Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 100 Analyzing the Body of Gods and Demons

Chapter 100 Analyzing the Body of Gods and Demons
"I can't control my divine blood?" Cui Yu frowned.

Through the reaction of bringing the dead back to life, he seemed to be aware of an indescribable hazy will in the flame.

For some reason, facing that will, Cui Yu felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

It is completely different from the Gonggong divine blood given by the system!Gonggong Shenxue commanded himself like an arm, and there was no obstacle at all.

But the divine blood, which is the foundation of the martial art of gods and demons, has a will of its own?
Cui Yu was terrified.

The attributeless divine blood seemed to know that there was no way to escape, so it crashed directly into Gonggong's divine blood and was swallowed by Gonggong's demonic blood.

The fire-attribute divine blood followed closely behind, before it had time to dodge, it also bumped into it and was swallowed by the Gonggong divine blood.

As Gonggong's divine blood swallowed up the fire-attributed divine blood, Cui Yu felt peaceful in his heart for some reason, an unprecedented tranquility.

"I'm afraid there is a problem with the foundation building of the martial art of gods and demons!" Cui Yu murmured to himself.

Then I recalled the supernatural power Samadhi True Fire obtained from my own martial arts foundation. Without the fire attribute blood, how would the Samadhi True Fire activate?
"No, my divine blood is non-attribute divine blood, that is to say, my blood can be transformed into any kind of divine blood, so it's no problem to activate the Samadhi True Fire!" Cui Yu thought thoroughly, and then drew water the next moment The energy of the veins, the birth of non-attribute blood in the body, the martial arts runes in Cui Yulaogong acupoint are activated, and a candle-sized Samadhi real fire lights up on Laogong acupoint.

"Sure enough! It's just that I have too little blood power now, so I can only light a candle-sized real fire of Samadhi." Cui Yu looked at the real fire of Samadhi in his hand, and really didn't know what it would be useful for.

Except as a candle?What's the use?

burn people?

Can such a small real fire of samadhi burn people to death?

"That is to say, this world has magical powers! It also has divine blood! The divine blood and magical powers in my body are by no means the only one." Cui Yu looked at the female demon on the high platform:
"That's right, there are gods and spirits in this world, so how could there be no divine blood? Isn't the blood of the female demon I extracted is divine blood? Isn't Gonggong demon blood also divine blood?"

"Moreover, divine blood can also be obtained through foundation building in martial arts, or some other methods. It's just that Li Family Village is too small, so I have no chance to see it!" Cui Yu suddenly calmed down, and the little swelling disappeared instantly:

"This world is very dangerous! Others have magical powers, so isn't it dangerous for me?"

"I still have to roll! But I have a system, and I can transform the blood of the gods with strange powers. See if I don't roll you to death!"

There is no doubt that there are supernatural powers in this world, even the innate gods have them, let alone supernatural powers?
Even Goldfinger couldn't react in time to the existence of the corpse ancestor, which shows how terrifying this world is.

"Is my golden finger my awakened talent?" Cui Yu was thoughtful, full of curiosity.

But this world is really scary, extremely scary.

"The monks in this world have the power of supernatural powers, as well as the power of divine blood. I don't know how they are different from mine. There is also ancestral blood, the blood of people with supernatural powers. If you have time, ask the old Taoists of Nanhua, or go to the palace. North and South." Cui Yu said thoughtfully.

"I have now regenerated the energy in my body, and the next step is to step into the second world of martial arts."

"The limit of human strength is 12 catties. This refers to the establishment of the foundation of the martial art of gods and demons. After cultivating to the state of mastery, relying solely on the strength of the body. One catty cannot be more, and one catty cannot be less."

"The first three heavens of martial arts: pole, bodiless, and heavenly man. These three realms are the process of cultivating human power and increasing strength. Beyond these three realms, it is difficult to increase human strength by half." Cui Yu's heart flashed about martial arts. Boundary analysis.

Depending on the foundation-building objects, the power of growth is also different.

The foundation of the martial art of gods and demons has a limit of 12 jin.

Ji, hammer and forge the bones and skin, and if it can be integrated with divine magic, it will refine the bones and gain a strength of [-] catties.

Rebirth, although it is said to be rebirth, it is mainly based on the five internal organs, supplemented by the six internal organs.The five internal organs of the human body transform separately, five times in total.If you can build the foundation of the martial art of gods and demons, you can gain [-] catties of strength every time your five internal organs transform.

Purification of the six internal organs, if the foundation of the gods and demons martial arts is established, it can increase the strength of about [-] catties each time.A total of [-] catties, one point is not too much, and one point is indispensable.It is too difficult to purify the six internal organs, but the strength of growth is too little, so many people give up the purification directly.Instead, he directly chose to pick up the three flowers of spirit, energy and spirit.

