Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 25 Shaping the Divine Blood

Chapter 25 Shaping the Divine Blood
Cui Yu and Xiang Caizhu sneaked low-key all the way, quietly returned to Lijia Village, and then brought them back home.

Returning to the border of Lijia Village, the familiar strange opportunities in the air began to swarm into Cui Yu's body again, constantly invading Cui Yu's body, being transformed and devoured by the innate magical power.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, Cui Yu took Xiang Caizhu back to the house directly.Yu, who was tossing and turning in the heat and couldn't sleep, got up quickly when he heard the movement: "My lord, you're back? Who is she, is it your new slave?"

Yu lit the lamp, looked at the blurred outline of Xiang Caizhu in the dark night, and asked a question.

"Don't dare to be a slave, this is my friend. Go to sleep!" Cui Yu casually touched a piece of ice, placed it in front of Yu's bed, and then recruited Xiang Caizhu into his curtain.

"This is your beautiful female slave? Because of her, Chen Sheng's head was bleeding?" Xiang Caizhu said in a low voice in the dark.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard the words: "I can't see such an arrogant person like him."

Looking at Xiang Caizhu while talking: "Sit quietly."

Cui Yu stretched out his hand, grabbed Xiang Caizhu's arm, and then grasped the opponent's vein.

If you want to shape the divine blood, of course you must start with the veins.Arterial blood circulation is too fast, if you can't grasp it, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

Cui Yu thought about it, recalling the fluctuation of the divine blood in Xiang Yu's body.

Feeling the fluctuation of Xiang Yu's blood, for some reason, Cui Yu suddenly had an intuition in his heart: "Xiang Yu's blood is not perfect, it seems that he can still improve and make up for it."

It was an intuition, almost an instinct, an intuition brought to him by the divine blood in his body.

He has a feeling that Xiang Yu's bloodlines seem to be much worse than his own bloodlines. They are so different that there is no comparison at all.

Thinking in my heart, then the material transformation was activated, and then the power stored in the blood of the gods in the body was released like a tide.

The divine power sealed in the [-] divine blood in Cui Yu's body was exhausted in an instant, and then Xiang Caizhu's body appeared in a wisp of undetectable blood of the ancestors of the Xiang family.

It was not Xiang Yu's ancestral blood of the Xiang family, but the refined ancestral blood of the Xiang family after making up for the defects with the divine blood in his body.

Consuming [-] strands of divine blood to form a single drop of divine blood, the consumption is too great!

At this time, the blood in Xiang Caizhu's body should not be called ancestral blood, it should be called divine blood.

"Consuming the power of [-] strands of divine blood, only one strand of Xiang family's divine blood should be transformed! Is my innate divine blood too low-level? Or is the Xiang family's divine blood too high-level?" Cui Yu was puzzled. .

Forty thousand strands transformed into one strand, this efficiency is a bit too touching.

Looking at Xiang Caizhu on the opposite side, his body was trembling at this time, and a little light yellow light in his eyes dissipated in the darkness, like a firefly: "How do you feel?"

"I feel it! I feel it!" Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu, her voice was excited, but she struggled to speak: "Don't disturb me."

After speaking, Xiang Caizhu sat down cross-legged, pinched her hands in a strange posture, and sat quietly on the bed without moving, even her breathing seemed to have fallen into a stillness.

Seeing Xiang Caizhu's appearance, Cui Yu didn't bother too much, but walked out of the house after a little thought, all the way to the ancient well at the east end of the village, climbed down the well nimbly, and entered the bottom of the well again.

The water-blue beads spit out and turned into a light light to protect them, and then the mighty and strange power surged towards Cui Yu.

Cui Yu took a step forward, pouring divine power into the 'Ding' character bead, a cold wave surged through, turning into a passage of ice under his feet, and then Cui Yu walked in directly.

The farther and faster Cui Yu walks, the quicker the recovery of the divine power in the body, but in just thirty breaths, the power of tens of thousands of divine blood in the body has been fully stored.

Then endless divine power was poured into the Dingzi bead, and infinite divine power was poured into the Dingzi bead, and Cui Yu started a new round of refining the Dingzi bead.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Cui Yu had already walked to the billowing molten pool, looking at the scorching ground fire in the molten pool, a light blue flame was gently burning on the ground fire.

