Chapter 664 Curie’s visit
Liang Qichao, Jiang Baili and their party finally returned to China after traveling around Europe for a long time.

A few days later, Cai Yuanpei, Li Yu and others hosted a banquet for them at Huixiantang Restaurant.

Cai Yuanpei said: "Mr. Ren, you have been out for a long time this time, and you must have gained a lot."

Liang Qichao picked up his wine glass and took a sip of rice wine, then said: "Disappointment, it can be called a complete disappointment! Europe in the past was the direction that ancient China studied hard, and Europe after the war has simply become a symbol to alert China. The gap is real. It’s so big that I can’t describe it.”

Cai Yuanpei said: "Mr. Ren also went to St. Petersburg?"

Liang Qichao shook his head: "No, but I learned about the situation there and heard that ideas from this country in the north are spreading among domestic students and intellectuals."

Cai Yuanpei said: "Mr. Ren, if you take a walk around the campus, you will find that today's students are no longer the students of the past. They are not just satisfied with what they learn in the classroom."

"I understand that the failure of the peace conference triggered the student movement," Liang Qichao said. "They cannot be blamed for this matter. Who would have thought that hegemony would eventually defeat justice. We have always had good dreams of justice and humanity before, but now our dreams are shattered. Then I suddenly woke up and realized that the great powers are still great powers after all. They are no different from when the Congress of Vienna was signed a hundred years ago. It is still a few big countries who secretly decide everything at the expense of the interests of small countries. "

Cai Yuanpei sighed: "Brother Shucai still had the foresight. He mentioned it many times many years ago."

Li Yu laughed and said: "It's all random speculation. After all, the lesson humans have learned from history is that they can never learn a lesson."

Liang Qichao said: "I have figured it out. Foreign capitalism can't save us, because they can't even save themselves. As for the Russian doctrine in the north, it seems to have some momentum, but we are too different from Russia."

Cai Yuanpei said: "Shou Chang (also known as Li Dazhao) often told us about Soviet Russia when he was at Peking University. The Bolsheviks in Russia were really talented. The general named Frunze had defeated the White Russian army in just a few years. There may be something worth learning from their doctrine.”

Liang Qichao said: "I really didn't expect that they could break through the encirclement. Before the war, their military and economic strength were so weak. Now I really dare not predict the direction of the war. I used to think that Germany would win, but Germany lost; later I thought that the Bolsheviks would win. No, it’s contrary to my prediction.”

Li Yu said: "I have heard others say that the factors that determine the outcome of a war are military in the short term, economics in the medium term, and doctrine in the long term. In any case, Soviet Russia will definitely be a giant."

Liang Qichao lamented: "It's so new that I can't even find the handle to learn it. Hey, I'm completely confused about the future! In the past, I could write books and articles to study how to improve the country. Now I just say No words can come out."

Li Yu said: "Ren Gong does not need to be so pessimistic. Fortunately, so many years have taught us that we cannot copy things from foreigners."

"That's why people are even more confused!" Liang Qichao sighed, and then said, "One more thing. When I returned to China via the United States this time, the great French female scientist Ms. Curie took the same boat as me. She is going to visit the United States and said that after her visit to the United States, she will come to China at Shucai's invitation."

Cai Yuanpei said happily: "Great, Ms. Curie is the most successful female scientist admired by the whole world!"

Liang Qichao said: "This incident inspired me, brothers Shucai, let's just set up a lecture club and invite several internationally renowned scholars to give lectures in China every year."

Li Yu agreed: "Although I can invite a lot of people, I can't do it by myself. If there is a group, we can better receive these great ideas."

Liang Qichao said: "Education is the foundation of a country. Inviting famous scholars also educates the people of the country."

Li Yu said: "Of course it has a role, but if we really want to strengthen the country, compulsory education is fundamental."

"But compulsory education can only be provided by the government," Liang Qichao said. "So politics is ultimately a big deal, especially the current politics, which is related to the general direction of a country after it falls into trouble."

Li Yu said: "Now the country is deploying troops and generals, and a battle is about to begin."

Not only Li Yu, many people also have similar premonitions. Jiang Baili is a military expert and is concerned about this matter. "The Zhili clique's army is strong and strong, and Beijing will soon change. Even if the Anhui clique has 40,000 soldiers just built according to Japanese standards, The participating troops were completely vulnerable to Wu Peifu's troops who had been fighting on the front line in Hunan for many years. "

Jiang Baili's prediction was relatively accurate. During the Zhijiang-Anhui War, the Anhui army performed extremely poorly and was defeated by Wu Peifu in just five days.

