Chapter 151

Cui Yu saw the disdain in Master Nanhua's eyes, and couldn't help but sneered: "Do you think that the problem I mentioned is not a problem at all, it's just making a fuss out of a molehill, doesn't it?"

"Isn't it?" Nanhua Daoist asked back.

"Then let me ask you, is the army pulled up by Taipingdao really under the control of Taipingdao?" Cui Yu asked meaningfully.

After the words fell, Nanhua old fairy suddenly changed color: "What do you mean?"

"Taipingdao can organize countless people and instantly pull up an army of hundreds of millions. But do those farmers with no battlefield experience really have the fighting power to face the regular army of the Great Zhou court?" Cui Yu hit the nail on the head:

"This kind of mob is okay to fight against the wind, and it's okay to ask them to clean up the battlefield and fill their heads. As for the regular army facing the imperial court? They will be defeated if they meet face to face, and they will kneel down and surrender."

"The problem you mentioned is not a problem. There is an army of the gentry. The army of the gentry is the main force against the imperial army." Shoucheng shook his head and rejected Cui Yu's words:
"As long as the army organized by the common people fights against the wind, it will be fine, and help organize the battlefield and pack the food and grass."

"Hehe, if you think so, then it's too simple. This is precisely the most deadly part of Taiping Dao." Cui Yu shook his head.

"What? Isn't this okay? There is no flaw?" Shoucheng was puzzled, and the old fairy Nanhua didn't think so, thinking that Cui Yu's words were alarmist.

"Let me ask you, when an army of hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of gentry gather together, who will be the commander? Who will take the initiative to die and ask others to take advantage of it behind their backs? All gentry have selfish motives and will never call themselves Soldiers charge and take the lead, consuming a lot of Zhou's army!" Cui Yu said with a smile:
"Tai Ping Dao wants to find a commander who commands countless soldiers and convinces all the noble families. I'm afraid it will be as difficult as heaven. Unless the so-called old fairy leads the troops to fight in person, then there is some hope."

"But the gentry all over the world have selfish intentions. If they can't defeat the Great Zhou, it's fine. In order to avoid being crushed by the Great Zhou, everyone will inevitably huddle together and do their best. But what if they gain the upper hand? He will choose to accept it as soon as he sees it, and directly occupy the city and dominate one side, and when the time comes, do you think he will abide by the laws of Taipingdao?"

"Besides, if the Taiping Dao really overthrows the Great Zhou, I am afraid that the day when the Taiping Dao succeeds will be the day when the Taiping Dao will fall apart. Without Da Zhou's pressure on their heads, how could the great nobles and aristocratic families allow an old fairy to overthrow them?" On the head? At that time, they will inevitably be unrestrained, and even turn their guns on the opponent's Taipingdao. After wiping out the behemoth of Taipingdao, they will go to draw their own land to become kings. At that time, I am afraid that there will be another chaos in the world. The so-called old immortal may not even know how he died! Do you really think that if you overthrow Emperor Zhou, the Taiping Dao will rule the world? It’s just a dream! When Emperor Zhou dies, the next one will be the old immortal." Cui Yu said triumphantly .

Over there, the old fairy Nanhua's back was wet with cold sweat, and the proud smile and dissatisfaction on his face instantly flew nine days away, and his eyes looked at Cui Yu with horror.

The whip pierces into the inside and penetrates into the wood for three points, which is deafening!
At this time, Cui Yu's words were like a sledgehammer, the old fairy who hammered was a little dizzy, and Shoucheng was also stunned, speechless in shock, never expecting such a flaw in the Taipingdao operating system.


It's incredible!
Why didn't I think of such a fatal loophole?
The old fairy Nanhua swallowed with a dry throat: "Is there a way to crack it?"

"It's not difficult to solve." Cui Yu is a little proud, this is the vision brought by the times: "This flaw in Taipingdao still does not have its own army in essence, if Taipingdao can train its own army before the incident, With an army that you can control, this matter can be easily resolved."

