Chapter 641 Bad English

Compared to London, Paris is even worse. You can often see the rubble or fallen trees after artillery bombardment. The stained glass of Notre Dame de Paris was also taken away due to safety issues and replaced with yellow glass.

The material supply in Paris is similar to that in London, and it has just begun to recover. Materials such as coal still need to be supplied in rations.

After Li Yu arrived in Paris, he first visited Marie Curie.

She herself was in a good mood, not only because the war was over but also because her native Poland had gained independence.

In fact, before the war ended, the Soviet Union announced the abolition of the treaty that divided Poland between the three countries. At the Paris Peace Conference, the resolution to rebuild Poland was passed very early, but the specific territorial boundaries were not discussed, which led to another Soviet-Polish war a year later.

"Mr. Li Yu, have you also become a diplomat?" Madame Curie asked in surprise after seeing Li Yu.

"No, I don't have any official position." Li Yu said.

Marie Curie said: "Mr. Marconi of Italy is now the extraordinary and plenipotentiary representative of the Italian delegation. I think the same is true for Mr. Li Yu, who has also made outstanding contributions in the field of radio."

"He is actually the representative of Italy." Li Yu didn't know this.

Italy's combat effectiveness is not very good, but its luck has always been overwhelming, and now it has become one of the most important countries at the peace conference. However, they did not win many battles on the battlefield, and their demands at the peace conference were quite large: they wanted to be the overlord of the Mediterranean!

The United States, Britain and France just smiled slightly, how could they agree?

The Italian representative eventually left early.

It was because of Italy's move that it indirectly affected the decision of the Peace Conference on Shandong.

China's biggest demand at the peace conference was to return to Shandong. This demand was reasonable and not as loud as Italy's.

Needless to say, Japan would disagree. Britain, France and other countries chose to support Japan because they had secret agreements with Japan. Only Wilson in the United States, as an idealist and his own Fourteen Points, expressed dissatisfaction with Japan and supported China.

But in the end, after Italy withdrew because it did not meet its demands, Wilson was worried that Japan would follow Italy's example, so he had no choice but to support Japan.

Marie Curie said: "Newspapers have always said that Paris is now the capital of the world, and those participating in the Peace Conference are all important international figures. They meet every day, debate and quarrel constantly during negotiations, but they can always reconcile in the end because Quarrels and arguments are their job."

Li Yu smiled and said: "I'm not good at quarreling. I can only say a few dirty words that they hear most. So I'd better stay in the scientific community honestly."

Li Yu observed that Marie Curie's Radium Research Institute was intact and had not been bombed. The war broke out not long after this place was built, and before it could be put into use, the French scientific research workers suffered heavy casualties.

Marie Curie said: "A war is a war after all. The personnel and students who went out to fight have returned one after another, and at least 10% of the scientific researchers died; before the war, more than half of the students at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris were either dead or injured, and many people were injured." Hard to add.”

Li Yu said: "With the name of Madame Curie, many people should defect to her."

Marie Curie sighed: "It's difficult! These people who are lucky enough to return after nine deaths are very hesitant about whether to enter universities or research departments. Now that prices are soaring and wages cannot make ends meet, the situation in the industry is always better, so a large number of scientific and technological talents are pouring in In addition to the industrial world, the scientific and technological world is even more depleted of talent, with no successors.”

The impact of World War I on France's scientific undertakings was indeed considerable.

Li Yu could only console her: "Don't be anxious, take your time. Since we can't carry out scientific research now, Mrs. Curie can travel around."

Madame Curie said: "That will have to wait until I save some money."

"Don't you still have a Nobel Prize bonus?" Li Yu asked, that was a huge sum of money.

Marie Curie said: "During the war, I spent all my money on national bonds. Only two Nobel Prize medals were important souvenirs, and the bank refused to accept them, so I kept them."

Li Yu was stunned: "Treasury bonds issued by France? They seem to be worthless now."

Marie Curie went bankrupt because of this, but she did not take it seriously: "At least the war was won, and future wages will be paid normally."

Her annual income is about 1.2 francs, which is slightly higher than Einstein's. The gap will widen, mainly because the German mark was miserable after the war and has continued to depreciate, as if it were flying down three thousand feet.

"When you have settled all your affairs, you can come to China," Li Yu invited again, "I will provide all the expenses."

Marie Curie did not refuse: "Okay, I will definitely go, next year at the latest."

During the war, Marie Curie was involved in battlefield logistics. She was busy using radiation technology to assist surgeries, such as finding the location of shrapnel, and had no time to go out. Now that the war is over, it's easier.


After bidding farewell to Madame Curie, Gu Weijun of the Chinese delegation approached Li Yu again.

The delegation knew that Li Yu had a very high reputation in Europe and the United States. If he could use him to stimulate public opinion, it might be beneficial to the peace talks. The Beiyang government also had this intention when it sent Liang Qichao.

Li Yu said: "I can write articles in newspapers to appeal. Britain, France and the United States may be affected by public opinion, but they are all pursuing their own interests crazily. The French are even more focused on targeting Germany. I don't know how many people will pay attention to Asian issues. ”

Gu Weijun was also a little helpless: "There are really not many foreigners who can tell where Shandong is."

