Chapter 610 Youth
"Excuse me, is this the Chinese Science Society?" A man in a suit suddenly appeared at the door.

Jin Bangzheng said: "Yes, may I ask who you are?"

"Oh, I am Chen Zhongfu," the other party replied politely, "I have just founded a Youth Magazine to promote democracy and the spirit of science. Science is not my specialty. Later I heard that Mr. Li Yu organized and founded the Science Society, and I also "Science Magazine" is publishing, and I would like to ask your company for help. "

Li Yu smiled and said: "Easy to say, easy to say, sir, please come in!"

I really need this help.

Chen Zhongfu is Chen Yizhi...

And that "Youth Magazine" will be renamed "New Youth" in less than a year.

"Are you Mr. Li Yu?" Chen Zhongfu asked.

Li Yu nodded, and then said: "Sir, can you give me a few copies of Youth Magazine to review?"

"Of course," Chen Zhongfu took out the magazine from his bag, "These are the first few issues. Since I am the only editor, there are many shortcomings."

Li Yu said: "It is really hard for me to be an editor by myself."

"Let me take a look," Jin Bangzheng, now considered a professional editor, looked with interest, "It turns out that sir is not only an editor, but also a writer."

Chen Zhongfu said with a smile: "We don't have to do this when running magazines now."

Until 1917, Chen Zhongfu was the sole editor of Youth Magazine. Only after 1918 did the magazine establish an editorial committee, consisting of six people. In addition to Chen himself, there were also Qian Xuantong, Hu Shi, Li Dazhao, Liu Bannong and Shen Yinmo.

The committee rotates one person as the editor every month; it holds a monthly discussion meeting, in which in addition to the six editors, there are also major contributors, including Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren (the editorial department moved to Beijing at that time).

Hu Dunfu also took a copy, read it for a while and praised: "Mr. Chen's writing style is very good, and this inaugural statement is sonorous and powerful."

Chen Zhongfu said: "The founding article you read is also the guiding ideology of this magazine. It is also my six requirements for the majority of young people, that is, free rather than slaves; progressive rather than conservative; enterprising rather than conservative. Retirement; global rather than secluded; pragmatic rather than docile; scientific rather than imaginative. In a word, it should be both science and democracy."

Jin Bangzheng admired his words very much, "Don't worry about science, but the word democracy may cause the magazine to be banned. You know, the president is going to proclaim himself emperor."

Chen Zhongfu said: "I understand, so from the beginning, it has avoided publishing direct political comments. The purpose of Youth Magazine is to transform the thoughts and behaviors of young people, not to carry out political criticism."

Starting from the second half of 14, the Beiyang government has implemented strict controls on newspapers and publications, on the pretext that these publications publicly leaked the secret treaty signed by the government and Japan, or that they criticized related policies.

Originally, in the first two years of the Republic of China, the domestic publishing industry ushered in a period of explosive development, but Yuan Shikai immediately realized that "people's words are terrifying" and quickly suppressed it.

After the Xinhai Revolution, there were approximately 500 daily newspapers across the country, including 50 in Beijing, 15 in Shanghai, and 6 in Hankou. However, during Yuan Shikai's imperial movement, the number of newspapers in Beijing dropped sharply to about 20, Shanghai to 5, and Hankou to only 2. Newspaper circulation also fell.

"Youth Magazine" was born in this environment. It is published and distributed by Qunyi Publishing House. One volume is published every month. The cost of each issue is about 200 yuan. The initial circulation is 1000 copies.

Hu Dunfu agreed with Chen Zhongfu's idea of ​​transforming young people's minds: "The school's absorption capacity is limited, and it is impossible to teach all knowledge. It would be good to have some positive readings as a supplement."

Chen Zhongfu said: "Yes, I vow not to talk about politics for twenty years and focus on cultural propaganda."

After that, it was because of Mr. Zhongfu’s view that he “should not talk about politics for twenty years” that Hu Shi decided to return to China for development and join the wave of new culture.

However, it is impossible for the two of them to "not talk about politics for twenty years".

Sharp comments about resistance to the imperial system can be seen everywhere in Youth Magazine, especially in the three columns of "Correspondence", "Foreign Events" and "Domestic Events".

For this reason, it was forced to suspend operations for almost half a year during the Hongxian monarchy.

Chen Zhongfu then asked Li Yu to write a manuscript: "There are two banners of democracy and science. The most representative of science must be sir. If possible, I hope to write a manuscript for my Youth Magazine."

Li Yu said decisively: "There is no problem. I have always been committed to promoting science. I fully agree with your ideas."

