Colds and coughs are simply a piece of cake in the eyes of the masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

After only hearing the child cough a few times and looking at it a few times, Shi Jinmo prescribed a prescription and said confidently: "If I don't do well in three days, I will never practice medicine again in my life."

Li Yu naturally believed it and said with a smile, "Mr. Thank you."

Shi Jinmo came to visit in person, partly because Li Yu was so famous, and secondly, as a member of the Tongmenghui, he wanted to repay Li Yu.

At this time, Fengling hurriedly bought some Japanese "Ren Dan".

Li Yu felt dizzy when he saw it. He didn't expect that this thing had spread from Shanghai to the capital.

Shi Jinmo also frowned and warned softly: "It's better to buy less of this useless medicine."

Li Yu said: "Now the Japanese are hyping up the promotion, and the Jiangnan region has begun to sell it."

Shi Jinmo sighed: "Quick doctors harm people, and quack medicines harm people even more."

Li Yu said: "It would be better to have a local medicine to counteract this Japanese mediocre medicine."

Shi Jinmo said: "Of course there is. Changchun Hall Sun Laodao's anti-fungal powder is much better than this 'Ren Dan' from Japan."

Li Yu rarely gets sick, and he really doesn't know the unique secret recipes of these time-honored pharmacies.

Li Yu said: "Then let's contact Changchun Tang and launch advertisements as soon as possible to open up sales."

Shi Jinmo said: "If the sales are really good, I'm afraid we will have to build another pharmaceutical factory."

Li Yu didn't take it seriously: "Build it if it should be built. As long as the little devils are not allowed to make money, the benefits will go far beyond money."

Shi Jinmo said: "I know Mr. Sun of Changchun Hall. I will give him a shout-out later."

Since then, this medicine from Changchundang has been very effective against Japanese Rendan. Who told the little devil to learn Chinese medicine for so many years, but he has only learned a little bit about Chinese medicine.

It's right to use a sword in front of Guan Gong's gate.


The city of Beijing has been very lively recently. Song Jiaoren and others established the Kuomintang. On the other hand, Yuan Shikai also signaled Zhang Taiyan, Yang Du, Zhang Jian and others to form several small parties into a large party to fight against them.

Even Liang Qichao was pulled in.

Now Liang Qichao has great confidence in Yuan Shikai and is willing to work hard for him.

With these few people in charge, Yuan Shikai gathered strong power in the cultural field. It's a pity that they only regard the political party as a tool and cannot compete with Song Jiaoren after all.

Song Jiaoren was like a Confucian general, not good at revolution, but his organizational skills were amazing. Under the republican system, Yuan Shikai really couldn't defeat him.

Liang Qichao was not interested in party affairs, so he was dragged to Tsinghua University by Li Yu when he had time.

Anyway, he was going to send his children to school in the future, and Liang Qichao wanted to see what was so great about this school.

Li Yu set off in the car, and Liang Qichao said: "It's so arrogant to be sparse. When I was in Japan, I only saw big businessmen who could afford to drive cars every day. I heard them say that it would cost a lot of money to drive just a few miles. Could it be that driving in Beijing is a bad idea." Low cost?”

Li Yu said: "It should be similar to Japan, where oil prices are very expensive."

Liang Qichao said: "I met Fan Xudong a few days ago and donated a thousand yuan. He said that you gave him a car, but he couldn't bear to drive it."

Li Yudao: "I drive a lot just as a human propaganda tool to let more Chinese people know about cars. I hope that Chinese people will have more knowledge about machinery and devote themselves to related technology research and development."

"So much consideration has been given to recruiting talents," Liang Qichao pointed to the front and said, "It's 40 miles round trip from Xizhimen to Tsinghua University. How much does it cost for gasoline?"

Li Yu said: "The fuel consumption of this car is about 15 liters per kilometers. According to the current price, a round trip will cost almost an ocean."

Liang Qichao took a breath: "After such a round trip, an ocean will disappear?!"

Li Yu said: "If the oil price becomes more expensive in the future, a round trip may cost two oceans."

Liang Qichao clicked his tongue and said, "Originally I wanted to buy a car, but after Jing Shucai said this, I think it's better to forget it!"

Li Yu said easily: "You will buy it sooner or later. Cars are the general trend."

"Think about it, we were once a kingdom in heaven, so we should be rich in products. Why is there no oil?" Liang Qichao sighed, and then said, "No, I remember hearing Zhang Jian say that there is an oil mine in Shaanxi."

Li Yu said: "Shaanxi's Yanchang Oil Mine produces too little oil and has no independent production capabilities. We can only turn to the American Mobil Company to mine it for us."

Liang Qichao shook his head when he heard this: "I would rather not adopt it than let foreigners interfere."