Not to mention now, even a hundred years later, if Li Yu traveled to the era before, he randomly interviewed people on the streets of Paris and asked passers-by to name three Chinese cities, but few could do it. What can be mentioned is basically limited to a few very well-known ones in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong.

"How is the progress of the peace talks?" Li Yu asked.

“We haven’t started discussing China’s issues yet,” Gu Weijun said.

"It seems we still have to wait a little longer." Li Yu said.

The two of them wandered around Paris and stopped at the entrance of the Panthéon in France. Gu Weijun's eyes rested on the famous Thinker sculpture: "I saw a replica in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It was the first time I saw the original. Someone Said you could look at this sculpture for strength.”

Li Yu said: "Rodan is an inspirational person and a failed art student. It is admirable that such a great work can be passed down to the world."

Rodin took the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris three times that year, but failed in all of them. The examiner commented on the third time that "I have no talent in this life, so it would be a waste to continue applying."

Fortunately, not every failed art student has a mustache.

Gu Weijun said: "It's a pity that we can't find a better way even if we want to break the bank."

Li Yu said: "Don't you have the card of Chinese workers? Even if the Japanese continue to belittle China's contribution, the 140,000 Chinese workers are evidence that cannot be ignored."

Gu Weijun said: "It is true. We have collected a lot of photos of Chinese workers. Without the contribution of the Chinese workers, the situation would be more difficult, and it would really be reduced to the third category of countries at the peace conference. But the Japanese continue to use the secret agreement to impose sanctions on other countries. It’s very stressful. Most of the Chinese workers happen to be from Shandong. I’m very worried that the powers will eventually make a decision in accordance with the secret agreement, and I will be sorry for these hard-working Chinese workers.”

"We can only argue as rationally as possible, and then seek more help from U.S. President Wilson." Li Yu had no good idea, because this was a purely political struggle, and all he considered was interests.

To be honest, the delegation's various efforts at the Paris Peace Conference have reached their diplomatic limits and they have done a very good job. "Of course we will fight, but there are also signs of discord within the delegation, which makes us very tired," Gu Weijun said. "General Secretary Lu submitted a list of delegations to the conference. The first one is himself, and the second one is from the Guangdong Military Government. Dr. Wang Zhengting, the third one is below, the fourth one is Shi Zhaoji, the minister to the UK, and the fifth one is Wei Chenzu, the minister to Belgium. General Lu ranked Wang Zhengting of the Guangdong Military Government as the second one. On the one hand, he is a graduate. Dr. Wang Zhengting of Yale University is not weak, and he can also show the unity of China's north and south to the outside world. "

Li Yu said: "General Manager Lu has thought very carefully."

Gu Weijun smiled bitterly: "But the Beiyang government did not agree and sent a telegram insisting that I be listed as second and Dr. Wang Zhengting as third."

As expected, he is a pig teammate, and he has to fight over such a trivial matter...

You must know that the North-South peace talks were going on at the same time in the country. The representative of the North was Zhu Qiqian, and the representative of the South was Tang Shaoyi.

Li Yu said: "Fortunately, the peace talks are a marathon and there is still time for internal adjustments."

Gu Weijun said: "It is not that easy to reconcile. When we have internal meetings, there is usually a seat reserved at the top of the long table for the chairman of the meeting, Mr. Shi Bin. However, Mr. Shi Bin, the secretary-general of the delegation, believes that since Dr. Wang Zhengting represents the south, he should be with the north. Director Lu had the same status and should sit side by side like the co-chairs, so he placed another chair at the head of the long table.

"When everyone entered the conference room, General Manager Lu frowned at the seating arrangement. He sat down on the chair on the left next to me. Dr. Wang Zhengting walked in with a solemn expression and sat on the chair on the right. He did not Intervene with Director Lu, directly announce the meeting, and ask for a report.

"During the meeting, Dr. Wang Zhengting sometimes squeezed to the left with his elbow. Every time he squeezed, Director Lu had to move until he finally left the table and sat on my side.

"After this incident, President Lu became so angry that he simply left the group and ran away."

Li Yu said awkwardly: "Running away?"

Gu Weijun said: "General Manager Lu went to Switzerland and submitted his resignation to the Beiyang government. Everyone is waiting for Beijing's reply."

No wonder he would come out to chat with Li Yu when he had nothing to do.

Li Yu did not expect that there were so many problems within the delegation. Fortunately, the two sides had the same attitude on the Shandong issue.

In a few days, Beijing would reiterate that Lu Zhengxiang was the chief representative and that no one else could interfere. Only then did Lu Zhengxiang return to Paris.

However, this trip made him completely fall in love with staying in a neutral country with beautiful scenery like Switzerland. After the peace conference, Lu Zhengxiang resigned from the post of Foreign Minister and became the minister to Switzerland, hiding here away from domestic disputes.

The two walked around the Pantheon, and when they came out, they suddenly met a group of Japanese. The leader said in English in an arrogant tone: "Mr. Gu, what are you doing here?"

