Chapter 670 Temper
Tang Feifan from the University of Toronto sent telegrams back to China from time to time. Judging from the content, insulin entered clinical practice very quickly. They had found a way to purify it and applied for a patent, which basically meant that clinical treatment could be carried out immediately.

After that, we have to find a way to implement this patent in China as soon as possible. The Bayer pharmaceutical factory that Li Yu took over in Shanghai can produce it, but the price will definitely not be cheap.

Recently, Wu Youxun and others are going to study in the United States, and Li Yu is also planning to go to the United States. After all, foreigners still don't really recognize Eastern scientists, and Li Yu is considered an alternative among the alternative.

Li Yu must rely on his status to help them win the respect they deserve before he can win the Nobel Prize.

In addition, Einstein will definitely win the prize this year. After a year of delay, the Nobel Prize jury finally couldn't hold him back. At that time, Li Yu can drop by to attend an awards ceremony.

Before that, Li Yu would give several lectures on theoretical physics in Shanghai and then set off by boat.

In order to promote theoretical science, Li Yu wrote a special pamphlet to explain the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics in a popular way.

The booklet is still issued by the Commercial Press. They have been printing "Science Magazine" for several years and have great experience in the typesetting of scientific formulas.

In the Commercial Press, Zhang Yuanji looked at the pamphlet and said confidently: "The first batch of printing will be at least 10,000 copies."

Li Yu said: "According to the procedure, shouldn't you review it first?"

Zhang Yuanji said: "We don't have the ability to review this kind of book. Thank God for having a Chinese version."

"What I mean is to at least ensure there are no font errors." Li Yu said.

"This is indeed necessary," Zhang Yuanji nodded and said, "Mr. Academician loves to use simplified Chinese characters too much. I have to find two editors to correct it bit by bit into traditional Chinese characters for publication."

Li Yu smiled and said, "I'm just doing it for convenience!"

Zhang Yuanji greeted: "Yan Bing, policemen and civilians, come here."

Two young men in their early twenties came over: "Editor-in-Chief, you called us."

Zhang Yuanji handed the pamphlet to them: "This is the masterpiece of Academician Li Yu. Please revise the text and publish it as soon as possible."

The two young men were very excited when they heard about this task: "It's such an honor to be able to compile Mr. Academician's masterpiece!"

"Thank you, two editors."

Li Yu knew them, Yan Bing was Shen Yan Bing, better known as Mao Dun; Policeman was Zheng Zhenduo.

Mao Dun said: "I have listened to several lectures by Mr. Academician, and I am worried that there are no books that have a thorough understanding of the theory of relativity. Although I am not clear about its mathematical and physical principles, this philosophical thought is fascinating, just like Mr. Yan Fu back then. The translation of Tianyan Lun is equally astonishing."

Li Yu said: "So I think it is necessary to introduce more about the theory of relativity. I am afraid that someone will force it into someone else, just like the theory of evolution has become Social Darwin, which will be troublesome."

"Isn't it possible?" said the contradiction. "Actually, many people, including me, want to apply this magical philosophical idea of ​​relativity to other subject areas. Just like your game theory is not limited to mathematics, but also extends to economics. , many military places.”

"Of course it doesn't matter if it's purely academic research," Li Yu said. "What I'm worried about is that the term relativity will become widely misunderstood relativism, and then people will have misconceptions and doubt the objectivity of all truth or moral values. This will encourage It's laziness, because they can just throw out 'no correct theory' and give up."

Zheng Zhenduo said solemnly: "Mr. Academician, you really have philosophical thoughts. You think much more profoundly than us."

Mao Dun also admired: "Your understanding of society is quite humane and caring."

“It’s just my humble opinion,” Li Yu said with a smile, “I hope to use this booklet to encourage more Chinese students to learn the most advanced scientific theories. In the future, they will not only read popular science booklets, but also understand Pauli’s introductory article on relativity. "

"Pauli?" The two of them had never heard of this name.

"He is a smart young guy who just got his Ph.D.," Li Yu said. "He wrote an article introducing the theory of relativity. It is more than 230 pages and explains the physics and mathematics in great detail. It's just using It is written in German and is not available in China. On the one hand, there are not many people with the ability to translate it, and on the other hand, it is not possible for anyone to understand it when translated.”

In fact, Pauli was assigned a task by his mentor Sommerfeld: to write a brief introduction to the theory of relativity for the "Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences".

Since there were very few people who knew the theory of relativity, Sommerfeld chose Pauli, who ended up writing 237 pages in one go.

