Chapter 628 Green Gang
The progress of the automobile factory was unusually smooth, but the addition of Liu Hongsheng made his younger brother Liu Jisheng somewhat worried.

Liu Jisheng asked in confusion: "Brother, why are you doing those high-risk things if you don't do the great coal business? It's completely inconsistent with your standards."

Liu Hongsheng said: "You have been doing business with me and stayed at various docks in Shanghai for at least several months every year. You should know that looking at the entire Huangpu River, from Yangshupu to the South Pier, they are all foreign docks. There are also that long list of foreign warships floating in the air. Wearing all kinds of national flags almost makes people forget that this is China. Although I am a businessman who only cares about making money, I am in the dock industry, and I feel uncomfortable after seeing it too much. The opportunity for the Chinese people to grow their reputation is before me and I cannot ignore it.”

Liu Jisheng said: "I'm afraid that I won't see any profit after investing the money."

"You underestimate Mr. Li Yu too much," Liu Hongsheng said. "So many business leaders in Shanghai all respect Li Yu. This is not something ordinary people can do."

"Of course I'm convinced," Liu Jisheng said, "but brother, we must never give up our old profession."

"I haven't put it down, and Mr. Li Yu told me something very interesting." Liu Hongsheng took out a piece of paper and handed it to Liu Jisheng, "Take a look."

There was a very strange figure on the paper, a cylinder with many small circles on it. Liu Jisheng asked: "What is this?"

Liu Hongsheng said: "Mr. Li Yu calls it honeycomb briquette. According to him, this form can greatly improve the combustion efficiency of coal."

"briquettes?" Liu Jisheng heard this new term for the first time. After thinking for a moment, he said, "I remember a classmate from St. John's University, Song Ziliang, told me that he saw in Japan that briquettes were all made by machines, but It’s not so porous either.”

Song Ziliang is Song Ziwen's younger brother.

Liu Hongsheng said: "Mr. Li Yu said that after this kind of processing, the efficiency of use can be greatly improved, far exceeding that of briquettes or briquettes. He is a person who won the Nobel Prize in Switzerland, and his understanding of thermal science ranks first in the country. Listen to him That’s right.”

"It's Sweden, not Switzerland," Liu Jisheng corrected. "Brother, what you mean is that we invest in building a bee coal factory?"

"It's briquettes," Liu Hongsheng also corrected his slip of the tongue, "I mentioned to Mr. Li Yu that I had invested in several coal mines, and he told me about the idea. And he told me with confidence that as long as it is launched, The money earned is definitely more than dumping coal.”

"So powerful?!" Liu Jisheng was a little incredulous.

Liu Hongsheng nodded and continued: "According to Mr. Li Yu, briquettes are an improved process. Although improving efficiency will allow users to buy less coal in the short term, over time, if you see the benefits, you will buy briquettes and honeycomb furnaces. There will be more and more people, and we will only make more money. I analyzed it carefully, and what Mr. Li Yu said is completely on point.”

Liu Jisheng looked at the piece of paper in his hand again, "It sounds like a good deal. How much did you spend to buy this idea?"

"Mr. Li Yu gave it to me without taking any money," Liu Hongsheng said.

"Great!" Liu Jisheng was completely convinced. "I will start trial production in the next few days. I will make three to five tons first and promote it on a small scale. If the effect is good, I will put it into production immediately!"

Liu Jisheng is the second most important role in Liu Hongsheng's huge industry. He has good friendships with some key figures in the Kuomintang, the most important of which is the spy chief Dai Li.

A few days later, Li Yu called Liu Hongsheng to go to the Shanghai World, which was known as the "No. 1 Club in the Far East" and had just opened.

The Great World was built by businessman Huang Chujiu, who had been in contact with Li Yu many years ago, when the Japanese Rendan had just begun to be promoted in Shanghai. Huang Chujiu started his business in medicinal materials, but he couldn't stand the dumping by the Japanese, so he also created a medicine to counteract the Japanese Ren Dan.

"President Li," Huang Chujiu came over wearing an exquisite suit, "your arrival has made my place full of glory."

"It's already splendid enough," Li Yu said with a smile, and then took out a package. "Inside are copies of some films recently released in the United States. Most of them are from the popular American Chaplin, with a relaxed and humorous style."

"The president knows very well what the world wants!" Huang Chujiu said happily, and then said, "You came just in time, there is a good show on the stage today."

"Mei Lanfang?" Li Yu asked.

"Boss Mei will come a few days later," Huang Chujiu said. "It's another Liyuan big shot. You'll know after a while."

"It's quite mysterious," Li Yu said.

Huang Chujiu took Li Yu and others to the theater in the big world, where many celebrities from Shanghai were already sitting.

