There were actually quite a few dictionaries during the Republic of China. Li Yu once saw one from around 1914 in a museum. The cover had become very yellow.

The most urgent task is to compile a dictionary for students first, and both the Zhonghua Book Company and the Commercial Press can easily do this.

Li Yu is also planning to contact Ping Hailan of Datong University to compile a Chinese-English dictionary, hoping to improve the English proficiency of middle school students.

At least for now, the requirements for English proficiency are far higher than those before Li Yu's time travel, because too many documents are not translated and can only be read in the original English version.

Even just reading English is not enough, because the world's largest technological power in the early [-]th century was Germany, and a lot of first-hand information was written in German (such as in the fields of quantum mechanics and relativity), and the English version has become second-hand , and there is a lot of time lag.

The situation in China is even more troublesome. Most of them wait to be translated into Japanese and then translated from Japanese.

I don’t know how many times I have gone through this, and as we all know, the Japanese language is inherently weak in accepting foreign words. Many Japanese documents are confusing to look at, which adds a lot of difficulty to translation.

All these are the difficulties in popularizing science in China at the beginning of the [-]th century, so the best way is to let students have a good enough foreign language level.

Li Yu then said to Wang Guowei and Luo Zhenyu: "If the two gentlemen can make a breakthrough in oracle bone inscriptions in the future, the significance will not only be in the study of epigraphy. So whether you need help or not, just let me know and I will do my best." .”

Wang Guowei said: "What other important role does it play?"

Li Yu said: "Aren't the foreigners questioning our Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties? At least now that they have oracle bone inscriptions, they are no longer qualified to discuss whether the Shang Dynasty existed."

Wang Guowei is a bit arrogant about his research field: "Foreigners don't understand our country's writing at all. I have long disdained to read some conclusions. What can they do if they question it? What can they do if they don't question it?"

Li Yu said: "Of course you are right to think so, but if the public is unaware, it is still easy to be misled."

"Exactly!" Luo Zhenyu said scornfully, "A few years ago I heard an American missionary say that the book "Historical Records" cannot be regarded as reliable history, because the stories of the three generations recorded at the beginning are mostly myths and legends. If this is distorted, it will only Can you blame the lack of knowledge?"

Li Yu didn't know what to say. As elite intellectuals, they really haven't realized the serious ignorance that currently exists in the country.

But Li Yu thought about it carefully and found that he was a little worried.

Nowadays, few ordinary people are literate. Let alone cultural invasion, it is difficult for religion to invade.

As for the intellectuals at this time, most of them really understood what it meant to think independently. Even if they worshiped the West, they would not be so easily brainwashed by foreigners.

Wang Guowei suddenly said: "Mr. Academician, I briefly studied some physics when I was in Tokyo. I heard that foreigners discovered a mysterious thing called rays, which can go up to the sky and into the earth and penetrate all things. Maybe it can also be used for Archaeological research?”

Li Yu said with a smile: "There is such a thing. Once it can be controlled again, it can indeed be used for archeology, and can even be used to determine the year of the antiquities."

"Oh!? So magical?"

Wang Guowei and Luo Zhenyu were both obsessed with archeology, and they became interested as soon as they heard about it.

Li Yu said: “It’s just that this method has not yet appeared in reality.”

"What a pity," Wang Guowei said, "The Imperial Master has such talent, I think you will be able to do it in the future!"

Li Yu laughed: "I will, I will."

The carbon-14 determination method will not be born until almost 30 years later. Li Yu can indeed make it come out earlier, and he can guide this achievement to a future student and win another Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

During the Republic of China, many oracle bones went overseas, which was difficult to stop. Fortunately, most of them stayed in China.

After sending Wang Guowei away, Li Yu immediately found Lu Xun and Lu Feikui of Zhonghua Book Company and others, and explained the dictionary matter.

Lu Xun sighed: "I saw clearly what the Japanese think when I was studying abroad. It was expected."

Lu Feikui said easily: "In terms of book distribution capabilities, the Japanese are simply not good enough. President, don't worry. We can't match the Japanese in large-scale projects such as shipping, so we can't even be inferior to them in traditional arts."

Li Yu said: "With these words from Sir, I feel relieved."

Lu Xun suddenly asked again: "Brother Jing'an (Wang Guowei) hasn't cut off his braids yet, right?"

Li Yu said: "No."