The cold wave that shot out from the orb couldn't cool down the light blue flame when it met it.

So far, Cui Yu's footsteps were blocked in front of the magma.

A mighty and overwhelming strange force swept in, and the light of the water-blue orb in Cui Yu's hand became stronger and stronger, and with the training of the power of divine blood, Cui Yu's control over the orb became more and more handy.

Cui Yu sat quietly in front of the magma, and he found that with the transformation of the divine blood from his body, and into the divine power poured into the orb, the more he controlled the divine blood in his body, the more handy he became.

At the same time, the body seems to be undergoing some kind of tempering.

"What is it on the platform in the middle of the magma that has such a vast strange power? Thanks to my daily absorption of the strange power, otherwise the strange power here will explode, and the whole small village will probably be polluted by the strange power. Even the power of time from the outside world will be triggered." Thousands of thoughts flowed in Cui Yu's mind.

After estimating the time, about five or six hours passed, Cui Yu got up and walked out of the cave, then climbed out of the dry well, and sealed the dry well again: "The well of gods and demons! There is a big secret in Lijia Village. Whether it is the taboo power of time, or the well of gods and demons. That vast inconceivable power is equally shocking."

The east of the outside world has just turned white, and it has not yet brightened. When Cui Yu returned to his house, he saw Xiang Caizhu sitting in front of the window, looking up at the bright moon in the sky without saying a word.

"Are you awake?" Cui Yu came to Xiang Caizhu's side.

"Cui Yu!" Seeing Cui Yu's return, Xiang Caizhu threw herself directly into Cui Yu's arms, her voice full of excitement and choking: "I want to be your wife."

"...Do you want to be my wife? You little bean, wait until the year of the monkey is over?" Cui Yu patted Xiang Caizhu on the back of the head angrily: "How is it?"

"That ray of blood has been preserved. Even with that ray of blood swimming in the body, I can feel a faint power that seems to be moving in the acupoints all over my body." Xiang Caizhu's lips were trembling excitedly, and her voice Trembling constantly.

"This force is like an introduction. Under the combination of inside and outside, it seems that it can attract the potential in my body at any time." Xiang Caizhu said.

Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu, looked at the excited look of the little girl, and rubbed her head: "No hurry! A strand of blood has such power, and if you get her a hundred thousand strands in the future, all the blood in your whole body will be wiped out." Change it again and see what you can do by then."

"By that time, I must be the No.1 of the Xiang family." Xiang Caizhu was full of energy, grinning silly.

"Are you going home today?" Cui Yu asked.

"Of course I won't go back. I'll go back when I awaken my blood." Xiang Caizhu said happily.

"It's fine at my house, but you have to hide it quietly so as not to cause any trouble." Cui Yu said to Xiang Caizhu: "You just practice in the house and don't go anywhere. My parents and little sister rarely come my house."

While talking, Cui Yu's divine power transformed, and once again began to shape the blood for Xiang Caizhu.

Having obtained the bloodline created by Cui Yu, Xiang Caizhu obviously struggled, quietly got into the quilt, and carefully felt the operation of the power of the bloodline.

"Master, who is she?" Nai Yu sat up and looked at Xiang Caizhu with hostility.

"Miss Xiang, the one who collected the rent that day," Cui Yu said.

"Master, why did you kidnap her here?" Yu Wenyan panicked: "If the Xiang family knows about this, our entire Xiaoli Village will be flattened."

"It's alright. Be careful to cover up, don't let your little brother or sister disturb her." Cui Yu comforted Yu, and came to the ancient well again in the dark, and then sneaked into the ancient well to replenish the power of the blood in the body, and then Go out of the village.

He is going to the martial arts hall to practice martial arts, so as to experience the power of martial arts.

And he also felt that he had to practice fighting skills, otherwise he would have supernatural powers in his hands, and once he was approached by someone, he would only be beaten.

Cui Yu's feet are like the wind, and he has arrived at the martial arts hall in an hour.

A martial arts disciple saw Cui Yu yesterday, so of course he didn't dare to stop him. Cui Yu came all the way to the martial arts hall and was going to look for Shilong in the lobby. Hit a full bosom.

