Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 229 Causal Correction

Chapter 229 Causal Correction
Samadhi is really hot!

That is the real fire of Samadhi that can kill gods and demons!

Although Cui Yu's dozen drops of Samadhi True Fire is not very big, Mr. Yu seems to be far from the legendary god and demon.

Cui Yu turned into air and escaped from Mr. Yu's grasp.

Mr. Yu's body was stiff in the air, red light flowed under the skin all over his body, and the dark red blood in the pores overflowed uncontrollably.

The three-flavored real fire was injected into the body, Mr. Yu stood on the spot to suppress the three-flavored real fire, his body did not move, the vertical eyes at the center of the eyebrows flowed a bright red light at this time, the power of the gods and demons flowed, and suppressed the three-flavored real fire down.

"Shanhe Yuantai! Shanhe Yuantai!" Cui Yu stroked the treasure in his sleeve while running, and then stuffed it into the universe bag.

"How can I get rid of this old guy? The Eye of God and Devil seems to be a bit difficult!" Cui Yu cursed as he ran, "The real fire of Samadhi can't kill him, but it can definitely burn him."

Flames are continuous power, without Cui Yushen's blood supply, Samadhi True Fire is like a pot of hot water.

Splashing it on the body may burn people, but it will never kill them.

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind: "It's a pity that the divine blood in my body is still too little. If I can have a few thousand drops of divine blood, I must burn this guy to death."

Cui Yu ran for half a day, and finally stopped at a small hill: "No wonder Song Fuyun ran away straight away. It turned out that this guy knew that the other party was coming. If I hadn't disturbed him, Song Fuyun might have gotten the treasure without making a sound. already left."

But he doesn't know the cycle of cause and effect. This mountain and river origin does not belong to Song Fuyun in the first place. The powerful law of cause and effect in the world is constantly correcting the cause and effect tampered with by monks.

Song Fuyun was bumped into by Cui Yu, which was actually a self-correction of the law of cause and effect between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, and looked at Xiaoxi beside him: "My Dinghai Shenzhu may be able to use Xiaoxi's power to complete a fight at a critical moment. I don't know if I can get rid of that old guy."

Just when Cui Yu was thinking about how to live in the future, a sneer suddenly came from his ear: "So you are here."

Cui Yu looked over quickly, and saw the third prince throwing gold bricks up and down at some point, with a sneer in his eyes.

"It's you! How did you come here?" Cui Yu couldn't help feeling dizzy when he saw the third prince.

Is his escape technology so backward?
Even this little doll found himself?
It's just unreasonable!

"Do you want to change your rope?" The third prince was already handsome at this time, and he was no longer the pig-headed face he was before.

The cyst on Cui Yu's face was healed at this time.

Cui Yu's eyes turned, and suddenly landed on the gold brick, and then his eyes wandered: "What's so mysterious about your gold brick? Can it be compared to my rope? Why don't you hand over the gold brick, and I'll check it out. , considering whether to change or not."

The reason why he didn't use the dragon-binding lock to trap Mr. Shuyu was because he was afraid of the power of gods and demons.

The power of gods and demons is too strong, and I don't know if my own dragon-binding lock can bind the opponent.

Before peeping out all the mysteries of the Eye of God and Demon, he will not reveal his trump card.

Moreover, using the Dragon Binding Lock to trap the opponent, and then using the Dinghai Shenzhu to smash the opponent to death requires a lot of river power, and it is obvious that the river power of the waterfall cannot meet that condition.

The third prince was not stingy, he tossed it casually, and the gold brick fell lightly in front of Cui Yu like a piece of foam.

"Can your golden brick kill a strong man who has lost his life and death?" Cui Yu asked.

"What? Did you offend that old guy again?" The third prince answered casually, and suddenly became alert: "You don't want to smash me to death with gold bricks after replacing them? Oh, If we exchange treasures and you smash me to death with gold bricks, wouldn’t it be a loss to me?”

The third prince's voice was full of distress: "What should I do?"

Cui Yu looked at the gold bricks in front of him, feeling a little greedy, but unfortunately there was no mobilization formula, he couldn't mobilize this golden mountain at all.

"What are you thinking?" The third prince glanced at Cui Yu with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"I have a great fortune, I don't know if you want it or not." Cui Yu suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"What good fortune?" the young man said casually.

"There is an old antique who has lost his life and death records. He has a god-devil eye. If you can snatch the god-devil eye for me, I will replace it with you." Cui Yu said.

"The eyes of gods and demons?" The colorful light in the eyes of the third prince flowed, and his eyes looked into the distance. He saw Mr. Yu who was galloping hundreds of miles away, and then looked at Cui Yu. Could it be Mr. Yu?"