——I wonder if he has any misunderstanding about the words "brief introduction".

Mao Dun was in the translation office of the Commercial Press and said: "Then there is no need for translation. Anyone who can understand this will definitely understand foreign languages."

Zhang Yuanji laughed and said, "I didn't ask your translation office to translate it."

After putting down the manuscript, Li Yu and Zhang Yuanji had a casual meal. At night, they drove back to Yuyuan in a car produced by a Shanghai factory.

Just as he drove to Fourth Avenue, Li Yu suddenly saw a drunk young man standing in the middle of the road, yelling at passing cars.

When Li Yu's car drove up to him, the young man also stopped in front of his car, pointed at Li Yu and cursed: "You capitalists don't have any good things, I'm going to shoot you!"

Another young man from the nearby tavern rushed over and grabbed him: "Duff, don't make trouble!"

He then apologized to Li Yu: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! My friend drank too much."

Li Yu glanced at him and said in surprise: "Guo Moruo?"

Guo Moruo also recognized Li Yu: "Mr. Academician!"

Li Yu parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and looked at the drunken young man blocking the road and said, "Are you Yu Dafu?"

"Hiccup~~" Yu Dafu burped, "Who are you?"

Guo Moruo said to him: "Dafu, he is Li Yu, academician of Li University!"

"Ah?" Yu Dafu rubbed his eyes and looked over carefully, "Oh! He is really Academician Li!"

Li Yu joked: "You just said you wanted to shoot me?"

"I... hiccup -" Yu Dafu rolled his eyes, "The ones I want to shoot are capitalists, you are not a capitalist."

Seeing that Li Yu was not angry, Guo Moruo immediately said: "If you don't want me to be shot, we can invite Grand Scholar Li to drink!"

"Yes, yes! By the way, I want to apologize to Academician Li!" Yu Dafu said.

Li Yu walked into the tavern where they were drinking, and Cheng Fangwu was sitting at the wine table.

Cheng Fangwu saw them walking in and said happily: "Dafu, who was shot today?"

"We can't be drunk and drunk today." Yu Dafu said.

"You can't be drunk and crazy? Why?" Cheng Fangwu was curious, "When did you fail to perform when you were drunk?"

Yu Dafu said: "Because I met a real master today, in front of others, if I act drunk again, I will be scolded as a drunkard."

Cheng Fangwu smiled and said, "Isn't it?"

Yu Dafu said: "Don't you recognize this person?"

The lights in the tavern were dim, Cheng Fangwu stood up and took two steps closer, exclaiming in surprise: "Oh my God, Academician Li Yu!"

Li Yu saw a large bottomed wine jar on the table, and a stove on the table to warm the wine.

Rice wine doesn't feel very strong when you drink it. You can drink too much without realizing it, and then a gust of wind blows or you just stand up, and you may fall unconscious.

"What a drinker." Li Yu said. Cheng Fangwu opened his mouth, and then said: "Mr. Academician, this is a joke. In fact... Dafu drank half of it by himself. The two of us are not as big drinkers as him."

When Yu Dafu saw that the wine jar was empty, he immediately said, "How about a bigger jar?"

Guo Moruo's eyes widened: "Still drinking?"

Yu Dafu said: "Aren't you going to invite Mr. Academician to drink?"

"Can you still drink it?" Cheng Fangwu was also a little scared.

"Why can't you drink it?" Yu Dafu shouted to the waiter, "Here's another altar with beautiful flower carvings!"

Cheng Fangwu had no choice but to add: "There are also a few plates of snacks."

Yu Dafu sat down and said, "We won't go to tea party today."

To go to a teahouse is to go to a brothel.

They are really a bit... bohemian.

No wonder Liang Shiqiu later wrote an article saying: "I once sent my mother back to Hangzhou during the summer. I passed by Shanghai and arrived at Minhou Nanli, Hadong Road, where I met Guo (Moruo), Yu (Dafu) and Cheng (Fangwu). What surprised me was not the poverty of their lives, but the decadence of their lives, especially the depression. They led me to eat a big bowl of rice wine from one end of the Fourth Avenue to the other end, chasing pheasants in the big world. Having a tea party in the hall is quite scary for a Tsinghua student. "

"What kind of tea party are you having!?" Guo Moruo interrupted Yu Dafu and said to Li Yu, "Mr. Academician, we have actually just established a literary club, and we are having a dinner here to celebrate."

"What literary club?" Li Yu asked.

"It's called 'Creation' Literary Club." Guo Moruo said.

