Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 178 Nanhua is getting restless again

Chapter 178 Nanhua is getting restless again
"With that membrane, the heart seems to be able to withstand stronger forces, stronger jumps."

"The first step in the purification of the five internal organs is the heart, which constantly opens the acupuncture points on the heart. The heart is the king of the human being. Every beat and every vibration of the heart is the tempering and tempering of the blood, and the heart's This kind of vibration will spread throughout the whole body along the blood vessels, and then assist the tempering of the five internal organs."

Cui Yu began to practice iron-smelting hands, constantly washing and refining the five internal organs with blood.

"The speed of martial arts training can speed up the upper limit of the divine blood in my body. Especially the real fire of Samadhi, accompanied by the nourishment of the female demon's blood, has made rapid progress in practice recently." Cui Yu practiced in the yard with punches and kicks.

Immortal Nanhua next door stood in the yard, seeing Cui Yu's fist and kick skills, he felt a little disgusted.

"Cui Yu, when will you practice your boxing skills? Your boxing is too lame, it's full of flaws." Nan Hua stood next door and couldn't help but remind him.

"Although supernatural powers are the great way, they consume too much energy. Who can use them all the time? And once the supernatural powers are restrained, wouldn't they just have to wait for death? So martial arts should not be left behind." Nan Hua said with a smile.

"I really want to learn martial arts, but who is willing to teach real things these days? It's hard for me to learn such low-level things in a martial arts school." Cui Yu continued to practice, ignoring Nan Hua's jokes.

"Why don't you ask me to be your teacher? I'm an old Taoist priest, and I have a lot of punches and kicks." Nanhua Daoist gave Cui Yu a lot of advice.

"You? I can knock your head off with one punch." Cui Yu snorted.

"What do you think of Taiping Dao now?" Master Nanhua turned his eyes and wanted to inquire about the news again.

"Taiping Dao? It's hard to get into the hall of elegance." Cui Yu shook his head: "Although the turmoil is very happy now, it can't be a climate."

"How to say?" Nanhua asked hastily: "Now that Taiping Dao has completely controlled Daliang City, can't it be a success?"

"Does Taipingdao really have complete control over Daliang City? Do those clans really obey Taipingdao's words? You said that if the imperial court came to recruit peace, would those clans rebel immediately?" Cui Yu asked.

"It may not be rebellious, those people know the methods of Taiping Dao." Nanhua real person shook his head.

"Then what if Tang Zhou loses? Can the Taiping Dao deter those people?" Cui Yu smiled and said, "Besides, look at the Taiping Dao. Ever since the capture of Daliang City, it has been in chaos. They only know how to seize and exploit, but they don't know how to produce. If things go on like this, who will Taipingdao go to rob when all the people are robbed? Even if Taipingdao takes over the country in the future, the entire country belongs to Taipingdao, and the people belong to Taipingdao, who else can Taipingdao rob?"

"You also said that it's only temporary. When Taiping Dao wins the world, production will resume naturally." The old fairy Nanhua didn't care.

"Can you really resume production?" Cui Yu stretched his thigh meaningfully.

"What do you mean?" Nan Hua was inexplicably flustered by Cui Yu's eyes.

"A person who is used to stretching out his hand and opening his mouth when he is hungry, you are telling him to give birth, can he still do it?" Cui Yu said with a smile.

"Those people's banditry has been cultivated, how can they be a good citizen who can produce with peace of mind? They will only disrupt order and steal other people's things." Cui Yu said.

Master Nanhua fell silent when he heard the words, and compared his heart to heart, if it were him, he would most likely not be willing.

If you win the world, you have to go home and farm before you can enjoy it. Who will do that?

Definitely not!
Don't even do it!
At that time, everyone would think of getting something for nothing, wouldn't his Yellow Heaven Dao Kingdom be falling apart in an instant?
Real Nanhua shuddered: "How to crack it?"

"None of your business." Cui Yu replied angrily.

Nan Hua held back his face, then took a deep breath, and kept telling himself in his heart: "For Huang Tian's great cause, I will bear it! I will bear it!"

"Taiping Dao now burns, kills, loots, robs the people, and forces the people to join its robbing team. If Taiping Dao is asked to solve this problem from the root, by not allowing people to be robbed, will it be solved?" Nan Hua thought deeply.

"Master, I'm afraid something is wrong." Zhang Jiao shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Nan Hua said.

"The people of Dazhou can still live now. Who would risk their heads to rebel? If we don't execute burning and looting, and force the people to join forces, I'm afraid no one will respond." Zhang Jiao whispered.

Nan Hua frowned: "Is there no solution?"

"There must be a way, but I haven't thought of it yet." Zhang Jiao looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Nan Hua poked his head over again: "I don't think you can do anything about it, you just know how to play tricks all day long. You are a commoner, and you still know about military and state affairs? Who is Tang Zhou in Taiping Road? He has lived for hundreds of years. Old monster, how can you not know the disadvantages? He can't think of a solution, how can you know?"

