In the early years of the Republic of China, there was a sense of a hundred flowers blooming. The "Provisional Law" completely relaxed the newspaper ban and the Qing Dynasty's excessive suppression of freedom of speech. In just one year, the number of newspapers surged from 100 in the late Qing Dynasty to more than 500; Six news agencies also appeared in an instant.

The vast majority of the people had really been suppressed by the imperial system for too long, and they were all released at once.

As a result, Li Yu's radio equipment sold very well across the country.

Domestic Li Yu has been selling it at a low price, with basically no profit. Anyway, the money is earned in the international market, and it is natural to support the domestic market.

The press grew very rapidly in the early years of the Republic of China, and the public also supported the press. In the eyes of many, "In the era of the Republic, public opinion was the mother of law. Whether you are an official or a businessman, you must always liaise with the press."

As for the speech of various newspapers, there are no restrictions. For example, the "Minquan News" in Shanghai and the "Greater China News" in Tianjin "almost every day does not criticize Yuan Shikai Xiangcheng."

Yuan Shikai was beyond his reach for a while, so he had to let it go.

Cai Yuanpei once commented: "The freedom of thought and speech at that time was almost at its extreme."

Liang Qichao later recalled: "Looking back on the first and second years of the Republic of China, it was like the prosperity of the Tang and Yu dynasties. The two factions each had extreme opinions and argued endlessly, and they were very similar. However, at that time, there were constitutional issues, borrowing issues, and financial issues. Regardless of the opinions on the issue, everyone should conduct their own research..."

Now that the imperial system has just died, there are too many issues in the country that need to be studied, and naturally there are many people expressing their own opinions.

In addition to the openness of speech, the country has also ushered in a crazy wave of party formation.

In the feudal era, it was strictly forbidden to form associations, form parties, and participate in state affairs. "Party formation" was always associated with "private interests."

Many groups had been born in the late Qing Dynasty. During the Republic of China, various political parties sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain under the stimulation of the new environment. "Assemblies and associations were like crazy, and the names of political parties were like spring grass growing in anger, with numbers ranging from a few to nearly a hundred."

There is no doubt that Beijing has the most people. Anyone who has some culture is almost all drawn into various political parties.

Anyway, in the period of political enlightenment, it is not a bad thing. It will gradually wash away the sand and settle down.

As a well-known figure in the country, Li Yu has always adhered to the principle of "a gentleman is not a party member", and he can be regarded as a small anomaly.

But others couldn't help but want to win over him, even Zhang Taiyan, the master of Chinese studies.

On this day, he came to Li Yu's house with his disciple Qian Xuantong.

Li Yu asked: "Mr. Taiyan, weren't you sent to the Northeast?"

Zhang Taiyan said: "We took the train and took a look first. We won't stay there for the time being. After all, there are still so many things to do in the customs."

Li Yu asked: "Then sir, are you here to see me?"

Zhang Taiyan said: "I co-founded the United Party with Zhang Jian, Tang Shaoyi, Tang Wenzhi and others, and I hope to attract you to join."

Li Yu smiled and said: "Sir, you should know that I do not join the party."

Zhang Taiyan wondered: "Nowadays, everyone is not a party member. Wouldn't it be weird if you don't join?"

Qian Xuantong also said: "Your Excellency, academician, lives in the capital. You will know that the capital is now full of turmoil and talents from all over the country gather. If you meet someone you don't know on the road, in addition to asking for your name, you often ask about your party." "

Sure enough, as the rumors say, whenever you meet someone who has not yet joined the party, someone will immediately introduce them to you enthusiastically.

There are even many people who are enthusiastic about political party activities or people in the political and academic circles who belong to multiple parties.

But in fact, most of the purposes of these political parties and associations are to "support the republic", "consolidate unity" and "seek the welfare of the country and the people". There is not much difference in the programs of each party. They mainly compete for power with each other and may cause chaos due to party disputes. .

In short, party activities in the early years of the Republic of China were childish, random, and chaotic, with many speculators mixed in. Some small political parties were always dominated by a few people who loved the limelight, or used the name of the group for personal gain, which attracted all kinds of troubles. blame.

However, overall, the party and association movement in the early years of the Republic of China should be affirmed as marking a change from autocratic tyranny to democratization.

Moreover, although there are many political parties, there are very few political parties with larger numbers, larger scales, and wider influence. They are mainly parties run by the Tongmenghui and Zhang Taiyan, Liang Qichao and others. ——It is said that Zhang Taiyan used to be a member of the Tongmenghui.

