Chapter 643 The Rogue
For more than two months after the discussion on China at the Paris Peace Conference, the delegation did not have much going on. Gu Weijun even met his future wife Huang Huilan.

He has divorced Tang Shaoyi's daughter due to political differences.

Huang Huilan was born in Java Island, Indonesia. Her father is the richest overseas Chinese in Indonesia and the Indonesian Sugar King.

Those who are rich want to find those with power. Huang Huilan lives a luxurious life, but their family has never been able to take a step forward in power.

Gu Weijun invited Huang Huilan to go to Fontainebleau, in a car with a dedicated driver and a diplomatic license plate, and to listen to the opera in the state box.

Huang Huilan was very satisfied and immediately agreed to Gu Weijun's proposal.

After that, Huang Huilan helped Gu Weijun a lot with her father's money. She also became a noble lady in the diplomatic field and met with many European and American dignitaries.

Li Yu didn't need to disturb other people's good things. He just happened to meet Liang Qichao and Jiang Baili who were traveling around for a while.

"Mr. Ren, how do you feel about your trip to Europe?" Li Yu asked.

"Nothing!" Liang Qichao seemed quite disappointed, "When I was traveling in London, I lived in a first-class hotel. I didn't even have enough to eat every day, and I didn't even see a grain of candy for several days. Coal was not in supply. It’s extremely cold in the house. Even after the war, I don’t know what it was like during the war.”

Jiang Baili said: "The violence of barbarians is far inferior to that of civilized people."

Liang Qichao said: "So the West also has huge flaws, but these flaws are exactly what we have. In the future, we must take the path of integrating Chinese and Western cultures."

Li Yu said: "Compared with the degree of destruction, the violence in nature may be far less than that of humans."

Li Yu said: "Europe and the United States have the basis of parliamentary system. They have always been an elite culture and aristocratic culture, and are used to a small number of people deciding major issues."

Liang Qichao said: "Yes, I feel more and more now that there is no need to be pessimistic about China's future. Westerners are trapped in a cocoon, and China's inherent cultural heritage is the most in line with the future world trend. As long as our country starts from the youth and cultivates noble personality If we start from the beginning, integrate things and move forward, we will surely become stronger!”

Liang Qichao was deeply impressed: "Shu is a master of Western learning, and he hit the nail on the head! Our country has been unable to imitate the West for many years. There are many factors. It can be said that the inherent foundation of social politics between the two is completely different. It is this cultural difference that makes China In the process of learning from the West, reforms and reforms have repeatedly failed, and even the most basic parliamentary system has not been learned.”

Li Yu said: "China and the West are inherently different. Total Westernization is the fantasy of those who have never been to Europe. Learning from each other's strengths is our top priority."

These are Liang Qichao’s original words.

"Yes," Liang Qichao said, "That's why they can let a small number of elites represent the entire people. This is not the case in China. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, there has been no class for a long time. If you want to learn English and French in a short period of time, without a foundation, you will inevitably fail."

"It seems to have always been like this..." Li Yu said.

Li Yu said with a smile: "No wonder Mr. Ren bought new clothes. They turned out to be frozen."

Jiang Baili said: "Some people in Europe should have noticed it and are also reforming, such as Russia. It's a pity that they can't go to St. Petersburg."

"Of course it is a good thing," Liang Qichao said. "The same goes for the economy. The Western economy is strong because of capitalism. However, the outbreak of the war shows that capitalism is an unnatural state and is not a rational organization. Although it is very developed now, it is not a rational organization. It has reached its end and is irreversible. It is bound to collapse! It may be a matter of great luck that China has not succeeded in learning capitalism.”

"The level of violence cannot determine the level of civilization," Liang Qichao said with some helplessness. "After I came to Europe in person, I discovered that this place is completely different from the paradise imagined by domestic elites! In my opinion, the West Civilization has not really progressed in the past hundred years, but has fallen into a state of self-interest, murder, and shamelessness.”

Without the perspective of a time-traveler, Liang Qichao's ability to see such essential things is quite impressive.

Liang Qichao said: "Paris, Berlin, and Verdun are even more miserable. Now Europe is simply scrambling for bread. The West is naturally stronger in technology, and its destructive power is much stronger."