While talking, Cui Yu looked at Nanhua and Shoucheng's faces: "Why are you looking so bad? Could it be that you have lost your temper?"

"Ahem, it's just that I have worked too hard these few days and caught the wind and cold." At this moment, Master Nanhua's heart was turbulent, and he never imagined that his Taiping Dao had such a fatal flaw.

Taipingdao does not have its own army. If the major clans in the world rebel in the future, what will Taipingdao use to counter the rebellion?

I can only watch helplessly as my achievements vanish into ashes and turn into flowing water.

"But all lands in the world have masters, and they are all lands of nobles. Where should we go to train soldiers?" Nanhua Daoist frowned: "Once the Great Taiping Dao trains troops, I am afraid that all the noble families and sects will be wary, and the Taiping Dao will not be tolerated." .”

Cui Yu smiled: "You can follow the example of Qun Yushan, kill a god, then occupy a mountain, and start to dominate."

"I said you two Taoists, why do you care about Taipingdao if you have nothing to do? You are not Taoist priests of Taipingdao." Cui Yu said angrily.

Having said that, Cui Yu paused, staring suspiciously at the two of them, looking back and forth.

"What are you looking at?" Shoucheng couldn't bear it anymore.

"Could you two be from the Taiping Dao?" Cui Yu asked.

"How is it? So what if it's not?" Nanhua Daoist came back to his senses and asked.

"If you are not from the Taipingdao, we can continue to be friends. If you are a monster from the Taipingdao, let us stay away from you, as far as we can, so as not to be implicated in the future, struck by lightning, and liquidated by the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Those brainless people in Taipingdao still want to rebel? Eat shit!" Cui Yu cursed eloquently.

Especially when thinking of Tang Zhou, and that fly whisk, he gritted his teeth and said, "I have an undying hatred against that old fairy. I have an endless hatred against Taipingdao!"

The old fairy Nanhua was stunned, his mind was full of question marks? ? ?

Is there any grudge against you?
What grudge does Lao Tzu have against you?

You can still stand here and talk to me if you have a grudge?
People sit on the mountain, and hatred comes from the sky.

He and Cui Yu got along very well and happily, where did the hatred come from?
If the two sides have enmity, can they still brag here?

"Of course we have nothing to do with Taipingdao, nothing at all!" The old fairy said with a smile, and then looked at Cui Yu: "You have enmity with Taipingdao? What kind of enmity? Why haven't I heard you mention it before? "

"This is Liangzi between me and Taipingdao. Don't inquire about it, you old Taoist, so as not to involve you. It's good that you are not from Taipingdao. In the future, stay away from those brainless monsters in Taipingdao, so as not to be implicated." Cui Yu While speaking, he took Yu's hand:

"Let's go. When I get home, I will do my homework for this girl. Old Taoist priest, you can arrange for the Yaochi Cave. My girl will decide for the Yaochi Cave."

After speaking, Cui Yu strode away.

Cui Yu took the little girl and walked all the way down the mountain.

Yu quietly followed behind Cui Yu, looking at Cui Yu's back, his eyes were full of resistance.

Yu suddenly stopped and stood where he was.Cui Yu walked a few steps and realized that Yu hadn't followed, so he turned and looked at Yu: "What's wrong? Why don't you leave?"

Cui Yu's face was full of curiosity, and the face of the little slave girl was full of entanglements, her eyes were slithering at Cui Yu, she opened her mouth and hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Cui Yu walked back, holding the little slave girl's shoulders, with a look of curiosity on his face.

Yu opened his mouth, but after all, the words did not come out, then he lowered his head and walked forward: "It's nothing, let's continue walking."

Cui Yu stood on the spot, his eyes squinted, murderous intentions began to brew, and his voice became cold: "Did that old Nanhua bully you? Or did those two little Taoist priests bully you?"

My little slave girl has never had such an expression before.