Cui Yu stopped practicing kung fu: "You old Taoist look down on people, what's wrong with me being a farm boy? Let me tell you, in terms of knowledge, I'm afraid the emperor of Dazhou can't match me."

The old Taoist refused to accept: "You have to be capable, can you tell us the solution of Taipingdao?"

"Stimulate me?" Cui Yu glared at the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist didn't speak, but just made an expression that he was capable and not pushy.

"Actually, it's easy to solve this matter." Cui Yu heard that Xin Yuan had invaded Tang Zhou, and he was thinking day and night how to control the general trend of Taiping Dao in the future, develop and grow Taiping Dao, and become a real Dao country on land. .

"As long as you point the finger at the world's dignitaries and scholar-bureaucrats, unite the people and clans to resist the dignitaries. There are billions of people in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Although the common people are a large base, the real wealth is in the hands of a few people. Eighty percent of the world The wealth belongs to the nobles, [-]% to the family, [-]% to the rich merchants, and [-]% to the common people.”

Cui Yu looked at the old Taoist priest, his voice was full of complacency.

"Taipingdao would only dare to do this unless it is crazy. What fighting power can the common people have? Although the common people have a large base, the real fighting power is only nobles and gentry. If Taipingdao wants to win the world, it can only win one of them." Nanhua old man Xian looked at Cui Yu: "Thank you for saying that you know the world better than anyone else, so you can say such a stupid way."

Cui Yu shook his head: "Isn't the old fairy of Nanhua known as the best expert in the world? Tell him to assassinate all the nobles in the world. When the nobles are in chaos, the gentry will definitely take the opportunity to rise. When the two are fighting hard, Taipingdao makes a move and the fisherman benefits."

"It doesn't work either. The Nanhua Old Immortal claims to be number one in the world, but he is not invincible. Not to mention the siege by the world's masters, even if the five princes and the Great Zhou royal court have the most precious suppressive energy, the Nanhua Old Immortal may not be able to do anything about it. Qi practitioners are not Those who are invincible and martial arts are not invincible. Those rare treasures left before the immeasurable calamity of the ancient times are truly invincible. If the old fairy Nanhua can really push the world across the world, he will not be secretly building momentum now, but directly enter Haojing. Cut off the head of the Great Zhou Emperor! There is no invincible person in this world, and all things in the world are born and restrained, and there is always a force that restrains you!" The old fairy Nanhua was a little disappointed. Although Cui Yu saw the evil, he had no way to resolve it.

At present, it is the best way for Taipingdao to unite with the world's gentry.

Accumulated for 5000 years, even if the strength of the gentry is worse than that of the nobles, the gap can be made up for by Qi practitioners and ghosts and gods.

The old fairy Nanhua was worried about the future of Taiping Dao, but luckily he just used Huang Tian to replace Da Zhou's 'Heaven', as long as it could be replaced, Taiping Dao is a useless tool and can be discarded at any time.

Cui Yu looked at the expression of Nanhua Old Immortal, and felt a little emotional: "I never thought that you, a mere mountain Taoist, would care about the fate of your family and country."

"Actually, I think the Taiping Road is going the wrong way." Cui Yu looked at the old fairy Nanhua with serious eyes.

Zhang Jiao also pricked up his ears.

Shoucheng stopped reciting scriptures.

"Wrong way? The development of Taiping Dao is in full swing, like a single spark can start a prairie fire, how could it be wrong?" Zhang Jiao was puzzled.

The corners of Cui Yu's mouth twitched when he heard this: "Taiping Dao is a system of Qi training, so why bother to end it in person, after a hundred years of layout? You only need to choose a powerful prince to support, wouldn't it be more effective with less effort?"

"In this way, you can take the feudal lords and replace them, surpass the lords, and the power of the king is bestowed by the gods. If you retreat into the deep mountains and old forests, you can continue to be carefree and immortal sects. Isn't it happy?" Cui Yu smiled. road:

"And there is no need to waste manpower? Isn't it beautiful?"

"Even if it fails, in case there is a problem in the future, the big deal is to abandon that vassal and take over other vassals again. Only in this way can we advance, attack, retreat and defend in the turbulent situation, and completely protect ourselves." Cui Yu smiled. road.

Zhang Jiao and Shou Cheng were taken aback by Cui Yu's words, and the old Taoist priest of Nanhua also looked a little unhappy.

Why did the taste change in Cui Yu's mouth once something happened?

Nanhua real person looked at Shoucheng with a tangled expression, and Shoucheng scratched his head: "The road to Taiping Road may be really wrong. If the incident on Taiping Road fails, I'm afraid it will be lost forever, so it's better to bet secretly Support, be a behind-the-scenes controller.”

