After leaving Paris, Li Yu first went to Stockholm to receive the award.

Although the reason for winning the award is not the most outstanding achievement for Li Yu, it is quite rare to win two Nobel Prizes. Only Marie Curie did it before.

After the domestic reports, the public sentiment will inevitably be excited, and more and more young talents will be willing to devote themselves to science. This is what Li Yu hopes to see most.

And Li Yu's prestige in the scientific community has reached a new level.

After the Nobel Prize banquet, Li Yu went to Berlin to visit Planck and Einstein.

Planck met Li Yu at his villa, along with Einstein and Fritz Haber.

All three are Nobel Prize winners.

"Nice to see you again," Planck greeted Li Yu with red wine, "Congratulations on winning the Nobel Prize in Physics again!"

Einstein also congratulated: "A very amazing achievement."

Li Yu said with a smile: "The Nobel Prize is yours for everyone and you can't escape it."

Einstein introduced Fritz Haber to Li Yu: "Mr. Haber is my friend, a very good chemist. He successfully synthesized ammonia from nitrogen in the air, providing unparalleled innovation for the nitrogen fertilizer industry. support."

Li Yu shook hands with him and said, "Hello, Mr. Haber."

Haber said: "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Academician."

Fritz Haber was in his forties, bald, not tall, but well-dressed.

Haber was a Jew, but he had been trying his best to assimilate himself into the Germans. He even changed his religion, was baptized, changed his clothes and behavior, and wore a pair of pince-nez in the typical Prussian style.

Haber's scientific research capabilities are very strong. He is now the director of the Institute of Chemistry of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, and his status is not low.

It is worth mentioning that Haber is another typical incarnation of "angels and devils".

The technology of ammonia synthesis can naturally be used in the fertilizer industry to solve the food problem of hundreds of millions of people, but Germany can also use ammonia synthesis technology to produce bombs.

What is even more criticized is that during World War I, Harper personally directed a large-scale chemical weapons attack. He dropped 180 tons of chlorine gas on the battlefield, resulting in the death of almost 5000 British and French troops.

Haber went on to create many other chemical weapons.

Chemical and biological weapons were considered extremely inhumane as soon as they were first introduced, and what Haber did eventually caused him to betray his family.

His wife committed suicide over this, and Einstein broke with him, calling him "a scum of science and a heartless lackey."

But Haber still won the 1918 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (only the physics and chemistry prizes were awarded in 1918).

It stands to reason that the Nobel prizes in natural sciences are not easily interfered by irrelevant factors like the Peace Prize and the Literature Prize. Prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology, or medicine have rarely been met with dissent, but Haber's win attracted considerable opposition.

The authoritative British journal "Nature" published a commentary article to criticize: "Haber used his wisdom in war and killing... This will always be a shame to mankind and a shame to the Germans."

The New York Times in the United States was even more fierce: "The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded honors to war criminals and poisoners."

What is even more ironic is that although Haber wanted to integrate into Germany, when the mustache Hitler came to power, he began to persecute the Jews. Haber did not escape the clutches of the devil and was forced to travel far away. He died of illness in Switzerland in 1934.

Can't help but sigh.

Planck said to Li Yu: "Mr. Einstein just showed us a very interesting thought experiment to prove that gravity can distort light. Oh my God, this statement is simply better than my sentence back then, 'Energy is discontinuous. It’s even more deviant!”

Li Yu said: "Mr. Einstein's starting point for considering this issue must be the precession of Mercury's perihelion, right?"

Einstein smiled and said: "Sure enough, it is Academician Li Yu who is proficient in mathematics, physics and astronomy. You guessed it right."

Hubble was a chemist and asked, "What happened to Mercury?"

Einstein said: "Since Newton's time, people have not been able to explain the tiny movement of Mercury's orbit. Perihelion is the point closest to the sun in the planet's elliptical orbit. People have noticed that the movement of Mercury's perihelion is faster than calculated by Newton's laws. The result is slightly larger, about 43 arc seconds per century."

Haber asked: "How did the academic community explain this before?"

