Chapter 714 Epilogue : Finale
When Li Yu and his colleagues arrived in the United States, the September 18 Incident had already occurred. Overseas Chinese such as Situ Meitang were filled with indignation, and Li Yu participated in several of their propaganda activities.

In the meeting, Situ Meitang called loudly for everyone to fight the enemy together, and the whole place was in an uproar.

In the evening, Situ Meitang said to Li Yu with emotion: "Mr. Sun said, 'The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard'. I didn't expect the situation to be so difficult!"

Li Yu was mentally prepared, but he was more angry than anyone else because he knew that the Japanese would be even more hateful in the future.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, but it will eventually succeed!" Li Yu said word by word, "Human greed is like a snake swallowing an elephant. The Japanese are not as terrible as imagined."

After seeing the news, He Yujie and others even wanted to return to China immediately, but were stopped by Li Yu: "What we are doing is resistance!"

He Yujie instantly realized that a speaking tour in Europe and the United States would allow the world to pay attention to what was happening in China.

After all, Japan is a tiny country lacking in various resources, and it faced a very serious economic crisis in the 1930s. They could only fight to support the war, but the vast occupied areas would not be so easy to control; and once external aid increased and China's anti-Japanese war force was even a little stronger, the Japanese would suffer several times more.

He Yujie and others calmed down and gave various speeches in Europe and the United States whenever they had time, including the award ceremony in Sweden, to let people know that a country that produced five Nobel Prize winners was being invaded by a barbaric island nation.

This argument works quite well in Europe and the United States, especially in countries like Britain, France and the United States. Even if it cannot influence the decision-making of politicians, it can still attract a lot of aid, and that's enough.

And Li Yu wants to go one step further.

Physics was still developing rapidly in the 30s. After Dirac came up with quantum field theory, it had a profound impact on quantum mechanics. Moreover, the basic assumption of quantum electrodynamics in quantum field theory gave the scientific community a new understanding: electromagnetic force may be achieved by exchanging photons to achieve force transmission.

This idea is quite important.

Moreover, the scientific community soon discovered the existence of two new forces in the atomic nucleus: strong force and weak force.

The strong force holds protons together; the weak force is what causes them to decay.

Exploring the exchange particles of these two forces naturally became the focus of the next research, and it was obviously a major discovery capable of competing for the Nobel Prize.

Of course Li Yu was very familiar with these contents.

Historically, the first person to propose the strong exchange particle, meson, was the Japanese scholar Hideki Yukawa, around 1934-1935.

But I'm sorry, Li Yu must delay Japan's technological takeoff by at least ten years.

So long before Yukawa, Li Yu had written an important paper and published it in major European and American magazines, and he also did not forget to publish a special one in Japan.

Li Yu predicted the meson and gave a detailed theoretical derivation. This is a new particle with a mass 200 times the rest mass of the electron, that is, the mass is between the proton and the electron, so it is named meson; at the same time, a detailed and accurate theoretical calculation result was given for the existence time of the meson.

There was no need to wait for the experimental results for many years, Li Yu knew that this result must be correct.

So ten years later, Li Yu would win the Nobel Prize in Physics (there are many reasons for the award), and he would become the only scientist in history to win the Nobel Prize in Physics three times.


1933 years.

Prince Asaka Naruhiko, Shigemitsu Mamoru, Ishii Shiro, Matsui Iwane and many other senior Japanese military officers received an invitation letter from the US Navy to participate in a very grand "aircraft carrier" exercise.

It is a “real aircraft carrier” because it flies in the sky.

The U.S. Navy built two Akron-class super airships, which can not only carry nearly a hundred people, but also launch and recover F9-C Sparrowhawk light aircraft in the air. The airship's hangar is not small and can accommodate up to five aircraft.

The Akron was built by a joint company of Goodyear and Zeppelin. It uses eight Maybach V8 engines and is very powerful. It is worth mentioning that since most of the helium is in the hands of the United States, this airship uses helium with the highest safety factor.

Anyway, it looks perfect.

Such a super air carrier is very attractive to the Japanese army.

However, since several other high-ranking Japanese military officials did not have time, only Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko and Shiro Ishii came to the U.S. Navy to participate in the exercise.

Prince Asaka was the culprit of the Nanjing Massacre;
Shiro Ishii was the leader of Unit 731.