After all, as long as it is not the foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons, the effect of everyone's purification will definitely be greatly reduced. If you increase your strength by a thousand catties, it is better to directly cultivate the three flowers of essence, energy and spirit.

The transformation of the five internal organs is the realm of rebirth.

If it is said that the "ji" hammers the muscles, bones and skin of the human body, and the internal organs are cultivated out of the body, then what the heavenly man cultivates is the three flowers of spirit, energy and spirit.

The strength of the muscles, bones and skin determines the strength of the spirit.

If the divine magic can be purified into the three flowers of the spirit, energy and spirit, the three flowers of the spirit, energy and spirit can attract the power of heaven and earth to bless them.

When a flower blooms, the physical body completes a transformation, increasing its strength by [-] jin.

After Sanhua's transformation, she has a strength of [-] jin.

However, in actual practice, everyone chooses different items for martial arts foundation building, and often they will be greatly discounted. The transformation items chosen by many people are too weak and do not have such strong power at all.

The limit of human strength is 1 jin!

If you don't build a foundation in martial arts, even if you have cultivated until the three flowers of energy and spirit are in full bloom, that is 1 catties of strength.

The way of cultivation is interlocking.

Step by step, step by step!

The strength of internal organs, muscles, bones and skin also determines the strength of human spirit.

After all, human spirit and physical fitness are inseparable.

And the strength of Sanhua also determines the strength of the power to channel heaven and earth.

"Before the foundation of the gods and demons martial arts, I only had a strength of three thousand catties at most. Now that the foundation of the gods and demons martial arts has been established, the imprint of the gods and magic rules has been purified into my body. Now I have a strength of thirty thousand catties with a wave of both hands. Power." Cui Yu stood on the stage of the gods and demons, and his whole body felt like a shotgun was changed.

It seems that even the sky can be overturned, and the Gods and Demons Table can be crushed with one foot.

"It's no wonder that everyone pursues the martial arts of gods and demons. It really is incredible power. Thirty thousand catties is already inhuman!" Cui Yu thought deeply.

But with the strength of the physical body, the power of the divine blood required to transform copper skin and iron bones also increased.

But now Cui Yu doesn't care about the blood consumption of the gods and demons at all.

"It's better to directly stimulate the five internal organs and start the transformation of the five internal organs." Cui Yu stood on the stage of the gods and demons, and the next moment he opened his airs, mobilized the blood in the whole body, and slowly poured into the five internal organs.

The five internal organs were nourished by the blood contaminated with divine magic, and some subtle changes quietly occurred in the entire five internal organs.

"The transformation of internal organs depends on nourishment, nourished by the blood with divine magic rules. But there is breathing method, which can speed up this speed." Cui Yu recalled the breathing method of the iron-smelting hand, and then frowned:
"Shilong told me that there is a big problem with my iron making hand, so there should be a problem with the method of stimulating the five viscera, right?"

Cui Yu shuddered at the thought of this, and the breathing method that was about to work suddenly stopped.

"There's something wrong with the breathing method." Cui Yu was a little surprised.

Shilong told me that there is a problem with my breathing method?
Do you still want to go to Shilong?Looking for Shilong for breathing method?
Cui Yu recalled in his mind the breathing method taught by Shi Long back then, and then he operated the breathing silently, using the breathing to stimulate the blood and wash the heart according to a certain law.

After a short while, Cui Yu stopped his movements, or he stopped practicing the breathing method: "This breathing method is not right."

"Or is there a problem with Shilong's own breathing method?" Cui Yu thought of Shilong, who had crippled him through practice, and couldn't tell whether it was Shilong who deliberately taught him the wrong way, or that Shilong himself practiced it all. Incorrect.

"I have brought the dead back to life, so I can keep trying, but how many times do I have to try?" Cui Yu's bulging breathing method, the qi in his body vibrates constantly, he just feels that with the rhythm of breathing, the qi and blood in his body are not as smooth as flowing by themselves, there is a kind of difficulty A feeling of stagnation in speech.

And with the urging of the breathing method, as soon as the blood stagnated, the capillaries on his body burst open at this moment.

Even the arteries all over his body were shaken by the powerful qi and blood.

"Find a chance to take back Shilong's original cheat book of iron making hand." Cui Yu stopped practicing.

There is a problem with the breathing method, so naturally you can't continue to practice.

Now there is no supply of infinite strange power, and he doesn't want to waste the power of the blood.

"Based on the current situation, Shilong will die of old age sooner or later. When he dies of old age, who can stop me in the martial arts hall?" Cui Yu's mouth showed a hint of complacency.

