Chapter 622 Returning to China
Michelson kept his word and actually made He Yujie a foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences.

Like the Physical Society, science in the United States is now much weaker than in Europe. It can only be regarded as a regular title and is not as valuable as a foreign academician of the Royal Society of the Netherlands.

However, the United States is a little closer, so it will be more convenient to engage in scientific activities in the future than in Europe. Moreover, the salaries they provide are generally much higher than those of European societies. The normal annual salary is almost 10,000 US dollars, which is far higher than that of Einstein, Planck and others in the same period. In addition, there are a lot of scientific research funds. Several universities in the east, in addition to funds There are also a large number of donations from wealthy people.

The awarding ceremony was held in the Academy of Sciences building, which is a relatively old building. There happened to be a regular Academy of Sciences meeting today, so there were a lot of people.

After entering the building, Millikan was chatting with astronomer Hale.

Haier saw Li Yu and said hello: "Academician Li Yu, I'm so excited to see you! After reading your article about sunspots and flares, I was very shocked. Your research on the sun is so profound. ”

Hale was a leading figure in American astronomy and had been studying the sun, especially sunspots.

Li Yu said: "These are just some preliminary results. There is still a lot worth exploring about this star closest to us."

The Academy of Sciences first carried out some scheduled daily topics. Needless to say, they were definitely about science and war.

Before Li Yu traveled through time, the United States acted as the "world police" every day, attacking here and there, very arrogant and domineering; at this time, the United States had basically never fought a foreign war, and the First World War was considered the first of its kind, so all walks of life Considerable emphasis.

However, these war issues had no appeal to Li Yu and He Yujie.

The most enthusiastic was the astronomer Hale, who spoke: "The most significant impact of the war is to emphasize the importance of scientific research to the country.

"According to my investigation, the Navy Department commissioned Edison to establish a scientific committee as early as July 1915 to study countermeasures against submarine attacks.

“I am very worried that the addition of Edison will slowly grow this committee that is completely independent of the Academy of Sciences and exclude our Academy of Sciences.

"The impending war and preparation plans force us to focus on how to systematize research activities and straighten out the relationship with other social institutions. We need to participate in the most important front-line current affairs!"

Millikan agreed with Hale's point of view: "It can be seen from the European wars in the past two years that science and technology have changed the characteristics of war and have become necessary conditions for war. Submarine detectors, precise bombing technology, aerial photography Technology, aviation instruments, wireless communications, infrared and ultraviolet signaling devices, and sonic positioning instruments all appeared for the first time in this war.

“The war prompted the world, for the first time in its history, to soberly evaluate the role of science. The war made soldiers realize that science was necessary for them to win.

"Management positions in every industry are also filled by technically trained personnel, which has never happened before. The war makes a future official realize that he cannot be promoted unless he is scientifically trained; the war makes the manufacturer realize that He would not be in a position of leadership in his profession without the wisdom of the research community.

“And what’s even more gratifying is that science still has endless room for development.

“The upshot of all this is that there are new opportunities at every stage and in every branch of science!”

Even some scientists who did not support the war could not deny the facts Millikan said.

The first half of the 20th century was an era of technological explosion, and it was also the time when the two largest world wars in human history broke out. Although it cannot be said that technology caused the world wars, there is definitely an inextricable relationship between the two. .

The status of science and technology is also getting higher and higher in the war, becoming the well-deserved primary productive force.

After the discussion meeting on war and science, Michelson organized a ceremony to confer He Yujie with a foreign bachelor's degree.

Michelson congratulated: "The only two East Asian foreign academicians of the Academy of Sciences are both from China. This is something I did not expect. I hope you can make more outstanding achievements in the atomic world."

He Yujie is relatively humble: "Thank you Mr. Michelson, I still have a lot to learn."

Li Yu asked: "After joining the war, will the students and professors from major American universities also be shipped to France?"

Michelson said: "I'm not sure, but it won't be so soon. New recruits need to train for at least a year."

Li Yu thought to himself that in this case, it would still be valuable for He Yujie to stay in the United States.

In World War I, the U.S. military actually took to the battlefield to participate in actual combat in September 1918, only two months before the end of the war.

However, when the United States entered the war, it had more reasons to support Britain and France, and various weapons were continuously shipped there.

Starting from the second half of 1917, every time the British and French forces advanced, hundreds of tanks opened the way.

Tank technology has made great strides in just one or two years, and new models that are very close to the appearance of modern tanks have been produced.