From then on, the Anhui clique was in dire straits.

Liang Qichao sighed: "Originally, after the May Fourth Movement, there was a qualitative change in the domestic ideological and educational circles, but it was interrupted by warlords' melee."

This matter is really helpless.

It can only be said that it is a necessary detour...


A month later, Marie Curie arrived at Shanghai Port by ship.

Li Yu and his wife, Cai Yuanpei, Hu Gangfu, Shi Liangcai and other members of the press went to greet him. Even Dewey and Russell, who were currently in China, also came to Shanghai.

As soon as Marie Curie stepped off the ship, she received a burst of warm applause. Many students from major universities in Shanghai came, especially female students. It is really rare for female scientists to have such a status in the academic world.

Li Yu came forward with a bouquet of flowers and gave it to her: "Welcome, Ms. Curie."

Madame Curie took over and said: "It's an honor to come to Mr. Li Yu's country."

After the reception banquet, Marie Curie immediately held a lecture at Datong University. The audience was very large, and almost all female students in Shanghai were present.

"When I set foot in China, I had many different emotions in my heart. I know that China continues to develop in many aspects, but I can see that the Chinese people have an underlying perseverance to pursue their dreams. Perhaps this is the spirit of the ancient civilization. I am very envious of your heritage, because no matter how difficult it is, you still have a country, and my motherland, Poland, is still facing the test of war.

“So I think that as long as you have dreams, you will definitely become an outstanding person.

“Never lose the most important guiding light of your dreams.


Curie didn't say much about radioactivity. This was something Li Yu specifically asked her to do. After all, it was not an academic lecture.

Previously, Russell wanted to explain to the Chinese audience the mathematical logic he was good at, and had always claimed that "it is not feasible to solve any philosophical problem before a breakthrough is made in mathematical logic."

Of course there is nothing wrong with what he said, but what he studies is pure mathematics, and philosophy is also very logical philosophy. Many people can't understand it at all, so the effect of the speech is not good at all. Most people can't even understand that this is philosophy. The audience still wants to hear the opinions of well-known scholars like Russell on China's real problems.

Marie Curie just didn’t like talking about political topics, so she chose a speech topic about hope.

The response has been good.

In fact, no matter what Curie says, standing here feels like a traffic star.

It is hard not to welcome a woman who has won two Nobel Prizes, and who studies very cutting-edge radiation theory that also coexists good and evil.

Curie's body was already very weak due to years of exposure to radioactivity. After his speech, he came to Li Yu's office to rest.

Russell said to her: "Curie, China is a very charming country, and the Chinese people are also very interesting."

"I can feel it," Curie said, "and some time ago, two Chinese students studying in France came to my laboratory, and their performance was beyond my expectation. I once had a positive attitude towards a hypothesis theory, and A young Chinese man had just used an experiment to prove that this hypothesis was not valid. However, when I said that this hypothesis should be accurate, he listened carefully and nodded politely. At that time, I could not guess what the student's opinion was, and he did not announce it to me. "

Many Chinese students later came to Curie’s laboratory, such as Wu Jianxiong’s teacher, nuclear physicist Shi Shiyuan.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Humility is the most typical virtue of Chinese people, especially when facing teachers, they pay attention to respecting teachers. However, many Europeans sometimes ignore their feelings and thoughts."

Thinking about it now, Wu Youxun and Zhao Zhongyao regretted losing the Nobel Prize. Perhaps their mentors did not understand the reason for their modesty. The two of them hide their sharp edges a little too deeply, but it seems that most Chinese people abroad are like this now, and there is really nothing they can do about it.

Russell deeply agreed with what Li Yu said: "Europeans cannot see the virtues of the Chinese at all! Western culture is now terminally ill. Under the banner of 'progress', it pursues power and money endlessly, and combines conquest, competition, and development. , Destruction has become a way of life, forgetting life, forgetting happiness, and forgetting human dignity. However, the Chinese have maintained their ability to enjoy civilization, and everything in China is full of ancient meanings. Charm."

Madame Curie smiled slightly: "Hearing what Mr. Russell said, I want to see around China even more."

