Chapter 672 The trouble with reputation

A week later, Li Yu came to the Cavendish Laboratory with Rutherford again.

"I have solved the problem of the solenoid being easily burned out!" Kapitsa said proudly.

Rutherford was surprised: "Really?"

"We have turned on the machine and done several tests today," Kapitsa said.

"It's kind of awesome!" Rutherford looked at it for a while and couldn't help asking, "How did you do it?"

Kapitsa said: "It's very simple. Since we can't cool down the solenoid quickly, then we need to find a way to quickly cut off the power. Can't we just cut off the power when the solenoid is not burned out?"

"He is indeed an experimental genius!" Rutherford was completely impressed. This kind of flexible brain is most suitable for experiments, so he said decisively, "I officially inform you that you have been admitted to the Cavendish Laboratory!"

Kapitsa's eyes shone brightly and he said excitedly: "Thank you, director! Thank you, Mr. Academician!"

The Cavendish Laboratory was a turning point in Kapitsa's life, and Rutherford was definitely his honour.

In just two or three years, Kapitsa showed a very strong talent in physics. Rutherford applied for funds to build a "Mond Laboratory" for him to conduct low-temperature research. Kapitsa himself was the director of the laboratory.

There is a joke that has been circulating on the Internet, and it also originated from Kapitsa: Kapitsa has great insights into machinery. A factory director asked him to repair a valuable machine, and the reward was 1000 pounds. Kapicha looked at it, picked up a hammer, and knocked it on the spindle. The machine was fine.

The factory director immediately regretted it. How could a hammer be worth 1000 pounds?

Kapitsa said: "One knock is enough to pay £1, but knowing where to knock is worth £999."

After he became the director of the laboratory, he became more and more prosperous in Cambridge. He even met a beautiful fellow countryman who was the daughter of one of his colleagues in the Soviet Union. The two immediately fell in love and soon got married.

Cambridge also hired him as a lecturer, but Kapitsa's lectures were very strange and inconsistent at every turn. If students asked him why, Kapitsa would say: "I did it on purpose, otherwise what would you think about?"

Moreover, his lectures were sometimes difficult and obscure, and sometimes they sounded like vernacular.

He has a very classic and meaningful explanation for this: "I have always tried to let 95% of the people understand 5% of the content, and let 5% of the people understand 95% of the content."

However, when this old man returned to the Soviet Union to visit his mother in 1934, he was suddenly detained by Stalin and was not allowed to go to the UK again.

Rutherford asked the Soviet ambassador to the United Kingdom for help through personal connections, and the other party's reply was: "You in the United Kingdom hope to have Kapitsa, and we in the Soviet Union also hope to have Rutherford."

He would never come back. For the sake of his scientific future, Rutherford decisively sent all the equipment of Monds Laboratory to Moscow, and continued to communicate with him until ten days before his death. Rutherford also sent Kapitsa Went to the last letter.

Fortunately, Kapitsa lived up to the expectations of the "kindergarten director" and successfully developed the superflow phenomenon of liquid nitrogen in Moscow, which was also his achievement in winning the Nobel Prize in the future.

Of course, the Soviet Union also attached great importance to Kapitsa and gave him a high status. He was one of the leading people in the Soviet scientific community.

During the Great Purge, another famous physicist, Landau, was arrested and was recommended by the Capitsato people.

At the end of World War II, his loving father Comrade Stalin asked Kapitsa to build an atomic bomb, but Kapitsa refused. He was unwilling to build weapons of mass destruction, and was dismissed from his post. It was not until Stalin's death that he resumed his original position.

But overall, Kapitsa's life trajectory is still very good.


Einstein, who was also famous in the scientific community, was also invited to come to the UK. He met Li Yu, Rutherford, and Thomson at Cambridge University.

Rutherford asked: "Professor Einstein, didn't you arrive yesterday and look around to admire the beautiful scenery of Britain?"

"I had this idea," Einstein said, "but as soon as I arrived at the pier, Weizmann stopped me. I was already low-key enough, and I was traveling in second class, but he could still find me in the crowd. ”

Li Yu said: "Maybe your hairstyle is too special."

"I should have put on a hat!" Einstein lamented.

Thomson asked: "Weizmann? The Zionist?"

"Yes," Einstein said, "Since the end of the European War, the anti-Semitic situation in Germany has been very severe, and it should be said that it has been the same throughout Europe. I even found another application of the principle of relativity - in Germany I am called a 'German scientist', but in England I am called a 'Swiss Jew'. If I am destined to play a distasteful role, I should be called a 'Swiss Jew' by the Germans. In the eyes of the British, I became a 'German scientist' again!"