However, the real killer weapon brought by the US military is not any of the things mentioned above, but the terrible influenza virus.

The pandemic killed 40 to 50 million people, far more than the war itself. The massive shortage of labor was one of the important factors that forced both sides to cease the war.

Millikan told Li Yu: "I may join an army scientific research group organized by a meteorological agency. I am currently studying Mr. Li Yu's "Fractals and Chaos"."

"High-altitude observation? Meteorological analysis?" Li Yu asked.

Millikan said: "The main purpose is to develop balloons that can carry propaganda materials over long distances, and to make some weather maps of the upper atmosphere as auxiliary equipment for artillery units."

"So, you are ready to participate in war preparations?" Li Yu asked again.

"Yes, not only me, but Mr. Hale has also joined," Millikan said. "In addition to meteorological work, I will also conduct in-depth research on submarine monitoring to prevent Germany from unrestricted submarine warfare."

Li Yu said: "You really want to compete head-on with Edison."

"We have our strengths," Millikan said.

Now that the United States has also joined the war, the main focus of all walks of life must be on war preparations. It is pointless for Li Yu to stay here. After a few days, he bid farewell to Lu Bicheng and returned to the country by boat with Hu Shi.


After arriving in Shanghai, Hu Shi did not go north immediately. He wanted to go home to visit his mother first.

Li Yu expressed his understanding: "My mother is worried about her son traveling thousands of miles, so she should go and have a look."

Hu Shi smiled bitterly: "Not only will I meet my mother, I'm afraid I will also have to meet my wife who we got engaged to more than ten years ago but have never met before."

Li Yu could only say: "I hope everything goes well."

As early as 1905, Hu Shi's mother arranged this marriage for him. The woman was named Jiang Dongxiu, who was Hu Shi's wife from now on.

Hu Shi protested, and even had platonic emotional entanglements with several women while studying in the United States, but he finally decided to marry this woman. An advocate of the New Culture Movement actually married a country lady with small feet. Later, Hu Shi became famous. Many people called "Hu Shi's woman with small feet" one of the seven wonders of the Republic of China. Some people even wrote a poem, "Hu Shi's fame spread throughout the universe, and his wife's small feet followed her."

However, when Hu Shi returned to his hometown this time, he did not see Jiang Dongxiu. He went to the Jiang family specifically, but the 28-year-old girl hid in the boudoir until they got married in December...

But this woman is much luckier than Lu Xun's wife Zhu An.


Li Yu went north first. After arriving in the capital, Cai Yuanpei, the president of Peking University, invited Li Yu to his home to attend a cultural salon. Many cultural celebrities attended the meeting, such as Liang Qichao, Chen Zhongfu, Lu Xun, Qian Xuantong, etc.; in addition, there was also the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wu Tingfang.

Later, Li Yu learned that Wu Tingfang had commissioned Cai Yuanpei to organize this salon.

When Li Yu arrived, everyone was painting around Cai Yuanpei's wife, Huang Zhongyu.

Huang Zhongyu made the last stroke and signed the seal and said to Wu Tingfang: "I hope the general manager will not dislike it."

Wu Tingfang took it casually and said: "Okay, very good!"

Cai Yuanpei said: "General Manager Wu, it's time to recruit talents. Let's get started. You can say a few words first."

Wu Tingfang stood up, bowed slowly to the people around him, and then said: "I am honored to meet you, you are all the talents of the Republic of China. Nowadays, the international community is changing, and the United States has also joined the ranks of declaring war on Germany. All people with lofty ideals are inspired. . Germany's defeat is almost inevitable. By joining the Allied Powers, we will surely gain unprecedented benefits. This is a rare diplomatic opportunity. However, President Li has been hesitant. I hope that everyone with strong social influence can join in to support it. Among the troops declaring war on Germany."

The more Cai Yuanpei listened, the more he felt something was wrong. He had agreed that it would be a cultural salon, but he went astray when he came up. It's just that it's not easy for me to talk to him, so I can only let it be like this.

Recently, there has been a lot of commotion in the capital because of the declaration of war against Germany. Duan Qirui and Li Yuanhong have also been involved in a feud between the government and the government, and they are trying to support each other.

Liang Qichao paused and replied first: "Initially I was optimistic about Germany, but when one of my friends Zhang Junmai came back from Europe and told me some of the trends in the war, I changed my view. Now that the Allies are gone, if you want to get For the greater good, declaring war on Germany is indeed the most beneficial.”

