Chapter 546: Cheating and abduction

After Li Yu published the news of the establishment of the Science Society in Shenbao, Shi Liangcai, as a die-hard supporter of Li Yu, happily came over to congratulate him.

While chatting, Li Yu saw a piece of news in the newspaper he brought. He immediately became alert and asked Shi Liangcai: "What's going on with the International Savings Club mentioned in the newspaper?"

Shi Liangcai said: "A Frenchman named Baden teamed up with several Frenchmen, Dutchmen, Rui and comprador Ye Zhuotang to start a savings business..."

Li Yu asked: "What?"

Shi Liangcai thought for a while and said: "It feels like a bank, but also like a bank. But they are membership-based, and they offer savings with rewards. The face value of member savings is 2000 yuan, and the monthly deposit is 12 yuan, which can be withdrawn after 15 years. Principal, interest and dividends. The most attractive thing is the monthly lottery with prizes up to 5000 yuan."

Li Yu sighed, sure enough! This is a blatant illegal accumulation of savings!

Li Yu asked: "How do depositors know whether there is something fishy in the lottery?"

Shi Liangcai said: "It's done by the French, so it can't be fake, right?"

Li Yu said speechlessly: "With such a face, can you believe it?"

Shi Liangcai asked: "Is there really a problem?"

"The problem is huge!" Li Yu said, "Do they have supervision? Is there any disclosure of what is done with the savers' money? Have the savers calculated that under inflation, will the money after 15 years still be worth the same as it is today?"

Shi Liangcai was stunned by the series of questions, and he began to feel that something was wrong, "It seems a bit like a wasted wolf with nothing."

Li Yu said: "You finally understand!"

The Frenchman Baden, the founder of the International Savings Association, was originally a poor drug addict. He went to Shanghai, known as the "Adventurer's Paradise", to make a fortune through deception and abduction.

At this time, the Chinese people had not seen many financial fraud methods and did not know the insidious ways inside.

Depositors thought they were getting a pie-in-the-sky blessing, so they deposited their money into the International Savings Association one after another.

By 1934, the book savings of the International Savings Association had reached 6500 million yuan, which was more than the total savings of all banks in China at that time!

They used these huge funds to invest in real estate companies, insurance companies, and invested in Huayang Real Estate Company, purchasing land to build high-rise buildings and renting them out at high prices to obtain huge profits.

It was not until 1933 that economist Ma Yinchu exposed their conspiracy in a newspaper. According to bank interest calculations, if he deposits 12 yuan per month, the principal and interest after 15 years should be 5500 yuan. The savings will only return the principal of 2000 yuan and a small part of the interest and dividends.

The scam was not clever, but Baden took advantage of people's luck and successfully deceived the public.

After Ma Yinchu, more and more people exposed the "All Nations Savings Association" and called on the government to ban it as soon as possible.

Due to the growing wave of withdrawals, the International Savings Association slowly closed down, but many depositors have already suffered huge losses.

But Baden and his like had already acquired huge wealth and escaped.

Mudd! Li Yu was ready to strangle this matter from the cradle. Take advantage of their unstable foundation and eradicate them as soon as possible.

Li Yu said: "I will seek help from people in the industry as soon as possible and jointly write an exposé article."

Shi Liangcai cupped his fists and said, "Grandmaster Li is very knowledgeable and nothing can escape your discernment."


Bell, the others, and Rui Enshi traveled around Shanghai these days, and even took a small cruise to Suzhou, where they had a great time.

When Li Yu saw them again, Beier strongly requested to get an engraved seal as well.

Li Yu thought that Wu Changshuo had recently been invited to Shanghai by Sheng Xuanhuai and Wang Yiting, which could allow these foreigners to experience the top seal cutting art.

This year, the famous Hangzhou Xiling Seal Society was officially established, with Wu Changshuo as its first president. To be precise, it was established ten years ago, but the name has just been decided.

In the past ten years, relying on the reputation of Wu Changshuo and others, Xiling Seal Society has grown very strong, and has gradually established its status as an important center for calligraphy and painting in China. Many celebrities in the business community have provided financial support. In addition to Sheng Xuanhuai and Wang Yiting mentioned just now, there are also Yang Shoujing, Kang Youwei and others.

Li Yu called them together to Yu Garden for a reunion.

Wu Changshuo had long heard that Li Yu had bought the Song Dynasty book from the Song Dynasty Tower, and that he did not hide it away from others like the Lu family in the past, so he happily came to Yuyuan.

Seeing the new look of Yu Garden, Wu Changshuo was very emotional: "I remember when I came to Shanghai seven or eight years ago, this place was in a mess. Now it has the feeling of a garden again, thanks to Bachelor Li."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's a pity that such a good garden was abandoned here. Although it was messed up by the British and French forces, fortunately the foundation is still there, and it was simply renovated without spending too much time."

