Chapter 109

Xiang Caizhu was taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at Cui Yu suspiciously: "Did the Mi family offend you? Is that rumor true?"

"What rumor?" Cui Yu was taken aback.

"Rumors say you killed Mi Rong! You haven't seen each other for a year, I thought you killed Mi Rong and ran away."

"I didn't kill Mi Rong!" Cui Yu said helplessly.

"You didn't kill Mi Rong?" Xiang Caizhu asked.

"I retreated immediately after meeting Mi Rong." Cui Yu shook his head helplessly.

"That's weird, someone must have secretly framed her." Xiang Caizhu frowned delicately.

"It's hard to take down the Chen family, but you've provoked the Mi family. Now that you're looking for information about the Mi family, are you going to fight the Mi family?" Xiang Caizhu stared at Cui Yu with big moist eyes.

"You also saw that they provoked me first." Cui Yu was helpless.

"The Mi family, don't mess with them for the time being." Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu: "Now that there is a war in Daliang City, my father is asking the eight major families to contribute, but we can't make the eight major families alienated. If you deal with the Mi family, I will I'm afraid my father won't agree!"

"War? What war? The world is peaceful now, where did the war come from?" Cui Yu was surprised when he heard this.

"I'm afraid you are not a fool. There are also conflicts among the nobles! Especially now that there are five thousand people in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the children and grandchildren of the major princes have descended for countless generations. The territory has long been insufficient. Of course, the nobles are not peaceful. , Even if the nobles are swallowed and destroyed, it is a common thing. Even the emperor of Zhou is helpless, after all, the sky is high and the emperor is far away." Xiang Caizhu said.

"The lives of every warrior are extremely precious in the battle between the two armies. It cannot be said that they did not die in the hands of the enemy, but in our own hands." Xiang Caizhu said.

"In fact, in order to leave a way for the world's gentry, the emperor of Zhou made a rule. As long as a gentry can destroy a certain nobleman and seize the opponent's territory, he will become a new nobleman and inherit the other party's rights. To be precise, it is It is prepared for those descendants of nobles whose titles have been cut off after five generations, unfortunately no one can do it!"

"Bloodlines are not maintained by spirits, and will only continue to weaken from generation to generation. Ordinary warriors have no power to resist the inheritance and oppression of nobles. You have practiced martial arts for a hundred years, and you are not as good as others who eat and wait for death in three to five years. How do you compare?"

Cui Yu was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Zhou Tianzi is also clever, leaving a way for the people of the world.

To be precise, it is reserved for those descendants of blood who have been stripped of their titles of nobility.

"Over the past year, there have been changes in the Liangjie Mountains. Some people suspect that a great fortune will be born in the Liangjie Mountains. You also know that the entrance of the Liangjie Mountains is controlled by my Xiang family, and the big families in other countries who are close to this place have long been jealous I just wish I couldn’t reach out my hand. Three months ago, a viscount from the Liu family, a baron from the Zhang family, and a young viscount from the Tang family wanted to take away my Xiang family’s Liangjie Mountain. Entrance, enter the Two Worlds Mountain to explore the chance and fortune. Of course my elder brother and my father refused, so a big battle broke out between the two sides."

"My Xiang family has two major enemies, one is South Korea and the other is Daxia. It is said that our ancestors have a deep blood feud, and my father will never give in half a step. Otherwise, if the news spreads to the capital of Dayu, the king will definitely be dissatisfied with my father." Xiang Caizhu Road.

"When you have reached your level of practice, what use is a warrior to you?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"The alien blood is a general, and they are the soldiers. And the power of the alien blood is not endless, and it will naturally require ordinary soldiers to fight to determine the outcome." Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu:

"Furthermore, when the soldiers gather together, if they can arrange a military battle formation, they can also encircle and suppress the opponent's martial arts masters and supernatural power masters."

"As long as you haven't cultivated to the point of overturning the river and picking up the stars, the importance of soldiers is irreplaceable." Xiang Caizhu said in a small mouth.

Cui Yu was thoughtful when he heard the words.

It seemed that there was still power in this world that he didn't understand.

He thought they were all the same as Magneto, and they would be a big piece with one shot.The number of people is just a number, and now it seems that it is not what I thought.