Turning his gaze, he looked at the female corpse on the high platform.

Cui Yu's eyes showed thoughtfulness, and then he looked at the body of the nun, and saw that the nun was still the same, but the black spots on the index finger of his left hand had all disappeared, and the power of the curse was unexpectedly captured by Cui Yu. Bringing the dead back to life is rubbed away abruptly.

How many times has Cui Yu used Resurrection?

He can't remember!
Just remember that as long as the divine blood in his body is perfect, he will use the technique of resurrection to strengthen the iron-making hand in his body.

The power of reincarnation is originally the nemesis of death.

Looking closely at the female demon's left index finger, it is crystal clear and full of luster, and even under the continuous training of the power of reincarnation, it reveals vitality, as if it has been resurrected.

"Unfortunately, Nuba is already dead." Cui Yu shook his head.

With the continuous transformation of the iron smelter and the continuous consumption of the divine blood, Cui Yu's body can now accommodate eighteen drops of the divine blood!

It is eighteen drops, not eighteen wisps.

The continuous consumption and accumulation of divine blood is originally a process of tempering.

Coupled with the fact that Cui Yu got the blood of gods and demons, martial arts began to change, and the realm of martial arts that had been sleepy for a long time finally began to improve again.

"The metamorphosis is completed, and the next step is to produce more powerful blood to nourish the whole body and re-purify the meridians and bone marrow. It will take a long time, and it will not be done overnight." Cui Yu smiled.

It's like a child who eats calcium tablets can't grow ten centimeters immediately, it has to be subtle and slow.

"I don't know how much power my martial arts foundation can increase at this time." Cui Yu looked at Nuba's corpse with regret in his eyes: "Unfortunately, Nuba's body is indestructible, if I can train Nuba's entire body Into the body, I am afraid that I can directly obtain part of the power of gods and demons."

There was a trace of regret in Cui Yu's eyes.

His cultivation is still too low!
"I have sixteen drops of divine blood now. I wonder if I can break through Nuba's defense." Cui Yu caressed Nuba's finger. That finger was like jade, slippery and full of elasticity, not at all like a dead person's. palm.

"If I turn her fingers into tofu and cut them off, and put them into my body..." Cui Yu's heart began to stir again.

Then he looked at the female demon: "Chi, you don't mind, right? I just borrowed your finger to use it. Anyway, you are dead, so you can't use it anymore."

"If you don't agree, you just say it. If you don't say anything, I agree on your behalf."

Cui Yu muttered and cast his supernatural powers, and the material transformation was launched brazenly, and his finger fell towards the female demon.

After the material transformation fell, Cui Yu stared fixedly at it, but the miracle he hoped for still did not appear.

"It's a pity!" Cui Yu stroked Nuba's fingers, watching them back and forth: "If I can cut off Nuba's fingers, my martial arts cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

"That's not right!" Cui Yu, who was holding the finger of the nun, was suddenly stunned, and a little bit of inspiration flickered in his mind, which was about to come out but he still couldn't figure it out.

He seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't seem to be able to grasp it.

"No! No!" Cui Yu froze on the spot, stroking Nuba's fingers, and then slapped his head suddenly after a while:
"I know! I'm really a pig brain."

"If I can analyze this kind of material, will I have the body of a god and demon in the future?" A thought flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and then his whole body trembled as if struck by lightning.

He thought of a shortcut!

Is there a shortcut to success right in front of you?
Sure enough, there is no way out after the mountain is heavy and the river is full of doubts, and there is another village.

Even if he can't kill the female demon's body, as long as he can analyze the mystery contained in the female demon's body, will he be able to shape the female demon's flesh and blood in the future as long as he has enough energy?
Why do you have to cut off the flesh of a female demon if you want it?

Isn't it good to directly shape your own referent form?

Among other things, I just pasted and copied the copper-skinned and iron bones of the female demon. Can I directly transform my body into the body of a god and demon in the future?

Cui Yu's whole body became energetic, and as soon as his thinking changed, his prospects immediately opened up.

If you can't cut off the arm of the female demon, can you just shape it yourself in the future?
Even fighting with people in the future, directly transforming the arm into the hand of gods and demons?

At that time, won't the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha block and kill the Buddha?
Cui Yu's pattern opened up, holding onto Nuba's fingers, and the finger-shaped form continuously analyzed the secrets in the information of Nuba's fingers, and analyzed the information contained in Nuba's skin and flesh and blood.

Then Cui Yuwu Dao didn't care about cultivation, and he fell into a state of epiphany.

If I can transform my entire body into a god-devil state, can I transform myself into a real innate demon god in one step?
Who else in the world can break through their own defenses?

(End of this chapter)

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