Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 102 Seven Arrows Curse to Kill, Curse to Kill Wu Guang

Chapter 102 Seven Arrows Curse to Kill, Curse to Kill Wu Guang
Outside Lijia Village
Until it was dark, a torch was lit at the head of the village, and then a group of people rushed from outside the village in a hurry, causing the whole village to jump up and down. At this time, a group of people stepped forward and surrounded Cui Yu's house.

"Master, Cui Yu is not at home." A warrior from the Mi family stepped forward to report.

"Where are Cui Yu's parents?" Mi Dou's voice was cold.

"Not at home, not a single ghost." Bushido said.

"Search! Search for me, and you must not miss any clues." Mi Dou ordered, and everyone began to search Cui Yu's house.

Someone held a raccoon cat in his arms, and patted the raccoon cat on the head, and saw the cihua cat lightly jumped, jumped onto the beam of the house, walked around the house, and then came straight to the water tank and meowed. call out.

Without asking, someone moved forward to remove the water tank, randomly dug a few times with a knife, and poked the package out.

Shaking open the package, with the help of the firelight, the warrior turned pale with shock: "Master, it belongs to Fifth Master."

Mi Dou jumped off the horse and stepped forward, snatched the jade pendant and other things, and identified them one by one with the help of the firelight, then said with a stern expression, "Sure enough, it belongs to Fifth Brother."

Just as he was talking, he heard a rush of horseshoes: "Master, it's not good! It's not good! Fifth Master's body was found outside Mijia Village."

"What?" Mi Dou's body shook, and the jade pendant in his hand turned into powder: "Quickly prepare the Wugu Dan."

"Master, it's useless! The fifth master's head was beheaded, and the Wugu Dan can't save him." The warrior's voice was sad and indignant.

"Who was it? Who killed the fifth younger brother? He was so cruel that he beheaded him." Mi Dou let out an angry roar, which shook for miles, breaking the silence of darkness.

"Where's the corpse? Where's the corpse?" Mi Dou's voice was sad and angry, like a wounded tiger.

"Quickly, bring the fifth master's body here." The warrior greeted, and a group of people carried a shelf covered with a white cloth to the campfire.

Mi Dou's body shook, and he took a step forward to uncover the white cloth, and then a mournful cry spread throughout the village: "Fifth brother! Fifth brother!"

"Who is it!!! Who is so cruel, the methods are so outrageous, and they don't even keep their face." Mi Dou's voice was filled with anger.

"Who else? The fifth master came to see Cui Yu, and his personal belongings were also found in the yard, so it must have been made by Cui Yu." A warrior from the Mi family said coldly beside him.

"Give me an order to find Cui Yu. I want to cut him into pieces. I want to see if the steel and iron bones are really invulnerable!" Mi Dou was furious, picked up a torch, and picked up Cui Yu's grass Lu lit, watching the raging fire in the dark night, Mi Dou's beard and hair were all open and his eyes were about to burst:
"Someone! Somebody!"


All the warriors shouted in unison.

"Tu the village! Let me slaughter the village! Since the fifth younger brother died in Xiaoli Village, I want Xiaoli Village to be buried with him." Mi Dou's voice was full of murderous intent: "Give me the slaughter of the village! Don't leave any chickens or dogs behind, and you can't see him." A living creature."

"Yes!" The faces of all the warriors were bloodthirsty, and the long knives in their hands were out of the sheath, all of them were murderous.

"Master, don't do it!" Jin Shangzao stood up from the side, and dissuaded him with a flustered expression.

"You want to stop me?" Mi Dou looked at Jin Shangzao murderously, holding a long knife in his palm, his whole body was murderous.

"Master, don't dare to massacre the village. The Li family village is owned by the Xiang family." Jin Shangzao said in a low voice, "If the Xiang family asks, how will the uncle answer?"

"How should I reply? The big deal is to pay some cattle and sheep. My family can still afford to pay for this property."

Mi Dou's voice was cold.

"My uncle's purpose is to kill Cui Yu and avenge Mi Wuye. But if you slaughter this village, will Cui Yu come back?" Jin Shangzao said earnestly:

"Master, I don't know where Cui Yu went. The Two Realms Mountain is so big. If he got into the Two Realms Mountain, where should we go to find him? It's better to keep the Mijia Village and send spies to watch it secretly. That Cui Yu hid in the Two Realms After all, the mountains need supplies such as salt and clothes, and they need to come out and exchange with the villagers."

Mi Dou was taken aback when he heard the words, and his anger gradually calmed down: "What you said is not unreasonable."

"Send someone to bring Fifth Master's body back, and control the villagers in the village, and secretly monitor Cui Yu for me. Once you find Cui Yu's trace, report to me immediately." Mi Dou turned on his horse in a cold voice.

"Yes!" All the warriors said respectfully.

Mi Dou looked at Jin Shangzao: "You are very good, no wonder the fifth brother will stay by your side, and go to be a steward by my side after returning."