After hearing this, U.S. Minister Rui Enshi immediately used the topic to play on the topic: "The British and French love to invade and colonize everywhere, and we Americans also hate it!"

Wu Changshuo thought that the Americans were really kind-hearted. After hearing the translation, he was moved and said: "It would be great if Britain, France, Russia and Japan were like you!"

Rui Enshi knew how to engage in diplomacy, and went on to say: "I can't guarantee what other countries have in mind, but we in the United States are definitely a firm executor of the open door policy!"

This sentence secretly stepped on several other countries and promoted itself at the same time.

Li Yu covered his head. At present, not many people can see that the so-called "open door" of the United States is a big conspiracy.

Even the few smart people who saw it through carefully thought about it and found that they could only resort to tricks and then find ways to break the situation.

As a time traveler, Li Yu knew that China, Japan and South Korea, the three countries in the monster house of East Asia, had all broken through in their own ways. ——Well, Japan and South Korea seem to have lost "a little" sovereignty.

The Chinese have suffered such a big loss, and they will definitely never engage in traitorous things for glory again. Therefore, the break will be a little slower, but it will be the most thorough.

Rui Enshi saw that Li Yu's expression was not right and asked, "Academician Li, what do you want to say?"

Li Yu changed the subject and said, "Let's go choose the seal stone."

Wu Changshuo's runge is currently the highest in the country. Qi Baishi charges 3 yuan per word, while Wu Changshuo charges 10 yuan, and it all depends on his mood.

Fortunately, with the favor of Sheng Xuanhuai, Wang Yiting and Rui Enshi, Wu Changshuo agreed to engrave Bell, Tesla and George Eastman.

Tesla asked: "Does it need to be engraved in English?"

Wu Changshuo said: "Of course it's Chinese characters."

Tesla said: "Oh no, I haven't had time to come up with a Chinese name yet!"

Li Yu took the paper and wrote "Bell's Seal", "Tesla's Seal" and "Eastman's Seal". He showed it to them and said, "Follow this."

Bell asked: "Does the surname Bei exist in China?"

Li Yu nodded: "Yes."

Eastman also asked: "Where is Yi?"

"Yes, Yi Yin was the founding father of the Shang Dynasty." Li Yu said.

Eastman said happily: "So you are so noble!"

Foreigners like noble surnames.

Tesla said with satisfaction: "It goes without saying."

Li Yu could only smile awkwardly.

When Wu Changshuo was looking through the Song version of the book, he noticed the book collection seal on it and said to Li Yu: "It was actually written by Qi Baishi." Li Yu said: "I like Mr. Baishi's works very much."

Wu Changshuo put down the book and said: "Shiraishi's technique is indeed remarkable. He has acquired some of my charm, but there is still room for improvement."

Li Yu was ashamed, but Wu Changshuo seemed to be qualified to evaluate Qi Baishi like this.

At this time, Wu Changshuo was already a recognized leader in the painting world, while Qi Baishi was only slightly famous in Hunan.

In the painting world in the early years of the Republic of China, it was often necessary to join a calligraphy and painting association to establish a career, but Qi Baishi still could not join any painting association for a few years. He even engraved a leisurely seal with the words "All painting societies are unable to join" to express his feelings.

Later, Qi Baishi moved to Beijing and needed to find a high-priced runge. But not everyone can decide Runge, it must be an absolute leader in the industry.

So Qi Baishi asked Wu Changshuo to set a style for himself and dedicated a poem to him:

"Ivy Snow is a mortal, but Laofou is old and has extraordinary talents.

I want Jiuyuan to be a running dog, and the three families will turn around. "

Qingteng is Xu Wenchang;

Snow refers to Zhu Da, a native of Bada Mountain;

Laofou is the name of Wu Changshuo;

Jiuyuan refers to Lu Bu.

So the translation of this poem is: "Xu Wei and Zhu Da are immortal-level existences in the world of painting; Wu Changshuo is as talented as them. I, Qi Baishi, am willing to serve as a slave in the three families of Xu Wei, Zhu Da and Wu Changshuo just like Lu Bu did during the Three Kingdoms period. Take turns being a lackey.”

Soon after, Qi Baishi received a letter written by Wu Changshuo: 12 yuan for four feet, 18 yuan for five feet, 24 yuan for six feet, 30 yuan for eight feet, and an album folding fan is 6 yuan each.

This price is really not low.

Moreover, with Wu Changshuo's name, it is also convenient for Mr. Baishi to take orders.

Bell and the others selected several pieces of jade. None of them were short of money, but Sheng Xuanhuai still took the expense on himself.

During the meal, Li Yu told Wang Yiting and Sheng Xuanhuai what he saw about the International Savings Association in the newspaper today. The two of them were not very happy after hearing this because they were both involved in banking business. If the International Savings Association absorbed too many deposits, it would be harmful to them. impact.

However, Sheng Xuanhuai still cautiously said: "It would be best if European and American economists engaged in financial economics could co-sign."