Zhang Jiao looked at Cui Yu, with a light in his eyes: "This kind of wisdom is worthy of being valued by the master. Why didn't I think of it? I will take over the power of Taiping Dao in the future, and I will secretly find a way to take Taiping Dao and Taiping Army out of power." Clearly. That idiot of Tang Zhou, I really don't know what to think, actually bet on the lottery himself."

Shoucheng shook his head, knowing this in his heart, no wonder Tang Zhou was there. He had witnessed Tang Zhou's actions and how he built a huge Dao of Peace with his own eyes, and knew Tang Zhou's difficulties.

In this world, the Son of Heaven comes first.The princes and kings are the second.Ghosts and gods are third, and Qi practitioners are fourth.

Qi practitioners want to control and control the princes, how easy is it?

This is the inexorability of class.

Tang Zhou traveled here and there to lobby all parties for hundreds of years, and he saw it with his own eyes.

Thanks to Tang Zhou's avatar technique, otherwise, he would have fallen behind long ago.

"Sure enough, listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books." Nanhua Daoist thinks it makes sense. With his own means, it has been subtle for hundreds of years, and it is not difficult to support a prince.

Cui Yu glanced at the three of them: "Are you guys full? Why don't you practice hard and care about the world's major events?"

Walking back to the yard, Cui Yu continued to practice martial arts.Looking at Cui Yu who is practicing martial arts, real Nanhua started to emo. If the Taiping Road follows the current trend, it will be a dead end no matter what.

Even if the Great Zhou Dynasty is overthrown in the future, Taipingdao will face the encirclement and suppression of princes and kings all over the world.

"What are your plans?" Nan Hua looked at Zhang Jiao.

"Disciple wants to train soldiers, to train my own Yellow Turban Army." Zhang Jiao said: "In troubled times, there is no military power, and you can only be slaughtered by others. Only by training an army formation can you have a foothold in troubled times. .”

"If you want to train your troops, you need to seize a corner of the land. But now the world has its own owner, and if you do something rashly, you will inevitably provoke the princes from all walks of life to fight back. I'm afraid that if the soldiers are not trained, all the princes in the world will be on the contrary. I have become jealous and wary of the Taiping Dao." Shoucheng shook his head.

"You can use the power of a certain prince, and then train my Taipingdao's own soldiers, and then send troops to other princes from all walks of life, so as to continuously form bases." Zhang Jiao borrowed Cui Yu's thinking: "It's better to take control of a prince first. "

"Except for the Emperor Zhou, who can control the princes?" Nanhua Daoist asked in surprise.

"What if some princes are besieged by other princes and are about to be exterminated? When the time comes, I, Taipingdao, will step forward and help the other party to calm down the chaos?" Zhang Jiao is indeed insidious, and has already figured out a countermeasure.

Hearing this, Master Nanhua narrowed his eyes: "Is there anyone to choose?"

"How is Daxia?" Zhang Jiao looked at Nanhua.

Nan Hua stroked his head when he heard the words: "It's not appropriate. Da Xia is a descendant of the Xia Kingdom back then, and he has some big killer in his hands. It's not appropriate to provoke him at this time."

"Where's the big man Liu's family?" Zhang Jiao asked again.

"Yes!" Nanhua real person nodded: "In fact, South Korea is not bad."

"You don't need to stick to one country, the younger brother intends to stir up chaos in the world, why not settle in many places in various countries." Shoucheng said.

"There is still a shortage of manpower, lack of manpower to suppress one party and do things." Zhang Jiao held the jade tablet book in his hand.

Cui Yuwu Dao next door has finished his practice, and then went to the mountain to collect pigweed to feed the canopy.

At some point in the sky, it began to drizzle, and all the rainwater separated automatically within three feet of Cui Yu's body.

Cui Yu walked in the rain curtain, his eyes swept across the world, and he felt that the blood of the Communist Party of China was particularly active under the rain curtain.

Cui Yu kept stimulating the imprint of the corpse ancestor, and countless divine blood was transformed, and then went to feed Gonggong's demonic blood.

People always have a few cards in their hands.

Just like now, Cui Yu felt that he had to use Gong Gong's magic blood as his trump card.

In Daliang City
Wu Guang stood under the railing, with his hands in his sleeves, and was also watching the drizzle in the sky.

"Where did this gun come from? It looks extraordinary?" Xin Yuan asked in surprise.

"Wu Guang is a descendant of Wu Qi, a martial sage of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In fact, Wu Guang is Wu Qi's great-great-grandson. Wu Qi was born with a destiny, and he was noticed to be abnormal when he was born. Wu Qi has been taking care of and nurturing him in secret all these years." Heart Demon True Monarch said.

"Wu Qi? The myth of invincibility!" Xin Yuan was thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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