Chapter 560 The Originator of Detective

Columbia University not only had economist Clark, but also psychologist Dewey.

Li Yu had previously commissioned him to study IQ testing, and Dewey had already produced preliminary results.

Li Yu knew at a glance that it was a typical intelligence test for school-age children in the early 20th century.

The so-called "IQ", the word "quotient" in it represents division. Initially, IQ was calculated like this:

Mental age/physiological age x 100

For example, an ordinary child whose mental age is the same as his actual age has an IQ value of 100.

If an 8-year-old child exhibits the ability level of a 10-year-old child, then the child's IQ value is 125.

Obviously this type of testing can only be done on children. If a 60-year-old person shows the ability level of a 30-year-old, you can't say that he has a low IQ, which is only 50, right? This is obviously unreasonable.

The U.S. government is also interested in IQ tests conducted by psychologists, because psychologists have also proposed the theory that "imbecility is a cause of crime." They are preparing to introduce IQ tests in military recruitment and school selection.

But after all, IQ tests are almost impossible to be objective.

During World War I, the U.S. Army used IQ tests for recruiting and found that half of the men failed.

Moreover, as mentioned before, IQ testing can easily lead to terrible "eugenics". The United States and Germany have since carried out cruel extermination policies against a large number of "low IQ people".

This thing is difficult to control. Once used incorrectly, it will become a butcher's knife in the hands of someone with ulterior motives.

And according to the game theory model, no matter what era and how heavy the cost, there will always be restless people who want to cause chaos in the world.

Li Yu only planned to use it to simply prove that the Chinese people's intelligence level was very high, and would never use it for extensive testing. There was no spare money for extensive intelligence testing during the Republic of China.

Dewey's test questions were all kinds of weird and simple for educated adults. They were mainly aimed at teenagers aged 6-14, which was enough for Li Yu.

It proves that the Chinese people's IQ is not low, and by the way, it achieves its goal by improving national self-confidence.

Li Yu is still very confident in the IQ level of China and the entire East Asian nation, which has been verified countless times by later generations.

Of course, the concept of IQ has been slowly diluted in the 21st century. After all, firstly, it is too difficult to accurately quantify; secondly, it can easily lead to discrimination.

More importantly, IQ is not the only measure of success.

During the conversation with Dewey, Li Yu discovered that this leader in American philosophy paid special attention to China, so he asked: "Professor Dewey also wants to visit China?"

Dewey said: "Yes, a new republic emerging from an imperial system is so curious. In addition, one of my Chinese students had an invisible influence on me."

Li Yu immediately guessed who it was: "Jiang Menglin?"

Dewey nodded and said: "Chiang is a smart student. What I am more curious about is that no matter how American universities try to persuade them to stay, these international students will insist on returning to China.

“I once asked him, isn’t New York good?

"Chiang said that New York is the most prosperous place he has ever seen.

"Then I asked, do you want to stay forever?

"Jiang said that he must go back.

"I ask him why.

"Chiang told me, because as soon as you enter New York, you are leaving the United States."

Li Yu thought about the last sentence and smiled: "As expected, they all study philosophy."

Dewey called Jiang Menglin to his office, but Li Yu didn't even recognize him at first sight.

After some introduction, Li Yucai said: "It feels like it has been six or seven years since we last met. After cutting off his braids and putting on a suit, he is completely different."

Jiang Menglin said: "My braids were cut off before I got on the ship, and I threw them into the sea and let them drift away with the current. And after a few years, I really feel like I have changed as a person."

Li Yu said: "This is the role of education on people."

Jiang Menglin added: "I still have a strange feeling. Previous articles have said that the United States is a republic with freedom, but I feel exactly the opposite."

Li Yu asked: "Why do you say that?"

Jiang Menglin said: "Maybe it's because when we were in China, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, we rarely felt the constraints of power. But in the United States, as soon as I got off the ship, I met immigration officials and many police officers."

Li Yu was surprised and said: "Your observation skills are so keen, you can actually understand the essence of the problem from the smallest details. Studying philosophy and education is very suitable for you."

Jiang Menglin said: "It's just an idea that even I find incomprehensible."

Dewey said: "This classmate Jiang has a lot of ideas, and sometimes I can't answer them."

Li Yu said: "Professor Dewey should go to China. Although China is not very developed in science, it will never disappoint you in terms of philosophy."

Jiang Menglin also said: "That's right, Professor, your pragmatism philosophy is very consistent with Chinese philosophy. Chinese people are the most practical. Chinese people pay attention to the usefulness first before worshiping Buddha; Europeans and Americans pray first before hoping for God's blessing. It is completely opposite. way of thinking.”

Dewey mused: "China is indeed worth my while."

They still had classes today, so Li Yu excused himself first and then went to New York's Chinatown.

Situ Meitang is arranging a new wave of personnel recruitment.

"The factory has placed so many orders, is something big going to happen?" Situ Meitang asked.

"Maybe, as technology explodes, so do people," Li Yu said.

Now the upper echelons of Europe are at war with each other, and every country is almost eager for war, especially France.