Shiro Ishii was just passing through, as he had to continue on to Germany to attend several academic conferences.

As a prince of the Japanese royal family, Prince Asaka has relatively ample time and is eager to see this king of the sky.

A U.S. Navy officer introduced the power of the airship to Prince Asaka and Shiro Ishii: "At present, the main mission of the Akron is reconnaissance, because it can only launch light reconnaissance aircraft, but we also have plans to build a larger airship that can carry dive bombers and become an air carrier with excellent attack power."

Prince Asaka wondered: "How many dive bombers are on board?"

The U.S. Navy officer said, "Nine."

This is enough to form a strategic bombing mission team.

Prince Asaka exclaimed: “I am looking forward to it!”

Then he and Shiro Ishii boarded the aircraft carrier Akron.

When the Akron flew to the sea, Prince Asaka was extremely excited and had already begun to plan to ask the Navy Department to develop this real flying aircraft carrier after returning to Japan.

Shiro Ishii asked casually, "What is the mission of this exercise?"

A U.S. Navy officer said: "The mission is simple and not classified. It is mainly to assist the Navy in calibrating radio towers."

Shiro Ishii and Prince Asaka turned to look at several technicians who were busy adjusting instruments, and inadvertently saw the "LY" nameplate on the radio equipment.

In an instant, there were lightning and thunder, and a strong thunderstorm and strong wind appeared in the sky. The airship had to descend in altitude, but the wind on the sea was also strong. After more than ten minutes, the lower fin of the Akron airship fell off and the airship disintegrated.

Many people know about the Hindenburg airship accident in 1937. This German-built airship used hydrogen, but the United States at that time had already strictly banned the export of helium, which strangled Germany.

After a year of successful sailing, the Hindenburg crashed while preparing to land at the Naval Air Station in New Jersey, USA in 1937. The hull caught fire for unknown reasons, and the hydrogen burned too quickly, burning to ashes in just 34 seconds.

But what is amazing is that there were 97 passengers and crew members on the Hindenburg, 36 of whom died, but 61 survived. It has to be said to be a miracle.

The Hindenburg is the most famous airship crash, but it is not the one with the highest death toll. The one with the highest death toll was the USS Akron of the US Navy in 1933, with 73 deaths. - No, now it is 75.

The reason why the Hindenburg became the terminator of airships was probably because it was a commercial airship, and there were many spectators on the scene when it landed. Some people took pictures of the terrible burning in the air, which caused great panic and no one dared to take an airship again.

The Akron is a military airship and does not have that much social influence.

In any case, with this exercise, two extremely evil war criminals, Prince Asaka and Shiro Ishii, died quietly in the dust of history.

The next day, after hearing the news of the plane crash, Li Yu pretended to feel bad for a while, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had been busy with this plan for several months. Unfortunately, there were only two Japanese super war criminals on the airship.

A worthy death!


Einstein walked into Li Yu's office and said, "My goodness, your office is really big."

Li Yu smiled and said, "The office is too small. It's not worthy of such a large listed company."

Li Yu bought several more large properties in New York.

"It seems that we will have more opportunities to meet in the future," said Einstein.

"That should be the case," Li Yu turned a page of the newspaper, "You can't go back."

There is another news in the newspaper:
In front of the Berlin Opera House, more than 40,000 fanatical Germans wearing swastika emblems threw books into the blazing fire. The Minister of Propaganda Goebbels excitedly shouted: "The Jewish mind is dead, and the German soul can finally express itself again!"

"Yes, there is no going back," Einstein smiled bitterly. "The new government issued a decree that Jews cannot hold official positions, including in the Academy of Sciences or universities."

This decision of the little mustache forced 14 Nobel Prize winners and 60 of the 26 theoretical physics professors in Germany to flee. In addition to Einstein, there are many familiar names: Born, Meitner, Fermi, Scott, Wigner and so on.

Several of them later helped the Allies build nuclear weapons.

Li Yu asked: "What did Mr. Planck say?"

"Mr. Planck once appealed to the chancellor about this expulsion order, hoping that it would be suspended for scientists," Einstein lamented, "but Hitler said, 'If the dismissal of Jewish scientists means the destruction of current German science, then we will have no science for the next few years!' So we had no choice but to leave."

Li Yu said: "I really can't go to Europe anymore."