After speaking, he drove away.

When everyone in the Mi family heard such words, they all looked envious, and their eyes were full of jealousy, but they didn't dare to say more, but rushed towards the village, controlling the people in the village overnight.

God and Demon Underground
In the evening, Yu rushed back from the mountain, looked at the oil lamp in the stone room, and sat alone in front of the oil lamp in a daze, praying secretly for Cui Yu.

Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound of horseshoes outside.

Yu mastered sound waves and was most sensitive to external movements. At this moment, his ears moved since ancient times, and then his face changed: "Are you here to find the master? It seems that I should be more careful when I go out."

"Master, master, I hope everything goes well for you. Otherwise..."

Yu's eyes closed slowly, otherwise she wouldn't say anything.

gods and demons on stage
Cui Yu ran out of divine blood again, then stood on the stage of gods and demons, began to ponder his own supernatural powers, and finally his eyes fell on the seven arrows with nail heads.

"When I cast the seven nail-headed arrows, the power of the corpse ancestor will be enhanced. As the strength of the corpse ancestor increases, the speed at which the corpse of the female demon will be captured will increase. In other words, if I cast the seven nail-headed arrows, it is tantamount to helping the corpse ancestor to capture the female corpse. Ba's corpse. And when I cast the seven nail-headed arrows, the power of the corpse ancestor will also become stronger in the dark, and then the corpse ancestor will be able to attack me across time and space again. If I am not prepared, I will definitely not be able to resist it!" Last time Thanks to a mouthful of nectar, it blocked the corpse ancestor's breath and gave Goldfinger time to react.

Then Cui Yu's head started to wander: "Should I use the Book of Seven Arrows? Roughly estimate the power added to the corpse ancestor every time I use the Book of Seven Arrows?"

If you don't know the amount of increase and use the nail-headed seven-arrow book indiscriminately, what if the corpse ancestor really comes back to life one day?
At that time, you must slap yourself to death?

Do what you want, Cui Yu feels that he is bored in the cave anyway, so he can try the book of seven arrows on nails.

Target selection becomes a problem.

"Just Wu Guang!" Cui Yusi thought about it, and Wu Guang was the one who threatened him the most.

"Wu Guang's martial arts cultivation is by no means just stepping into the third heaven as rumored by the outside world. Otherwise, how could my fingering form fail? The power of Dinghai Shenzhu's [-] catties didn't knock him to death? This dog Dong XZ It’s really deep! If you sneak attack yourself one day later, it will be a big trouble! It’s better to kill yourself as soon as possible!”

Cui Yu began to prepare the Dharma hall, preparing for the matter of nailing seven arrows.

It was only when he was preparing the Dharma Hall that Cui Yu discovered that the Book of Seven Arrows with Nailed Heads was not as simple as he imagined.

The Nailhead Book of Seven Arrows is divided into two parts.

One is the scarecrow ceremony, and the other is the 'Book of Seven Arrows'.

"Seven Arrows actually needs ancient hibiscus branches. Books need an innate god old skin that can carry karma." Cui Yu couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

"Seven Arrows is a bit difficult to deal with. I have never seen a hibiscus branch. How do I transform it? I don't know the difference between the ancient hibiscus and the ordinary hibiscus!"

"As for Lao Pi, who talks about innate gods..."

"Where can I find the skin of the ancient innate god? Even if I find the innate god, I still have the ability to cut it off? Unless the innate god is dead... Eh, dead? Dead?"

Cui Yu suddenly turned around and looked at the female demon on the stage.

"I can try the nun's leather."

Isn't this a ready-made innate god?
"It's just that even if the girl lies here quietly, I can't scratch it!"

Cui Yu's head was as big as a bucket when he looked at the woman's hard skin.

Shave the woman's skin by yourself?Can you scratch it?

"I'm stupid, I can transform into matter! Now I have also analyzed a little fur information of the female demon, and it is not difficult to create a fake innate god's skin, right?"

"With the skin of a female demon, let's curse Wu Guang's soul first!"

Even if there is no congenital hibiscus wood to refine the seven arrows, it is necessary to arrest its soul first.

"The first thing to solve is Old Pi God. As long as there is Lao Pi God, he can arrest Wu Guang's soul."

Cui Yu took out a piece of white paper from the Qiankun bag, and then stretched out his hand. Along with the material transformation, the skin of the female demon flashed in his mind, and the color of the paper in Cui Yu's hand began to change.

After the 24 drops of divine blood were exhausted, Cui Yu couldn't help but stare at the one-millimeter leather in his hand.

It worked!But again no success!
There is a trace of innate and sacred law of breath circulating on the leather, but no matter how you look at it, it is far from the skin of a female demon, right?

"Should it work?" Cui Yu hesitated while holding the [-]mm leather.

At any rate, the sacred aura is also circulating. Although this is not a sacred skin, Wu Guang is not a Da Luo Jinxian either?

