

Hartung asked the waiter to pour a drink for everyone.

Tang Shaoyi was surprised: "So sticky?"

Yan Fansun said: "Does the viscosity mean that the wine takes a long time to brew?"

Anyway, no matter what kind of wine, as long as you mention the age, the value will definitely increase.

But Hartung said: "That's because we added a lot of berries and honey."

Yan Fansun asked doubtfully: "Wine and honey?"

Tang Shaoyi picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and was stunned for a moment: "This..."

He glanced at the expectant Hartung next to him, and could only forcefully say: "It's really exotic."

Li Yu and Yan Fansun also took a sip. Yan Fansun twitched the corner of his mouth before swallowing.

Li Yu didn't like the taste very much, so he quietly said to Zhang Jian beside him: "Brother Zhang, it really doesn't taste good!"

Zhang Jian nodded, "It's hard to swallow, and the taste is indescribable."

Li Yu said: "It is said that after drinking this kind of wine many years ago, a British Prime Minister commented on it, 'This is not like wine, but like the medicine prescribed by doctors to treat coughs.' Now try it for yourself. ,as expected."

Zhang Jian said: "The description is perfect. Drinking wine seems to be drinking medicine."

After eating a few dishes, Zhang Jian said to Li Yu again: "Shu is a rare neutral person. I know that you have contacts with both the revolutionaries and the constitutionalists. Which side do you support?"

Li Yu now dared to speak: "There is no doubt that constitutional monarchy is not feasible."

Zhang Jian said: "How should the Qing Emperor deal with it?"

Li Yu said: "It's simple, just abdicate. The Qing court has been autocratic for more than 200 years, why must the position of the monarch be preserved now? Moreover, the Qing emperor has been on the throne for [-] years and has become what it is now. It is so corrupt. Even a bank The General Office, who has served for ten years and ruined his credibility, should resign, not to mention what the Qing Emperor did to China?"

Zhang Jian nodded: "That makes sense. I am gradually understanding this truth now. Democracy should mean that everyone is equal, and the Manchus should also be equal to the Han people. We will not exterminate them, but they should not be superior to others. We are all citizens. "

Tang Shaoyi said: "I also support democracy."

Zhang Jian asked: "Master Tang is not against democracy, or even in favor of it?"

Tang Shaoyi said: "I planted the ideological seeds of democracy and republic as early as when I was studying abroad. The question now is how to turn this ideal into reality."

Zhang Jian said happily: "You are the representative of the north. If you all have such an idea, then the peace negotiation will be fruitful!"

Tang Shaoyi said: "I can also reveal a detail. When he was in Beijing, Wang Zhaoming received a telegram from Huang Xing. Huang Xing said that if Mr. Yuan can agree with the republic, then he can elect Mr. Yuan as president. Guess what Mr. Yuan said after reading it. ? He said that this president cannot be elected under any circumstances, and Huang Xing should be allowed to be the president. Yuan Gong’s words show that he is not opposed to China’s implementation of a republican constitution, but due to his status, he cannot come forward to advocate it. "

Tang Shaoyi gave the secret to Zhang Jian as a gesture of goodwill.

Zhang Jian was also a constitutionalist at the beginning, but now his thoughts have turned in the direction of the revolutionaries, but he is popular with both parties. If there is a problem in the peace negotiation, he can be relied on to continue to broker the deal.

The subsequent peace talks were held at the Huizhong Hotel, the predecessor of the Peace Hotel.

Li Yu doesn't need to get involved, because there is no need.

The efficiency in advancing various affairs during the Xinhai Year was incredibly high, and so many major events were settled within a month.

The peace talks between the north and the south mainly focus on several key points. The first is the issue of the state system, which must be republican and not constitutional monarchy. This is what the southern revolutionary party is most concerned about;
As for who will be the president of the government jointly established by the north and the south, this is what Yuan Shikai is most concerned about;
Then there is the issue of the favor given to the Qing emperor after his abdication.This matter is also important, but as long as Yuan Shikai forces the palace to be completed, it is actually the best thing to do, just spend some money.

Not to mention the change of dynasty, even if Li Yu traveled to the peaceful era before time travel, what big deal could it be solved with money?

Regardless of whether the Aisin Gioro royal family needs 400 million or 500 million yuan per year, in the face of the tragic and bloody war, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

The warlord wars that followed during the Republic of China cost a total of more than 20 billion silver dollars in military expenditures!
The revolutionaries were very sincere in negotiating peace. As long as Yuan Shikai accepted the first item, that is, a republic, they agreed to let him be the president.

The two sides still had to talk for a month, so Li Yu went to Hangzhou with the books.

The current city of Hangzhou is not big, and the place where Li Yu wants to go is also easy to find - Zhejiang Second Level Normal School.

This school was later named Hangzhou Normal University. Yes, it was Jack Ma’s alma mater~

Although in later generations everyone will think of Hangzhou Normal University except when Jack Ma is mentioned, this school was actually very powerful in the early Republic of China.

The supervisor (principal) is Shen Junru, whom Li Yu has met before.Shen Junru was a Jinshi in the last imperial examination, and later went to Japan to study.He was one of the founders of the Democratic League and became the president of the Supreme Court after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Li Yu said: "I'm disturbing everyone's study."

Shen Junru smiled and said: "Don't tell me, if others come, it is really disturbing; but if you come, we will learn."

Li Yu also smiled and said, "Actually, I'm here to ask for advice."

Shen Junru introduced the person next to him: "This is Jing Hengyi, the dean of the school."

