The news that Li Yu wanted to send a ship to the United States soon became known to others.

Ferry tickets at this time are still hard to come by, especially ocean ferries.

Song Jiashu happened to come to Beijing with Mr. Sun, so he took his son Song Ziwen to find Li Yu.

"This is a box of the best Longjing. Please accept it, University Scholar Li." Song Jiashu put the box on the table.

Li Yu had already received a lot of tea and replied: "I appreciate Mr. Song's kindness, but I really don't understand tea. I can't tell the difference between the best Longjing tea and ordinary green tea. It's too wasteful to give it to me."

Song Jiashu said: "You are a man of culture. Wouldn't it be nice to study tea when you have free time? Besides, I have something to ask of you. If University Scholar Li doesn't accept it, I really can't tell you."

Li Yu said: "If you have something to say, just tell me."

Song Jiashu said: "Previously, your education foundation helped my beloved daughter to study in the United States. I haven't had time to thank you for this. Now Quanzi also wants to study abroad, but I came to Beijing for business, and the ticket price was too tight, so there was a slight delay. , the tickets have been sold out. I am afraid that I will miss my child’s study, so I asked you to take your young son with you on the ship to the United States."

Li Yu said easily: "It's very simple. There is no one on the boat anyway."

Song Jiashu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Grand Scholar Li."

Li Yu suddenly said: "I'm a little confused, why do so many people suddenly call me 'Grand Bachelor'?"

Song Jiashu said: "College students were originally the title of the former Qing Dynasty. Now that the imperial system has been abolished, you can call these words whatever you want. Mr. Shi Liangcai of "Shenbao" now uses this term whenever he mentions you when writing articles. According to his statement , 'college student' sounds more senior to Chinese people than 'academician'. We often read it in newspapers, so we just called it that."

Li Yu smiled awkwardly: "So that's what happened."

Song Jiashu asked again: "Now that both Nanjing and Beijing value you very much, why doesn't Academician Li get an official position?"

"Mr. Song, is there a possibility," Li Yu pretended to be mysterious, "that it is because I do not get involved in the political quagmire that both sides value me?"

Song Jiashu was stunned for a moment, and Song Ziwen, who had just turned eighteen, spoke: "Father, I understand this! When I was in school, several classmates in my class pursued a girl. At first, she refused to agree to anyone, and we all felt that She was like a towering goddess. Then she was chased by a classmate, and suddenly we felt like we were nothing."

Song Jiashu scolded: "How can this example of the love between children be used in important national affairs!"

Li Yu disagreed: "What Xiao Song said makes sense."

Song Ziwen was even more proud after hearing what Li Yu said: "Even Grand Scholar Li thinks I am right!"

Song Jiashu said: "That's because people think you are childish and careless."

Song Ziwen was not convinced and curled his lips and said: "Yes, that's right! What are you talking about?"

"You kid!" Song Jiashu shook his head helplessly and said to Li Yu, "Don't be offended, Grand Scholar Li. This kid has had this temper since he was a child. He is not afraid of anything."

"It's normal for young people to behave like this," Li Yu then asked, "Which university are you going to study in the United States?"

Song Ziwen said: "Go to the best one, Harvard University! None of the universities my sisters go to!"

Song Jiashu said: "If you brag less, you might be able to catch up to half of your sisters."

Song Ziwen said arrogantly: "I read the Harvard exam questions when I was in Shanghai, and getting admitted to Harvard is no problem."

Song Jiashu said: "Okay, if you can pass the exam, I will double your living expenses. If you can't pass the exam, you will have to figure out your own way when you get to the United States."

Song Ziwen said: "You keep your word, and you said this in front of Academician Li."

Song Jiashu said: "You kid, just don't regret it."

Li Yu found it very interesting and asked again: "After going to Harvard, what major do you want to study?"

Song Ziwen said happily: "Haha, father, look, University Scholar Li has already agreed that I can get into Harvard!"

Then he said: "I want to study economics and become a person like Mr. Morgan in the future."

Song Jiashu covered his head and said, "Mr. Morgan is in a mess right now because of the sinking of the Titanic."

Song Ziwen said: "It's just a boat."

Song Jiashu reprimanded: "You are so shameless! You have never lived a hard life since you were a child, you have no social experience, and you have no concept of money."

Song Ziwen snorted, obviously still unconvinced.

Song Ziwen's character is actually quite powerful. He has a very clear goal in life at a young age, and it is so clear that he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

But without his father paving the way like a wide net and a few sisters providing divine assistance, Song Ziwen's life would not have been so smooth.