"No! No! The master treats me very well, and the senior brother treats me well, why would you bully me?" The girl kept shaking her head.

"Then what did you want to say earlier?" Cui Yu stared at him.

Yu glanced at Cui Yu, then lowered his head silently.

"Is there anything else you can't say to me?" Cui Yu's voice was soft and gentle.

"Master, slave... slave... slave, don't go to Yao Chi." The girl stared at Cui Yu, her big black and white eyes were full of timidity, her hands were clutching the skirts of her clothes, and her big eyes were full of timidity.

Cui Yu was stunned, and then the corner of his mouth opened an arc.

If he remembered correctly, from the night they met to now, it was the first time that the little slave girl said 'no' to herself.

"I'm very happy that you finally have your own thoughts and can say 'no' to me. But... you can't go!" Cui Yu stroked the little slave girl's head:

"You have to remember that the universe is vast and infinite, and the love between men and women only occupies a very small part of our lives. Our goal in this life is to see the magnificence of the world and the limitless universe. The road is long and long, I Searching from top to bottom. What we pursue is immortality and the same life as the heaven and the earth, and sit and watch the sea turn into mulberry fields, not just floating for a moment."

"I want to live forever and live in this world forever, and so do you! You must live with me." Cui Yu stroked the head of the little slave girl:

"I'm [-]% sure of immortality, but I'm only [-]% sure of your immortality. The remaining [-]% must be made up by your own efforts."

"Slave... Slave... Slave just hates you, for fear that I will never see you again." Yu's eyes were filled with tears, and the tears were slowly accumulating.

"There is no never-ending banquet in the world. Instead of you dying in front of me, or I dying in front of you, before the kind of big difference that will never be seen again, what is a small difference? I'll go to see you after the matter of Li Village is settled." Cui Yu stroked the girl's satin-like long hair:

"You don't know, I have a big enemy, which makes me dare not run around. Before the big enemy is dead, I dare not run around."

Cui Yu thought of Zhu Wuneng's ancestor, the cause and effect of turning into a pig has never been resolved.One day, I will make that Zhu Wuneng pay the price, and make the entire Laoshan Taoist system pay the price.

"I know." Yu looked at Cui Yu, tears falling down one after another: "I must practice hard, and live forever with my master."

"That's good." Cui Yu took Yu's hand and walked down the mountain: "Don't worry, I will live forever, and you will definitely live forever in the future."

Looking at Cui Yu's back, Yu's eyes began to flicker, but he didn't say a word after all: The slave's greatest dream has never been to live forever, but to never be separated from his master.But if the master wants the slave to live forever, the slave must live forever!
On the mountain
Master Nanhua and Shoucheng looked at their backs as they went away, Master Nanhua suddenly sighed: "How can there be such a person in the world."

"Master, you have already accepted Yang Erlang, is there still one Cui Yu missing?" Shoucheng persuaded: "If you take him into the Taiping Dao, why should I worry about my great career in the Taiping Dao? It's not my disciple's exaggeration, it's true." It is a person like Cui Yu, whom I have never seen before. We will not lose if we accept him. When the time comes, we will tie him to the pirate ship of the Taiping Dao, no matter how unwilling he is, he can only obediently accept his fate."

"You don't understand. You only see his benefits, but you don't see the horror of the devil. If I am not careful, my way of peace will be destroyed by the devil. And this kid said he has a relationship with me? It's just inexplicable Ah! When did the old man have a relationship with him? If I had a relationship with him, would he not recognize me?"

Master Nanhua couldn't figure it out.

Shoucheng blinked his eyes: "Could it be the Chen family's business? The Liangzi formed by Tang Zhou's younger brother?"

"It's possible." Master Nanhua said thoughtfully, "Unexpectedly, my Taiping Dao looks powerful, but in fact there is such a fatal flaw. The matter of military training is urgent, what do you think?"