Lu Xun said with emotion: "When I was studying in Japan, I would be laughed at if I had my pigtails. When I went back to my country to cut off my pigtails, I would be insulted, and sometimes I had to buy fake pigtails. It is not easy now to come out with my head bare and aboveboard. Brother Jing'an actually I’m going to Japan again to be ridiculed by them.”

Li Yu said: "When you cut your hair, didn't you say, 'I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood'? Jing'an may have Xuanyuan in his heart."

Lu Xun said: "I hope he will not regret it."

Li Yu turned to ask: "Do you want Teacher Zhou to teach at least a few classes at Datong University?"

Lu Xun said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. I have prepared lecture notes. Unless they are more capable than the students of Sendai Medical College, I can barely teach them for a few months or even a semester."

After all, Li Yu forced Lu Xun to take over the class.

It just so happens that the school now recruits female students, which has started a trend in the whole society.Lu Xun was teaching another psychology class, ethos + ethos, 1+1>2.

At first, Lu Xun didn't expect that there were female students in the class, and he felt almost embarrassed while talking.

If reporters hadn't also gathered around him, he really felt like he wouldn't be able to hold on until the end of get out of class.

After it was over, Lu Xun came to the office with sweat hanging down his face, put down his lecture notes and said to Li Yu: "Even when I was at Sendai Medical College in Japan, I didn't see girls attending physiology classes. I almost couldn't get off stage."

Li Yule said: "Girls also have the right to education, and what's wrong with girls taking physiology classes?"

Lu Xun said: "I am a big man, telling a group of girls... Hey! Why don't you give it a try?"

Li Yu held back his laughter and said, "I guess your husband will make headlines tomorrow."

Lu Xun sighed: "The first time I appeared in a newspaper, I was giving a physiological lesson to female students!"

Li Yu said: "Isn't this just in line with Minister Cai Yuanpei's educational philosophy?"

Lu Xun said: "Fortunately, I am just an unknown person with no reputation. They can report it however they want."

He seemed to be somewhat open-minded.

The newspaper the next day indeed reported that a teacher at Shanghai Datong University openly taught physiology classes to female students. The caption was "Before the trend? Is it intended to attract attention?"

Well, now the "Declaration" already knows how to write titles to attract traffic.

However, the overall report was still relatively fair and objective, and it spoke highly of Datong University's approach, and even suggested that "women should be allowed to learn anatomy. Only in this way can the disadvantages of foot restraint be fundamentally solved!"

Li Yu took the newspaper Lu Xun and said, "Let me just say, the report must be a positive aspect."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Lu Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and then said something sharp, "The newspaper still doesn't say enough. The people who visit the brothels and the fireworks ladies should also learn from it."

Li Yu said: "It makes sense! But then I'm afraid Teacher Zhou will come to the land of fireworks to teach in person."

"You can't teach like this!" Lu Xun protested, and then said, "Don't just talk about me, you haven't taught any lessons to female students."

Li Yu said proudly: "Female students will also like my lectures."

Lu Xun said: "I want to see it too."

When Li Yu was giving a lecture, the students below were naturally not all female students. They were mixed with men and women just like ordinary universities, except that boys and girls sat separately.Li Yu did not take the textbook and said to the students: "Today I will talk about a mathematical concept, namely the inverse proposition, the negative proposition and the inverse negative proposition."

After Li Yu talked about the basic theory for a while, he wrote a line of "I love you" on the blackboard, and then said: "Please change it to a negative or negative proposition."

16-year-old Mao Yisheng was the first to raise his hand: "You don't love me."

Li Yu smiled and said: "You are still young and don't understand love. Sit down."

But most of the others thought the same way, and they were all confused: "Could it be that you don't love me?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "You guys have learned the inverted sentences of Shandong dialect at some point."

Then he changed the form on the blackboard: "If a person is me, then this person loves you."

Some people wondered: "It seems to be getting troublesome."

Li Yu then wrote the answer word for word on the blackboard: "If a person doesn't love you, then that person is not me."

The moment I stopped writing, the classroom was very quiet.

After a few seconds, everyone started to applaud excitedly after thinking about it.

The female students even copied this sentence excitedly and couldn't help but praise, "It turns out that mathematics can be so beautiful!"

Lu Xun was shocked after seeing it, but he was even more angry because what Li Yu said was not comparable to the physiology class he taught, okay?
Too shabby!

That day, when Li Yu left school, he suddenly saw Konoe Ayuki at the door.

"Why are you here?" Li Yu asked.

