Chapter 667 Shengtian Banzi
After a long period of preparation, Shanghai's automobile factory finally started rolling out cars. A group of bigwigs from the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, such as Yu Qiaqing, Zhu Baosan and others, as well as politicians Tang Shaoyi and Li Yuanhong all came to visit.

Song Ziwen and Liu Hongsheng introduced them to the production equipment and various functions of the car one by one. In this era, the car is a very high-tech industry.

Tang Shaoyi asked: "How many vehicles can be produced every day?"

Liu Hongsheng said: "Limited by workers and raw materials, it takes two days to produce a car."

This speed can be said to be astonishingly slow, almost the same as hand-produced cars in Europe.

"What's the price?" Yu Qiaqing asked.

"3000 oceans," Song Ziwen said, and before Yu Qiaqing could ask further questions, he continued, "Although it is more expensive than imported Ford cars and Citroen cars, we are equipped with all the most advanced patents of Mr. Li Yu."

Ford cars in the United States have experienced a major price cut, with the cost falling to an unprecedented $300. The terminal selling price is only over $500, which is equivalent to 1000 oceans based on the exchange rate.

After being imported into China, the selling price will generally nearly double, reaching around 2700 yuan.

A car produced by the Shanghai Automobile Factory sells for 3000 oceans, which is obviously more expensive than an imported Ford.

But there is really no way, the cost cannot be reduced in a short time.

Perhaps in five or six years, the cost can be reduced by about half, which will reach the limit.

However, cars are still considered luxury goods at this time, and the audience is not so sensitive to price.

Yu Qiaqing asked: "How does it feel to drive?"

Song Ziwen used his sales skills: "It's better than Ford! The most important thing is that if you buy our car, you will receive 300 ocean gas coupons as a gift."

"Oh?!" Yu Qiaqing's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "This little brother is very good at business!"

If you negotiate well with the channel and add the advertising component, a 300-yuan gas ticket may be purchased for only 200-yuan or even less, which is equivalent to saving another 100-yuan, and the buyer does not have to spend more.

Tang Shaoyi was generous and said: "I will buy two cars and order them in advance."

Yu Qiaqing and others also dug into their pockets. The first batch of cars off the assembly line were sold out immediately, and they had to wait a month for the follow-up.

After the May Fourth Movement, the patriotic enthusiasm in China has been very high. If we can make products close to European and American standards, we will have no worries about selling them.

I just didn’t expect that Li Yu would have to engage in a pre-sale model to do business...

Anyway, overall, with the help of Li Yu, the domestic industry is much better than in history, and even synthetic ammonia has begun to be produced.

Liu Hongsheng's own business is also quite extensive. He just invested in a cement factory this year, and Zhang Jian also took a stake.

Cement can be called the national light in the entire industry of the Republic of China. So when Liu Hongsheng later increased his capital to 300 million, there was a gap of 100 million, and Li Yu made up for it. Li Yu immediately became the majority shareholder. He could not participate in production and was only a temporary director.

This time he stayed in Shanghai for a longer time. After receiving telegrams from Zhang Boling and Yan Fansun inviting him to give lectures at Nankai University, Li Yucai left for the north.

There was a lot of chaos in the north before, and Li Yu happened to hide there.

After a warlord melee, Beijing had just changed hands.

The Zhili warlord Wu Peifu led his army to attack in a mighty manner, and jointly sent a telegram with Zhang Zuolin and Li Chun to denounce Xu Shuzheng. He listed several major crimes, which sounded like "Qingjun side".

Xu Shuzheng is Duan Qirui's absolute confidant, and to bring him down is to bring down Duan Qirui.

Therefore, the war inevitably broke out. The Zhili clique had 50,000 troops, and there were more than 100,000 troops from other provinces. The Anhui clique's troops mainly belonged to the provincial governors, and the only ones Duan Qirui could mobilize were the trained troops participating in the war.

Although the participating armies of the Anhui Clan were well equipped, they had no combat experience.

