Chapter 587: Provincial Prospects

When Lu Bicheng was polishing "Alien", Li Yu thought about asking Konoe Akiyuki if she could translate Star Wars. Unexpectedly, this woman was so smart that she had already completed the translation in her spare time.

Li Yu knew Japanese, and after looking at it, she found that the translation was pretty good. After all, her native language was Japanese.

"Why did you think of translating this set of books?" Li Yu asked casually.

Konoe Akiyuki said: "I would read it when I had nothing to do. Then it suddenly occurred to me that there was no Japanese version yet, so I translated it for fun."

She said it quite easily.

Li Yu couldn't refuse, so he said, "Thank you."

"What are you so polite about!" Konoe Akiyuki replied immediately, and then asked, "Sir, have you stayed in Tokyo for a while?"

"Yes, I went to Tokyo Imperial University to give a lecture." Li Yu said.

"You are the Duke of Edinburgh of the Japanese Academy after all," Konoe Akiyuki murmured, "By the way, the factory has been increasing orders recently. Is it because of the situation in Europe?"

Li Yu said: "Newspapers have reported that the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was murdered, and the situation continues to ferment."

Arriving at the reception room, Li Yu cupped his fists and said, "Principal Chen, Teacher Qian, you two are so good!"

Qian Xuantong also agreed with Chen Baoquan's point of view: "Zeng Wenzhenggong was not only stupid in studying, but was ridiculed by the gentlemen in Liang Shang. He even had no beautiful tactics in fighting. He only knew how to build a stronghold and fight stupidly. Such stupid methods are different from those all-powerful figures in history books. The famous generals Han Xin, Xu Da and others are completely different. If there is a so-called IQ test, I think he must be at the bottom."

Beijing Higher Normal School, later known as Beijing Normal University, had been separated from Beijing Normal University. In the first two years, because there were not enough school buildings, it moved to the Changdian area next to Liulichang. This was the beginning of the establishment of an independent higher normal school in China. .

Li Yu said with a smile: "This time I went to the United States and got some materials for IQ testing from Professor Dewey of Columbia University. In the future, I can conduct a worldwide test on young children, and then the results will be clear at a glance."

As early as the Capital University period, we had hired psychology teachers, so they must be good at this.

Qian Xuantong said: "I said Mr. Academician will definitely agree."

Li Yu said, "I'll go there right away."

Li Yu shrugged and returned to the study.

"Your analysis makes sense, and it is indeed the case," Li Yu said. "So this kind of test cannot be generalized. It must be explained in detail before the test."

"Is that so?" Li Yu asked.

Chen Baoquan said: "Deqian (same name as Qian Xuan) and I made a special trip to hope that the academician will come to our Beijing Higher Normal School to give a few lectures. Normal schools are after all an important part of the education industry, and I hope the academician will not refuse."

Li Yu said: "It's perfect for your research, and it just happens to be a psychology department."

Chen Baoquan said: "Then what's the point of doing this?"

Wang Bo entered the room and said, "Sir, Chen Baoquan, the president of Beijing Normal University, and Qian Xuantong, the lecturer, are here."

Li Yu said easily: "It's easy to talk about. I am also a member of my mother's family. How can I refuse such a thing?"

"Master also knew that my husband won the Nobel Prize in Sweden again. He was very happy and thought that you are an outstanding representative of the people's wisdom." Qian Xuantong said, "Foreigners used to say that we are not smart, but now it is too easy to refute All I need to do is lift you out, Mr. Taiyan said you saved him at least three kilograms of saliva."

"Of course it is," Konoe Akira said in a panic, and after taking a deep breath, "It's like Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone."

Konoe Akiyuki hurriedly said: "I usually have to do business with foreigners, so I read more foreign newspapers, and they are all mentioned in the newspapers."

Konoe Akiyuki frowned and said: "If Austria-Hungary takes action, Germany will take action; if Germany takes action, France and Russia will not give up; once France and Russia enter a state of war, Britain will inevitably intervene, and then East Asia..."

Chen Baoquan said: "The psychology department is not easy to handle, but adding it to the curriculum is not a problem."

Li Yu was also helpless: "Why do foreigners keep calling us the sick men of East Asia and clamoring about the Yellow Peril every day? The Chinese people have lost their confidence. Although IQ testing has many disadvantages, it can always help the Chinese people regain their confidence. As long as we use it well, The pros outweigh the cons.”

Li Yu drove into the car as usual. Over the past few years, there have been many more cars in Beijing, but overall there are still not many, and driving a car is still very popular.

Li Yu said: "From the perspective of psychology and education, the connotation of IQ is a bit complicated and vague. It can be simply used as a criterion to measure the level of intelligence."