When the singing started on the stage, Li Yu immediately recognized it - it turned out to be the second master Yuan Kewen.

When Yuan Kewen came to Shanghai two or three years ago, he joined the Youth Gang, and he was the highest-ranked "big" generation during the Republic of China. Later, his father passed away, and Yuan Kewen received an inheritance of more than 100,000 yuan.

——Yuan Shikai’s legacy is really quite small. Compared with Li Hongzhang, Sheng Xuanhuai and others, it is simply a drop in the bucket. Yuan Shikai has always had this mentality towards money. He is never short of money, and he is not greedy for money at all. He acts decisively and neatly, and is very willing to spend money to manage relationships and make various reforms.

Therefore, Yuan Kewen did not receive much, but more than 100,000 silver dollars was not a small amount during the Republic of China. It was enough for Yuan Kewen to live comfortably for a lifetime.

But Yuan Kewen is obviously not an honest person.

He is too spendthrift. He grew up in that kind of environment and has no idea of ​​making money, let alone the knowledge of financial management. Sometimes he casually gives tips of tens of yuan without realizing it.

Yuan Kewen was also a person who enjoyed himself in time. He often went to and from the brothel, which was a gold-selling cave, and he spent all his inheritance in a short time.

Since he had no money, Yuan Kewen just sold some calligraphy and paintings. Fortunately, there were many people in Shanghai who sold him Mr. Yuan Erye's face, so his life was not difficult.

As for singing on stage, it is entirely his personal preference.

Yuan Kewen sang Kun Opera with standard steps, and people in the audience cheered loudly from time to time.

Li Yu said to Huang Chujiu beside him: "Are all the prominent people from the Shanghai Bund Youth Gang here?"

Huang Chujiu said: "That's not true! Almost all the Qing Gang in Shanghai are selling him face."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Shanghai's flower industry is more willing to sell him face."

Liu Hongsheng on the side suddenly said: "Can you let them help me a little bit?"

Huang Chujiu was in a good mood and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Hongsheng said: "Since Mr. Li Yu's car factory recruitment notice was posted, a lot of gangsters have come. If they are not recruited, they will not leave; if you give them a few dollars, there will be more people coming the next day." "

Huang Chujiu said: "This is inevitable when doing business in Shanghai. If you want to settle things once and for all, there happens to be someone who can handle the matter right now. Wait a moment."

After Yuan Kewen finished singing Kunqu Opera, Huang Chujiu stood up and came to a table, pointing to the side: "Inspector Huang, can you say a few words here?"

Huang Jinrong looked in the direction of his finger: "It turns out to be Academician Li."

He immediately came to the table where Li Yu and Liu Hongsheng were sitting and said, "Grand Scholar Li is also here to relax."

Li Yu smiled lightly: "There is no Inspector Huang Xiaoyao."

Huang Huangrong laughed and said, "To be successful in life, you must have all the fun."

As an inspector of the French Concession, he had a very casual schedule. He slept until he woke up naturally every day. After lunch, he would have a drink with his gambling friends. In the evening, he would have a rich nightlife at Shili Foreign Market.

As for handling the case? In his words, he is working on a case all the time.

In fact, when something happened, the policeman below would come to him. Huang Huangrong would often just give him a few words and the matter would be settled. ——It is indeed a skill.

The main reason is that he controls a large number of gangsters and has many eyes and ears, so it is easy to find clues to various cases. Liu Hongsheng told Huang Jinrong about the car factory.

"I thought it was something," Huang Jinrong heard, turned his head and shouted to the back, "Yue Sheng, come here."

Du Yuesheng quickly moved to Huang Huangrong's side, "Call me."

He had just become a disciple of Huang Jinrong, and quickly won Huang's appreciation with his flexible mind and all-around skills.

Huang Jinrong said: "This is Bachelor Li, do you know?"

Du Yuesheng said respectfully: "There is no one in the world who doesn't know Grand Scholar Li."

Huang Huangrong said: "I heard there is one."

"Who is so smart but doesn't recognize Mount Tai?" Du Yuesheng asked.

Huang Jinrong said: "Master Li wants to open a factory in Shanghai to build cars."

Du Yuesheng interrupted: "This is a big deal!"

Huang Jinrong continued: "The factory is in the Xujiahui area, and there are some unscrupulous people who go out to cause trouble. I remember that you used to work with that man named Zhang Xiaolin in the Xujiahui area?"

Du Yuesheng replied: "Yes."

Huang Huangrong said: "You have to learn how to teach the people under you who should be provoked and who should not be provoked."

Du Yuesheng was very smart: "Grand Scholar Li is someone you cannot mess with."

"That's natural. Governor Chen was very respectful to Academician Li back then," Huang Jinrong said. "How could you let a bunch of ungrateful gangsters interfere with the important affairs of Academician Li?"