"My disciples also think that what Cui Yu said is right. Other people's soldiers are other people's soldiers after all, and others can deprive us of control with a word. We must have our own soldiers!" Shoucheng agreed with Cui Yu's words very much.

"But how difficult is it to train soldiers? You also know that military strategists have been difficult to come into being since ancient times. The inheritance of military strategists is mostly in the temples, and they are not spread among the people at all. It is as difficult as heaven for us to find suitable candidates for military training." Nan Hua shook his head.

"There are no masters in military training in Jianghu, so how about we just invite one in the court?" Shoucheng said with a smile.

"Please? Who will come to train soldiers for the rebellious ministers and thieves? It's fine if you don't just kill you with a knife." Nanhua Zhenren shook his head.

"Hahaha, extraordinary people, of course they have to use extraordinary methods." Shoucheng smiled triumphantly: "I do know one person who claims to be invincible in defense. It's just that this person's temper is too arrogant, and he was suppressed by the princes in the court. It's just that he Desolate, but after all, he is a general guarding one side, and it is not easy to invite him here."

"Lian Po?" Nan Hua's eyes lit up.

"It's this person." Shoucheng said.

"I have heard his name before. He is from a family of military generals, a member of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and a general of the Emperor Zhou. Although he was suppressed by the princes in the court, he is highly valued by the Emperor Zhou. Are we together?" The real Nanhua stroked his beard.

"Let someone secretly set up a frame, make Zhou Tianzi hate him, and kick him out. At that time, we will have a lot of ways to make him obedient." Shoucheng smiled triumphantly:
"If this person can train soldiers, I will make up for the last shortcoming of my Taiping Road."

The waves of the big week were turbulent, but all this didn't seem to have much to do with Cui Yu.

The Great Zhou was too vast, and the wind from the Great Zhou could not reach Xiaoli Village.

But Nanhua real person set his mind on Cui Yu.

"Lian Po is the direct descendant of Emperor Zhou. If he wants to sow discord, how difficult is it to make Emperor Zhou feel disgusted? Although Emperor Zhou is a little dizzy, he is not a fool." Nanhua real person looked at Shoucheng.

Shoucheng scratched his head: "My disciple is not good at intrigue either."

Then the eyes of the two of them turned, their tools lit up at the same time, and they said in unison: "Cui Yu!"

Real Nan Hua's eyes lit up. Cui Yu is such a despicable and shameless person, is it not easy to deal with a Lian Po?Both the Chen family and Zhu Wuneng fell into his hands. If Cui Yu was a simple person, even if he killed them, he would not believe such a coincidence in the world.

Moreover, Cui Yu climbed into the Xiang family by such a coincidence?

Why is it not Zhang San Li Si Wang Er Mazi, but Cui Yu?
Walking on the street, Cui Yu walked through the crowd and arrived at Baicao Hall before he knew it.

The sound of reading in Baicao Hall was loud, and Han Xin's reading sound came through the courtyard wall. Hearing the familiar reading sound, Cui Yu couldn't help but smile.

"Cui Yu, you are here." When Cui Yu arrived at the gate, Wang Yi was practicing calligraphy in the yard. When he saw Cui Yu, he showed a big smile.

Cui Yu hasn't come for a while.

"Long time no see, Senior Brother Xiaoyi." Cui Yu glanced across the courtyard, Gong Nanbei still embraced the sassy sword, closed his eyes and sat under the big tree to meditate.

Ji Kunpeng was still drinking, and when he saw Cui Yu, his eyes lit up: "Cui Yu, can you bring me some wine?"

"It's just outside the door, there's enough wine and water." Cui Yu said with a smile.

Ji Kunpeng ran out of the gate impatiently with a smile on his face, and he saw a neatly stacked altar of fine wine.

The wine was delivered by Cui Yu in a Qiankun bag.

"Brother Cui!" Han Xin put down his book and ran over after seeing Cui Yu.