Li Yu said: "You have a very thorough understanding of the international situation."

Li Yu smiled and said: "I am not in the country during this period."

Chen Baoquan was surprised: "Is there such a criterion? In my opinion, the more focused and diligent you are in learning, the greater your achievements will be. If there was an intellectual judgment, I'm afraid Zeng Guofan wouldn't even have to read the book."

After a few people drank a cup of tea, they set off for Beijing Normal University.

Konoe Akiyuki said: "But there is no definite news yet that there will definitely be a fight, right?"


Li Yu said: "That's good, how can education be without psychology?"

Li Yu asked by the way: "How is Mr. Taiyan doing lately?"

Chen Baoquan said happily: "In those days, Mr. Academician attended the Normal School of Beijing Normal University. The Normal School was the origin of Beijing Higher Normal School. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is from his mother's family."

This was the first time Chen Baoquan heard about this thing: "IQ?"

Qian Xuantong sighed: "I am still grounded by the president. But now the master is in a better mood, and his daily routine of meals and meals has become normal. We regularly send some books. The master said that we should just stay in seclusion and study."

As the principal of a normal school, Chen Baoquan naturally understood the educational theory. He thought for a moment and said: "Mr. Academician is right. I will conduct in-depth research in the school."

"Um...if nothing goes wrong, I will continue to translate the follow-up Star Wars." Konoe Akiyuki left in a hurry, and sat back in the bedroom, feeling that her heartbeat was strangely fast, and she could hear the sound of drums in her ears.

Lu Bicheng was indeed right, there were many people asking to see him.

"I will definitely visit again when I have time," Li Yu said.

Li Yu smiled slightly: "That's it."

Chen Baoquan stood up and said, "Mr. Academician, it's not easy to meet you."

Li Yu said: "The Austro-Hungarian Empire's ultimatum has been sent out, and it is inevitable."

Entering the school, Li Yu found that the campus was very simple and there were not many school buildings.

Chen Baoquan said: "Two years ago, I received an order from the Ministry of Education in Beijing to serve as the principal here. The school was overgrown with weeds and was in a state of desolation. Now it has actually improved a lot."

Li Yu immediately said: "I would like to donate 50 silver yuan to fund the construction of the school."

Chen Baoquan said quickly: "Sir, I appreciate your kindness. I am already very sorry to have you give lectures. How can I have the nerve to let you spend so much money?"

"We are all from my mother's side, so don't go out with me!" Li Yu said firmly, "If you don't accept it, I won't hold the lecture."

Chen Baoquan said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. I really don't know how to thank Mr. Academician! Don't worry, I will definitely use all the donations for the construction of the school." Qian Xuantong was shocked and said: "Mr. Li Yu is so courageous, 50 It’s not a small amount!”

"It's okay," Li Yu said. He had no pressure. The 50 yuan he earned from Japan alone was just a fraction. "In the future, I will continue to invest more in the construction of the school."

"I am so touched that Mr. Academician attaches so much importance to the cause of normal education!" Chen Baoquan adjusted his glasses and said, "A month ago, President Yuan Da summoned me. I listed the importance of normal education and that cultivating more talents must require normal schools. It’s a pity that the Presidential Palace cannot allocate much funds, so we can only live frugally.”

During the Republic of China, several universities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education had a hard time, and they were not as prosperous as Tsinghua University, Yenching University, and Northeastern University.

The main reason is lack of money.

Qian Xuantong smiled and said: "With Mr. Li Yu's donation, my future salary will finally be settled."

Like the original Teachers College, Beijing Normal University established the mathematics and physics major from the beginning, and it is a key major.

Chen Baoquan took Li Yu to the classroom. To be precise, it was more like a primary school classroom, filled with people.

Li Yu stood on the podium, and there was warm applause from below.

Li Yu stretched out his hand to signal everyone to quiet down, and then said: "Mathematics is a subject that is both familiar and unfamiliar to us. It is familiar because it has been there for thousands of years, and it is unfamiliar because we have accidentally left it behind in the past few hundred years. . But it doesn’t matter, just pick it up if you drop it.

“Research in mathematical and physical sciences does not actually rely on the environment, especially mathematics. As long as you establish a systematic mathematical thinking, you can do research with a piece of paper and a pen.

"I met a very interesting Indian this time in the UK. Do you know India? It is also a backward country, even a colony, but they can produce magical mathematical geniuses like Ramanujan."

Li Yu told them the story of Ramanujan and showed them some of Ramanujan's notes that he had taken, letting them know that studying mathematics and physics can also be interesting.