"You know him?" Cui Yu was taken aback.

"Of course I know him, not only do I know him, but I also know him very clearly." Speaking of which, the third prince smiled: "Where are there any eyes of gods and demons, Mr. Yu is Ji Wushuang's confidant, how did you provoke him? If you can give me the rope, I might be able to mediate it for you."

Cui Yu didn't pay attention to the third prince's words, as soon as he heard the other party's words, he knew that the other party didn't know the details of Mr. Yu.

"Let me tell you, the eyes on the top of Mr. Yu's head are actually the eyes of gods and demons." Cui Yushen said mysteriously: "Otherwise, why would I be afraid of him? It’s not like I don’t have supernatural powers.”

The third prince smiled and said nothing.

"Hahaha, so you are here! Boy, let's see where you are going to escape this time!" At this moment, there was a burst of laughter from a distance, and the figure of Mr. Yu appeared in the sky, stepping on white clouds.

"As long as you can tell that old guy to give up chasing and killing me, I will exchange treasures with you." Cui Yu looked at Mr. Yu who was chasing closer and closer, suddenly turned his eyes, and said to the third prince.

To be honest, he was more afraid of Mr. Yu than the Third Prince.

"Really?" The third prince's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and his eyes were full of ecstasy.

"As long as you can persuade the other party to quit, I will exchange the treasure with you." Cui Yu quickly replied.

While talking, suddenly a figure flickered in the distance, and Mr. Yu had already arrived in the field.

Turning his eyes, he saw the third prince who was full of flamboyance behind the stone, and he couldn't help being stunned: "Why is the prince here?"

Cui Yu quickly took over the words: "Why do you think I am here! I am originally the prince's man."

Mr. Yu's eyes changed when he heard the words, he fixed his eyes on Cui Yu, and then looked at the third prince, feeling cold in his heart: "Could it be that Cui Yu has already sacrificed the Shanhe Yuantai? To the third prince?"

Thinking of this possibility, Mr. Yu's eyes bulged between his brows.

Mr. Yu looked at Cui Yu, but he didn't know that Cui Yu was also looking at Mr. Yu. He saw that Mr. Yu's face was in a mess, the hair on the top of his head was completely burnt, and even the hair on his body was completely burnt.

The most important thing is that there is a clear fist mark on Mr. Yu's chest.

That was Cui Yu's fist print!
A scorching air continuously distorted the fist mark.

Although Sanwei Zhenhuo is small, it is the foundation of great supernatural powers after all, it's just that the supernatural blood in Cui Yu's body is not strong enough.

Mr. Yu looked at Cui Yu and the third prince at the same time, his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

Seeing Cui Yu and the third prince standing together, the more Mr. Yu thought about it, the more panicked he became.

If Cui Yu told the third prince about Shanhe's birth, how could he have anything to do with him?

"This idiot, did you ever tell the third prince about the birth of mountains and rivers? Isn't it normal to say that such an earth-shattering great fortune? But it seems to be right to say that it is a qualification for promotion. Cui Yu is from Li Family Village. Poor boy, how do you know the preciousness of the original fetus of the mountains and rivers? It is the five-point fortune of Kunlun Cave Heaven!" Mr. Yu's face was gloomy and uncertain, as if he had opened a dyeing workshop.

The third prince looked at Mr. Yu who looked embarrassed, and secretly wondered in his heart. He never thought that Cui Yu would have such a trick!
How could she not be afraid?
There was shock and fear in my heart, especially when I saw the fist mark on Mr. Yu's chest, I felt even more inexplicably horrified.

Although Mr. Yu is unknown in the Prince's Mansion, everyone knows that he is a person who doesn't like to show off, but can't see the details clearly.

"Third Prince, this is a personal grievance between me and this person. Is the Crown Prince also involved?" Mr. Yu stared at the third prince with a pair of eyes, and his words were full of temptation.

"I have reached a deal with the third prince. My business is the third prince's business. If you take action against me now, you are attacking the third prince. How can the third prince tolerate you?" Cui Yu kept hinting, crazily.

Mr. Yu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley: "It's a big trouble! It seems that the Shanhe Yuantu has already fallen into Cui Yu's hands. Since I have no chance to get the Shanhe Yuantu, I might as well give it to the eldest prince as a gift."

With a thought in his heart, Mr. Yu had secretly performed a magic technique, calling for the eldest prince.

Then he looked at the third prince with a pair of eyes: "Prince, this is the meaning of the eldest prince. This is not only the cause and effect between me and Cui Yu, but also the cause and effect between Cui Yu and the eldest prince. The eldest prince and Cui Yu will never die!"

"What did you do to ask Ji Wushuang to stay with you forever?" The third prince looked at Cui Yu in surprise.