Wu Peifu on the other side was very good at fighting. He took the lead in launching an attack and raided Songlindian, where Xu Shuzheng's Northwest Frontier Defense Headquarters was located. Duan Zhigui, the commander-in-chief of the Anhui front line, fled in panic after the attack. The army lost command and was at a loss what to do.

As soon as the two sides fought, the Anhui clique's forces were already in a rout before they were fully deployed.

Zhang Zuolin of Fengjun had been sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers during the war. Seeing the beginning of Duan Qirui's defeat, he immediately sent two brigades to attack the Anhui army.

Under attack from two sides, the Anhui clique was completely destroyed.

As for the course of the war, it still had the characteristics of warlord melees during the Republic of China: heavy thunder and little rain, just like a stage play going through the motions.

The grassroots soldiers were actually quite confused. Even though the Republic of China had been established, they didn't know why they were still fighting, and they didn't quite understand the consequences of defeat or victory.

The warlords are also unwilling to fight. After all, war will consume property and no one has much money. Moreover, if you kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, no one can take advantage. The most important thing is that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole stalks behind. It is impossible. Fight the war with all your heart.

In short, the vigorous Zhijiang-Anhui War lasted only one week and ended.

If you look at the melee between warlords 27 years ago, you will know why they were all killed by the National Revolutionary Army during the Northern Expedition like autumn leaves swept away by the wind.

Not on the same level at all.

When it comes to war, we look at military affairs in the short term, economics in the medium term, and doctrine in the long term.

The victory of the Zhijiang-Anhui War came so easily. Wu Peifu, who declared war in a high-profile manner, did not expect it.

Speaking of which, Wu Peifu's victory was largely due to the influence of the May 4th Movement. Wu Peifu had always held high the banner of nationalism and stood up for the support of the people.

Duan Qirui's side was defeated, and even the Japanese cabinet was quite speechless. The participating troops of the Anhui clique were organized and armed by Japan, and Duan Qirui was at least superficially pro-Japanese.

Regarding Wu Peifu, the Japanese really have no idea.

Wu Peifu has never been used to seeing little devils. After September 18, the Japanese wanted to cooperate with Wu Peifu, but he took all the money they gave him and couldn't get anything done...

Because the time passed so quickly, Japan did not have time to take any countermeasures against the Anhui-Zhizhi war. Even if it wanted to help the Anhui clique, it was too late. The huge loans previously made will no longer come back with the collapse of the Anhui clique.


When he came to Nankai University, Li Yu still talked about the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, trying to pick up some influential and easy-to-understand content, such as the recent theory of light deflection, which has changed people's concepts.

After the lecture, Wu Yunchu and Yu Tongkui in the audience approached Li Yu together.

Wu Yunchu was a great chemical industrialist during the Republic of China and the founder of China's chlor-alkali industry. He was very impressive.

Yu Tongkui is one of the earliest chemistry professors in China and has made great contributions to chemistry education.

After a brief introduction, Wu Yunchu said: "I heard that someone has started to build a synthetic ammonia plant in Jiangmen, but the scale is not large and the technology is not up to standard. I want to join forces with President Yu to introduce a synthetic ammonia plant."

Yu Tongkui has just become the president of the newly established Beijing University of Technology.

Li Yu said: "Synthetic ammonia production lines are not easy to buy. They are in short supply in the United States and Europe. It will take a few years until their industries are saturated before equipment can be purchased."

Yu Tongkui lamented: "We have been importing raw materials for fertilizer production, and the domestic pressure is too great."

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "If you two want to get ready to do something, you can produce acetone first."

Acetone is also an important chemical product. It is mainly used as a solvent and can be used in many chemical industries.

"Using industrial fermentation to produce acetone?" Wu Yunchu said, "The patent fee for this technology is too high, and the key is in the hands of the Jews. They are too serious about their business. I am afraid of lawsuits." Li Yu said with a smile: "The European War After the war, the situation was different. Weizmann, who held industrial fermentation technology, gave up the patent in exchange for the acquiescence of various countries, especially Britain, to the establishment of the Jewish state. "

Weizmann was of British descent, a leader of the Zionist movement, and a scientist by profession. During World War I, he used industrial fermentation technology to produce acetone and then produced smokeless gunpowder.