The bloody storm sweeping the world is coming. Li Yu suddenly remembered the famous photo, where Hitler was giving a crazy speech on the stage, and everyone in the audience raised their right hands forward, except for one person who folded his hands, standing out from the crowd.

The Japanese are no less crazy than them.

During World War II, Li Yu could do more in the United States than in China. He could secretly control the huge financial resources in his hands to harm the Japanese invaders; he could also assist the war of resistance against Japan and help our red base through the Soviet Union.

In short, it would at least cause the Japanese to suffer hundreds of thousands of casualties.


Stockholm, 1948.

The families of Qian Xuesen and Zhao Zhongyao came to Li Yu's island.

"Where's the luggage?" Li Yu asked.

"Everything has been packed and is on the way, ten large boxes in total," said Qian Xuesen.

Zhao Zhongyao didn't quite understand why they were asked to come to Sweden so early: "It's actually more convenient in the United States."

Li Yu said: "In another year, it will be difficult to return to China."

"It seems that the outcome of the domestic war is still unclear, right?" Qian Xuesen said.

Li Yu said: "It will be soon. The situation will become clear soon."

Lu Bicheng brought a plate of fruit and said, "You must have been tired after the long journey."

Qian Xuesen quickly said, "It's not hard! And I think the research conditions here are not bad either."

Li Yu said: "It's not as good as before. In 45, the US's Alsos operation took away a large number of scientists, and the Soviet Union also took away a lot, but we don't have to beg them anymore."

Zhao Zhongyao asked, "We are physicists and we didn't even participate in the Manhattan Project. We shouldn't be unable to leave, right?"

Li Yu laughed and said, "Qian Xuesen is researching rockets, how can they not be worried?"

Qian Xuesen smiled awkwardly: "I am a little worried."

Li Yule said: "In the eyes of the US Navy, you are worth five Marine divisions!"

Qian Xuesen laughed and said, "If I can match five Marine divisions, then you can match fifty Marine divisions."

A cold light flashed in Li Yu's eyes: "Then I must live up to this comment."

As a time traveler, it would be a great loss of face for me if I were controlled by the United States.

Historically, Qian Xuesen's return to China was very tortuous. He was detained by the Immigration Bureau and placed under house arrest for five years. A senior U.S. Navy officer once said, "It is better to shoot this guy than to let him go back to red China... He definitely did not go back to grow apples."

Earlier, Zhao Zhongyao departed from the United States and was detained for more than a month before being released after arriving in Japan.

As for Li Yu, if he didn't leave early, there would be no possibility of him leaving, as he would definitely be watched closely.

So he arranged the transfer of funds early and stored them in Switzerland, Sweden and other places, and a large amount of information was also moved to a small island in Stockholm.

By the way, you can also attend the 49th Nobel Prize in Physics award ceremony here.

After winning this Nobel Prize, Li Yu's reputation in the scientific community has become even higher.

Landau, a Soviet physicist, deliberately adjusted his ranking of physicists:
T0: Newton;
T0.5: Li Yu, Einstein;
T1: Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Dirac, etc.;
He himself was ranked T2 (originally 2.5).

Regarding Li Yu's comments, Landau wrote:
"Mr. Li Yu is a great scientist unique in human history. His achievements run through physics, from the second and third laws of thermodynamics to the blackbody radiation formula in quantum theory and X-ray diffraction experiments. He has made unimaginable achievements.

"In addition, there are countless important works such as the discovery of cosmic rays, the proposal of identical particles, the concept of spin, the explanation of probability, the prediction of mesons, etc. Three Nobel Prizes are not enough to match his status!

"And if we add his unprecedented contributions to astronomy and mathematics, there is no doubt that he is the world's number one scientist of all time!"


A year later, when they saw the mainland from afar on the ship, Zhao Zhongyao and Qian Xuesen were very excited. They hugged each other and said, "We are finally back!"

Li Yu took a breath of the sea breeze, his expression calm. He was still thinking silently in his heart: In addition to Tang Feifan, Zhao Zhongyao, Wu Youxun, He Yujie, and Wang Ganchang, he will definitely be able to train a few more Nobel Prize winners in the future, allowing the new China's science and technology to take off rapidly. Moreover, he also has ways to help them overcome various difficulties in current affairs, and the future is bright.

Retracting his thoughts, Li Yu smiled softly: "Yes, they are back, all of them are back!"

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