What can Cui Yu say?
He can't say anything!

Although he burned Ji Wushuang's body, he couldn't take the initiative to admit it.Biting to death is someone else's frame!

"Third Prince, this person doesn't seem to be selling your face." Cui Yu added fuel to the fire: "Your face doesn't seem to be good, he is using Ji Wushuang to suppress you."

The third prince's face immediately darkened when he heard the words, and the gold bricks below flew up and fell into the third prince's hands automatically.

"Shut up! Don't show the sharpness of your tongue! When I capture you, I will show you how powerful you are." Mr. Yu's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Although Cui Yu's sowing dissension was very vulgar, even people with discerning eyes could see it, but it was very effective.

"Sir, don't you give me face?" The third prince looked at Mr. Yu opposite him with a smile.

Mr. Yu's heart sank when he heard the words, and he saluted respectfully: "Your Highness, it's not that I don't give you face, but..."

"Don't talk about it, and you don't have to. After all, you just don't give me face!" The third prince's voice was full of coldness: "You also know me, and you know what will happen if you don't give me face. Even if you It’s Brother Dawang’s person, and I want to save face.”

As he spoke, the gold brick in his hand was about to move.

At this moment, a sonic boom passed by in the distance, and a dragon horse stepped forward, leaving a white wave of sound in the air.

"Third brother, why are you so irritable! You have a short temper, but you have to change it." Ji Wushuang came on horseback, with a look of ferocity in his eyes, and his clothes rattled when the strong wind blew.

Wearing a bamboo hat on his head, the strong wind blew the clothes around Ji Wushuang's neck, leaking bloody burns. .

One of the arms on his body was missing at some point, like a wound that had been burned by a raging fire, it looked terrifying and hideous.

"Why are you here?" The third prince was expressionless.

"If I don't come, don't you want to take the treasure for yourself?" The eldest prince was smiling. Although everyone couldn't see the smile, the voice from under the bamboo hat revealed an indescribable coldness no matter how you looked at it.

"Treasure?" The third prince was taken aback, turned around and looked at Cui Yu without a trace, his eyes fell on the dragon-binding lock on Cui Yu's waist: "Could it be that the eldest prince also took a fancy to Cui Yu's dragon-binding lock?"

The eldest prince ignored the third prince, but looked at Mr. Yu: "Sir, you urged me before, saying that there is a treasure to be born, and told me to come here, otherwise I will regret it forever."

Mr. Yu heard the words and came to the ear of the eldest prince, whispering quietly.

Hearing this, the eldest prince shrank his pupils, and his heart was full of turmoil: "Shanhe Yuantai! That is Shanhe Yuantai! No matter what happens today, Cui Yu can't be let go."

"Are you also thinking about that treasure? That treasure now belongs to me. Cui Yu has promised me!" The third prince looked away from the dragon-binding lock.

She valued the assassination method of Binding Dragonsuo, as for her own gold bricks?

There are several similar ones in his home.But Fu Longsuo is quite on his temper!

And only by personally experiencing the power of the Dragon Binding Lock will one know the horror of the Dragon Binding Lock.

Even the emperor of Zhou Dynasty had concealed her daughter's body, but she was beaten back to her original shape under the shackles of binding dragons.

The confinement power of this dragon lock is really exciting.

She was about to seize a fortune, and needed a dragon-binding lock to subdue a strange one.

"Belongs to you?" The eldest prince was stunned when he heard the words, and his face suddenly turned ugly: "Third brother, although you are my brother, but when the treasure is present, we have to be brothers and sisters to settle accounts. You can't eat this treasure!"

He didn't dare to say the name of Shanhe Yuantai, for fear that the name of Shanhe Yuantai would be perceived by others.

"Hehe! My deal has already been concluded. Didn't you come to oppose me?" The third prince looked at Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang sighed leisurely: "At present, the treasure is related to the future and fortune, even brothers can't let it go. Since you can't retreat, then you can only use your own means?"

Turning his head to Mr. Yu, he said, "I'll stop the third child, you go and get Cui Yu. As long as you get Cui Yu down, I have plenty of ways to make him change his mind. Even if it's to sue the royal court of the Great Zhou, and bring the matter before the father, I also have a reason to take the treasure back."

"You do have discernment." The third prince smiled lightly, and without further ado, the gold brick in his hand took the opportunity to smash it out.

The eldest prince's pupils shrank: "You used this kind of treasure in the discussion between you and my brothers."

The eldest prince didn't dare to take it forcefully, and turned to look at Mr. Yu: "Please trouble Mr. to hold the third prince, I'll take Cui Yu down."

ps: The passion is here, and the new plot will start soon.After sorting out the plot, a better plot will come next.

(End of this chapter)

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