"What Mr. Ren said is absolutely true!" Wu Tingfang said happily, and then asked Chen Zhongfu, "Zhongfu clearly advocated in "New Youth" that war should be declared on Germany, which well represents the public opinion."

Chen Zhongfu said: "I don't think this is public opinion."

Wu Tingfang was a little embarrassed and asked: "What is it if it's not public opinion?"

Chen Zhongfu said: "I just think that declaring war on Germany is beneficial to us. But it is certainly not public opinion. In addition, I do not agree with public opinion deciding some major policies. We must see clearly that republic and democracy are new things to us, and many people The understanding is not profound. If everything is decided by the majority of people's opinions, just look at it, there is no guarantee that the majority of people will not approve of having pigtails, binding feet, reinstating the imperial examination, or establishing an imperial system."

Wu Tingfang laughed and said, "It is indeed Zhongfu! Your words made me enlightened."

After hearing Chen Zhongfu's words, Cai Yuanpei frowned a little. He finally let the cultural circle overwhelm the political circle.

Li Yu also felt more and more that Chen Zhongfu was unusual.

He is the only one who can say this.

Moreover, he saw some essential problems more than a hundred years in advance. Those elected by one person and one vote are actually not the best candidates most of the time. First of all, public opinion can be controlled, and public opinion can be swayed. Furthermore, most ordinary people are "so ordinary and so confident." So it’s better to leave professional matters to professionals.

This problem is a bit complicated to develop.

When Li Yu was thinking wildly, Wu Tingfang said to him: "Mr. Academician, as the leader of science in the country, your status is even more supreme when the whole country is talking about democracy and science. What do you have to say about this matter?" of?"

Wu Tingfang first gave Li Yu a big hat.

Li Yu smiled: "I am considering how to take over the entire Bayer Pharmaceutical Factory in Shanghai, so that I can speed up production in a more efficient way and benefit society."

Wu Tingfang understood the meaning of Li Yu's words, "Sir, not only does he support the declaration of war against Germany, he also thinks a step further. I admire him."

Cai Yuanpei coughed: "Do we still want to talk about some cultural topics?"

Wu Tingfang had achieved his goal and hurriedly said: "It should, it should!"

Li Yuze first apologized to Cai Yuanpei: "Principal Cai, I left He Yujie in the United States."

Cai Yuanpei was stunned: "Lumped it in the United States?"

Li Yu said: "Columbia University must keep him as a visiting professor for one year. After the American Academy of Sciences appoints him as a foreign academician, he will have at least ten lectures to give."

Cai Yuanpei said speechlessly: "It's not easy for Peking University to have such an outstanding physics teacher. I told you not to poach, but I didn't expect that he was sent to the United States for a year!"

Li Yu said: "It's not like he won't come back, and... with the current school spirit, it doesn't hurt to miss him for a year."

Cai Yuanpei said: "I can tell you, if it doesn't happen next time, you must say hello to me in advance."

Li Yuqi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will help you train a few more academicians in the future."

Cai Yuanpei said with satisfaction: "That's pretty much it!"

In fact, among the current faculty of Peking University, there is not even a Ph.D., and Hu Shi, who is coming soon, is the first one.


After the salon, Li Yu drove Liang Qichao home.

On the way, Liang Qichao asked: "Shucai, you just came back from the United States, what's going on there?"

Li Yu said: "What else can be done? It has been published in the newspaper."

Liang Qichao said: "It's hard to guess what people's hearts are now. A few days ago, Ni Si, the governor of Anhui, rushed to the capital. He is a relative of Prime Minister Duan Qirui. At first, he didn't know Prime Minister Duan's intentions. He went around preaching that declaring war on Germany would definitely lead to the country's destruction. He also said that I He was a "national subjugation demon". Later, when he learned that the Prime Minister also advocated declaring war on Germany, his attitude immediately changed and he became a staunch advocate. He also shouted, "Declaration of war on Germany should be agreed unconditionally, and the sooner the better!" "

Li Yu smiled and said: "Who is the main war faction? He is obviously a face-seeking one."

Liang Qichao sighed: "He is Prime Minister Duan's in-laws, and he is so arrogant. It is hard to imagine what other military governors would think."

Now Duan Qirui has been relying on the support of the governor's army composed of provincial governors, and there are faint signs of warlord chaos.

Of course, Li Yu knew that the most troublesome person at the moment was Zhang Xun from Xuzhou.

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