45 years ago, many of Song Ziwen's performances were remarkable.

But his personality also caused him to have irreconcilable conflicts with Lao Jiang early on.

Li Yu said: "My companies and laboratories in the United States have very advanced communication facilities. I can ask for help at any time if I need it in the future."

Song Jiashu said gratefully: "With Academician Li taking care of me, I will definitely feel at ease."

After agreeing to Song Ziwen's request to board the ship, Li Yu then sent a telegram to summon Zhang Xiangwen from Tianjin and asked him to go out with the ship to investigate continental drift.

Zhang Xiangwen studied English hard during this period, read many English biology and geology works, and was eager to give it a try.

Li Yu knew that the expedition missions were very dangerous and often went to inaccessible places, so he gave special instructions: "Sir, you should not only learn geology, biology, etc., but also learn some wilderness survival skills."

Zhang Xiangwen said: "I understand that I already knew about the Antarctic expedition in the news before the Titanic this year."

Last year, on December 1911, 12, Norwegian explorer Amundsen first reached the South Pole.

As a competitor, another theoretically superior expedition led by British explorer Scott arrived at the South Pole five weeks late. When they saw the Norwegian flag flying at the South Pole, they also found a letter left by Amundsen.

Then Scott encountered extremely cold weather on his helpless return journey, and all five members of the team were killed.

Li Yu said: "The dead open the eyes of the living. Like the Titanic, these incidents have left bloody lessons for future generations. The situations you will face in the future will also be difficult, but even though I know that the future is long, I still I hope you go on an adventure, because foreigners have always explored our land in the past, and it’s time for us to go out and explore their dangers.”

"I like what you said very much," Zhang Xiangwen said. "In addition, the Presidential Office has provided passport assistance. I hope I will live up to your trust."

Li Yu said: "When you arrive in the United States, you first spend a few months studying all aspects of wilderness survival knowledge from clothing to food. At the same time, you must pay attention to physical exercise. I will write a letter asking the United States to contact wilderness survival experts to guide you."

Zhang Xiangwen didn't expect Li Yu to think so carefully, but he knew from his tone that the inspection mission was by no means as easy as traveling.

"I will study hard and bring back first-hand materials." Zhang Xiangwen said.

Li Yu said: "If there are explorers from other countries traveling with you, don't refuse. Let's not engage in competition between countries like the Antarctic expedition. After all, there is strength in numbers." Li Yu knew that Wegener would definitely devote himself to the adventure in the future. In the study of the continental drift theory, Zhang Xiangwen can also benefit from mutual help.

However, historically speaking, although Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift, it was not taken seriously for decades after that - because there was too little evidence.

The theory of continental drift is easy to propose but difficult to verify. It requires the help of many advanced technologies.

It was not until the 50s after World War II that the theory of continental drift was truly recognized by the scientific community. At that time, the world was much more peaceful, and there were major breakthroughs in aviation, physics, and biology, and sufficient convincing evidence was provided.

Li Yu's thinking is still the same as before: no matter how far he can achieve, he still focuses on cultivating talents.

After all, the gap is there, let’s do it step by step.

Originally, the Work-Study Society in France wanted to take Li Yu's boat to send the first group of students to study in France, but Li Yu helped them get the opportunity to take the Trans-Siberian Railway, which was more than twice as fast as taking a boat.

When the ship set off, Li Yu went to Tanggu Port to see him off, and then stopped by to see the Jiuda Refined Salt Factory in Tanggu.

Fan Xudong is very fast, and with the support of sufficient funds, he has produced refined salt.

Li Yu touched the fine salt grains and said happily: "The quality is many times better than the coarse salt from the old salt dealer."

Fan Xudong said: "There is no problem with production, and the next step is sales. The channels are still controlled by salt merchants, so it is difficult to sell. Moreover, they spread rumors everywhere, saying that eating refined salt will make you sick."

Li Yu said: "I will contact several major newspapers and periodicals and publish an article together to promote it. In addition, you can bring a few bags of salt and we will try it for the people in the presidential palace. As long as we open up sales from them, we will have national sales."

"What a good idea!" Fan Xudong immediately packed a few pounds. "When they see it, they will even think it is foreign goods."

As a qualified foodie, Yuan Shikai is very particular about food. After he was convinced that these refined salts came from Tianjin Jiuda Factory, he decisively approved the sales rights of five ports, so that he could sell them in Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, and Hubei in the Yangtze River Basin. Sale.

