Let’s not talk about power for now. After all, this thing cannot be solved with the benefit of hindsight. The person involved will never wake up, and the addiction to power is irresistible. Even if he tries to persuade him, Yuan Shikai will still go down the road of death without hesitation.

I just don’t know if it’s the only way to go.

A few days later, a new issue of "SCIENCE" was mailed from the United States, and Wu Jun and Bingzhi's articles on phages were published in it.

The two were very happy after seeing it. Although a discovery of this level was not worthy of a grand prize, it was no problem as a doctoral thesis.

——A doctorate in the early 20th century was quite valuable.

Li Yu was happy to see that there were too few cutting-edge biological talents in the country at this time, even fewer than those in mathematics and physics.

Modern biology began to shine almost based on microbiology and later molecular biology.

Medicine is closely related to biology. Every little bit of progress they make can save thousands of lives.

It's just that the virus is a bit too advanced. At present, it is limited to "discovery". If you want to preliminary study it, you will have to wait for the invention of the electron microscope more than ten years later.

Viruses are known in the biological world as "outside the three realms and not among the five elements." It is difficult to explore its properties. At most, we have to study how to cultivate it. This is not an easy task. - Only last year did scholars successfully complete the virus in the laboratory. in vitro culture.

In short, the success of this research made Wu Jun and Bingzhi interested in microbiology.

After World War I, many things can be started.

It would be best to use their strength to raise the level of domestic biology to a higher level and pave the way for the future.


There was another unexpected thing. Li Yu suddenly received a telegram from Rutherford, mentioning that he would arrive in China soon.

Li Yu quickly took the train to the Shanghai pier to greet him.

Seeing the dusty Rutherford, Li Yu said in astonishment: "Professor Rutherford, why did you suddenly visit?"

Rutherford said bitterly: "I was in Australia before. I originally wanted to take a boat back to the UK, but I didn't expect that Europe suddenly became one. I contacted the country and they said that there were almost no people in the laboratory at the University of Manchester. People from Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Wait until all the researchers from the hostile countries leave. Even the researchers of other nationalities, now that they feel the threat of war, most of them have chosen to return to their countries. What I will face when I go back is an empty laboratory."

Rutherford is a very friendly person. In the past, the lively laboratory was always called a "happy family". Unexpectedly, this big family fell apart less than a year after it was formed.

Li Yu said: "It is estimated that all British students will be drafted into the army."

"That's true," Rutherford said sadly. "When I think of my students fighting each other on the battlefield, it really makes my heart twist. What's even more sad is that my best student Moseley actually chose to pick up The gun went to the front line instead of becoming a technical unit in the rear! I was worried that he was in danger, so I sent a telegram specifically to let him return to China, so that he could also participate in military work. But wartime communication was too difficult, and when he arrived, his unit Already ordered to go to the French front."

Today's battlefield on the Western Front is like hell on earth.

"As a soldier, the mortality rate on the front line is very high," Li Yu lamented. "In the previous battles, almost the entire army was wiped out in every charge."

Rutherford looked depressed: "He could have been a very good physicist and could become a professor in five years at most. Now I can only pray for him every day, hoping to return safely."

Li Yu asked: "If you return to China, will you also join the military department?"

"It's very possible," Rutherford said. "I heard that the British Navy, like France, has established a sonar research department dedicated to surveying mines and submarines. They need a large number of experimental physicists. But Professor Thomson asked me to wait for a while. Wait, you can come to Japan or China to stay for a while. I thought you were in China, so I came to find you."

"It's a great honor," Li Yu said. "Now the British Navy is in big action and the Mediterranean Sea is raging. If you want to go back, you really have to wait."

"There's a war in the Mediterranean too?" Rutherford couldn't read the latest newspapers on the ship during this period.

Li Yu said: "British Admiralty Minister Churchill organized a large-scale landing operation on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Ottoman Turkey, with the goal directed at Istanbul."

"It's no wonder that before I came on board there were a lot of ships going to England full of young guys from Australia and New Zealand," Rutherford said.

The main force in the Gallipoli Campaign included the Anzac Corps.

Ottoman Turkey is a big fat piece of meat in the eyes of European countries, and everyone wants to take a bite of it while the war is going on.