Li Yu continued: "In the past, astronomers suspected that there might be a planet inside the orbit of Mercury, which perturbed Mercury's orbit, just like Neptune was discovered earlier; astronomers even gave it a name, 'Vulcan' Star'. But after many years of astronomical observations, it has been found that there are no planets inside the orbit of Mercury."

Harper continued: "So how does Mr. Einstein want to explain it?"

Einstein took out a piece of paper on the table, dug a big hole in the middle, and then used the tip of his pen to poke some small holes around the big hole. Then he closed the curtains, dimmed the light, and placed the paper in front of the curtains: "The hole in the middle is the sun, and there are stars around it. Can you see the stars now?"

Haber shook his head: "Can't see, it's too bright."

Einstein stretched his hand behind the paper to cover the big hole, and the small eyes around it could visually see the light coming through. He explained: "During the solar eclipse, as long as you choose the observation position, you can take pictures of the stars during the day. Comparing this to the nighttime position shows that gravity distorts light, because stars that are behind the sun and shouldn't be visible can be seen during the day."

Haber praised: "Genius idea!"

Li Yu said: "The next solar eclipse will be in August next year. The best observation location is in Crimea. There is still plenty of time to prepare."

Harper was surprised: "Crimea? Russian territory?"

Einstein said: "Yes."

"I'm afraid diplomatic help is needed," Haber said. "This is not just a scientific expedition."

Einstein looked at Planck: "You need to get permission from the Prussian Academy of Sciences first."

Planck said: "I will help you fight for it, but you have to come up with accurate and reliable calculations to convince them."

Einstein patted Li Yu on the shoulder: "We will get it done."

Einstein's general theory of relativity can indeed explain the precession of Mercury's perihelion, which is a very beautiful proof.

However, historically, Einstein's calculation was actually wrong this time. The result he obtained was 18 arc seconds, which was not even half of the correct value.

Li Yu can naturally help him correct it.

The two then completed the article together.

——Because it was completed in collaboration between Li Yu and Einstein, many years later, this manuscript was even put on the auction block and was bought for $60.

Prussian Academy of Sciences.

Einstein read out his opinion: "Our expedition team will cross the Austro-Hungarian Empire, arrive in Russia, and then set up observation instruments in Crimea. They have two minutes to record celestial phenomena." Planck asked "Have you calculated the cost budget for this inspection?"

Einstein said: "I think it will not exceed 6000 marks, which is a completely acceptable fee for the Academy of Sciences, because its brilliant results far exceed 6000 marks."

Planck agreed: "I think Mr. Einstein's theory deserves our..."

Before he could finish speaking, Leonard interrupted: "This theory is fundamentally unfinished. Why should we risk political risks to conduct observations in Russia?"

Hubble spoke favorably for Einstein: "I think it was this spirit of exploration that allowed Mr. Planck to discover quantum; it was also this spirit of exploration that allowed Mr. Leonard to discover the photoelectric effect, so we should support it." "

Leonard said angrily: "Have you forgotten that the emperor's instruction to the academy is to develop practical science, not this fantasy of subverting existing theories every day!"

Leonard carried the emperor out in one fell swoop, and Gangplank and Hubbard were speechless.

Villa Planck.

Einstein said dejectedly: "I really didn't expect that the Academy of Sciences would reject such a simple scientific research activity! The next solar eclipse will have to wait until five years from now!"

Planck still supported Einstein and said regretfully: "I'm really sorry."

Haber looked at the sun outside the window and said, "Perhaps we can directly contact Mr. Gustav Krupp?"

Einstein asked: "That big arms dealer?"

Haber said: "Mr. Krupp has always claimed to be an intellectual and passionate about science; he has many political channels to send the scientific expedition team to Crimea."

"But I don't know him at all," Einstein said.

Haber said: "I know this person, and I heard that he loves reading Mr. Li Yu's Star Wars novels. A cultural salon will be held in the manor soon. You can try your luck."

Einstein said: "Finally there is good news!"


Warlords have always loved German weapons most, commonly known as "Mauser's guns and Krupp's cannons."

Germany's best guns come from the Mauser Arsenal, but the king of cannon manufacturing is definitely Krupp.

The status of artillery on the battlefield is undoubtedly the most important. Artillery is the absolute god of modern war. Regardless of battleships or tanks, artillery is currently relied upon to form combat effectiveness.