Around 1917, Weizmann gave up the patent for the Restoration Movement.

At that time, the First World War was in full swing. In addition to Weizmann, there were also some Jews who put pressure on the British government. So British Foreign Secretary Balfour issued the famous "Balfour Declaration", which became the foundation of Zionism in Palestine. A protective umbrella for development and growth.

But as we all know, in the process of weakening, the British have laid a lot of political landmines for the world.

The founding of the state of Israel is one of them. The declaration was ambiguous and did not specify exactly which land would be used for Jewish statehood.

Britain deliberately provoked conflicts between the Arab world and the Jews, and its attitude toward both sides was not consistent. It once favored the Arab world.

Later, the Jews simply took out the Bible as the land deed, claiming that this "land flowing with milk and honey" was God's "promised land" to them... (I heard this sentence on many programs, the propaganda was really good , the effect of Jews controlling the old American media is remarkable.)
Wu Yunchu is not a rigid person. Acetone is an important chemical product and can even be involved in the military industry, so it can be cultivated. He said to Yu Tongkui: "With the patent, it will be easier. Let's study the technology and buy a production line."

Li Yu said: "The war has just ended in Europe, and many military industries are oversaturated and no longer needed. This is an unprecedented buying opportunity. After this village, there really is no such store."

Yu Tongkui agreed: "Starting from tomorrow, I will start research in this area."

Li Yu said: “Whenever you need funds, please contact me through Salt Bank at any time.”

The two clasped their fists and said, "We know that Mr. Academician has always supported national industry, so we took the liberty to come to you."

Li Yu smiled and said: "It should be."

Anyway, he has plenty of money, so he should spend it quickly.


Li Yu gave lectures for a week in Nankai. During this period, he stayed in a hotel on Wuda Avenue. He once met Duan Qirui, who had stepped down and was living as an apartment house in Tianjin for the first time after the defeat of the Zhijiang-Anhui War.

"Prime Minister Duan." Li Yu greeted.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Duan Qirui waved his hand, "You can't call me that now."

Li Yu looked at his hand and asked, "General Duan, why are you coiling Buddhist beads now?"

Duan Qirui made a gesture of folding his hands and said: "Now I focus on eating fast and chanting Buddha, and don't care about political affairs."

"It turns out it's a layman Duan. I'm disrespectful and disrespectful." Li Yu said.

Duan Qirui has really become a vegetarian. When he was in Beijing, he always had meals alone and did not eat with his family. Now that he is a vegetarian, the rest of the family still eats meat and uses meat as a treat, but he himself prepares two or three vegetarian dishes, especially tempeh, which has become an indispensable side dish for every meal.

The eggs he ate were also laid by hens that he raised specially. There were no roosters. Duan Qirui considered the eggs laid like this to be vegetarian.

The Duan Mansion on Fifth Avenue in Tianjin was very grand and very large. Duan Qirui set up a special Buddhist hall, burned incense and chanted sutras in the early morning, and he continued to do so.

Duan Qirui said: "It's good to have some free time. We old guys will all quit politics in the future."

With the end of the Zhijiang-Anhui War, the second generation of warlords represented by Wu Peifu began to take control of the political situation. Compared with the first generation of warlords, the second generation of warlords are obviously rougher in doing things and are very martial.

Duan Qirui added: "It seems that Mr. Academician did not jointly issue the "Declaration for Freedom" with the professors of Peking University?"

Li Yu said: "I don't know about this."

A few days ago, eight intellectuals including Cai Yuanpei, Tao Menghe, Hu Shi, and Jiang Menglin jointly published the "Declaration for Freedom" in the Morning Post, which can be regarded as the dissatisfaction and suggestions of the intellectuals of the Republic of China against the political situation:

“We were originally unwilling to talk about practical politics, but practical politics never hindered us.