Churchill had served as Lord of the Admiralty for three years, with good results. When he took office, the British Navy was still mainly coal-fired. At this time, it had completely transformed into a modern navy mainly based on fuel.

He himself wanted to fight a war and went against all odds to attack Ottoman Turkey, the "sick man of West Asia". In Churchill's view, it should be easy.

Strategically, it can also help Russia relieve pressure.

Russia has two maritime lifelines: one of the Baltic Sea lanes is currently blocked by Germany; the remaining one is the Dardanelles Strait.

If the Dardanelles Strait is blocked again, then as Germany's new commander-in-chief Falkenhayn said: "Russia will become a paralyzed giant, trapped to death in isolation and helplessness."

Britain also pointed at him to contain the German Eastern Front Army and the Austro-Hungarian Army. Of course, Russia could not be left to die.

Churchill planned a surprise attack. There were not many defenders on the Gallipoli Peninsula, but after the Anzacs landed, they happened to encounter the troops led by Kemal who were stationed here as a reserve force.

The stage of history has turned the spotlight, and the supporting role has become the protagonist.

Kemal resisted to the death. After the entire army ran out of ammunition, he ordered the troops to mount bayonets and attack, saying the famous sentence: "I am not ordering you to fight, I am ordering you to die!"

Kemal successfully resisted the Anzac attack and plunged the area into trench warfare.

Fighting far away from homeland, the British army had difficulty in supplying supplies, and was actually doomed to defeat.

Churchill was forced to resign and went to the French front line as a battalion commander.

If Kissiner had not successfully planned a perfect withdrawal later, the British army would have turned into a disastrous defeat at Gallipoli.

Defeat is definitely a defeat.

The world's most powerful country was defeated by the Ottoman Turks, causing an uproar throughout the world. This battle became the last glory of the Ottomans.

"Not only Moseley," Rutherford added, "my other assistant Chadwick (the discoverer of neutrons) was caught as a spy in Germany and sent to a concentration camp. Fortunately, his life was not in danger."

"German concentration camp..." Li Yu felt unlucky when he heard this name.

Rutherford said: "When the war broke out, Chadwick was doing academic exchanges in Berlin and was inexplicably arrested."

Li Yu said: "The astronomical exploration team entrusted by Mr. Einstein to Crimea had the same experience."

Rutherford sighed: "I hope the German Academy of Sciences will help mediate in the name of years of cooperation."

Li Yu said: "Don't worry, if you are captured outside the battlefield, you will not be unduly embarrassed."

Chadwick was indeed very unlucky. He was released for four years after the first battle.

It was very boring in the concentration camp, and Chadwick was going crazy. Fortunately, the German army later captured a young British officer named Ellis.

Whenever he had free time, Chadwick would teach him about atomic physics. The two soon became friends and mentors.

Rutherford and Planck had a good relationship. Later, after coordination by the German Academy of Sciences and direct intervention, Chadwick was allowed to set up a small laboratory in the concentration camp and continue to conduct research.

Interestingly, the young officer Ellis attended "concentration camp university" for four years and also devoted himself to atomic physics after the war.

A miracle in a concentration camp.

Li Yu took Rutherford around several scenic spots in the country and felt better.

Then he was invited to give several lectures on "Atoms and Electronics" at Datong University, Tsinghua University, and Peking University.

After Rutherford finished speaking, he said to Li Yu: "I'm afraid you are better than me in theoretical physics. If there is anything wrong, you must tell me."

Li Yu smiled and said: "Great!"

Soon after, the news of Rutherford's arrival was known to the Beiyang government, and Yuan Shikai specially sent Minister of Education Tang Hualong to meet him.

Tang Hualong held a Golden Harvest Medal and said: "The President has always loved professors and scholars in the scientific community, and he specially ordered me to present a Golden Harvest Medal."

Rutherford didn't know the level of the Jiahe Medal, so he took it and said, "Thank you very much."

A year earlier, Rutherford had been knighted by the Queen of England.

Tang Hualong said: "Now that the war in Europe is tense, professors can stay here for more time, live wherever they want, and eat whatever they want."

Rutherford said: "Chinese food is well-deserved. Although I don't want to leave early, I'm afraid I can't stay long."