"Now my elder brother is leading troops on the front line to resist the two invasions. He is fighting inextricably and anxiously. I don't know when my father will leave the customs." Xiang Caizhu scratched her head, with a look of distress on her face.

"Since you didn't kill Mi Rong, leave the rest to me, and I can mediate for you." Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu: "There is always time to resolve misunderstandings."

After hearing Xiang Caizhu's words, Cui Yu just smiled noncommittally.

That's too late!

It's too late!

He slaughtered the rice worms!
So Cui Yu didn't say anything: "I'm looking for someone who might know who hurt me!"

"Who?" There was a stern look in Xiang Caizhu's eyes.

"It's too early for gold!"

"What does Jin Shangzao do?" Xiang Caizhu looked surprised.

"A lowly character." Cui Yu picked a leaf: "It has something to do with Mi Rong's death, he is the only survivor."

Even in a year of severe drought, the poison of drought and fire spreads all over the world, but the gardens of rich families are still lush and lush.

Every day before dawn, countless servants go to the Liangjie Mountains dozens of miles away to fetch water to water the old trees, flowers and plants in the yard.

Xiang Caizhu nodded, and yelled outside the door: "Fuck you to win, where did you die? I didn't hear that you, Uncle Cui, are looking for someone!!!"

Xiang Caizhu yelled out of the yard.

Then there was a sound of quick footsteps, and a familiar figure ran in, threw himself on the ground and knelt down: "Don't worry, Uncle Cui, we will call you all Jin Shangzao in Daliang City within an hour."

"You don't need to make such a big deal, but conduct a secret investigation. I remember that there is a man named Jin Shangzao in Mi's family. Go and find out where I came from and where I live." Cui Yu ordered, "Don't startle the snake."

He knew Lai Sheng, the first time he came to Xiang's house, it was Lai Sheng who took him to take a bath and change clothes.

"The villain understands." Lai Sheng replied cleverly, then turned around and stepped back quickly.

The servants of the rich family are also the first-class prestige outside, so there is no need to question the ability to do things.

He went to Jin Shangzao just to find out the truth. He didn't want Wu Guang to die, but the real murderer was not Wu Guang, and he was used as a knife.

Before making Cui Yu wait long, Lai Sheng ran over sweating profusely, and knelt down in front of Cui Yu: "Master Cui, the villain has found out. There is only one Jin Shangzao who meets your conditions. Arrange for someone to take you there."

"Let's go." Cui Yu waved at Xiang Caizhu, then turned and left.

Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu's leaving back, and slowly raised her eyebrows: "Call Mi Dou and Rice Bran."

After waiting for half a day, Mi Dou and Mi Bran arrived and saluted Xiang Caizhu: "I've seen Miss."

"Mirong was not killed by Cui Yu, the grievances between you and Cui Yu, let's end here." Xiang Caizhu spoke domineeringly.


Looking at Xiang Caizhu's back, Mi Dou and Mi Bran looked at each other, then slowly lowered their heads.

"Brother! Second Miss has spoken!" Mi Bran whispered.

"This person provoked my Mi family for no reason, killed my Mi family warriors, and even killed my fifth and third younger brothers. There is no room for maneuver in this matter. Cui Yu must die. This is the enmity between my Mi family and Cui Yu. We have something to say when we go to the Elder Master."

The gentry are the vassals of the nobles. It is true that they are subordinates of the nobles to charge for the nobles and protect the territories of the nobles. However, the relationship between the nobles and the nobles is also very delicate, just like the emperor and the general in ancient times.

After all, the second lady is just a young lady, not a son or a master.

"If the eldest son speaks in person, the matter will naturally come to an end."

After the two left, Xiang Caizhu was worried and stood up abruptly: "No! I want to follow Cui Yu, in case the Mi family gets involved..."

Xiang Caizhu stood up anxiously, and was about to walk out of the gate, but she saw Lin Xiaoyue blocking the archway at some point.

"Where are you going?" Lin Xiaoyue blocked the way.

"Lin Xiaoyue, you bastard, how dare you meddle in my business?" Xiang Caizhu glared at Lin Xiaoyue with eyes full of anger.

Lin Xiaoyue held a handwritten book in her hand, like a proud little hen at this moment: "This is your father's handwritten book. From now on, you will not be allowed to go anywhere in the backyard. When you learn female virtue, you will be allowed to go out. And I am your teacher of female virtue!"

Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were full of pride: "Your father said, you are against the sky now, and no one can control you. If you don't obey this time, he will not be your father in the future. You will be his mother in the future! He put You worship."

"This shit, I have been fooled by Confucianists all day long, how can I have such a father." Xiang Caizhu cursed, but stood in front of the small building, but did not dare to step out.

The rules of the big family, if you don't grow up in this environment, it's hard to appreciate the strict hierarchy.

"You can't accumulate some morals. Your father is a dog... a dog or something. Didn't you call your grandfather that the current King of Dayu is a dog? Then what are you? Aren't you a son of a bitch." Lin Xiaoyue said really Without saying the word 'dog fuck', I feel that my mouth is dirty when I say it.

"Hmph, you little bitch, what's there to be proud of? You have the guts to talk about something spoiled by a dog." Xiang Caizhu cursed without using dirty words.

" are a young lady from a rich family. How can you open your mouth and say 'dog...' all day long and shut your mouth like 'dog or something'?" Lin Xiaoyue stomped her feet angrily:

"As your stepmother, I was entrusted by your father to set up your rules. Now I have a letter written by your father. I will discipline you. Do you obey or not?"

Xiang Caizhu stuck her neck in silence.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiaoyue smiled: Damn girl, I see you are still stubborn this time!
"Now, I'm going to teach you etiquette. Come and follow me. When you meet someone in the future, you should put your hands on your chest, take a step behind your left calf, and then bow slightly. Fold your left thumb in front of your right index finger and pinch the orchid. Eyes Look at the other person's chest and collar, and don't look directly at the person. Then say hello!"

Lin Xiaoyue bowed to the big tree beside her, her movements were really graceful: "I have seen you, son."

Then stand up straight and look at Xiang Caizhu: "Have you learned it?"

"Hmph, I can't do this kind of pleasing job, let alone learn it." Xiang Caizhu looked stubborn. Although she was afraid of her father's majesty, she was not afraid of him.It's that her mother is gone, and her father and brother are her last relatives. She really cherishes it very much and doesn't want to lose it.

But tell her and Lin Xiaoyue to bow their heads in front of Lin Xiaoyue?

Can't do it!
"I will never learn from you, learn how to make fun of men all day! If you want me to learn those, I will never be able to do it in this life. I am Xiang Caizhu, and I will never be inferior to any man." Xiang Caizhu The voice was proud, and the eyes looking at Lin Xiaoyue were full of disdain and ridicule.

"You are lofty! You are amazing! But this world is ultimately dominated by men." Lin Xiaoyue finally changed her color: "You want to have the arrogance of men, but I want to see if your bones are really as hard as men. "

Lin Xiaoyue's voice was cold: "Come here, let's learn the family law! If you can survive the family law, you don't need to learn it."

A little maid brought water basins one after another, and then brought a cane on a tray, and walked into the yard with a respectful expression.

Lin Xiaoyue smiled, then stretched out her hand to pick up the water basin, and put it on top of Xiang Caizhu's head: "Take it on, sprinkle a drop of water, don't blame me, a mother, for punishing you."

Then spread out Xiang Caizhu's hands, and put a basin of water on each of Xiang Caizhu's hands.

Xiang Caizhu is holding the water basin, with his hands spread out, each dragging a water basin.

An ordinary person's arm will become numb after a short period of time with a brick on it, let alone someone like picking pearls?
Although Xiang Caizhu is a supernatural person, her body is not very strong, and she is no different from ordinary people.

Fortunately, Lin Xiaoyue used an iron basin.

And what Xiang Caizhu mastered was the power of the earth, and he awakened the magnetic force of the earth.

After more than thirty breaths, Lin Xiaoyue sensed something was wrong, looked at Xiang Caizhu who looked relaxed and breathless, and recalled: "Come here, change the porcelain basin."

Xiang Caizhu's complexion changed.

"You're blatantly taking revenge on me." Xiang Caizhu's eyes widened.

"I'm doing it for your own good. This is your own handwriting." Lin Xiaoyue held a document and kept shaking it in the air: "If you don't accept it, hit me! Come on, fight back!"

Xiang Caizhu said nothing, the girl stepped forward to change the porcelain basin, after thirty or so breaths, Xiang Caizhu saw sweat on her forehead.