"I understand!" Du Yuesheng said with guarantee, "I will go there in person today to ensure that nothing like this will happen again."

"Very good," Huang Jinrong nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Li Yu with a smile, "Grand Scholar Li, Yuesheng is my person, you can rest assured that he will do things."

Li Yu said: "I have Inspector Huang and Inspector Du."

"Don't dare," Huang Huangrong said, "It's all right. If you are unhappy in Shanghai, it will be a loss of face for Shanghai. I, Huang Huangrong, will lose even more face. Whoever calls the directors of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau say that every day I praise you, I will have to rely on you to say a few good words in the future."

Li Yu knew why he did this so efficiently. Li Yu was so well-known among foreigners that the directors of the Industrial Bureau of the French Concession and the directors of the British and American Public Concessions respected Li Yu very much and were happy to establish friendship with him.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Li Yu responded casually.

Yuan Kewen also took off his makeup at this time and came to the audience.

Huang Chujiu immediately said: "Second Master, sit here."

Yuan Kewen sat down, saw Li Yu, and immediately sighed: "Grand Scholar Li, you are well."

"How is the life of Young Master Yuan and his family?" Li Yu asked.

Yuan Kewen sighed: "Not bad."

"In total, the young man who was picked up from Bada Hutong has reached the age of going to school." Li Yu added.

"Grandmaster Li actually remembers Quanzi. He also moved to Shanghai with me and will go to school this year." Yuan Kewen paused and then said leisurely, "If he can be a great scientist like Mr. Academician in the future, he will also be a great scientist." It’s a good way out, and it’s better than being in the officialdom and being ups and downs.”

"It's not a bad idea," Li Yu said, and then asked, "Master Yuan, are you really not ready to return to Beijing and Tianjin? There is still the Zhang family there to help, so it won't..."

Yuan Kewen waved his hand: "I'm not going back, I'm fine in Shanghai."

Zhang Zhenfang (the father of Zhang Boju) and Yuan Shikai were relatives. Zhang Zhenfang had been getting along well, and Yuan Keding later defected to the Zhang family.

But according to Yuan Kewen's character, he really doesn't want to be dependent on others, and since he has a bad relationship with his eldest brother, he is even less willing to go back.

Li Yu couldn't persuade him either.

Huang Huangrong said carelessly: "There is no happier place in the world than Shanghai, Er Master, don't you think so?"

Yuan Kewen perked up and said, "That's right!"

Huang Huangrong whispered to him: "Second Master, a new group of foreigners have recently arrived. Shall we go and have a good time?"

Yuan Kewen immediately said: "I'm just worried that I haven't taken this breath today!"

He then said to Li Yu: "Master Li, I'll say goodbye today temporarily. I'll have time for Quanzi to ask you for advice."

The two then said goodbye to everyone.

After they left, Liu Hongsheng said helplessly: "Opium is really banned again and again."

Li Yu knew that even if he vigorously promoted cigarettes and banned opium, it would not be possible in a short while.

"The Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau has long issued an explicit order banning tobacco, but it seems that the patrol office has not implemented it." Li Yu said.

"As Mr. Liu said," Liu Hongsheng said, "the Huang Mansion owned by the Chinese detective Huang Jinrong was one of the places where opium circulated the most in the French Concession."

Li Yu asked: "Where did they get the opium?"

"They are all foreign goods," Liu Hongsheng said.

Li Yu wondered: "There are still foreign lands now?"

"Always have." Liu Hongsheng said.

Huang Chujiu didn't know the inside story and said: "It's impossible! Even if the foreigners pretend to be public and private, they will never dare to openly let the foreigners pass the customs."

"It's true that I dare not go through the customs, but these opium dealers have come up with a brilliant idea," Liu Hongsheng said. "I have stayed at the dock for a long time and have seen their operations. The Huangpu River leads directly to the sea and has its own tides. The opium dealers are spot on. When the tide in the Huangpu River rises, packets of sealed tobacco are thrown into the river. Using the power of the tide, they can be sent to a certain section of the Huangpu River that is inaccessible. A group of people who specialize in collecting tobacco have already been waiting on the bank of the river. Then the tobacco can be transported to the mainland tobacco dealers without anyone noticing. "

Huang Chujiu sighed: "I really understand the study of living by the sea."

Liu Hongsheng said: "However, the tide cannot be completely controlled after all. There are always other people on the shore who have inside information and secretly grab the tobacco with pickpockets. The tobacco dealers are embarrassed and dare not speak out."

"It's simply a case of gangsters taking advantage of gangsters," Li Yu said with a smile, "Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

Liu Hongsheng said: "Shanghai is a big river and lake."

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