Chen Zhongfu said happily: "Great! If I had your manuscript, I would have asked Qunyi Publishing House in advance to print hundreds more copies of this issue."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Also, I have a small suggestion."

Chen Zhongfu said: "Sir, please speak."

Li Yu opened the magazine and asked, "Can we all use vernacular Chinese in the future?"

"All?" Chen Zhongfu asked.

"I took a general look and found that your Excellency is extremely dissatisfied with feudal ethics and has very new ideas. Classical Chinese has always monopolized the literary style, while vernacular has not been popular." Li Yu paused and said, "But vernacular is easy to spread and translate, so the benefits are not too great. ”

Chen Zhongfu nodded: "I agree, but I'm afraid that if I can't find a good enough vernacular article, I will be criticized by others."

Jin Bangzheng said: "There is nothing to be afraid of. "Science Magazine" is written entirely in vernacular and also uses new punctuation. It is still getting better and better."

Chen Zhongfu said: "The difference is that you are a purely scientific magazine, and others can't say anything. If it is a liberal arts article, it must not only have content, but also ensure literary talent, otherwise some poor literati will inevitably find fault."

"I can think of some good candidates who can write good vernacular articles, for example," Li Yu picked up a manuscript from Hu Shi, "Students studying in the United States."

Chen Zhongfu knew that these foreign students must have received a strict education and were "foreign champions" with relatively new ideas. It might be good for them to write in vernacular. "Sir, please ask for a draft for me."

“With a little effort,” Li Yu said, “Currently, the United States is also engaged in a literary movement, especially in terms of new poetry. Various prairie poets, Imagist poets, new lyric poets and experimentalists have published works one after another. The most unique style is to break away from the Some people say that this is the Renaissance of American poetry instead of the artificial and exaggerated rhetoric in traditional poetry.

Chen Zhongfu said: "In this case, students studying in the United States must feel the same way and are willing to use vernacular writing?"

Li Yu said: "In fact, not only them, but most people like to use convenient vernacular, don't they?"

Chen Zhongfu said with a smile: "Sir, you are right, vernacular writing is so easy and comfortable." Starting from January 1918, almost all articles in the magazine "New Youth" were written in vernacular Chinese.

Li Yu said: "By the way, can you leave these magazines to me as a souvenir?"

Chen Zhongfu said: "Sir, just accept it."

This magazine is quite collectible. There is a French title at the top.

Li Yu wrote an article that day, which mainly discussed scientific ideas, including falsification, so that everyone could have a deeper impression of "what is science". There is a bit of a philosophical scope. Considering that the positioning of this magazine is not a purely popular science magazine, it is more suitable to popularize scientific ideas.

Moreover, scientific thinking is very important in this era when ignorance is still rampant.

Li Yu discussed this issue more than once, and also intentionally mentioned the theory of evolution from a scientific perspective. At present, the theory of evolution is probably the one with the deepest understanding of science in China, but it may also be the most biased. If it is any more biased, Li Yu is really afraid of causing social harm. Darwin.

After submitting the manuscript, Li Yu sent a telegram to Hu Shi and Dewey respectively. I only gave Hu Shi some very conventional words, such as urging him to think about how to discuss current affairs as a student, whether to participate in politics, and how to find a good position. ——These are the common words of university instructors.

Then tell him about the need for vernacular-related articles in China and let him promote it among international student groups. Anyway, Hu Shi has always been a strong supporter of vernacular writing, so there is absolutely no problem in letting him do this. And with his character, he is definitely willing to be the first person to do this kind of groundbreaking work.

Li Yu was thinking again about whether to let Brother Xun take action earlier? Hu's level of vernacular writing was only scratching the surface. If he really wanted his vernacular writing to make waves, it would take a master like Lu Xun.

As for the telegram to Dewey, all you need to do is ask him to be more strict with Hu Shi's graduation thesis...

Over in the capital, what is supposed to come will eventually come.

On December 12, the Senate held a general vote count for the national system vote. As a result, a total of 11 members were present. No one objected, and no votes were invalidated. As scheduled, all of them "respectfully proclaimed the current President Yuan Gongshikai as the Emperor of the Empire." And entrust the supreme and complete sovereignty of the country to the emperor, inherit the heaven and build the pole, and pass it on to all generations."

Comrade Lao Yuan had sworn an oath to safeguard the democratic republic. In order to establish a chastity arch, he immediately issued an order: "At the beginning of the Republic of China, this president once swore to the Senate that he would do his best to promote the republic. Now if the monarchy is independent, , it is a breach of oath, which cannot be explained by the credibility.