With one breath, Xiang Caizhu was sweating profusely and wet his clothes.

"Girl, I advise you to bow your head and learn the rules from me. Every woman comes here like this, and you are no exception!" Lin Xiaoyue kowtowed her sunflower seeds leisurely.


The porcelain basin in his left hand fell to the ground and shattered, and the water splashed all over the ground.

The bamboo whip in Lin Xiaoyue's hand suddenly drew out a trace in the air and hit Xiang Caizhu's right hand.

"Dog woman, do you dare to hit me?" Xiang Caizhu became anxious, a bright red mark appeared on his arm, and the porcelain bowl on the other arm also fell to the ground.

"Pa~" Another whip hit Xiang Caizhu's right hand.

"You are really itchy!" The bell in Xiang Caizhu's sleeve began to vibrate, ready to fly as if it could fly out at any time.

Steel wires are like poisonous snakes, circling and shuttling in Xiang Caizhu's sleeves.

"This is your father's order!" Lin Xiaoyue shook her Chinese book in front of Xiang Caizhu, as if she was not afraid of provoking Lin Xiaoyue, and felt a little bit hated that the other party would make a move.

Xiang Caizhu gritted her teeth in resentment, and finally the wire in the sleeve stopped up and down, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess! I bear it! I bear it! Don't think that I don't know you beat me!" What abacus."

"You know my abacus?" Lin Xiaoyue showed surprise.

"For my mother's Liuyunshuixiu. You just want to find an excuse to ask me to go against my father's prohibition and drive me away. At that time, you will let the evil in your stomach occupy my mother's Liuyunshuixiu, right?" Xiang Caizhu Road.

"You are smart." Lin Xiaoyue did not deny it.

"It's a pity that my father is a fool, otherwise he wouldn't have been kicked out of Daliang City." Xiang Caizhu said angrily.

While talking, another girl brought a porcelain bowl, and pressed the water basin on Xiang Caizhu's head and hands.

"Either you learn the rules and etiquette, or you beg me for mercy, you choose yourself." Lin Xiaoyue said proudly.

Xiang Caizhu said nothing, just gritted his teeth and insisted.



The ceramic bowl fell to the ground and was shattered. Lin Xiaoyue unceremoniously whipped the bamboo whip on Xiang Caizhu's body.

"Xiang Yan, you are a fool! You are a fool, I'll fuck your eight generations of ancestors!"

"You all bully me while my mother is away!"

"Xiang Yan, you bastard! You are an old fool! King Dayu's relegation to this place is a kind of insight."

"Xiang Yan, woo woo woo... You bastard, you gave birth to a son without an ass hole."

Xiang Caizhu held the bowl, crying like a tearful person: "I don't want to learn any rules, let alone become your pawn! Don't even think about it! You bastard!"

"Before mother left, how did she entrust you? Tell you to take good care of me. How did you swear in front of mother? You bastard! When I go to Dayu King's Capital in the future, grandpa insists on banishing you forever." Not allowed in Liangjie Mountain."

Hearing Xiang Caizhu's fierce yelling, Lin Xiaoyue twitched the corners of her mouth, turned her head to look at the birds on the branches, but she didn't seem to hear it.

People scolded their own father, scolded their ancestors, what did he care about Lin Xiaoyue?
"Lin Xiaoyue, I hate your father. Don't think that my aunt doesn't know what you think. You just want me to beat you again. If you violate my father's prohibition, my father can send me to Dayu King Capital. Then you will You can steal my mother's Liuyunshuixiu. You are dreaming, don't even think about it! My mother will not go to Dayu King's Capital! That place is cold and not fun at all! Grandpa doesn't like me either, and those villains always bully me! "

Xiang Caizhu's tears flowed down and mixed with the water above her head, she looked embarrassed and her body was shaking constantly.

~ Pata

~ Pata

Bowls were broken one after another, and Xiang Caizhu kept yelling, from her father to her eight generations of ancestors.

Lin Xiaoyue threw the whip on the ground at some point, looking at the crazy Xiang Caizhu, she felt a little terrified in her heart, she didn't dare to continue beating, but ordered people to keep serving bowls to force her to give in.

Just a little girl, how much will can she have?
(End of this chapter)

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