Li Yu could only decline politely: "I'm used to being idle, and I don't feel comfortable letting others take care of me."

Zhang Taiyan laughed and said: "Is there anyone in the world who doesn't like to be disciplined more than me? And haven't you already joined the Royal Society of England, Shucai?"

Li Yu said: "It's an academic group, it's different. By the way, I can help establish our own academic organization in the future."

Zhang Taiyan thought about it and said, "When you establish the Science Party, I will join in the fun."

Li Yu also smiled: "Okay, okay! The French Academy in France includes both the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Letters."

Zhang Taiyan said: "In that case, Brother Shucai does have a reason why he can't escape, so I won't force it on you."

Li Yu said: "When it comes to the Academy of Sciences, if Mr. Taiyan and his disciples have time to come and give lectures at the university, we will welcome them."

Zhang Taiyan said helplessly: "I can't teach those I want to teach. I'm not very concerned about educating people now, but I will let my disciples show their shame."

In the early years of the Republic of China, most of the leading figures in Chinese studies were under the Zhang family.

Li Yu said: "Thank you in advance!"


A few days later, "The Shenbao" suddenly published a big news item called "Detailed Account of the Disaster of a Large British Merchant Ship". The first sentence at the beginning read: "The British White Star Company's steamship Ironic collided in the Atlantic Ocean. The sinking of floating icebergs is a rare catastrophe at sea."

The Titanic was later translated as the Titanic.

Looking at the date, only two days have passed since the sinking of the Titanic.

The article specifically reported the amount of money involved in the ship. The insurance amount for the Titanic was as much as 100 million pounds.

(This is a huge number. For comparison, the amount borrowed from the large loan for the aftermath was less than 1000 million pounds.)
  The cost of Titanic was more than 110 million pounds, which was more than [-] pounds higher than the insurance amount. This roughly explains why the insurance amount was less than the actual cost: in fact, it is very simple, no insurance company can bear such a huge loss.

Not long after that, "Declaration" published another report "Revisiting the details of the disaster of a large British merchant ship."

From this point of view, these large newspapers in the early years of the Republic of China were good in terms of timeliness.

As of 1912, the Titanic was considered the largest shipwreck in the world, and many upper-class European and American people traveling in first class were killed, which attracted considerable attention.

Shi Liangcai had grown into a big boss in the newspaper industry at this time, but he was only thirty-two years old. He was recently in the capital to follow up on important state affairs, so he stopped by Li Yu and asked him to write an interview to explain why the so-called "unsinkable ship" that used the latest technology sank to the bottom of the sea on its first voyage. This is a hot spot, and Li Yu just took this opportunity to popularize radio knowledge to the people across the country.

After meeting, Li Yu shook hands with him and said, "It took a lot of hard work to come here in person."

Shi Liangcai said: "You are not allowed to ask Academician Li Yu for advice."

Li Yu arranged two chairs facing each other.

Shi Liangcai asked in confusion: "Mr. Academician, what is this?"

Li Yu said: "Isn't this what talk shows should be like?"

Shi Liangcai felt it was very novel: "It does have a different feeling, but if you are facing high-level politicians, it may not show respect."

Li Yu said: "Now is the Republic of China, where everyone is equal, and the president is also a citizen. Moreover, after the implementation of the republican system, everyone from top to bottom is studying the French and American systems. There are endless articles in newspapers introducing their separation of powers. You should always do this Know."

Shi Liangcai said: "I didn't understand it in the past, but now I have read at least dozens of articles and know something about it."

Li Yu said: "The media, oh, newspapers, are regarded by many as the fourth power after the three powers. They are very powerful, so even the political circles will not despise them."

Shi Liangcai is currently very satisfied with the press environment in the early years of the Republic of China: "In this way, the responsibility on us is not small."

Li Yu said: "It can't be said that it's not big."

Shi Liangcai sat opposite Li Yu and talked about today's topic: "I consulted some friends from the British Times, and they were also analyzing the Titanic. Everyone was very puzzled. Since the ship was so advanced and equipped with a radio, , why did more than two-thirds of the people die?"

Li Yu thought for a while and said: "I think first of all it is because we are in an era of information explosion, and radio has not been properly controlled at all. This not only limits the development of radio, but also causes tragedy."

Shi Liangcai said: "Please give Academician Li Yu a detailed explanation."

Li Yu said: "The United States is isolated overseas. After the emergence of radio, it is very enthusiastic about this technology and hopes to be more closely connected with the world. Hundreds of private radio stations have appeared on the east coast of the United States. These geeks in the radio era can be found everywhere. Frequency bands send and intercept information to each other for fun, and often interfere with normal information communications.”