Konoe Akiyuki said: "Can't I come?"

Li Yu said: "That's not true."

Konoe Akiyuki said: "Recently, the export trade to Japan has been increasing, and even Mitsui's boss Takashi Masuda personally went to Shanghai for inspection."

"So that's it." Li Yu said.

Logically, they should come too.

Konoe Akiyuki added: "I just heard your lecture on the inverse proposition outside the classroom, and I always felt that it was similar to the 'formula that freezes time' in physics that you mentioned."

Li Yu said: "Is there any?"

Konoe Akiyuki's eyes wandered for a moment, and then said: "It may be my own guess. By the way, Masuda Takashi and others are waiting for you in the restaurant."

Li Yu said: "Okay, let's go there together."

This is a small Japanese restaurant in the concession. It sells traditional Japanese food such as sushi and tempura. Most of the people who come to dine are Japanese.

Li Yu knew a little about Japanese rules, so he knelt down painfully behind a small table, and then said, "Hello, Mr. Masuda."

Masuda Takamichi: "Li Jun, with your products, our company has achieved very good sales performance, so I am ready to come to China to discuss more long-term cooperation with you."

"Okay." Li Yu said casually.

They are buying their own stuff anyway, so there is no need to object.This just allows domestic private enterprises to develop more, and at the same time, it is difficult for Japan to form its own domestic industry.

This is also considered Japan's trade deficit with China, and the trade deficit will cause it to lack foreign exchange and funds to develop military power.

Masuda Takashi is just a businessman and does not consider national-level macroeconomic issues such as trade deficits.

Masuda Takashi said: "We at Mitsui will continue to expand imports. Your MSG, toothpaste, soap and instant noodles are all very popular."

These were all suggestions that Li Yu could accept, so he readily agreed.

Seeing that Li Yu agreed and completed the preliminary business negotiations, Masuda Takashi clapped his hands and asked the chef to serve a hard dish.

Li Yu saw a white thing that looked like pig brains with a slight heat in front of him, and asked, "This is it?"

Masuda Takashi said: "The essence of Japanese cuisine is charcoal-grilled pufferfish Shirako."

Li Yu frowned: "Isn't puffer fish poisonous?"

Masuda Takashi said: "Because it is poisonous, its taste is the most delicious. And among the puffer fish, the most unforgettable one is Shirako."

Li Yu took another look and reacted: "Could Bai Zi be... the testicles of a puffer fish?"

"That's right," Takashi Masuda said, "Such a huge testicle can only be found in pufferfish that are more than three years old, so they are extremely rare. Moreover, this dish has been perfectly sterilized and all the poisonous blood has been removed, so sir, you can eat it with confidence."

When Li Yu ate barbecue in his previous life, he didn't even eat roasted kidneys. Now he really didn't want to eat it.

Masuda Takashi had already picked it up and took a bite, with an expression of great enjoyment on his face.

Li Yu knew that as the head shopkeeper of Mitsui, he must be a person who was used to eating delicacies from all over the world. Even he liked it so much, so there might be something unique about it.

Li Yu didn't want the Japanese to think he was too timid to eat puffer fish, so he picked it up and ate it in one bite.

With this bite, Li Yu felt a bit like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. After just a few casual bites, he felt the ultimate taste.

No wonder the Japanese are so obsessed with puffer fish.

Masuda Takashi then mentioned business: "I am going to build a factory in Japan and cooperate with your company in production."

Li Yu's heart tightened, this old boy still thought of this.

Li Yu thought for a while and felt that it was not impossible to accept it. He had originally planned to slowly penetrate into Mitsui. Although there would be many difficulties in the operation, the sooner he started, the better he could lay the foundation. That is the ultimate goal.

So Li Yu asked: "How to divide the ratio?"

Masuda Takashi said: "You contribute [-]%, but your shareholding can be [-]%."

The conditions offered by Masuda Takashi are pretty good.

Li Yu said: "I accept it."

Masuda Takashi's eyes flashed and he poured a glass of wine: "Happy cooperation, Li Jun!"

Li Yu clearly knew that these little Japanese were not well-intentioned. In the future, they would not only have to compete with the Mitsubishi Society, but now they would also have to add the Mitsui Society.

Seeing the two largest financial groups in Japan as opponents, Li Yu covered his head and felt a little dizzy for a moment.

But these are all things that must be faced. Li Yu cheered up and clinked glasses with him: "Happy cooperation."

The two of them drank it all with their own motives.

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