Chapter 2 Dragon Girl
Yaodao looked at Cui Yu, and Cui Yu was terrified, and secretly wailed in his heart: Could it be that today is the day I, Cui Yu, died?I just got Gold Finger, I'm not reconciled!
Just when Cui Yu was about to extract the golden finger, carry out material transformation and fight to the death with the demon way, the corner of the Taoist's mouth cracked, and his lips opened and said silently: "Let you live for a few days first, so that you don't suffer enough crimes. Just tell you to die, it’s cheap for you.”

"Come on, pull this pig out for me!" Yaodao pointed to the fat pig next to Cui Yu.

When the fat pig saw the monster pointing at him, he immediately looked terrified and let out a mournful howl.

"It's the fifth senior brother!" Seeing all the senior brothers swarming into the pigsty and the fat pig being pushed to the ground, Cui Yuyuan felt a burst of memory.

The screams of the slaughtered pig were endless, and Cui Yu watched helplessly as the black pig transformed by the fifth senior brother was slaughtered by a group of Taoist priests.

A pair of eyes looked through the gap in the fence, watching the people laughing outside, the steaming cauldron, the aroma of stewed meat kept coming from the cauldron.

There is a woman in red, with a charming and delicate face, and her temples are high, squatting in front of a cauldron to light a fire, sipping tears in a low voice while burning the fire.

A group of men in simple Taoist robes were holding butcher's knives to chop meat and chop big bones. It looked as weird as it could be.

Looking at the meat in the cauldron and the bloody soil on the ground, the sound of chopping big bones was like a urging sound, directly chopping on Cui Yu's heart, which made Cui Yu tremble.

Then Cui Yu's hooves softened and he knelt down on the ground.

It is impossible to say not to be afraid!

The smell of pork turned into a bad breath, making him twitch and vomit continuously.

Outside the pigsty, more than a dozen Taoist priests were laughing and killing pigs with joy on their faces.

"Master, the remaining four pigs in our pen are enough for you to kill for a while." One of them was wearing a Taoist robe, with a dark and thin face, and he looked like a coolie all year round, laughing while giving enema.

"You don't know that today the world is well-off, the people live in prosperity, they have extra money in their hands, and the pork is also selling well." The Taoist touched the whisk with a smile, and stood beside him with a chuckle:
"The remaining four pigs are enough to sell for seven or eight days."

"Today, we, master and apprentice, can drink freely and never get drunk." While talking, Yao Dao's eyes glanced at the pigsty intentionally or unintentionally.


Hearing the discussion outside the pigsty, Cui Yu in the pigsty was even more frightened, but he still endured the discomfort and sat quietly in the pigsty to recover his strength, thinking about the way to escape.

"There is a chance! There is a chance to solve the trouble once and for all, forever."

Carefully recalling the memories of the original body, Cui Yu racked his brains and finally came up with a clue in his mind.

"These people are drinking. According to the custom in the past, it won't be long before I get drunk, and then I can take the opportunity to escape. It seems that the monster's practice of "Canopy Change" has also damaged his brain, the whole person's brain It's not very bright, it has the characteristics of a pig, and it likes to eat and sleep." Cui Yu lay prone in the pen, staring at the butcher outside through the railing, with a little bit of evil spirit in his eyes.

Where can he escape to?
In his memory, Yaodao can fly in the air, and Tianpeng Bian is the best at capturing opportunities, so he can't escape at all.

Moreover, that monster has been committing crimes for several years, and it is not that no senior brother escaped halfway, but it is a pity that the end has become a meal on the plate.

He remembered that his wife had said that some senior brothers sensed the crisis and wanted to escape, but unfortunately they all failed.

Moreover, the transformation of the canopy into a practice method naturally has an unavoidable price. Although Yaodao didn't tell him specifically, he can guess a thing or two through the performance of the senior brothers on weekdays.

Possesses a real pig personality.

"The demon way also has a flaw! And it's a fatal flaw." Cui Yu sorted out the memories of his previous life, kept recalling what his wife had said, and really found that there was a fatal flaw in Tian Pengbian.

Since you can't escape, you can only fight to the death.

Time passed bit by bit, the waiting time was the most difficult, I don't know how long Cui Yu waited lying on the ground, only to see the group of men dispersed drunkenly, the Taoist closed the door and fell asleep, the sound of snoring shook the world.

After waiting for a while, Cui Yu got up from the darkness, looked at the door of the pigsty and the bright moon in the sky with his eyes, and was about to extract the strange power, when he heard a sound of footsteps, startled the guilty Cui Yu Trembling, he crawled on the ground and pretended to be asleep, while looking out of the fence with a gap in his eyelids.

Under the bright moon, the woman who was dressed in red and lit a fire during the day came to the pigsty and stood still, staring blankly at Cui Yu in the pen, thinking of something, tears streaming down her face.

Then she stretched out her slender palm and opened the door of the pigsty, the fragrant wind came, and the woman walked to Cui Yu's side, regardless of the dirt and stench on Cui Yu's body, her delicate palm stroked Cui Yu's head, and murmured in a low voice: "Cui Yu Ah Cui Yu, I opened the door to let you out, so go away. You have to run as far away as possible, and never come back. I know you are now a pig, and your intelligence is declining. It is very difficult. Get what I'm saying, but..."

Speaking of this, the woman kept weeping and was speechless.