Tang Hualong then said: "The president is keen on establishing the constitution and has always respected your country's monarchy. I wonder what you, the scientific community, think about it?"

"Actually, we just respect the king," Rutherford said simply and concisely. "There is a parliament above, but I am not interested in politics and don't know much."

Tang Hualong said: "From your tone, at least you don't dislike the king?"

Rutherford said, "Why the disgust?"

"I understand," Tang Hualong said, "As intellectual elites, your opinions are very important."

Li Yu interrupted: "How about we talk about scientific cooperation?"

"Of course." Tang Hualong said.

Li Yu said: "Now the University of Manchester laboratory is short of manpower. I hope that some Chinese students can be assigned to help."

Rutherford said: "I would not refuse in peacetime, but now I am afraid that after returning to China, I will join the military to work on sonar projects."

Li Yu said: "Teaching in the university will never stop. How about sending a group of international students along with the ship?"

Rutherford said: "British universities may only have a small number of local British students, and most of the international students. There are not as many teachers as usual, and their absence will inevitably delay their studies. You know, it will extend one year to graduate." , there will be a lot more tuition.”

Li Yu said: "Don't worry about this issue. We will find a solution for tuition fees."

Tang Hualong is also interested in study abroad programs: "Mr. Li Yu is right, tuition fees will not be affected."

"Okay, since you insist so much, you can send a group of students back to the UK with me," Rutherford said, "But I heard that Germany has produced an airship that can throw artillery shells, and the UK mainland is not that safe now. "

Li Yu said: "I will make it clear to the students in advance whether to follow their wishes or not."

Rutherford said: "You can really learn a lot by studying abroad. If I hadn't received the scholarship, I might still be growing potatoes in New Zealand."

Tang Hualong said: "We will be even more happy if we can strengthen communication with your country through international students."

After all, Tang Hualong was an official, and he was also thinking about breaking the 21 rules.

The little Japanese refused to change the treaty and forced Yuan Shikai to sign it.

The Beiyang government can only resort to procrastination. ——It would be great if it could really be delayed.

Later, Yuan Shikai sent Cao Rulin as the deputy minister of foreign affairs to have direct contact with Japan.

The terms in the first four numbers are generally similar, except for the fifth number that is really unacceptable to the Beiyang government.

Then the little devil made a slight "concession" to the content of No. 5, but it was still absolutely unacceptable to the sovereignty of the Beiyang government.

But at that time, even Britain and the United States were impatient. British Foreign Secretary Gray ordered Zhu Erdian, the minister to China, to persuade Yuan Shikai to sign it.

This is the situation that China has faced in diplomacy since the Opium War. A weak country without diplomacy is not empty talk, and in the end it is often forced to compromise.

However, Foreign Affairs Minister Lu Zhengxiang also famously said: "Weak countries have no diplomacy, but they have diplomats."

The results they achieved in a passive situation are already very impressive.

Li Yu could tell that Tang Hualong wanted to strengthen ties with the British cultural circles and hoped that they would have some influence on the British Parliament.

After all, Japan's aggressive posture has obviously affected British and American interests in China.

Nowadays, Britain increasingly feels that Japan is relying on the Anglo-Japanese alliance to expand its influence, and is increasingly doubtful about this.

——The fox pretends to be the tiger's power, that's all. Little Japan now wants to be the master.

It's a pity that the UK has too much time to take care of itself, otherwise their diplomatic strategy would definitely involve more interference.

As a leading figure in the British scientific community, even if Rutherford is not involved in politics, his words still have weight.

Rutherford said: "When the war broke out, everyone said that the Christmas War would end, but now it seems impossible. I can't predict the direction of the war, but as long as the situation is slightly stable, I will pay more attention to Chinese students, in case something happens inside There is another Li Yu."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Maybe."

Rutherford said: "You will also go together then. Bohr told me that he seemed to have discovered some wonderful phenomena, but he was unable to come to the laboratory of the University of Manchester for verification, and he could not contact other mathematicians and theoretical physicists. Scholar, you are the best at this."

"Yes," Li Yu said, "when the war is over."

Rutherford could only say: "Let's hope the damn war ends soon."

A few days later, he received a notice from the British Consulate to return to China by boat to join the sonar project team organized by the Navy.

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