"When it comes to Lenin," Liang Qichao said, "I think that among European politicians, in terms of personality, Lenin should be the most powerful. His spirit of hard work and loyalty to his doctrine are the most powerful enough to influence people. It is his personality that influences everyone. Russia, so his doctrine can be implemented."

I have lost count of how many times Liang Qichao changed his mind.

Li Yu said: "After his trip to Europe, Mr. Ren seems to have become more optimistic."

Li Yu said: "It is not necessarily a bad thing to have no class."

Jiang Baili also became more confident: "After seeing Germany's failure, I am going to write a book to demonstrate the root causes of its failure as a warning."

He admired Germany very much back then.

Li Yu said: "I look forward to Mr. writing a book."

"I have already written some notes," Jiang Baili said. "By the way, when we first arrived in Paris a few days ago, these manuscripts were almost stolen. The apartment where we stayed was broken into, and the boxes were turned around. There are so many thieves in Paris, the cultural center, but I didn’t expect to find a note.”

He took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Li Yu: "It was written in French, 'I'm sorry for breaking into your room by mistake. I enclose 10 francs to compensate you for the glass and blinds.' , signed by a night worker. This is the first time I have seen such a meticulous thief."

Li Yu took the note: "Night workers? Isn't this the French anarchist organization?"

Liang Qichao said: "Anarchism? Is there such a strange thing in Europe?"

Li Yu said: "I don't know much about what anarchism is specifically, but the founder of the Night Workers is a strange man. His name is Jacob. He is a grand thief known throughout France. He specializes in robbing the rich and giving to the poor."

"Oh?" Liang Qichao was a little interested, "It makes sense for such a character to appear in this society. Could it be that we have met this grand thief?"

"It wasn't him," Li Yu said. "Jacob was caught by the police more than ten years ago and exiled to Guyana."

"Where is Guyana?" Jiang Baili asked.

"South America." Li Yu said.

There was a globe in the room, and Li Yu pointed it out to them.

Jiang Baili was stunned and said: "France actually builds a prison so far away?"

"Because the French dignitaries are too afraid of this man and his social influence is huge, they cannot sentence him to death. They can only exile him to Guyana to eliminate his influence as much as possible." Li Yu said. Liang Qichao said: "No wonder I haven't heard much about this person in newspapers or books."

Li Yu said: "Anarchism is not a broad-based organization to begin with, it is very niche. Jacob is famous for his actions of robbing the rich and giving to the poor. It is said that every time he robbed a rich person, he would leave a piece of paper behind. "I am a thief, but I only visit the homes of real thieves."

Li Yu suddenly thought of a very sexy anime "The Three Cat Eye Sisters" that he had watched when he was a child. I can’t remember the specific plot. I only remember the sexy second sister and her tight night clothes, and the fact that every time the three sisters completed a theft, they would leave a mark.

Liang Qichao laughed and said: "A thief can actually say such profound words."

"He is not a simple thief," Li Yu said. "Jacob would write 'Attila' on the notes he left for the rich people who had been stolen from. Other thieves he trained would leave 'Dark Night' workers' organization."

Liang Qichao said: "Attila is the Hun king who was called the whip of God by Europeans?"

"Yes," Li Yu said, "Jacob's crimes in those few years are estimated to have amounted to millions of francs, but he donated all of them to anarchist organizations and the poor, leaving little for himself. It's a pity that he committed crimes in 1903 He was caught by mistake. The trial against him was quite exciting. It could be called the French version of a war of words. There were dozens of people who had been stolen.

“A businessman whose stock was stolen from him complained about how heavy the losses Jacob had caused him.

"Jacob asked: How much did you pay for these shares?
"The businessman said: 1200 francs.

"Jacob said: Then the thief is not in front of you, the thief is the person who sold your stocks, because I think these stocks are worthless, just burn them.

"There are countless similar stories, and all the people who were stolen were speechless by his argument. After the trial was reported, Jacob became a big celebrity. It is said that thousands of people sang "The Internationale" outside the court every day. "

Liang Qichao said: "It's interesting. I'm going to include this story in my "European Journey Video Record". Is he still alive?"

"Jacob is serving his sentence in Guyana and should be living well," Li Yu said. "If Mr. Ren plans to write a book, the speech he gave after the trial and sentencing is even more exciting and can also be included."

Liang Qichao asked: "What speech?"