In conclusion, Li Yu said: "Mathematical science is a very beautiful subject. The feeling of being immersed in the ocean of logic and challenging the limits of human thinking is very wonderful."

Chen Baoquan, who was at the door of the classroom, said to Qian Xuantong: "Mr. Li Yu's speech ability turned out to be so good. It made me want to study continued fractions."

Qian Xuantong said: "Yes, it's a pity that I have passed that age."

Li Yu finally said to the students: "I will give you an assignment. If you can do it, you will get extra rewards."

He turned around and wrote a few numbers on the blackboard, "31, 331, 3331, 33331, 333331, 3333331", and then said: "These are all prime numbers. Can any of you prove that the next number 33333331 is also the same?" Prime number?"

Putting down the chalk, Li Yu left the classroom. Chen Baoquan invited him to visit the office area. Li Yu was surprised to find that a portrait of himself hung on the wall.

Li Yu pointed to the portrait and said, "Principal Chen, this..."

"Ha!" Chen Baoquan laughed, "Since we are my mother's family, it's not too much to hang a portrait, right?"

Li Yu spread his hands: "Okay."

Entering the principal's office, Li Yu saw a British father and daughter sitting inside.

Chen Baoquan introduced: "This is Mr. Su Huilian and her daughter Ms. Xie Fuyun, both from the UK. They have always wanted to see you. I told them that you will come today, so they are waiting here."

Su Huilian shook hands with Li Yu and said, "Mr. Academician, I have admired you for a long time."

Chen Baoquan continued: "Mr. Su Huilian once accepted the invitation of Timothy Richard and served as the president of Shanxi University. He is also considered an educator. He is planning to raise funds from the United Kingdom to build a university in Beijing."

Li Yu said: “The initial investment in building a university will be very large.”

Su Huilian said: "Yes, so I plan to raise 300 million pounds in the UK."

This number is enough.

His daughter Xie Fuyun said: "In addition to the university hall, I also want to build a girls' school."

Li Yu asked: "Why do we need to build two schools?"

Xie Fuyun said: "It's like this. First of all, Oxford University and Cambridge University in the UK are purely boys' schools; secondly, I was born and grew up in Wenzhou. I am not unfamiliar with China. I know that Chinese women's education level is generally biased. Low, coeducation is not a good fit at least at the university level.”

There is some truth to what she said, and she is not simply looking down on women.

Li Yu nodded and said, "Girls' schools are indeed in short supply."

Xie Fuyun said: "I will build a girls' school according to the British aristocratic school standards. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will build an ordinary girls' school."

Her approach is similar to that of Beiyang Women's Public School. It is forced by reality, because currently only wealthy families will let their daughters go to school, and there will not be many students.

Li Yu said: "Where is the school located?"

Xie Fuyun said: "The east side of the Temple of Earth will be named Peihua Girls' School."

Li Yu's mind flashed, and he felt like he had heard this name somewhere before. It took him a long time to think about it before he remembered it. Isn't this the school Lin Huiyin attended?

It seems that the girls' school is now open.

As for the university that Su Huilian wanted to build, due to the outbreak of World War I, there was no way to continue raising funds, so it had to be abandoned.

But this old man still had some influence on some educators and thinkers in the Republic of China. After that, he returned to the UK. When Cai Yuanpei, Hu Shi and others went to Oxford, it was this China expert who had lived in Wenzhou for many years who did the reception.

He made certain contributions to education in the Republic of China, but his reputation is not as good as that of Timothy Richard and others.

A few people chatted for a while, and suddenly a student knocked on the door and entered.

He said excitedly: "Mr. Li Yu, I solved the question you asked! 33333331 is not a prime number, but the product of 17 and 19607843."

Li Yu was very surprised. The speed was too fast. The decomposition of large numbers has always been a difficult problem in mathematics, so he asked curiously: "What is your name?"

The student replied: "Mr. Hui, my name is Yang Wuzhi, from Fengyang, Anhui."

Well, no wonder! It turned out to be Yang Zhenning’s father, the mathematician Yang Wuzhi.

Li Yu smiled and said: "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

Yang Wuzhi asked expectantly: "What is the reward?"

Li Yu originally just wanted to give him a scholarship, but now he said: "The opportunity to study in the United States only requires you to complete four years of undergraduate study at this school."

Yang Wuzhi was very happy after hearing this: "I know that Tsinghua University also has to complete its undergraduate degree before going to the United States! I will definitely prepare well!"

Historically, Yang Wuzhi did not go to the United States to study at the University of Chicago until 1923, but it is still a consistent view that there is no harm in letting him go early.

(End of this chapter)

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