Li Yu shook hands with him and said, "I have admired you for a long time."

Jing Hengyi was an important figure in the educational circles of the Republic of China. Feng Zikai, Pan Tianshou, and Rou Shi were all his students.

Half a year later, Jing Hengyi will take over as the president of Zhejiang Normal University. Later generations of Hangzhou Normal University will still have a college named after Jing Hengyi.

Although Hangzhou Normal University was far less famous than Peking University and Tsinghua University, it has been mentioned before that what was most lacking in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China was normal schools.

Those who are interested in running normal schools are those who have a long-term vision and sincerely want to educate and save the country.

Li Yu naturally admired them deeply.

Jing Hengyi said: "We are the ones who have admired the name of the emperor for a long time."

Li Yu said: "The term "imperial master" is falling behind."

Jing Hengyi said: "Yes, we can no longer speak imperial terms."

Li Yu asked again: "Is there a teacher named Lu...Zhou Shuren in the school?"

Jing Hengyi said: "Teacher Zhou, he is taking physiology class."

Li Yu said, "I'll go take a look."

Outside the classroom, Li Yu discovered that Lu Xun was giving a lecture on the reproductive system.

After all, he studied medicine at the Sendai Medical College in Japan. He vividly drew the organ structures on the blackboard, and then wrote about physiological functions on the blackboard.

These things are still ambiguous even in later schools, let alone the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

But the students quite like listening to it...

Lu Xun talked for a while and saw an indescribable smile on the face of someone below, so he said: "I have a request, don't laugh when listening! Because as a lecturer, I must be serious. If someone laughs, the serious atmosphere will be destroy."

Although Brother Xun is famous for his literary reputation, at this time he is completely a rigorous science lecturer, and he has a bit of a forward-looking attitude that has no taboos.

To be honest, there is nothing embarrassing about this kind of course. After all, it is entirely from a medical and physiological perspective.

Li Yu listened to one section and felt that his speech wanted to teach students to respect science.

After class, Lu Xun walked to the door of the classroom and noticed Li Yu, "Mr. Academician?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Teacher Zhou, how do you feel?"

Lu Xun said: "Now I understand how difficult it is to be a teacher."

Li Yu asked curiously: "How?"

Lu Xun said: "I not only want to teach physiology, but also botany and chemistry."

Li Yuwen: "And chemistry?"

Lu Xun said: "Chemistry class is exactly the most painful thing to teach."

Li Yu said: "I think chemistry is very interesting. It's so fun to do experiments."

"Of course it's fun, and the students also find it fun, but they often mess with my experimental equipment and even drip sulfuric acid onto their necks!" Lu Xun said, "If the students are wrong, I can't bear to walk around with them."

Li Yu said: "Dilute sulfuric acid will not be a big problem."

Lu Xun continued: "I remember another time when I was going to talk about an experiment about the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen. When I brought the hydrogen and other experimental supplies stored in the flask to the classroom, I found that I had forgotten the matches, so I went back to the office to get them. I left. In the classroom, I specifically instruct students not to shake the flask, otherwise air will be mixed in and it may explode when burning.

I returned to the classroom with matches in hand and started doing experiments while explaining the difference between hydrogen and oxygen and how they interact.

But as soon as I put the struck match into the hydrogen bottle to light it, the flask suddenly exploded with a bang!The blood on his hands was splattered all over the podium, roll call and shirt.

I ignored my own pain and wanted to take care of the students sitting in the front rows first, for fear of hurting them. But to my surprise, the students sitting in the front row had already hid in the back row. "

Lu Xun's words are quite "Lu Xun style" (this sentence seems to be nonsense...)
He was deeply impressed by this incident, and it was even reflected in his subsequent creations, such as the familiar last sentence of "Diary of a Madman", "Save the Child."

Brother Xun is really forward-thinking. In his first vernacular novel, he wrote a warning that has lasted for hundreds of years.

Li Yu looked at Lu Xun's clothes and said, "Maybe you should change your clothes so that students not only respect you, but also have a sense of awe."

At this time, Lu Xun was still wearing the student uniforms he had worn when he went to school in Japan.

Lu Xun also laughed: "I often forget that many students say behind their backs, 'My son is older than such a young teacher!'"

Li Yu took out the brief history of science and technology again: "Teacher Zhou, please help me correct it."

Lu Xun took it and flipped through a few pages before he couldn't help but admire: "Looking at the whole country, the only person who can write about how science and technology develops and evolves is Mr. Academician. Because it is not only necessary to understand history, but even more difficult is to understand science."

Li Yu said: "If Teacher Zhou is interested, you can continue to correct and add to it. After all, you have also studied abroad."

Lu Xun said: "I can only add a little bit in biology and medicine."

Li Yu said: "That's good. I can introduce you to Professor Wu Liande from Shenyang in the future. He has a lot of research on the history of medicine. In addition, the writing is really a bit poor. Originally, my wife could do the polishing for me, but she has to do it for me." You can’t get away from taking care of your children.”

Lu Xun said: "Since Mr. Academician doesn't mind it, I will take over the work of correcting, revising and polishing it."

Li Yu said: "It would be best if I just write a preface."

Lu Xun said: "I don't have that qualification! If you want to write a preface, Mr. Academician can ask my mentor Mr. Taiyan."

Li Yu said: "Then wait until the manuscript is completed and then give it to Mr. Taiyan."

Li Yu had to seize this time quickly. Lu Xun was still relatively free at the moment, but he might not have time to do this in the future.

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