While speaking, he tugged Cui Yu's ears, trying to wake him up.

Cui Yu on the ground heard the woman whimpering in a low voice, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes, recalling all kinds of things in his original body, and activated his talent at the next moment:
"Swallowing strange power, the price does not need to be exempted."

Accompanied by Cui Yu's innate supernatural powers, a strange force flowed in his body, and then a message came into Cui Yu's mind.

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Status: Mysterious. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Divine Blood: Five wisps. 】

[Supernatural power: material transformation. 】

[The price: from a pig to a human. 】

[Note 1: The power of material transformation is determined by the amount of divine blood. 】

"Five wisps of divine blood? What's the use?" Cui Yu didn't know the power of divine blood, so he asked subconsciously.

[Can convert coin-sized steel plate into tofu]

"???" Cui Yu was stunned, what's the use?That's all the power of the blood?
However, it seems enough to break the old Taoist priest's reinforced iron frame!

With the change of information layout, Cui Yu has changed from a fat pig to a human being.

"You..." Looking at Cui Yu on the ground, the woman in the red dress covered her mouth in shock, her eyes were full of disbelief, and she pointed at Cui Yu with her slender fingers, speechless for a moment.

"How did you break the forbidden law?" The teacher's wife's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Since I dare to oppose Master, I am naturally prepared." Cui Yu got up from the mud on the ground, ignoring the dirty smell on his body, raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky, and asked:
"How many days is it?"

"Do you really want it?" The woman in the red skirt widened her eyes, with a look of horror in her eyes, and dissuaded her in a flustered voice: "No way! The monster who has already cultivated is invulnerable to fire and water, and you are just an ordinary person with a mortal body. If you can’t beat him, you might as well run for your life now.”

"Escape? Where can I escape? Didn't the brother who escaped in the past be caught?" Cui Yu took a deep breath, his eyes were firm: "This is the end, if you escape, you will die, if you don't escape, you will die. Now there is a Fight hard, why not throw everything at once?"

The woman was silent when she heard the words, and immediately grabbed Cui Yu's palm, raised her head and showed a firm gaze: "Since you want to gamble, then I will gamble with you. If you win, we will all be free. If you lose the bet, we will be a couple on the road to Huangquan." Desperate mandarin ducks."

"There is a fatal flaw in the practice of canopy transformation, that is, it will turn into a pig and fall into a deep sleep every day. Unless it is fatally attacked, it will not wake up halfway." The woman in the red skirt looked at Cui Yu:

"So, you only have one chance to strike, and if you miss one hit, the demon will definitely wake up."

Cui Yu took a breath: "How long is it?"

"It's time, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come out to look for you." The woman in red looked at Cui Yu: "Have you really made up your mind? Running for your life now, although the chances are slim, there will be a chance after all. But yes The demon way strikes, with your strength, it's nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg, ten deaths and no life."

Under the moonlight, the woman in the red dress was extremely beautiful, and Cui Yu looked in a daze for a while.

"No need. Bring the butcher's knife!" Cui Yu ordered.

The woman in the red dress didn't try to dissuade her when she heard the words, but went to the shelf next to her and took Yin Hong's pig-killing knife: "This pig-killing knife has killed at least three hundred pigs that have been transformed into canopy. The strange power of the change has formed a certain restraint."

The butcher's knife was bright red, with the undrained blood of Senior Brother Bai Ri Wu hanging on it.

Cui Yu took a deep breath, picked up the butcher's knife without saying a word, and walked straight to the Taoist's house.

"I'll show you the way." The woman in the red skirt said, the palm holding Cui Yu was cold and still trembling slightly.

"You seem to hate him very much? Aren't you his wife?" Cui Yu followed behind the woman, smelling the fragrance of her body, and suddenly asked.

"I am a dragon girl from the West Sea. On the way to get married to Dongting Lake, I happened to be robbed. I was tricked when I crossed the robbed, and I was plundered by him." The woman in red gritted her teeth in hatred: "It's a pity that the Laoshan Taoist temple is so powerful. Hushuimai is no opponent at all, so he can only swallow his anger. He pulled out my dragon scales and pulled out my dragon tendons, so that I could not return to my hometown through the clouds and fog, let alone return to Bingfu to save me. That guy is practicing canopy transformation, and he is about to Lend my blood to control the water and grow the way."

"Dragon Girl? Are there really dragons in this world?"

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then clenched the butcher's knife tightly. At this time, another ray of memory rolled in his mind.

The two quietly passed through the house all the way, and came to Yaodao's bedroom. Before they got close, they heard snoring sounds like thunder coming from afar.Opening the door curtain and looking, there was no one on the kang, only a three-meter-long old wild boar covered with patterns.

The woman in the red skirt looked at Cui Yu: "Repent now, you still have time."

"Do I still have room for repentance?" Cui Yu showed murderous intent: "It's just killing. Besides, I may not be unable to kill him."

Cui Yu took a deep breath, picked up the butcher's knife, stepped out onto the kang, looked at the Huazhu, every hair was like a steel needle, it really was copper skin and iron bones.

"Copper skin and iron bones? It is the canopy that changes when you are successful, and the canopy that changes when you lose. You hurt me because of the canopy, and I gained supernatural powers because of the canopy." Cui Yu smiled coldly, and the next moment he was gifted with supernatural powers and material transformation 'launch.

(End of this chapter)

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