Shi Liangcai interrupted: "May I ask, who is a geek?"

Li Yu said: "He is just a feverish... technician who likes to tinker with radios."

Shi Liangcai nodded: "I learned another new vocabulary, please continue."

Li Yu continued: "A few years ago, there was an incident in the United States where amateur radio operators pretended to be warships to contact the naval base and then chatted nonsense; there were also some amateur radio stations that hindered the assistance of a broken down ship. They broadcast several groups The wrong coordinates prevented the rescuers from finding the accident ship."

Shi Liangcai said: "Such an advanced radio technology has so many loopholes."

Li Yu said: "We have now entered the golden age of radio. I wonder if you have seen American newspapers' visions of the future. They believe that life in the future will be for everyone to have a wireless telegraph machine, an antenna plugged into their head, and listen to live radio broadcasts. .”

Shi Liangcai said: "Everyone has one? It's unimaginable! The price of a wireless telegraph machine is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people."

Li Yu said: "The prospects of radio are broad enough, and the vision itself is not difficult to realize. It is this expectation that continues to promote the wild growth of radio 'self-media'."

"What about self-media? Is it still growing wildly?" Shi Liangcai interrupted Li Yu again.

Li Yu had no choice but to explain: "We-media is a personal radio station, or a personal newspaper founded by one person. If there are many, it is a barbaric growth."

"It makes sense!" Shi Liangcai said, "Academician Li Yu, your ability to create new words is impressive."

Li Yushun said: "This is the power of vernacular writing."

Shi Liangcai said: "We newspaper people actually also like vernacular writing that has strong dissemination ability."

Li Yu said: "The route of the Titanic happened to pass through the area hardest hit by amateur radio interference. An important task of the ship's radio operators when passing here was to argue with various radio stations of unknown origin. Judging from the messages sent back, Titanic The radio operators on board the Titanic likely mistook a nearby ship for a private radio station and warned it, causing the ship to shut down the Titanic. The iceberg warning they issued before shutting down was also used by the Titanic. Treat it as a prank.”

Shi Liangcai said: "There seems to be a suspicion of man-made disaster?"

Li Yu said: "I dare not say how many percent of the cause was man-made disaster, but the overconfidence of the ship's management must have been responsible for this incident. Unfortunately, the Marconi telegraph machine on the ship malfunctioned at that time. It took seven hours for the repair to be successful. And luxury cruise ships have always been in the business of sending telegraphs. You can imagine how satisfying your vanity is to send telegrams to friends on one of the most luxurious cruise ships in the world."

It is similar to posting on Moments in later generations.

Shi Liangcai nodded: "I have met many rich people in Shanghai and I can understand."

Li Yu said: "The seven-hour downtime left passengers with a mountain of waiting telegrams. In the five hours before the Titanic's accident, the telegraph operators on the ship had been sending messages like 'the journey was pleasant and the ship was great'. The Titanic became the noisiest radio transmission point in the sea area, and the radio operators of nearby ships had long been tired of hearing it. When the ship was really in distress and the Titanic sent out a distress call, many nearby ships did not respond at the first time."

Shi Liangcai said: "I have heard many analyzes of the causes of shipwrecks from my friends in the British press. The details you mentioned make me feel that it has opened up a new world. Is there any corresponding solution?"

Li Yu said: "It's very simple. Control and limit the radio frequency bands to allow radio to develop on a reasonable path."

Shi Liangcai said: "I don't understand the professional questions."

Li Yu told him a little about the bands, and Shi Liangcai wrote them down one by one.

After this report is released, it will definitely attract greater attention to radio in the country.

Li Yu hopes that more domestic young students will devote themselves to radio development.

The power of communication is really great, and it can definitely greatly reduce unnecessary casualties during the Anti-Japanese War.

After Shi Liangcai finished recording, Li Yu suddenly said, "Brother Liangcai, do you have any idea of ​​buying the Shenbao?"

Shi Liangcai was stunned: "The reported business is indeed declining now. I have some ideas, but the newspaper office needs at least 12 silver yuan."

Li Yu said: "Money is not a problem. As long as you have the courage to take over the newspaper, I will contact Minister Zhang Jian of the Ministry of Industry to jointly raise funds for you."

Shi Liangcai raised his hand and said: "Liangcai will never let down the trust."

Li Yu smiled and said, "That's easy to say!"

The real growth of Shenbao began when Shi Liangcai took over this year.

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