Jiuda's refined salt production was actually not large in the face of the huge demand across the country, and it did not touch the excessive interests of the old salt merchants. With the support of Yuan Shikai, Fan Yuanlian, Liang Qichao, and Li Yu, promotion was not difficult.

The old salt merchants could not stand the newspaper articles written by Li Yu and Liang Qichao.

Moreover, refined salt is not the ultimate goal. The most important thing is to use salt as the material to produce soda ash.

Solvay and a small number of European and American companies have held the secrets of this technology for decades, and the outside world has never known it.

But it’s actually nothing profound. Anyone who knows high school chemistry can understand it.

Its chemical formula is very simple, and the raw materials are nothing more than saturated salt water, limestone and ammonia.

What needs special attention are the details of the production process and production equipment.

Li Yu and Fan Xudong studied for a week, roughly clarified all the key points in principle, and then conducted process tests.

This process will last for one or two months. After it is fully mature and with detailed operation instructions, the plant can be constructed to produce soda ash.

The training of workers also takes a while. Fortunately, schools such as Beiyang University in Tianjin can steadily output graduates and recruit a group of talented people, which has a great effect on the technical production management of the factory.

Li Yu knew that the most expensive part was the research and development stage, but he could not save money at this stage. He said to Fan Xudong: "After recruiting workers, we should offer high wages, especially for college students, and not lower wages."

Fan Xudong said: "I haven't decided what price to give yet."

Li Yu said: "College students who are willing to work in the factory start at 30 yuan a month. Ordinary workers also need at least 10 silver yuan a month, and food and accommodation are included. Welfare materials are distributed during holidays and festivals, and those who are willing to work overtime need to pay extra." allowance."

This income is a bit low in Shanghai, but it is definitely high in Tianjin.

Fan Xudong said: "Then we must speed up the research and development process, otherwise the labor cost will be too high."

Li Yu said: "You can spend it when you need it. You don't have to worry about it in the early stage. I will help you with the funds. Mr. Ren is also very concerned about your career and often organizes fundraisers."

Fan Xudong said firmly: "As long as I know the principles and techniques, I, Fan Xudong, will never be unable to make it."

Of course Li Yu knew that he had no problem, and replied: "After the soda ash is made, there is no need to worry about sales, and there will be no obstruction from old salt merchants like refined salt. Even if it is put in front of them, they don't know what the chemical formula of soda ash is."

Fan Xudong smiled and said: "Not to mention soda ash, they don't even know the chemical formula of table salt, let alone what ions are."

Li Yu added: "After stabilizing production, don't rush to pay dividends. All profits must be invested in the expansion of the factory."

Fan Xudong worried: "Is it too risky to do this? I'm afraid that the country cannot digest so much output."

Li Yu said: "Don't worry, not only the domestic market, we will sell overseas in the future."

Fan Xudong didn't think that far ahead at all: "Will foreigners recognize our goods?"

Li Yu first gave him reassurance: "Even if there is no shortage in the United States and Europe, don't forget that there are still markets in Japan, North Korea and the entire Southeast Asia. After all, there is no factory in Asia that can produce soda ash of its own."

Fan Xudong mused: "But this will lead to direct competition with foreign businessmen."

Li Yu said: "Competition is inevitable. As long as we pass the quality standard, we are not afraid of competition. Even if there is a price war in the future, we are not afraid."

Fan Xudong doesn't know why Li Yu has so much confidence. Now he is still afraid of being squeezed by foreign businessmen.

At present, there is a British company in China using Solvay's process to produce soda ash.

If the factory's efficiency is average in the future, the British may not pay attention to it; if it is mass-produced as Li Yu said, the British will definitely use all commercial means to completely destroy his soda ash company.

Fan Xudong knows very well that these British guys only allow Chinese people to buy them, not make them, otherwise how can they make money.

Fan Xudong asked: "Do you know British businessmen?"

Li Yu asked doubtfully: "Why do I know them?"

Fan Xudong said: "If you can't negotiate market share, how dare you compete with them?"

Li Yu said confidently: "Just do it! We are no worse than them!"

Fan Xudong was finally infected by Li Yu, "Okay! You can't be a coward all your life."

In fact, Li Yu was so anxious for him to expand production that he was naturally aiming at the huge benefits of World War I.

At that time, the whole of Europe was in ruins and lacked everything. You could definitely make a lot of money.

Once you make money and have money in your hands, you will have enough confidence to engage in business wars.

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