During the Republic of China, Yanchang Oil Mine's oil production was sparse and almost negligible. Overall, domestic oil still had to rely entirely on imports.

Li Yu said: "There are many countries without oil, but the lack of oil does not mean that there are no solutions. This matter is not worth worrying about."

Liang Qichao said: "Shu is a scientific genius. Reading your popular science articles, you also introduced that matter can be transformed back and forth. With you here, maybe you can turn water into oil."

Li Yu smiled and said, "If I had that ability, I would become a god."

Li Yu sent a telegram to President Tang Guoan and Academic Dean Zhou Yichun in advance. They knew that Liang Qichao was coming and they must greet him.

Tang Guoan was very happy to see Liang Qichao, the master of Chinese studies: "I heard that Peking University wants to contact Mr. Zhang Taiyan. If our Tsinghua school has Ren Gong in charge, we will not lose to them!"

——The two sides have begun to compete.

Li Yu said: "After I taught in the school for a period of time, I found that Chinese studies were indeed weak. In any case, simply studying science is not comprehensive. You must also cultivate enough humanistic spirit."

Li Yu also quoted Bo Shining's famous saying that he quoted before: "Humanism without science is sentimental; science without humanities is arrogant."

Liang Qichao applauded after hearing this and said: "That's so well said! You are proficient in science and don't forget Chinese studies, which makes me admire you even more."

In fact, this is the reason why Zhang Taiyan has such a strong impression of Li Yu.

At present, Chinese people have too low self-esteem. They almost worship the science that foreigners are good at, but they are too lack of confidence in their own culture.

——The Japanese next door are similar. They have done even better and are almost completely Westernized.

Tang Guoan was a little embarrassed: "The original intention of our school was to study in the United States, and we have indeed slacked off on Chinese studies. Fortunately, Mr. Ren is here now."

Liang Qichao said: "It is not enough for me. In addition to studying Western studies, Tsinghua students should study Chinese studies. Foregoing Chinese studies is the foundation of a country and a contribution to meritorious deeds, especially Chinese studies."

Tang Guoan said: "We will seriously absorb Mr.'s suggestions."

Zhou Yichun asked: "What is the title of Mr. Ren's speech today?"

Liang Qichao said: "For students, I think they should first be a human being, then learn, and then do things. To be a human being, you must be a gentleman, so the title of the speech is "Gentleman"."

Historically, this speech was given in 1914, but Li Yu made many schools advance their progress. At this time, there was no problem for Liang Qichao to give the speech.

Liang Qichao had a strong foundation in Chinese studies, and the content of his speech was in classical Chinese, borrowing the discussion about the gentleman from the two hexagrams Qian and Kun in the Book of Changes.

There is one sentence that is most shocking:

"Tian Xingjian, the gentleman strives for self-improvement. The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue."

Yes, this is the origin of Tsinghua University’s motto. After the speech, Liang Qichao couldn't help but curiously studied Li Yu's hand-operated radio.

However, he had no foundation in physics and could not distinguish between capacitors and resistors. He just fiddled with the FM knob and was extremely excited when he heard the music coming from the radio: "Even if the music is played, it will be played on such advanced equipment. It is also a bright sound that symbolizes hope!”

Li Yuze said: "Broadcasting can be used in the next sports meeting."

Tang Guoan asked: "How to use it?"

Li Yu came up with an idea and said: "Deliver news about athletes and read some motivational manuscripts."

Tang Guoan said: "Wonderful! I will order a few more large speakers and place them throughout the playground."


A few days after returning home, Zhang Taiyan came to Li Yu to say goodbye. He was going north to Fengtian.

Li Yu said: "The current development in Northeast China is very good, and Mr. Taiyan will definitely gain something."

Zhang Taiyan said directly and frankly: "I am now a pawn. The president asked me to prepare the ground for future formal elections, so I will go. By the way, I can also accumulate some political experience, which has a lot of benefits for me."

Zhang Taiyan, like Liang Qichao, is now full of confidence in Yuan and himself.

Li Yu said: "The three northeastern provinces have a very good industrial foundation. If done well, the potential for industrial development will even exceed that of the Beijing-Tianjin region."

Zhang Taiyan sighed: "For more than two hundred years, the former Qing court has left the Northeast idle. It is full of wasteland and there are too many things to do."

Li Yu said: "Now there is no shortage of population in the three northeastern provinces. If we can cultivate the wasteland for a few years and then reorganize the currency value and market, the potential is endless."

Zhang Taiyan calculated: "Although I have never been an official, I know from ancient books that these things cannot be accomplished within a few years."

Li Yu nodded: "You can only see initial results in three to five years."

Zhang Taiyan said: "I will fuck him for thirty to fifty years!"