Gu Weijun said calmly: "Baron Makino, whatever you do here, I will do here."

Li Yu heard that the other party was Nobuyo Makino, the Japanese representative at the Paris Peace Conference. ——The chairman of the Japanese delegation is Saionji Konobo, but most of the time it is Baron Makino who controls it.

Nobuaki Makino is the son of Okubo Toshimichi, a hero of the Meiji Restoration in Japan, and his family background is very prominent.

He originally wanted to ridicule Gu Weijun, because most of the time the Chinese delegation was unable to contact the core representatives of Britain, France, the United States and Italy.

The current situation at the Paris Peace Conference is that all relevant regulations were discussed and made in extremely secretive circumstances by the top meeting of the four heads of state consisting of US President Wilson, British Prime Minister Lloyd George, French Prime Minister Clemenceau, and Italian President Orlando. Foreign ministers of various countries can only wait for consultation in the auditorium.

Of course Gu Weijun understood what Baron Makino meant, so he asked directly back, leaving Baron Makino speechless for a moment.

One of the attendants following Nobuno Makino recognized Li Yu: "Li Yu, academician of the Royal Society?"

Li Yu also recognized the other party and was filled with hatred. He was the culprit who launched the war of aggression against China and the contemporary head of the Konoe family of Japan's Five Photographers - Konoe Fumimaro.

Li Yu suppressed his anger and said in a formal tone: "Mr. Konoe, how does it feel to be excluded from the Western powers?"

Konoe Fumimaro said: "The Anglo-Saxons are just mediocre people, and their pacifism has nothing to do with justice and humanity."

Konoe Fumimaro inherited the position of the head of the family early. He has a very stubborn and conceited personality and almost does not admire any historical figures. There is also a strong resistance to the Anglo-Saxons in Britain and the United States.

"Oh? Justice and humanity?" Li Yu took advantage of the situation and said, "Since your country wants to pay attention to justice and humanity, why do you have the idea of ​​​​Shandong? Does your method have anything to do with these two words?"

Baron Makino said angrily: "Academician Li Yu, please pay attention to your words and deeds. Mr. Konoe is the dignified head of the Konoe family and is honored as a duke."

Even Saionji Konobo, who was Konoe Fumimaro's uncle by seniority, still addressed the student as "Your Excellency."

Li Yu didn't want to talk to him at all: "Baron Makino, as a diplomat, your English is too difficult to understand, which is very degrading in the diplomatic field."

Li Yu directly poked Makino's sore spot.

Those who have watched "My 1919" played by Chen Daoming should remember this person. His speech in the movie is very strange. His spoken language is like a middle school student, and he jumps out word by word.

The historical Baron Makino's spoken English was actually worse than in the movie. I really don't know how he became a diplomat and an important member of the delegation.

Once he spoke eloquently in English at a peace conference. The American representatives in the audience had question marks on their faces, wondering what he was talking about. So after he finished speaking, a god suddenly came and replied: "Minister Makino's Japanese speech It’s really good, it sounds like English.”

This became a big joke at the Paris Peace Conference.

On the other hand, Gu Weijun's English is extremely good, not only clear but also very fluent.

Baron Makino was very angry after hearing Li Yu's comments: "Mr. Li Yu, you are so rude!"

"Haha?" Li Yu sneered, refusing to give in. "You were rude first, why should I be polite? Let me tell you, I am also from Shandong."

Baron Makino was speechless again, Li Yu's reason was too good.

Konoe Fumimaro rolled his eyes and said: "There is no point in arguing about this, because we are all East Asians, and we in Japan can best represent East Asia. This is obvious to all. We were fighting for the interests of all East Asians at the Paris Peace Conference. , so a proposal for racial equality was put forward, but this very constructive proposal was rejected by the representatives of Britain, the United States, France and Italy, so our common enemy should be Europe and the United States.”

Li Yu applauded hypocritically: "What a way to divert the target! I would like to ask, why did they reject your racial equality proposal?"

Konoe Fumimaro said: "Of course it is because this world adheres to the principle of supremacy of strength. Otherwise, how could it reject a reasonable proposal for racial equality? It is because Japan proposed it; but the Americans' unreasonable 'Monroe Proposal' was passed. "

"Okay," Li Yu said, "What does Mr. Konoe mean that if strength comes first, you can do whatever you want? I remember Mr. Konoe wrote an article, mentioning that 'Japan has a small area and a large population, so it is natural for it to expand outward. The trend of nature. The Japanese people should live uprightly and demand a place for development. In other words, you can take Shandong at will with your temporary strength?"

Li Yu said everything Konoe Fumimaro said, and his expression was a bit ugly.

Gu Weijun snorted coldly: "It's Sima Zhao's heart that these few people hold such views and were elected as representatives! No need to say more, I understand."

Baron Makino found that the two people in front of him were difficult to deal with. The more he talked about it, the more embarrassed he became. He shook his sleeves and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense anymore. Let's meet at the formal meeting of the peace conference!"

They turned and left, and Li Yu said: "Mr. Makino, since you are going to meet at the peace conference, don't forget to practice your spoken English every morning!"

Baron Makino stopped, then sped away.

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