"...Since my top priority is to save the country and the people, I will not hesitate to sacrifice everything to do so...Members who love me will not be able to bear to force me to do anything difficult. I hope that the National Assembly will carefully consider it and recommend it separately. , to consolidate the foundation of the country.”

Anyway, we are all our own people and understand the routine. After Yuan Shikai issued the order, he immediately started to recommend the book for the second time. This time it was obviously very disgusting.

And in order to help Yuan Shikai stand up for morality, he raised the banner of public opinion.

Seeing that public opinion was like this, Yuan Shikai had no choice but to reluctantly choose to take up the throne of emperor, and immediately began preparations for the enthronement ceremony.

This was a bombshell in the early Republic of China. Liang Qichao left Beijing in a hurry and came to Shanghai.

Yu Garden.

"It's really lawless!" Liang Qichao yelled, "Yuan Xiangcheng was originally a character, but now it seems that he can only be regarded as a strange and demonic character!"

Li Yu made him a cup of tea and said, "Let me calm down."

"Why was I so confused before!" Liang Qichao continued to think to himself, "Yuan's life, his words and deeds are all inconsistent; his heart and mouth are not consistent! He is the best liar in the world. ! He once sold out as a former minister of the Qing Dynasty, and now he is a public servant of the Republic of China! A quarter of the people in the world are ashamed of his rule!"

Li Yu knew the follow-up development and was not too panicked, "What is Mr. Ren going to do next?"

Liang Qichao said: "Yuan Xiangcheng is the seed of chaos in China. The longer he rules, the deeper the chaos will be! Of course, we must gather strength to completely overthrow him."

Li Yu asked: "Has General Cai E left the capital?"

"I guess he has arrived in Japan," Liang Qichao said. "I wrongly blamed him in the past. I thought he was really hanging out in Bada Hutong and Xiaofengxian was drunk and gentle. A few days ago, he suddenly got a certificate from the hospital and asked for Taking three months of sick leave and going to Japan to see a doctor is actually an escape from the capital.”

Li Yu said: "General Cai's illness is also a real illness."

"I can't help myself," Liang Qichao said. "I hope everything will go well after he returns to Yunnan and raises troops. Now there is internal strife in the Beiyang Army. Duan Qirui has always been opposed to the imperial system and will not wear armor. Feng Guozhang was deceived so badly, let alone Will work hard."

The conflict between Duan Qirui and Yuan Shikai appeared relatively early.

Feng Guozhang had been deposed by Yuan Shikai before. He was a Jiangsu general. In order to contain him, Yuan Shikai sent Zheng Rucheng to watch him in Shanghai, and at the same time deliberately provoked a conflict between him and Zhang Xun.

Moreover, before proclaiming himself emperor, Yuan Shikai tricked Feng Guozhang again.

Feng Guozhang did not believe that Yuan Shikai would proclaim himself emperor at all, so he went to Beijing to meet Yuan Shikai and asked him if he had any plans to proclaim himself emperor. As a result, Yuan Shikai pretended to be surprised and said to him: "There is absolutely no such thing. It's just a rumor! Ke Ding is a disabled person and Ke Wen is a scholar. They are both useless people. If I become the emperor and pass the throne to them, won't the world be ruined? Chaos? Why am I so stupid?”

Feng Guozhang is a good fighter, but he really doesn't have much scheming in politics, so he really believes it. So he made a public statement to the press: "I have confirmed with him that the president wants to be emperor. It is purely a rumor. If anyone dares to slander the president again in the future, don't blame me for not recognizing people!"

After Yuan Shikai became emperor, Feng Guozhang realized that he had been tricked by his boss, and he must have felt uncomfortable.

As for Wang Shizhen, another one of the Three Heroes of Beiyang, he gradually faded out after the Republic of China because he had always been loyal to the Qing court.

If there were no internal strife in Beiyang, in terms of military matters alone, the strength of the National Guard Army would really not be able to confront the Beiyang Army head-on.

However, the Protectorate Army is not completely without a chance of winning. It first takes up the moral banner and can attract a lot of support, and Japan provides a certain degree of diplomatic pressure.

Liang Qichao sighed: "I want to unite the cultural circles and write a few more propaganda articles to completely draw a clear line with Yuan Xiangcheng, so that the world can see his face more clearly."

Li Yu said: "Words can sometimes kill people."

Liang Qichao said harshly: "What is needed is the killing effect."

Liang Qichao's pen was fierce and his influence was not low, and he was able to gather a large number of literati groups.

Comrade Lao Yuan is about to see the painful truth clearly in many fields including military, culture and diplomacy.

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