Li Yu said helplessly: "I can only wish Mr. Taiyan a safe journey."

Zhang Taiyan really took his role as "border envoy to the three northeastern provinces" seriously. When he arrived in the northeast, he started on-the-spot investigation, conducting resource exploration and drawing detailed border maps, preparing to gradually understand the family background of the three northeastern provinces. Form a development plan.

He was also considered the first person in the Republic of China to engage in the development of Northeast China. After a period of research, Zhang Taiyan had great confidence in developing industries in the three northeastern provinces.

Soon after, he emphasized in his plan to President Yuan Da that there were two keys to the industrial development of the three northeastern provinces. One was sufficient funds, and the other was the need to establish a transportation system that could ensure smooth logistics.

The idea is definitely fine.

But Zhang Taiyan will soon suffer the big disadvantage of having no official experience.

A scholar like him simply cannot accept the unspoken rules of officialdom and all kinds of overt and overt violations.

Within a few months, he would find that no matter how good the plan was, it could only fall on paper.

It’s always just a plan.


After Mr. Taiyan left, Hu Renyuan, Dean of Engineering at Peking University, invited Li Yu to Peking University to give a lecture on hand-made radios, the most popular course at the moment.

As soon as he entered the gate of Peking University, Li Yu felt different. The young Zhang Shizhao smiled and said: "Brother Shucai, you are well."

Hu Renyuan introduced to Li Yu: "This is the new principal."

Li Yu had met him before, shook hands and said, "Principal Zhang."

Judging from his appointment, we know that the "battle between the old and the new" at Peking University has begun.

Since Cai Yuanpei became the Minister of Education, he has always disagreed with Yan Fu's position as principal, because it was directly appointed by Yuan Shikai and there were problems with the process.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education prepared to signal Yan Fu's resignation on the grounds that he was addicted to opium, which was the beginning of the struggle between the old and the new.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that opium was only a superficial excuse for the Ministry of Education to drive away Yan Fu.

The real reason is that, as of now, Yan Fu has a greater background and reputation than Cai Yuanpei, so he does not accept the management of the Ministry of Education at all.

In addition, there have been rumors from the outside world that there was a bankbook worth 60,000 yuan in the Capital University, which was deposited in the Hua-Russian Daosheng Bank. The bankbook continued to be in the hands of the successive supervisors of the Capital University, so it should naturally fall into the hands of Yan Fu.

But in fact, this passbook can be said to be present or not.

Because there is not a penny in the bankbook.

Originally, the 60,000 yuan was invested in the Manchuria Railway by the Qing Dynasty. However, this amount changed hands through a certain prince and was swallowed up. He took a passbook from Daosheng Bank, but did not hand over the money.

After all, Sino-Russian Daosheng Bank had shares in the Qing Dynasty, so it was hard to deny that it was a short passbook due to the cleanup of the house, but if you wanted to withdraw the money, you couldn't.

Remember when I mentioned that Yan Fu borrowed 70,000 taels from the Hua'er Daosheng Bank? In fact, he just took this short passbook and borrowed the money based on his own face.

But the Ministry of Education does not know these things.

In the end, Yan Fu was so angry that he left his bankbook short and resigned.

The first battle between the old and the new at Peking University was for leadership.

The newly appointed Zhang Shizhao is only a transitional candidate, because he currently has some conflicts with the Alliance and is not considered a member of Yuan Shikai.

After Li Yu finished his radio course, the new principals Zhang Shizhao and Hu Renyuan called Li Yu to the office again.

Zhang Shizhao said: "Brother Shucai, did you just meet Mr. Taiyan a few days ago?"

Li Yu nodded: "He met with me before he left for Fengtian."

Hu Renyuan said regretfully: "Already gone?"

Li Yu asked: "What are you doing with Mr. Taiyan?"

Hu Renyuan said: "We would like to invite Mr. Taiyan's disciples to teach in the school."

——This is the next battle between old and new. Peking University is preparing to recruit new people to replace the old people from Yan Fu and the former Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Shizhao added: "Brother Shucai has a great face, can you help us invite a few people?"

Li Yu said doubtfully: "I don't understand Chinese studies, how can I have any dignity?"

"It's enough that you and Mr. Taiyan are friends," Zhang Shizhao said. "Everyone knows that Mr. Taiyan is arrogant and arrogant. There are not many people he likes. Even if he likes him, he will inevitably be scolded a few times. Sentence. Only Brother Shucai, Mr. Taiyan not only likes him, but also doesn’t scold him, and even praises him often. There will never be more than three such people in the world."

Li Yu said with a smile: "I don't get scolded because I am outside the political arena, otherwise I would definitely be scolded bloody."

Zhang Shizhao said: "What about this matter?"

Li Yu said: "I will try my best."

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