Thomson adjusted his glasses: "This does not represent the views of the scientific community."

“I know that,” Einstein said, “but what is ominous is that there is also a small and growing group of people in Germany who have begun to refer to me, consciously or unconsciously, as a Jew rather than a German. "

This is an unfriendly sign.

Thomson said: "Including Mr. Leonard?"

Einstein sighed: "There are also Professor Wien and Professor Stark."

These are all at the academician level, and many of them have received Nobel Prizes, so they are very powerful.

Einstein continued: "I am not like Haber, who tried to erase his Jewish identity or even convert to Christianity in order to completely assimilate into a German. He tried to persuade me to do this, but I couldn't do it. arrive."

Li Yu asked: "So are you going to join Weizmann's National Restoration Organization?"

Einstein said: "I will reluctantly agree for the time being, but from a human perspective, I am opposed to nationalism."

Like Lu Bicheng, he is a cosmopolitan.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were so many different trends of thought, and people from all angles stood on them.

Thomson avoided this somewhat political topic and said to him: "Let's talk about the theory of relativity. Now the whole UK is discussing the theory of relativity. There are many people who oppose it, and they have raised many questions for you to answer."

He took out a tabloid with a question written on it: "Since the speed of light does not change, then if he shoots two beams of light towards the opposite wall a few seconds apart, the speed of light in the front part of the light relative to the second half of the light is still C , then wouldn’t the front light run farther and farther?”

Einstein said: "The person who asked the question obviously does not understand mathematics and should..."

Li Yu interrupted him: "Do you really want to reply?"

"Shouldn't I reply?" Einstein asked.

Li Yu said: "It is useless to answer this kind of question. People who ask such questions should not expect them to understand the explanation."

Einstein said: "Then let them slander my theory?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "If you look at them directly, you will lose."

This sentence was said by Guo Degang when Li Yu listened to the cross talk of Deyun Society: "For example, I told the rocket expert that your rocket is not good and the fuel is not good, so you have to burn firewood. I think you have to burn firewood, preferably coal." , the coal must be selected coal, water washing coal is not enough. If the scientist takes a serious look at me, he will lose."

Einstein also thought about it: "You're right, I don't have the energy! In the future, I will have to debate with several academicians of the German Academy of Sciences who oppose the theory of relativity."

Thomson said: "You can ignore these nonsense people, but after hearing that you are here, the Archbishop of Canterbury wants to ask you a question about the theory of relativity in person."

The Archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the Church of England.

"Archbishop?" Einstein asked in surprise, "Can I refuse?"

"I'm afraid not," said Thomson. "The Archbishop will arrive in Cambridge this afternoon."

Einstein was speechless and asked: "Does he understand the theory of relativity?" Rutherford said: "It seems that he has been cramming for a few days, but overall, the archbishop does not understand it at all. He complained that those introductions and related newspaper articles made him more Confused."

Einstein's head hurt and he asked Li Yu: "Have you ever met the Pope? Do you have any tips for contacting them?"

"No." Li Yu spread his hands.

Einstein said helplessly: "We can only adapt to circumstances."

A few hours later, the archbishop arrived in Cambridge in a carriage. It was quite a respect to come in person.

In the auditorium, Thomson specially arranged for the archbishop to sit with Einstein so that he could ask questions directly.

The archbishop politely asked about Einstein's current situation, and then solemnly asked the question he most wanted to know the answer to: "Mr. Einstein, what impact will the theory of relativity have on religion?"

This question was a bit tricky. Einstein thought about it carefully and suddenly realized that the last two words Li Yu said a few hours ago were very wonderful, so he said: "It has no impact."

"No impact?" The archbishop seemed a little disappointed.

"Yes, it has no effect!" Einstein emphasized.

He felt that this answer was wonderful.

The Archbishop asked: "Why no impact?"

Einstein said: "It's simple, because the theory of relativity is purely scientific and has nothing to do with religion."

His answer completely put himself aside, saving him countless unnecessary troubles.

Li Yu also smiled secretly in his heart. Although the scientific education in this era cannot be compared with the 21st century a hundred years later, people at this time at least really respect science. There is no Internet, and there will not be so many mindless trolls. . However, there are many religious people at this time, so there is no need to get yourself into endless and meaningless arguments.

The archbishop asked: "You mean that our religious forces don't need to care about the theory of relativity at all."

"That's right!" Einstein said, "I think religion should focus more on the spiritual realm and stop trying to explain the objective world."

"I understand," said the Archbishop. He was quite satisfied with Einstein's answer.

Because Einstein's subtext is obvious. Trying to explain the world with religion will only make things worse and expose your own weaknesses.

The next day, Einstein gave a lecture at Cambridge University.