As a major European country, if France attacks Germany, its ally Russia will inevitably attack the Germans as well;

Once Russia takes action, Britain will never be able to watch.

Needless to say, the interests of the remaining European countries are intertwined with each other.

Situ Meitang said: "We can't explain the matter of foreigners, but now more and more Chinese workers are entering the factory, which is a good thing for the entire Chinatown. The salary given by the Shucai brothers is the best in New York."

"It's not easy for everyone, so help if you can. Hiring Americans is also hiring. It's better to hire your own people," Li Yu said. "Hiring your own people can also fill the vacancies of domestic skilled workers. This is called learning from foreigners to learn skills and help." Has."

Situ Meitang said: "Brothers Shucai still need to consider the allocation of personnel. Americans also have to recruit. After all, the factory is here."

Li Yu said: "Tesla and David Buick must have a sense of proportion."

Situ Meitang finished the work at hand and said to Li Yu: "Let's go and have a simple meal."

The overall situation in Chinatown has improved slightly. Although the Chinese are hardworking, most of them are very hardworking. Even if there are not very rich, few are so poor that they are begging.

——If you can beg to Lao Mei at this time, you can definitely be called the Nine-Pocket Elder of the Beggar Clan.

Li Yu discovered that there were fortune tellers in Chinatown, and some Americans would be curious to chat with the fortune teller. However, this fortune teller seemed not to be very proficient in English, or it might be that the fortune teller's terminology was not easy to express in English.

He said to a white man in very straightforward English: "Good luck, you will make a fortune soon!"

White people regard it as auspicious words.

Then a black man came to tell fortunes, and the fortune teller immediately repeated the exact same words: "Good luck, you will make a fortune soon!"

The black man was very happy. Unexpectedly, the fortune teller suddenly pointed at the white man and added: "He will no longer be black, just like him..."

Lao Hei was so angry that he wanted to turn over the table.

Li Yu smiled and said: "It is difficult for foreigners to preach in our country, and it seems not easy for us to promote Zhouyi fortune-telling here."

Situ Meitang said: "Foreigners don't understand Zhouyi. They can't even understand the Five Elements."

Situ Meitang took Li Yu to a seat in a restaurant and said to the waiter: "Two meals."

The waiter quickly brought Li Yu and Situ Meitang each a portion of soup, a portion of braised beef, a piece of apple pie and a cup of coffee.

Situ Meitang took out 50 cents and handed it to the waiter: "The remaining 10 cents are tips."

Li Yu picked up the chopsticks and said, "This meal is quite a combination of east and west, and it tastes good."

Situ Meitang said: "The son of Mr. Li, the owner of the store, just died in Panama last month. We usually take care of his business as much as we can."

Li Yu asked: "Panama Canal?"

"What else could it be," Situ Meitang sighed, "Old Man Li's son has been working for more than two years. Although he sent some money back, he suddenly disappeared." The Panama Canal was repaired for decades, and during this time, he died There are 20,000 to 30,000 workers, including thousands of Chinese workers.

Li Yu thought of the Chinese workers who died during the construction of the American Pacific Railway, and said helplessly: "It's really a canal filled with human lives! It's a pity that these people died without much compensation."

Situ Meitang said: "Fortunately, I heard that the canal will finally be built soon, so we no longer need to send workers to that terrible place."

At this time, Panama was covered with tropical rainforests, and working and living in the construction sites there was truly like hell on earth.


In his last few days in the United States, Li Yu mainly collected money from various sources - patent fees and royalties.

The money had nothing to do with the company's business and was directly transferred to Li Yu's account, amounting to more than one million US dollars.

There are also many in Europe, almost the same number.

This income was too much for Li Yu to spend, so he spent the money earned from industry lavishly on education and supporting national enterprises.

After the arrangements were made, Li Yu boarded the ship bound for Europe. During the five-day voyage, I bought a few novels for entertainment and reading on board.

I used to be very excited about taking a boat ride, but now that I sit on it more often, I feel it’s more comfortable to sit in the sun and read a book on the deck.

On this day, when Li Yu was happily reading a detective novel, someone suddenly fell to the ground next to him and coughed up blood.

After several ship doctors came over to check, they said in horror: "It's tuberculosis!"

The people next to him quickly moved out of the way.

The ship's doctor was almost helpless, and passengers consciously stayed away from sick patients.

A doctor in his 50s in the crowd said: "Take him to a separate room quickly and don't go to the restaurant to eat again."

After the ship doctor hurriedly finished the operation, the 50-year-old doctor was about to turn around and leave. He found Li Yu who was not panicking and asked in surprise: "Sir, why are you not afraid at all?"

Of course, Li Yu couldn't say that he had been vaccinated with the BCG vaccine to prevent tuberculosis when he was just born. He could only prevaricate: "You may not necessarily be infected."

The doctor saw the book Li Yu was reading again and said, "I wrote this."

Li Yu lowered his head and glanced at the title of the book: "Sherlock Holmes", then raised his head and asked, "Are you Mr. Conan Doyle?"

Conan Doyle replied: "Exactly."