Li Yu knew that they still didn't want to provoke the French, so he could only say: "I'll think of a way."

After staying in Shanghai for a few days, Bell and others wanted to leave for the capital.

Li Yu felt that the Chinese New Year was approaching and it was time to go back, even though Yuan Shikai had already banned celebrating the Spring Festival.

After arriving in the capital, Liang Shiyi received them as expected.

Eastman immediately proposed the idea of ​​using a new camera to enter the palace to take pictures of the queen mother and the young emperor.

Liang Shiyi said: "It happens to be the Wanshou Festival of Queen Mother Longyu in a few days. It was a very grand festival back then. Let's go to the palace to celebrate her birthday together."

Both Bell and Tesla wanted to see the legendary largest palace in the world. How could they miss such a good opportunity?

Li Yu wanted to avoid it at first, but Eastman insisted that he go with him.

Today's imperial palace is relatively deserted, with very few people from outside the court entering. It is like a small closed society.

Wanshou Festival is the birthday of the emperor. In the late Qing Dynasty, it was usually the birthday of Cixi and Longyu. It was one of the three most important festivals in the Qing Dynasty (the other two were New Year's Day, Spring Festival and Winter Solstice).

Previously, Lafayette celebrated his Longevity Festival with huge crowds of people, which was considered extravagant and wasteful. He even had to use navy military funds to celebrate his birthday.

At this time, members of the royal family and senior Manchu officials all avoided the palace. Only Yuan Shikai, Liang Shiyi and some envoys from various countries entered the palace to congratulate him.

Looking at the few people in the hall, no one even knelt down, and recalling the past, Long Yudun felt so sad that he couldn't help coughing violently, and he coughed intermittently for four or five minutes, and finally covered his mouth with the handkerchief All bloodshot.

After Xiao Dezhang saw it, he quickly asked: "Queen Mother, how about we go back and rest?"

Longyu glanced at Puyi sitting next to him, shook his head and said, "We cannot lose all the face of the Qing Dynasty."

Then he sat up again, suppressing the blood in his throat and said, "Thank you for your love... you all came to celebrate Ai Jia's birthday."

Yuan Shikai also felt that things were different and people were different, but he had two completely different feelings. As usual, he read a eulogy.

Then Eastman took photos of Longyu and Puyi.

You can't see the expression on the black and white photo, but Li Yu at the scene could see that Longyu didn't have much blood left.

In fact, in another half month, she would be dead.

Longyu finally agreed to let them take a tour of the Summer Palace.

Li Yu could not waste the opportunity of Bell and others' arrival. After the tour of the Summer Palace, he arranged for them to stay in the nearby Gongzi Hall of Tsinghua Garden.

Several lectures were held in Tsinghua University in the following days. Tesla and Bell, as giants in the field of communications, have a lot to say. Li Yu has helped students lay a certain foundation through the course of hand-rubbing radios before, and I believe more people will join in.

After talking for three days, they took advantage of the weekend to climb the Great Wall again.

When Americans see these ancient monuments in China, their reaction is greater than that of Europeans. After all, America has little history at all. When thousands of years of monuments tell the vicissitudes of history, it is quite shocking to Americans who have founded the country for more than 200 years.

A few days later, Longyu died suddenly. It is said that when she died, she was only surrounded by Puyi, Yuan Shikai, Minister of the Interior Shixu and two or three maids.

Longyu was ultimately the end of the Qing Dynasty's rule and one of the enders of China's more than 2000-year imperial system.

Yuan Shikai was very considerate and treated him like a national mourner. He ordered flags to be flown at half-mast across the country for three days in mourning, and the embassies of various countries in Beijing also flown flags to half-mast to mourn.

The mourning hall of Empress Dowager Longyu is placed in the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. A white banner reading "Yao and Shun among Women" hangs above the mourning hall.

——Probably because she felt that she could agree to abdicate peacefully, and her merits were already greater than those of Cixi.

In short, the high standard of Longyu's funeral was unique among the queens of the Qing Dynasty.

However, there are very few records of this woman in the official history of the Qing Palace, only a few strokes.

Longyu is actually quite miserable. She is a queen, but she doesn’t know what love, happiness, and freedom are all her life.

When Guangxu and she got married, they did not sleep in the same bed. From then on, even if the Qing court stipulated that the queen must accompany the emperor to bed on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month and the first and second days of the first lunar month every year. But during these three days, Guangxu refused to take even one step closer to Longyu.

Li Yu didn't have much favorable impressions of the Qing Dynasty. He felt that the most right thing the Qing Dynasty did, apart from Zuo Zongtang and others' contribution to the territory, was to peacefully abdicate when the Qing Dynasty fell.

In the matter of abdication, apart from the struggle of the revolutionaries and Yuan Shikai's forced palace, Longyu had some credit, but he was slightly passive...

From then on, the boss in the Forbidden City became the little emperor Puyi.

 Happy New Year's Eve everyone!



(End of this chapter)

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