Like Li Yu's lecture, it was overcrowded.

Both of these peers have strong appeal in the scientific field.

At the end of the speech, Thomson, the dean of Trinity College, happily said to Einstein: "The school invited two people to give speeches in a short period of time. The effect is so satisfying!"

Rutherford asked: "Mr. Einstein, you seem to have never left Europe. Are you interested in going to the Americas to give lectures? American universities can often offer very high appearance fees because they are not short of money, only short of money." Excellent thinking.”

"The United States..." Einstein thought for a moment, "This idea is very tempting, because I need some currency with strong value to support my daily life."

Li Yu said with a smile: "The great Mr. Einstein also worries about money."

Einstein said bitterly: "It's so sad! Now the German mark has fallen terribly. Just after the war, the value of 1 mark was equivalent to 12 cents, which could buy a loaf of bread; now it is only worth 2 cents, and it costs six cents. It takes twice as much money to buy a loaf of bread!”

Li Yu said: "I have many contacts with the German industrial community and have some indirect understanding of the economy. According to the current trend, the mark will probably fall faster and faster."

In two years at most, a loaf of bread would cost 700 marks, and then in another year, it would cost 10 billion marks! Yes, you read that right, 10 billion!
It is indeed the Zimbabwean currency that is more than half a century older.

Einstein was speechless and said: "These politicians only know how to print money like crazy!"

Li Yu said: "It is indeed a bit of a failure! If printing money can eliminate poverty, then wouldn't issuing more college diplomas eliminate stupidity?"

Einstein also laughed: "Their stupidity may require countless college degrees."

The smile must have been a bitter smile, and he added: "Now I can only make more money abroad, and I can't send it directly back to Germany, because they will use the old exchange rate to convert it into marks, and then they will swallow all my money." , just a pile of useless Mark waste paper.”

Rutherford asked: "Wouldn't this violate Germany's monetary policy? What are you going to do?"

Einstein said mysteriously: "I thought of a wonderful way. Send it to the Netherlands first, so the German tax department will have no choice."

"Professor Einstein was pushed to the point of hiding his income," Rutherford said.

"Hey, being a scientist is not profitable enough!" Einstein said, "So I can understand my son's choice. At first I was very opposed to him becoming an engineer, but now I will tell him that science is an Difficult career, choosing a practical field like engineering is a wise choice, where you don’t have to look for a four-leaf clover.”

"It's not that absolute," Rutherford said. "Look at Academician Li Yu, he looks like a super rich chaebol!"

Einstein said: "Because he was equally good in the field of engineering, and I tried in the early years and made some small things, but the market response was not good."

Li Yu smiled and said: "If you can make good use of your unparalleled reputation and go on a lecture tour, you can also make a lot of money."

"Okay!" Einstein originally had this plan. "As long as the Americans can pay me $15000, I can go to the United States."

There is nothing he can do about being so fussy about money. Half of his income must be sent to his ex-wife; according to the agreement, most of the huge Nobel Prize bonus must be shared with his ex-wife.

Coupled with Germany's crazy inflation, it can drive people crazy.

Li Yu said: "I think Americans can afford it, and if you continue to go to Japan and China, you will receive more income. I can guarantee you."

Einstein said: "If this is the case, I will definitely go! I hope this is the only benefit that my most hated reputation will bring me."

"There are benefits to fame," Rutherford said.

"Since the solar eclipse observation, although I have gained a lot of fame, I always feel that I have become more and more stupid under the fame. This phenomenon is of course very common." Einstein paused, "No, Mr. Li Yu He is an exception. He gained fame early and continues to make new breakthroughs."

Rutherford smiled: "In any case, you have become an authority on the theory of relativity."

Einstein said: "I used to hate authority the most, but now I have become the authority. It's so ironic."

"It can only be said to be a sweet trouble." Li Yu said.

Thomson said: "Having a reputation will at least draw public attention to physics, which will have a positive effect."

Li Yu said: "And issuing knowledge is much better than issuing currency. At least it can make people less stupid."

Rutherford said: "I agree with Mr. Li Yu's statement. Recently, I often see a book called "The Reign of Relativity" in bookstores - as long as the words 'Relativity' are included, it will easily become a bestseller - , the author is using the theory of relativity to support his own political view that dogmatism needs to be avoided in order for society to be vibrant."

"Fortunately, what he said is on the right track," Einstein said, "but fame will bring another problem, that is, it will arouse resentment. Soon, I will face a scientific trial by Leonard and the others. '."

Thomson consoled him: "It is no longer time to burn Bruno to death."

Li Yuze said: "It just so happens that I will also go to Germany, and I will give a second defense then."

Einstein said happily: "That's great!"

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