Li Yu stood up and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Li Yu."

"The mysterious Eastern scientific giant, Li Yu, who created the Star Wars world!?" Conan Doyle was surprised again.

Li Yu smiled and said: "Exactly."

Conan Doyle said: "Let's go sit over there."

He still seems a little afraid of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Li Yu asked: "Looking at the attire, Mr. Doyle is still a doctor?"

Conan Doyle said: "I have been a doctor for decades, but there is still no way to deal with the terrible disease of tuberculosis. Mr. Koch discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis thirty years ago, and the medical community is still unable to find a cure for it. Drugs are a hundred times harder than finding the murderer in a murder case."

Conan Doyle actually had something to do with tuberculosis.

As the top infectious disease of mankind, tuberculosis is known as the white plague. Even in the 20st century, nearly one-third of the human population is still infected, reaching an astonishing billion people.

But later generations have already had treatments. Tuberculosis in the early 20th century was a terminal disease, and even the advent of penicillin was unable to do anything.

The genius German microbiologist Koch discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis in 1882.

Technology is also an important means of competition between countries, and Germany very much hopes that Koch can surpass France's Pasteur. The best way was to find a cure for tuberculosis, so the German government put a lot of scientific research pressure on Koch.

So in 1890, Koch stated at the World Medical Congress that he had discovered something called tuberculin, which seemed to be effective.

Koch's expression was very euphemistic, but tuberculosis patients all over the world were excited, thinking that they were saved, and then all kinds of honors were showered on Koch.

But Conan Doyle, a British country doctor, felt something was wrong. He conducted a special investigation and found that this kind of thing had no effect at all, and published an article explaining it.

It turns out Conan Doyle was right.

Soon, Koch, who shared the position of the twin gods of microbiology with Pasteur, fell from the altar.

Become a stain on his life.

Li Yu said: "On the boat from China to San Francisco, I just read a few books by Alexandre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas. Europeans a hundred years ago seemed to regard having tuberculosis as a form of elegance."

Conan Doyle said: "What a shameful past."

European aristocrats in the 19th century were proud of having tuberculosis.

At that time, European Romanticism was on the rise, and people had an extreme pursuit of beauty. This was shown in many TV dramas that reflected the history of Europe in the 19th century.

At that time, European aristocrats wore heavy makeup, and they did not hesitate to apply a lot of lead powder to make their faces pale.

In short, everything can be sacrificed for the sake of beauty.

And the most shocking beauty, they think, is beautiful death.

Alexandre Dumas was a loyal fan of tuberculosis. He bluntly said: "Suffering from tuberculosis was a fashionable thing in 1823" and "the most ideal way to end one's life is to cough up blood after every emotional excitement and die before the age of 30"!

Tuberculosis patients are generally thin, with weak limbs and pale complexions, and low fever adds a blush to the faces of tuberculosis patients.

This kind of morbid beauty is entirely based on the aesthetics of European aristocrats.


Li Yu said: "There are extremely beautiful words for Margaret who suffers from tuberculosis in "La Traviata" written by Xiao Dumas."

Conan Doyle said: "I have the impression that he seems to have written like this, 'Slender and somewhat thinner, she is more charming and charming than ever before. Even a smile with a pale face can make people's hearts beat wildly'." "

Li Yu said: "In China, the heroine Lin Daiyu in "A Dream of Red Mansions" among the four famous novels also suffered from tuberculosis, but the description in the book was ten thousand times more beautiful. If the European aristocrats at that time could understand it, I am afraid they would be even more obsessed with tuberculosis. .”

Conan Doyle was also considered a big figure in the literary world and asked curiously: "What kind of beautiful description?"

Li Yu opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak, so he had to take out a pen and paper: "I'll write it for you."

"The state of mind brings about the sorrow of both sides, and the illness of the whole body is caused by coquettishness.

Tears a little, panting slightly,

When you are quiet, you are like a delicate flower shining on the water, and when you are moving, you are like a weak willow supporting the wind.

The heart has one more opening than the stem, and the disease is like Xizi's three points. "

It’s not that Dumas Xiao’s literary level is poor. The problem is not with him. In terms of literary expression, Chinese is the best.

Conan Doyle couldn't understand the content and just said: "What beautiful Chinese characters!"

Li Yu traveled through so many years and practiced calligraphy when he had nothing to do. Although the calligraphy is not very good, it has at least reached the level of an ordinary scholar, that is, an entry-level calligraphy.

Moreover, while practicing calligraphy, my hard-pen calligraphy is getting better and better.

Li Yu said: "This poem was written by Cao Xueqin, China's top writer, and it describes Lin Daiyu who suffered from tuberculosis."

Conan Doyle said: "I don't understand Chinese, can you translate it?"

Li Yu said: "Chinese ancient poetry cannot be translated because it embodies so much Chinese culture and art, it is extremely refined and has profound artistic conception."

Conan Doyle asked: "Can you give me this manuscript?"

Li Yu said: "Of course."

Conan Doyle put it away carefully: "I look forward to the day when I can understand it."

(End of this chapter)

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