"That's right!" Russell said. "The Chinese lifestyle is very interesting. Their theaters, teahouses, vendors' markets, and storytelling venues are all very Chinese-style. By the way, you must try Chinese food." For good food, it’s best to go to a restaurant that sings Pingtan or Yangzhou Qing opera.”

"Listening to music while eating? It reminds me of the Piano Hotel in Vienna." Marie Curie said.

Russell said: "It's a bit similar, but Chinese musical instruments are very special. I once heard a kind of music called Guqin. It is said that the piano has a history of a thousand years, and the music has a history of more than two thousand years. This kind of music can always It makes you feel as if you are hearing echoes of ancient times.”

Marie Curie said: "Europe a thousand years ago was still in the Middle Ages, and Europe more than two thousand years ago... only Greece seemed to be somewhat civilized, which is really amazing."

Russell said with relish: "There are many ancient monuments with thousands of years of history. You should visit them."

Marie Curie regretted: "It's a pity that my physical condition prevents me from visiting those mysterious and ancient cities like you."

Li Yu asked with concern: "How is your health now?"

Curie said: "I have a dull pain from time to time. I have seen the doctor several times, but I can't explain why."

It is basically caused by radioactivity. Not to mention now, even a hundred years from now, there will be nothing that can be done.

Russell took a puff on his pipe and said relaxedly: "Mrs. Curie doesn't have any bad habits, so there won't be any big problems."

"I hope so." Madame Curie said.

Russell said: "It's a pity that I have to return to China, otherwise I really want to accompany you to visit China more."

Cai Yuanpei asked: "Professor Russell is going back to the UK?"

"Yes," Russell said. "You asked me to give a few more speeches that are easier to understand. I guess it was too late, but I have already thought about the content. Based on my understanding of China during this period, I estimate that China will definitely go through a period of conflict with China. A similar stage to the Russian dictatorship, because only in this way can the necessary education of the people be completed and the development of industrial capitalism be achieved, which is what you most urgently need.”

Compulsory education and industrialization can indeed only be achieved with a very strong government and a peaceful environment.

Cai Yuanpei thought of the current tense situation in Zhi-Wan and Northeast China, and said helplessly: "Professor Russell is right, but it takes a certain amount of time."

Russell said: "In addition, you must be wary of Japan, its close neighbor. Diplomatically, what China should guard against most is Japanese aggression."

It must be said that Russell's judgment is really strong.

Cai Yuanpei said: "Thank you for your suggestion."

Russell then turned around and said: "I have infinite fondness for China, but there are many things that need to be improved in China. For example, tens of thousands of people die of hunger every year; when a disaster occurs, a few pieces of ocean can save your children." Sell ​​it to others, and if you can't sell it, it doesn't matter if you kill it. However, most of the relief work for the victims is done by white people. The Chinese rarely do this kind of thing, and even such a small part is occupied by corruption. "

Russell mentioned several more painful points. Li Yu and Xiong Xiling had previously discussed this topic when they jointly studied the expansion of the Xiangshan Salesian Home.

Li Yu said: "Maybe it's because Chinese people in the past feudal era didn't pay much attention to politics. It doesn't matter who is sitting in the Jinluan Hall, it's just a different tax payer. Without the concept of country, there is no idea of ​​patriotism; officials do not treat peasants the same way. You will really have the consciousness of being a parent.”

"It makes some sense," Russell took another puff on his pipe. "There is also the issue of greed. I know that many Chinese people have a difficult life and it is difficult to make money. Except for a few who have studied abroad, many Chinese people will commit corruption. Because for many years It seems that an honest life is unsustainable in China. It is impossible to survive in China without fraud and corruption.”

Russell did not simply point out the problem, but also talked about the solution he thought of:

“If you want to change this situation, I think there are three ways to go.

“First, establish a clean, efficient and orderly government; second, vigorously develop industry; third, vigorously develop education, improve the quality of the people, cultivate cutting-edge scientific talents, and at the same time send more international students to Europe and the United States for further study.

"Among them, the greatest hope lies in building a clean, efficient and orderly government. Without the first as a basis, the other two cannot be realized."

Cai Yuanpei carefully wrote down: "I will spread what the professor said."

Li Yu secretly sighed in his heart, considering the current situation of the Republic of China, it was still difficult.

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