"I've grown taller and stronger." Cui Yu patted Han Xin on the shoulder, and he could see from afar that Han Xin's body was full of martial arts energy and blood. Obviously, he had made great progress this year.

"I've taught everything I can. As for how much he can eat, it's all up to him. It's a pity that he is not a bloodline man. If he is a bloodline man, inheriting the Han family's bloodline will definitely make him even more powerful." Gong Nanbei said a little beside him. regret.

"It's a blessing for me to be able to learn the skills to survive in this troubled world. I don't dare to ask for the awakening of my blood." Han Xin was very satisfied, and he didn't have such a big pity at this time.

Gong Nanbei shook his head.

"Is he very talented?" Cui Yu asked Gong Nanbei.

"He is very talented, no worse than those direct descendants of the Dao lineage." Gong Nanbei said: "But this is the world of the bloodlines, if you don't awaken the bloodlines, you will suffer in the martial arts in the future."

"I don't think he doesn't have blood in his body, it's just that he can't wake up before the time is up." Cui Yu patted Han Xin on the shoulder, then pulled Han Xin to sit in front of the table, and took out various changes of clothes and daily necessities that he had prepared.

Han Xin looked at Cui Yu's package, his eyes were a little rosy.

Cui Yu just smiled, and then said: "Come with me later, and follow me to do something."

"Are you going to kill again?" Gong Nanbei next to him suddenly said, "Can't you just stop? You fight and kill all day long, and then you think of the creatures that died under your hands and look at your blood-stained hands. A day of regret."

"I don't kill people, people want to kill me." Cui Yu replied.

Gong Nanbei frowned: "That should be killed."

"Sir, haven't you left the customs yet?" Cui Yu asked.

"Soon." Gongnanbei said.

Cui Yu didn't say any more, and led Han Xin to leave.

"Wait a minute." Gong Nanbei said suddenly.

Cui Yu stopped walking.

Gong Nanbei opened his eyes, a pair of pupils were clear to the bottom, without impurities.But it seems that there is an invisible sword light, coming from the chaos and obscurity, opening up three thousand worlds, exploding the infinite primordial world, and penetrating Cui Yu's mind.

Then Gong Nanbei blinked his eyelids, his vision was cut off, and all the visions disappeared without a trace.

Then Gong Nanbei grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled it out suddenly, it was really just a hilt.

There is no sword on Gongnanbei's scabbard at all!
As if seeing Cui Yu's doubts, Gong Nanbei said: "I'm waiting for a sword! A sword worthy of me! A sword worthy of my scabbard."

"As long as I find him, I can go to another heaven, which is an unimaginable world." Gong Nanbei handed the hilt to Cui Yu: "Keep your self-defense, your ability to cause trouble is first-rate, I'm afraid One day you will be beaten to death by that old antique, and then I will not even have time to save you."

"How do you use this thing?" Cui Yu gripped the hilt of the sword, which was still gaudy and inlaid with various precious stones.

Just as coquettish as Gongnanbei!
"You will know later." Gong Nanbei looked at the sky with melancholy eyes: "It is too difficult for me! It is too difficult to find a sword worthy of me. The land of China is vast, and there are countless swords, but None can match me."

Cui Yu was speechless holding the hilt of the saobao, then stuffed it into his sleeve casually, and led Han Xin away: "See you later."

Only a voice echoed in the yard.

It wasn't until Cui Yu walked away that Ji Kunpeng came out from the yard: "Are you really so optimistic about him?"

"Gods and demons martial arts foundation, and the breath of ancient gods and demons in his body, if he can't help me in the future, I can't think of anyone else who can help me. Moreover, I carefully checked Liangjie Mountain and Lijia Village. I am afraid that this kid is the only one. If anyone is found in the Li Family Village who is related to the Six Realms of Reincarnation, it must be this kid." Gong Nanbei said.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation?" Ji Kunpeng was stunned, suddenly stopped drinking from the jug he was holding, and stood in the yard blankly, not knowing what to think.

