Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 165 I Swallowed a Swallow!

Chapter 165 A mouthful of a woman!
"What is he doing?" Miao Shan asked.

"I saw that he moved the wood three times, and it seems that he was building something inside the house." Master Nanhua said thoughtfully.

"Build things? What else can be built in his small house?" Miao Shan was puzzled.

"I definitely didn't do a good job." Nan Hua said.

Then he stared at Cui Yu's house with big eyes and small eyes.

At this time, Cui Yu prepared the materials for building the altar, put them into the Qiankun bag, walked out of the room, and took a look at Nanhua Zhenren and Miaoshan:
"What are you two looking at?" Cui Yu asked casually.

Miao Shan and Nanhua real person shook their heads three times.

Cui Yu didn't pay much attention to it, and walked directly down the mountain. After leaving the two of them, he turned into air and drifted all the way to Lijia Village. He happened to meet Shilong who entered the village.

Seeing Shilong asking for directions, Cui Yu said to himself, "That bastard Shilong really came to the door, thanks to Grandpa, I was prepared."

Then enter the well of gods and demons all the way, reveal their figure under the well of gods and demons, start to build altars, and prepare to worship Shilong.

The secret method of nail-headed seven arrows is of course to be done in the well of gods and demons.

"Cui Yu, don't build the altar yet, there is a big deal, do you want to do it?" Xin Yuan excitedly got out of the soil.

"What's the matter?" Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan, and there was nothing good about this guy's big business.

"A chance to invade Tang Zhou." Xin Yuan said.

Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan.

"When you worship Shilong later, I will tell him Seven Arrows, and induce him to seek help from Tang Zhou. Tang Zhou's greed will be stimulated by the Golden Elixir of Myriad Tribulations! After you worship Shilong to death, you will deliberately Show up, let's find a way to take Tang Zhou down." Xin Yuan's eyes widened.

"Take down Tang Zhou? Are you crazy or am I crazy? If I can take down Tang Zhou, did I still use Gongnanbei to rescue him last time?" Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan, he felt that Xin Yuan was really crazy.

"What Tang Zhou relied on was nothing but the talisman of Nanhua Old Immortal. Without the natal artifact, you may not be able to fight him. If it is not possible, Zhenshui will flee for his life without a trace, lead him into the well of gods and demons, and use the magic weapon of the female demon to fight against him. Suppress him with force. You have to think about it. Once we succeed in our calculation, we will have a great master to protect the Dao in the future, and we can take the opportunity to control the achievements of the Taiping Dao. If we take the opportunity to attack the old fairy of Nanhua ..." Xin Yuan chattered and bewitched on the side.

"But he has a talisman." Cui Yu shook his head.

"It's not that there is no way to deal with it." Xin Yuan looked at the God and Demon Table, and suddenly an idea came to his mind, and he had an idea.

"Huh? What can you do?" Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan.

"There are some treasures on Nuba, why don't you borrow them and use them?" Xin Yuan smiled and jumped onto the stone platform.

"No, Nuba's treasure has to suppress the curse of the corpse ancestor, so don't act rashly. Once the corpse ancestor escapes, it will be a real catastrophe." Cui Yu shook his head quickly.

"It's just borrowed and used. The corpse spots on Nuba's body, as long as you continue to use the resurrection technique, coupled with the rain technique, you can continue to wear away the invasion of the corpse ancestor. Just borrow it for a few days and become that But a great master protects the way!" Xin Yuan's voice was full of bewilderment.

Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Tang Zhou was a hurdle that he would never get over sooner or later.

"How sure are you?" Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan.

"It's not how sure I am, but how sure you are." Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: "Give it a try, a bicycle can be transformed into a motorcycle. When you practice to traverse the world by yourself, it will take years of the monkey."

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this.

After a long time, he looked at the Altar of Gods and Demons, and then turned into air, and when he reappeared, he stood firmly on the Altar of Gods and Demons.

What Xinyuan said is a fight, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

If I can obtain Tang Zhou's avatar technique, hundreds of avatars will practice together at that time, and the speed of practice will definitely be able to quickly get closer to those old antiques who have practiced for hundreds of years.

The spring of immortality has been drained by Cui Yu, and all of it has been sent into the Dinghai Shenzhu.

Cui Yu glanced at the Fountain of Youth with a pair of eyes, then stepped onto the high platform, looked at the female demon on the high platform with his eyes, and his gaze fell on the palm of the female demon's hand.

Looking at the palm of the female demon, the entire palm is lifelike, exuding vitality, and it seems that there is no curse or strange power.