The waiter happened to come over with a jar of wine and a tray of side dishes. After putting them down, he said, "Can you be more quiet next time we drink? The other customers have left."

Only then did Li Yu realize that they were the only table in the tavern.

Cheng Fangwu explained to Li Yu: "Dafu likes to be aggressive when he drinks too much. He was cursing while drinking just now. The boss came to persuade him, but not only did he not listen, he also treated the boss and customers as an audience and gave a speech on the spot. Customers If they couldn’t bear it, they all left.”

Yu Dafu is a typical temperamental person. He has already poured wine: "It is rare to meet the most prestigious academician in today's academic world. We would like to toast you to this glass."

Li Yu picked up the wine glass and said, "Aren't you still studying in Japan?"

Yu Dafu finished his drink, wiped his mouth and said, "I'm back from vacation for a few days."

"What major did you study?"


"No wonder you say on the streets that those who drive cars are capitalists."

"Nine out of ten people who can drive a car now do not have enough money. There are very few people like Mr. Academician." Yu Dafu said.

Li Yu smiled and said: "I may not be exempt from vulgarity."

"At least you are in a legitimate industry and earn foreigners' money. Based on this, you are good." Yu Dafu said.

"Even the patriotic soldier Wu Peifu brags to everyone that he was your student back then." Cheng Fangwu said.

"You really have nothing against Wu Peifu?" Li Yu asked.

Yu Dafu said: "Even if he is the same as a raccoon dog, he is still a warlord with progressive ideas."

Guo Moruo asked again: "Mr. Academician's two science fiction works, Star Wars and Alien, are popular all over the world. Why not join the literary club?"

Li Yu smiled and said: "I just wrote casually. Besides, I didn't finish it alone."

"It would be better if Ms. Bicheng joins!" Yu Dafu said, "Nowadays, literary societies everywhere are just a group of big men. They are extremely arrogant. Let Madam punish them!"

Li Yu said: "What do you usually write?"

"We write whatever we want," Yu Dafu said, "but if the Beiyang government doesn't like anything, we just write it!"

Guo Moruo said: "How can you say that? It should be called romantic literature."

Yu Dafu said under the influence of wine: "What romanticism? I just don't want to make those bullshit warlords in the Beiyang government uncomfortable! If they are at the top, there is no romance!"

Cheng Fangwu saw that he was drinking one cup after another, and it was obvious that he had completely overdosed, so he said: "It's almost done for today, we should go back."

Yu Dafu drank two more glasses before standing up and calling the waiter over: "Check out!"

The waiter was relieved: "You are finally gone! All you need is a piece of ocean."

"So few?" Yu Dafu couldn't believe it.

The waiter said: "The boss hopes you won't come next time."

"If you don't come, you won't come. Who cares!" Yu Dafu said, took out a big ocean from under his feet and handed it over.

The waiter was stunned for a long time before holding his nose and accepting it.

Li Yu smiled and said: "You obviously have pockets on your body, why do you hide the money in your shoes?"

Yu Dafu said: "They have oppressed me before, and I will oppress them now!"

Li Yu, Guo and Cheng laughed loudly after hearing this: "Looking at your proud look, it seems that you have really oppressed them."

The next day, Yu Dafu, who had sobered up, came to Li Yu's house again to apologize: "I drank too much yesterday, and I was a bit disconnected. The person in the country who should not be quarreled with the most is Mr. Academician."

Li Yu didn't take it seriously at all: "It's not intentional, it doesn't matter. And as you said, most of the rich people at this time have bad origins."

Yu Dafu said: "So I am very curious, how can you do business in your spare time and achieve such a scale that even many warlords dare not touch you? I am studying economics after all. In my opinion, the current domestic situation is only You can only make money if you can collude with government officials and businessmen.”

"What you said makes sense," Li Yu said. "Maybe I'm lucky. Domestic science has just emerged, and I happened to ride the wave of the times."

"It makes sense!" Yu Dafu said with admiration, "It's a pity that I don't understand science and can only be a sour scholar."

Li Yu smiled and said: "I don't think you are sour or smelly. Literary revolution is the foundation. Without literary revolution, it will be difficult to advance science."

"Thanks to Mr. Academician for your compliment," Yu Dafu said, "the literary revolution I have made pales in comparison to your scientific banner."

"They are all important," Li Yu said, and then asked, "When will you return to Japan to continue school?"

"In a week, I can get my degree next year," Yu Dafu said.

Li Yu said: "I wish you all the best in Japan."

Yu Dafu was a super playboy in his youth. When he was in Japan, he often looked for flowers and flowers, and he was almost intoxicated.

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