"How can it take a few days to transform like this?"

"Whether it works or not, let's try first and then talk!"

Seven days later, Cui Yu already had a centimeter-sized piece of leather in his hand.

With an anxious mood, Cui Yu took out the brush with a serious face, and the twisted and twisted characters were like bugs crawling. He secretly recited the mantra, thinking about the key points, and then wrote two big characters: Wu Guang.

The Nailhead Seven Arrows Book has three keys: Nailhead, Seven Arrows, and Book.

The first key is: the book.

There are tens of thousands of people named Wu Guang in the world, how can we not curse the wrong person?
So the book is a positioning navigation.

Write Wu Guang's name, fold the leather in a unique order, and stuff it into the scarecrow's chest cavity.

Then there is setting up the altar.

Cui Yu placed the scarecrow on the altar, then lit a lamp above his head and another lamp under his feet.

As soon as the lights were turned on, a weird and terrifying atmosphere immediately emerged in the hut, and an indescribable atmosphere rose in the hut.

"Fuck! What are you doing! It looks terrifying!" Xin Yuan didn't know when he got out from the stone platform under the nun, and looked at Cui Yu with a suspicious expression, and the whole wolf cried and howled. , retreating far away, his eyes full of fear.

Ignoring Xin Yuan, Cui Yu stepped forward to fight, and the seal of the book talisman was incinerated.

The next moment, a strange aura suddenly appeared in the room, and there was a howl of wolves and ghosts in the room, and a horrible atmosphere circulated. The scarecrow's body twisted for a while, as if it had come to life.

At the same time, Wu Guang in Daliang City shuddered inexplicably. The God-killing Spear in his body vibrated slightly, emitting streaks of red light that would envelop Wu Guang's soul.

"Heart Demon Lord, why are you awake again?" Wu Guang felt dissatisfaction in his voice as he felt the vibration of the Soul Eater in his body.

"Idiot, this is protected by a treasure. You are being targeted. Someone has cast a spell against you!" Heart Demon True Monarch walked out of Wu Guang's shadow.

"Being watched?"

A bad feeling suddenly rose in Wu Guang's heart: "Who? Who is harming me?"

"I don't know, this force came out of nowhere, and even I couldn't detect it. I'm afraid you've got into big trouble this time!" The black shadow twisted, and red lights flowed: "If it wasn't for the reaction of the God-killing Spear, it would have been just I’m afraid we don’t know we’ve been tricked yet.”

"Who's hurting me! Who's hurting me!" Wu Guang was startled again, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

"Think about it, have you offended anyone recently? Or have you offended anyone before!" Heart Demon True Monarch was also numb.

There are too many strange things in this world, and too many ways to harm people, even those ancient gods are hard to guard against.

"I left home at the age of eight to travel the rivers and lakes. I have harmed countless people. How do I know who is harming me?" Wu Guang was stunned.

"This is a very strange force. The other party directly uses the power of fate and karma to attack you. If you want to save you, you have to find a way to find the person who cast the spell! No matter what the strange supernatural power is, as long as you find the person who cast the spell, There is a solution." Heart Demon True Sovereign said.

"But where can I find it?" Wu Guang was stunned.

"Cui Yu is the only one who plotted against him recently!" Wu Guang suddenly stood up in shock: "Come on, hurry and find Cui Yu for me! See what Cui Yu's grandson is doing!"

At this moment, Cui Yu in the grotto began to cast spells.

The performance of the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book, three times a day, but there are also rumors.

On the 21st of March 21th, one soul is worshiped every three days, and one soul is worshiped every seven days.In this way, on the [-]th and [-]st day, the three souls and seven souls of people will be arrested.

In a snap of the fingers, it will be the 21st.

Cui Yu was hiding in the well of gods and demons, Wu Guang failed to find Cui Yu after all, even the inner demon in his body was powerless, he could only watch helplessly as Wu Guang's soul disappeared little by little.

"It's over! This puppet is over! It's not easy to bewitch a fool..." Heart Demon True Monarch felt a little numb: "What kind of method is this? It's really appalling!"

"What kind of fucking method is this? It's so unreasonable!"

"Wu Guang can't die, I'm still counting on him to invade Tang Zhou! Wu Qi, General of the Great Zhou Dynasty!" As he spoke, the soul of the True Monarch Heart Demon appeared in Wu Guang's body.

"Wu Guang is an idiot who provokes enemies everywhere and always makes trouble for me! Cui Yu must have done this. Among the people Wu Guang offended, only Cui Yu didn't know how deep he was! That Cui Yu has great terror in him. Don't provoke him, don't provoke him, he is disobedient! Can you think of a way to ask Cui Yu to use this method to get Tang Zhou up, and then get up for Wu, and then save me countless hard work!"

"What does he Wu Guang do, what do I care about the True Lord Heart Demon? Why should I be implicated?" The more the True Lord Heart Demon thought about it, the more angry he became.

(End of this chapter)

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