The reason why people feel that the cannons seem to have no sense of presence when watching movies and TV shows, and they only explode a few times, is actually intentional by the director. Because the artillery is too powerful, too powerful to be interesting, and it can't do any tricks.

Compared with Mauser, Krupp has a longer history, greater reputation, and a higher status in Germany.

In addition to manufacturing artillery, it is also a large steel company with many products. It is the industrial lifeline of Germany.

Krupp Company has long become the most important arms supplier to the German Empire. Their products are exported to various countries. Li Hongzhang and Li Zhongtang bought many cannons produced by Krupp Company.

It is said that during the Eight-Power Allied Forces' invasion of China, the German army discovered that the Qing army was using Krupp weapons. Afterwards, the Kaiser specifically questioned Krupp about this matter, and Krupp replied: "Krupp is a company and theoretically does not reject any orders."

The attitude of the Krupp Company made the Kaiser want to control it more strictly, so he arranged for a distant relative of his to marry the eldest daughter of the Krupp family, and changed his surname to Krupp, and called him his wife in Chinese.

The distant relative of the Kaiser is Gustav Krupp, the current head of the Krupp Company.

Gustav Krupp invited Li Yu and Einstein to watch the test firing of new artillery behind the manor.

Li Yu and Einstein actually had no interest and could only pretend to be using telescopes.

The new artillery hit the target accurately. Gustav Krupp couldn't help but applaud, and then asked Einstein: "What do you think?"

Einstein looked slightly embarrassed and had to say: "I think these killing machines are as amazing as they look."

Gustav Krupp asked Li Yu again: "Mr. Li Yu, what do you think? Does it look like the terrifying Death Star in Star Wars? I even want to name the new artillery after this name!"

Li Yu said casually: "I'm afraid this name is a bit inappropriate."

Gustav Krupp smiled and said: "I think so, because its power is still far from the Death Star in the book. In the future, I will also build a more powerful cannon, maybe it can be named the Death Star." .”

During World War II, Gustav Krupp became a crazy supporter of mustaches and built the largest cannon in human history, the famous "Gustav Cannon" with a caliber of 800mm and a total weight of 1350 tons. , which can only be transported by rail, seems like a science fiction monster.

A single shell of the Gustav cannon weighs 5-7 tons and has a range of 40 kilometers. One launch requires the cooperation of thousands of people.

However, this giant cannon was built in 1942. It only played a small role in the attack on Sevastopol in Crimea, but its power was indeed not small. The solid concrete fortifications could not stand up to this giant gun. Unable to resist. The capture of Sevastopol allowed Manstein to be promoted to Field Marshal of the German Army.

When everyone returned to the house, Einstein immediately told Gustav Krupp about his theory: "It includes Riemannian geometry, space coordinate transformation..."

Gustav Krupp was confused.

Li Yu smiled and said: "Mr. Krupp, to put it simply, if the measurement is completed, it will cause a shock in the world of physics, enough to win a Nobel Prize. Mr. Krupp must be interested, right?"

Gustav Krupp said: "Nobel Prize? So awesome?"

Li Yu said: "It is as powerful as your new artillery."

Gustav Krupp lit a cigar, took a puff and said: "So I understand. The expedition must go to Crimea?"

Einstein nodded: "Yes."

Gustav Krupp agreed: "I will contact the Russian side. There should be no big problem."

Einstein said happily: "Mr. Krupp's actions will definitely become a legend in the scientific community."

Li Yu helped sign many names for the subsequent literary and art salons.

On the way out, Einstein said excitedly: "I can't wait for the day of the solar eclipse!"

Although Li Yu helped him correct the calculation errors, the inspection was still unable to be completed.

Because the expedition team had just set off and while they were still on the train, Germany declared war on Russia.

The expedition team was immediately arrested by the Russian army as soon as they got off the train. The Russian army saw several large boxes of advanced observation instruments and suspected that they were spies. Without any explanation, they were thrown into prison.

Although they were later released after a prisoner exchange agreement, they had missed the solar eclipse (even if they were not imprisoned, the bad weather that day made it impossible to take pictures).

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