Li Yu said: "Jacob's speech was called "Why I am a Thief". He said,

'In our time, those who knead flour lack bread, the shoemaker who makes thousands of pairs of shoes shows his toes, the weavers are half-clothed, and the masons who build palaces eke out a living in small rooms.

'He who produces everything has nothing, and he who produces nothing has everything.

'So theft is a return, a repossession. Instead of praying for what I deserve, I would rather fight the enemy one step at a time.

'As soon as I had a conscience, I stole without scruple. '"

Liang Qichao couldn't help but applaud: "Wonderful story, wonderful speech. It turns out that there are so many isms and so many trends of thought in Europe. I still have a lot to learn. I will look up what anarchism is when I go back."

Jiang Baili said: "I see another meaning, that is because there are too many dissatisfied people, there are such countless different political opinions, and they want to find a way to break the situation."

"What Baili said makes sense." Liang Qichao briefly wrote it down in his notebook.

As for the thief Jacob, he was only released back to France in 1927 due to the help of a reporter. But he never vigorously advocated anarchism again because he was stuck on one problem.

When he was in Guyana, Jacob was still sparing no effort to promote his ideas, until an old worker asked him: "Then what should I do after I retire? When I get old and can't work, I will become what you call a rentier class." And no one is paying the pension provided by the government, so how can I live?”

The fierce man who had scolded a group of wealthy French people in court so that they dared not reply was stunned on the spot.

For the life of him he could not figure out the answer to this question.

When he lived to be 75 years old, Jacob chose to commit suicide. He left a note, which was actually written to a thief who might enter his house: "The clothes were washed and dried, but not ironed. There are some in the cupboard." Pods, slices of bread, and you’ll find two liters of wine on the side, don’t be afraid, cheers to your health!”

What this strange man misses most is his days as a thieves.

And the answer he had been unable to find happened to be connected with Liang Qichao's insights after traveling in Europe.

——That is, the conscience in people’s hearts. Under anarchy, if the elderly want to die a good death, they can only rely on the conscience and kindness of others.

Liang Qichao believes that the current prevalence of utilitarianism in the West lacks etiquette, justice, integrity, and morality.

Anarchists like Jacob also vaguely saw this problem, so they became so-called "thieves", robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

It is a pity that the conscience of the West has been stolen by this time.

When talking about the peace conference, Liang Qichao felt that there were still little devils in the West who were too heartless, but he was also angry at the secret treaty signed by the Beiyang government in a hurry. After Japan took out this secret treaty, it spread throughout Paris.

"For a few loans, Duan Qirui and Zhang Zongxiang, the minister to Japan, actually laid the foundation for such a big disaster!" Liang Qichao said bitterly, "It was this contract that Zhang Zongxiang signed with the Japanese banking group at Duan Qirui's request. Not only did it Germany's rights and interests in Shandong are completely transferred to Japan, and the priority rights of the Yanwei, Gaoxu, and Shunji railways that Germany wanted but could not obtain before will also be transferred to Japan!"

Jiang Baili said: "The secret agreement they signed is equivalent to acknowledging the validity of the Twenty-One Articles, and Japan's inheritance of Germany's rights and interests in Shandong becomes well-founded."

Li Yu said: "This is where we are most disadvantaged. The British representative repeatedly asked, when the Sino-Japanese treaty on the Shandong issue was signed in 1918, it was clear that an armistice was imminent and Japan could no longer force China, so why did it agree to conclude the treaty?"

Jiang Baili sighed: "It can't be explained at all!"

Liang Qichao snorted coldly: "In order to win politically, the Anfu clique hastily signed a loan agreement with Japan, leaving endless troubles for the peace conference to negotiate the recovery of Shandong. It is really hateful!"

In fact, this is the reason why students and demonstrators could not forgive those responsible during the May Fourth Movement.

Jiang Baili asked: "Brother Shucai has a good relationship with the United States. President Wilson is also a good person, but he opposes the secret treaty. Is it true that we can no longer fight for it?"

Li Yu showed his hands and said: "Not only did the secret treaty, the Japanese also had another trump card. Wilson valued the League of Nations, and the Japanese seized on his weakness, so they said that if the peace conference supported China in regaining Shandong sovereignty, Japan would withdraw from the League of Nations. .President Wilson could only change his position."

Liang Qichao was getting more and more angry: "I won't write a book today. I want to send a long telegram to the country first!"

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