"How many times have I performed Resurrection on Nuba's arm?" Cui Yu shook his head, not remembering.

His experience of resurrecting the dead with the supernatural power is quite cheerful. After all, although resurrecting the dead has been practiced, there is still a difference in proficiency.

Now Nuba's entire arm has been scrubbed clean by Cui Yu, all the power of the curse has receded, and it has been forcibly worn away by the power of life and death.

Fortunately, Cui Yu now has the strange power provided by the corpse ancestor, and he does not lack the blessing of strange power.

"Zi Zu is a good man." Cui Yu muttered, and then started to revive the dead woman again, constantly drawing the divine blood in the woman's body to temper her own bones.

If he wanted to borrow the artifact, Cui Yu had to reduce a part of the corpse ancestor's invasion, lest the corpse ancestor take the opportunity to grow bigger, and then return the artifact on Nuba's body as soon as possible.

Seeing Cui Yu's action, Xinyuan grinned and showed a satisfied smile: "Not bad! Not bad! This is right! One must have the courage to fight, what if the fight is right? Even if it is the corpse ancestor Come out, what do we care about? Didn’t you see that there are countless old guys? They were also the first to be unlucky.”

"You continue to prepare, and I will clean up the mess in Daliang City."

Cui Yu has made great progress in his supernatural powers recently. After practicing in the well for half a day, Cui Yu gave up and looked at the woman's wrist full of vitality.

"I curse the stone dragon, and the attacking power of the corpse ancestor will inevitably become stronger. In order to prevent the corpse ancestor from growing, I will reduce the corpse spots in advance, so as to achieve a balance!"

"Ah, you said that after I completely wiped out the curse of the corpse ancestor, will you come back to life?" Cui Yu looked at Nu Ba, his eyes wandered around Nu Ba, and finally landed on Nu Ba's belt.

The shining rope exudes a sacred aura, and it is not an ordinary treasure at first glance.

"I've been busy for a long time, and I don't know if this rope can be torn off!" Cui Yu murmured, and as he became more and more familiar with Nuba, he became more and more unscrupulous.

"Bao'er, look, I'll help you resurrect and help you get rid of the curse of the corpse ancestor. It's not too much for you to give me the belt as a reward?" After a year of contact, Cui Yu is getting more and more courageous now. When he grew up, he didn't dare to take off the green shirt on Nuba's body, but he was a little greedy for the belt on Nuba's body.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the rope in his hand.

Strange to say, the ribbon was not knotted, it was simply wrapped around Nuba's waist, but for some reason it was tightly bound, with no intention of loosening it at all.

Cui Yu began to feel palpitations for some reason, then stopped his movements, looked at Nuba's dark and strange face, and said tentatively:
"Baby, are you still alive?"

"Bao, if you disagree, just move your fingers. If you agree, just keep silent!"

Cui Yu stared at Nuba for a while, seeing that Nuba didn't respond for a long time, he stretched out his hand to pull Nuba's belt.

Seeing that the rope was tightly wrapped around Nuba's body like steel, Cui Yu dragged it for a long time and saw that Nuba didn't respond, and he relaxed, and his whole body became more and more presumptuous, and then he rode directly on Nuba's body. body, reaching out to pull the rope.

With a force of [-] jin, Nuba's body finally trembled slightly.

"It's good if there is shaking! It's good if there is shaking! As long as you can move you, this rope can be pulled down." Cui Yu was overjoyed when he saw the nun's body move slightly. The nun's body tilted up, and then slowly supported it.

Seeing that Nuba's body was propped up by the frame and gradually lifted off the ground, Cui Yu rode on Nuba's lap again, pulling on Nuba's belt with all his strength.

"Crack~" There was a crisp sound, and the shelf carrying the Nuba suddenly swayed and scattered all over the ground, and then Cui Yu used too much force, and accidentally rushed out, and gnawed on the Nuba's mouth.

To be honest, Cui Yu was in so much pain that she was almost in tears.

The woman's body is really too stiff!

It's like the indestructible body of King Kong.

At the same time, Cui Yu felt an inexplicable suction coming from the mouth of the female demon, and Cui Yu felt that something in his body seemed to be sucked there.

Anyone who has watched Uncle Ying's movie knows that if you accidentally kiss a zombie, after being sucked by the zombie, the zombie will follow behind him like a shadow and imitate his actions.

Cui Yu quickly moved his mouth away, but luckily nothing of the horror happened, and the nun was still lying quietly on the scattered shelves.