It has been nine years since the Revolution of 1911 until now. In the past nine years, under the pseudo-republican politics, we have experienced all kinds of unfreedom and pain; even if the political situation changes, one party drives out that party, but the country's unfreedom and pain remain the same as before. When politics forces us to such a point of no return, we have to have a thorough awakening and believe that if politics is not initiated by the people, there will never be a true republic.

But if we want politics to be initiated by the people, we must first create an atmosphere that cultivates the true spirit of free thought and free judgment among our people.

We believe that there is no country in the history of human freedom that was not purchased drop by drop by the people's blood and sweat. Without people willing to fight for freedom, there will never be true freedom.

The warlord political parties have dared to run rampant in this way in recent years, which is a manifestation of the lack of the true spirit of free thought and free judgment among the people. "

In addition, the "Declaration" also requires the Beiyang government to abolish various arbitrary laws and regulations that suppress freedom, guarantee the people's freedom of speech, publication, assembly, association, and confidentiality of letters; implement the habeas corpus law and advocate fighting for freedom Spirituality and so on.

Overall, their requests are still relatively normal and their attitude is quite peaceful.

Duan Qirui said: "In the current ruling government in Beijing, Cao Kun and Zhang Zuolin are somewhat dissatisfied with this declaration, especially the leader Cai Yuanpei."

Hearing Duan Qirui's warning, Li Yu said, "I'll tell Principal Cai later that he just wants to study abroad."

"It's great to go abroad," Duan Qirui said, "but it's a pity that I can only be half of Xianyun Yehe."

Li Yu said casually: "Junior Duan just took this opportunity to continue to improve his Go skills."

Duan Qirui is deeply satisfied: "I study chess records every day, and now Chinese Go lags far behind the Japanese. Our national players cannot win even if they face top Japanese players, even if the opponent concedes two pieces."

Li Yu was surprised: "The gap is so big?"

"Yeah, but I'm not convinced!" Duan Qirui sighed, "I'm going to study with a group of national players in the mansion how to break the Japanese dominance of the chess world. Even if I can't beat Japan's Honinbo, at least I can't let any Japanese Chess players dominate the Chinese chess world.”

Li Yu said: "I wish Mr. Duan to find a Go genius as soon as possible."

Duan Qirui is a true chess fan.

At this time, there were no chess institutes or tournaments in China, and the home base of Go was Duan Qirui's home.

Over the years, Duan Qirui has supported several top players and spent thousands of dollars on Go every month.

But until Wu Qingyuan’s debut, China’s Go level had always been lower than Japan’s.

Wu Qingyuan is a legend in the Go world.

Five years later, eleven-year-old Wu Qingyuan began to play chess at Duan Qirui's house, and within two years he defeated all Chinese masters.

Wu Qingyuan then went to Japan and had ten chess matches with top Japanese chess players for 17 years. According to the regulations, if Juban chess fails in four consecutive games, it will be demoted by one square.

Wu Qingyuan successively defeated all previous "Honinbo" players after Hideya, not just defeating him, but directly reducing his opponent's chess position by one to two squares.

The most exciting match was between Wu Qingyuan and the ninth-dan master Honinbo Hideya. This match lasted for three months, during which Wu Qingyuan forced Honinbo Hideya to the edge many times. Hideya Honinbo had to close the game to discuss countermeasures. Although Honinbo Hideya won in the end, he lost all face. Since then, the chess world has stipulated that a game of chess should not last longer than one day.

The legend of Wu Qingyuan spreads in the Japanese chess world: Wu Qingyuan, the sage of Showa chess, set the world first.

Those who have watched "The Soul of Chess" may remember that in the past, there was no such thing as "sticking to the goal" in chess. The one who plays first with black has a huge advantage. If top players compete with each other, black will almost win, so it is difficult to lose in a row.

However, Wu Qingyuan still defeated his opponent and was demoted even though he held white, which shows that he has chess skills that transcend the times.

During the Republic of China, Wu Qingyuan was the only one who dared to say that he was "the most powerful person in the world".

Therefore, the Chinese people have great potential in all aspects, but the situation inside and outside the Republic of China was too difficult.

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