Shuttle through the traffic, Han Xin obediently followed behind Cui Yu.

"How do you feel now?" Cui Yu suddenly asked.

"It's like a dream. I never imagined in my life that in just one day, from a little beggar who everyone hates to shout and beat, I suddenly learn from a teacher and live a life full of food and drink." Han Xin replied .

Cui Yutou said without turning back: "The world changes, and the development of all things will change. You will do this, and I will do the same!"

Han Xin silently followed Cui Yu, looking at Cui Yu's back with his eyes: "I will not change!"

"Brother's kindness to me is something I will never forget." Han Xin's voice was firm.

Cui Yu paused, then turned to look at Han Xin with a smile in his eyes: "But I hope you will change. This is a society where individuals cannibalize people, and those who remain unchanged will be eaten without leaving any bones left Down."

"What do you plan to do after you become a teacher?" Cui Yu asked.

"Join the army." Han Xin hesitated.

"Why?" Cui Yu was stunned.

Learned martial arts, just to join the army and work for others?
"The morals of this world will soon be chaotic. I recently studied with my husband and found that Da Zhou is exactly the same as the Da Xia of the past. If I can join the army, I may soon be able to rise to the top! Moreover, temper the will of martial arts on the battlefield .” Han said.

Cui Yu looked at Han Xin in surprise, he did not disappoint himself.

Just relying on clues, one can judge that Da Zhou is going to be in chaos. This is the acumen that a hero should have.

"You can join the army, but I hope you will always remember who you are fighting for." Cui Yu taught Han Xin.

"Fight for fame and fortune." Han Dao said.

"I thought you would say to fight for the people of the world." Cui Yu said in surprise.

"It's too fake, it's all nonsense to fool people, no matter how chaotic the world is, no matter who becomes the emperor, the people will still be the same people, life will still be the same, even if you change the dynasty thousands of times, it will make no difference to the people. "Han said.

Hearing Han Xin's words, Cui Yu was also thoughtful.

Han Xin deserves to be Han Xin, what he said is not bad at all.Think about the difference between the Great Yuan Dynasty and the Great Qing Dynasty in Mongolia in the previous life, and the courts established by those in power in the Han Dynasty?
All the same exploitation.

The common people will always be the common people, no matter who is the emperor.

"It's good for you to be clear in your own mind. I'm very happy to have such insight after you've only been studying for a year,'ve still read a little less after all." Cui Yu said.

"Brother, please give me some pointers." Han Xin looked humble.

"Fortune." Cui Yu spat out two words.

Han Xin was puzzled.

"The essence of war is actually to protect wealth, to protect the wealth of those who have assets. Those who have assets have wealth, but they are unwilling to go to the battlefield to die. What should we do? Those poor people who have no assets will never fight for I work hard, and my assets have nothing to do with the poor, so how can I ask the poor to sacrifice their lives to protect their assets?" Cui Yu looked at Han Xin:

"If you can clearly understand this point, when you enter the battlefield in the future, you will inevitably recruit a steady stream of troops, and all the people in the world will be at your disposal."

Han Xin was silent when he heard the words, bowed his head in thought, and muttered in his mouth: "If I have a lot of wealth, and now foreign enemies come in and want to rob my wealth, how should I protect it? How can I make those things have nothing to do with my wealth? The entangled poor will risk their lives to protect my wealth?"

Looking at the pensive Han Xin, the corners of Cui Yu's mouth cracked, revealing a hint of complacency.

Not to mention Han Xin, even the generals of Da Zhou, do you know why you are fighting?
"Brother, I understand, it depends on the law, right?" Han Xin interrupted Cui Yu's thoughts from the side: "Issued a conscription order and told them to forcibly guard their property. Anyway, I am the ruler, if they don't obey the order , Before the foreign enemies come, all the disobedient people will be clicked."


Still too tender.

(End of this chapter)

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