Cui Yu looked at Nuba with a pair of eyes, and then tiptoed up, his eyes swept over Nuba's body, and after seeing nothing unusual, Cui Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Nuba is not ordinary. corpse."

But Cui Yu didn't notice that the coordinates of the corpse ancestor under his sleeve had enlarged in the dark.

Then Cui Yu's eyes fell on the belt, which looked very extraordinary shining brightly. A treasure that can last thousands of years and be immortal must be an extraordinary treasure.

Cui Yu started a tug-of-war, and then rode on Nu Ba's body, pulling the chain around Nu Ba's waist vigorously.

"Hey, you're lying here anyway, this treasure is useless to you, so you might as well borrow it from me." Cui Yu muttered, grabbing the belt and pulling it vigorously.

Nuba's body is like a big mountain, Cui Yu's body has a strength of [-] jin, but she can't do anything about it.

After tugging for a while, there was still no movement, Cui Yu carefully looked at the yellow belt in front of him.

It looked soft and soft, even the silk sash was blowing along with the wind, but Cui Yu's palm fell on the silk sash, and the silk sash was like steel, and it was not even a little bit of his strength.

In this way, Cui Yu became more and more convinced that this belt is a treasure.

Cui Yu couldn't take it off.

"Xin Yuan's plan has gone bankrupt!" Cui Yu sat on Nv Ba and had to give up.

At this moment, a spiritual light flickered, and Cui Yu's eyes lit up.

"Why don't you use your divine power to directly refine and nourish?" Cui Yu was thoughtful, and his brain suddenly brightened.

If he remembered correctly, the nun was already dead.The nun is dead, so does this treasure have no owner for thousands of years?

The treasure has no owner, so can I sacrifice it directly?
Cui Yu smiled, then held the silk sash, and the next moment, a drop of divine blood in his body was released, and poured into the silk sash.

Accompanied by the nourishment of the divine power, a faint golden light appeared on the gleaming belt, and the next moment, the silk ribbon seemed to come to life, and it turned into a chain, infinitely stretched and extended, and bound Cui Yu's body in an instant, binding Cui Yu. Fishing bundles tied.

At the same time, a strange force shot out from the chain, penetrated into Cui Yu's body and blocked the flow of Qi and blood in his body.

The power of the divine blood was taken away, only the power of Gong Gong was not affected, and it was still operating on its own.

"Damn it!" Feeling that his family was bound by the chains, Cui Yu was stunned and struggled desperately, but he couldn't shake the chains at all.

Except for Gong Gong's blood, he couldn't exert any divine power in his own body.

If he couldn't pull Nuba's body, and couldn't break the chain, wouldn't that mean he was chained to Nuba's side waiting to die?
It's like a dog chained to a rack. If no one feeds it, won't it starve to death?
At this time, Cui Yu looked at Nuba's body with horror, thinking that Nuba was awake, and urged the chains to trap him. He was so frightened that his hairs stood on end.

Anyone who encounters this situation will be scared to death.

As the saying goes, if you don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts calling your door.

You were digging up a corpse in an ancient tomb, and suddenly the corpse moved, and you were asked if you were afraid?
Cui Yu was terrified right now!

Moreover, the most important thing is that my own divine power has been imprisoned, and I can't resist even if I want to.

So it's a good choice to admit it decisively.

"Forgive me, ancestor! Forgive me, ancestor!"

"It's not intentional to be unreasonable, but I just met a big enemy, so I had to make a bad plan and wanted to use the artifact on my ancestor's body to catch the enemy!"

"Old Ancestor, I really didn't do it on purpose, please let me go."

Cui Yu resolutely confessed, and looked at Gaotai eagerly with a pair of eyes.

No movement!
The nun is still lying on the broken shelf.

Then Cui Yu moved his body forward, staring at the female demon with a pair of eyes, seeing that the female demon was the same as before, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief:

"It's not a female demon! That's the automatic guardian of the artifact?"

Fortunately, what Cui Yu was most worried about did not happen.

But if he is tied up with this rope, isn't that waiting for death?
It is even more troublesome that the female demon is not alive.

If the nun lived, she could still plead for mercy.If the nun doesn't live... who will untie the rope for herself?
True water has no form!

The next moment, Real Water Wuxiang activated, and Cui Yu's body unexpectedly escaped from the shackles of the dragon-binding lock, and appeared a few feet away.

But Cui Yu had just escaped from the rope, manifested his figure in the air, and was about to laugh happily, but the next moment he felt a tightness around his waist, but was entangled by the belt again, and then he dragged him back with all his strength. .

"You fucking..." Cui Yu wanted to curse.

(End of this chapter)

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