The jars and soup spilled all over the floor, and the strong smell of herbs pervaded the martial arts hall. The man hurriedly cleaned up the jars on the ground, and couldn't help yelling: "You don't have eyes! Where do you look when you walk?"

"I'm sorry." Cui Yu hurriedly bent down to help the disciple clean up the crock.

"Hmph, this is the herbal medicine that our distinguished guest asked for, and now you have thrown it away. Later, the master will be held accountable. I can't see that you have been stripped of your skin."

The disciple cursed and raised his head to look at Cui Yu, then he froze and stopped cursing.

Then the whole person seemed to see a ghost, staggered back and fell to the ground, turned around and ran towards the back hall without saying a word.

"Why are you running? Can I still eat you?" Cui Yu felt a little strange when he saw the disciple's expression, and continued to pack the jar with his head down.

Shi Long was playing with two steel ball iron gallbladders in his hands, and there was a touch of anxiety in his eyes.

Beside him, Chen Sheng was also walking back and forth, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

The smell of herbs in the room was strong, and Gao Dasheng, the protector of the Sanjiang Gang, was lying on the sickbed at this time, his face was pale, and there was an unnatural flush.

A doctor is performing needles on Gao Da.

"How is it?" Seeing the doctor pull out the last golden needle, Shi Long stopped turning the iron gallbladder in his hand, and asked quickly.

"It's okay, it's just an internal injury and a few broken ribs, just take a few batches of bone medicine." The doctor disagreed, then wrote a few prescriptions and handed them to Shi Long: "Take the medicine according to the prescription and suffer. Can."

Sent said goodbye and left.

Shi Long ordered people to boil the medicine, and after a while there were rapid coughing sounds from the bed, and Gao Dasheng woke up from a coma.

"Guardian Gao, your martial arts cultivation is considered a first-class expert in the arena. Who hurt you? Beat you like this?" Chen Sheng leaned forward, looked at Gao Dasheng who had a golden face, Couldn't help but ask a question.

"Xiang Mangzi! I met that Xiang Mangzi from the Xiang family! It's unreasonable. He punched me without saying a word. If I didn't jump into the river immediately when I saw the opportunity, that Xiang Mangzi couldn't swim. I'm afraid I'm going to be crushed to death by him." Gao Dasheng smiled wryly.

"Xiang Mangzi? You met Xiang Yu? Why did he hit you? We cleaned up all his hands and feet, and he has no evidence. Why should he hit you?" Chen Sheng was puzzled.

"He is an aristocrat and the future master of Daliang City. Why do you think he has the right to do so? He needs evidence for beating someone? The three religions and powerful forces in Daliang City didn't get punched by him!" Gao Dasheng lay on the bed with a helpless smile.

Hearing this, Chen Sheng and Shi Long looked at each other in blank dismay.


Daliang City belongs to the Xiang family, so does Xiang Yu have a reason for beating people?
"What is the strength of that mangzi? Even you can't take a slap from him?" Shi Long stepped forward and asked with concern.

"I don't know! Very high! Unfathomably high! I can't even take a slap from him, do you think I can see his depth?" Gao Dasheng smiled bitterly.

While the two sides were talking, suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a figure rushed in from the door in a panic.

"You bastard, why did you barge in without knocking?" Shi Long cursed with a gloomy expression when he saw the person coming.

"Master...Master...Fu, I saw...I saw..." The martial arts disciple was panting, his eyes terrified.

"What did you see?" Shi Long couldn't help showing a dignified look in his eyes when he saw that his disciple was as frightened as a bird.This is the big disciple he has carefully cultivated. What could make him panic like this?

"The disciple met that person!" The martial arts disciple panted heavily.

"Chen Chuan, tell me slowly, who did you meet?" Chen Sheng asked.

"It's the one who saved Xiang Caizhu and ruined our affairs. Li Biao was killed by him that day, and we took the opportunity to escape, so we remembered his face." Chen Chuan said out of breath.


After saying this, all three of them were shocked.

"Where is that person?" Gao Dasheng on the bed was about to split his eyes, he slammed the bed board with hatred, touched the wound on his chest, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"It's in the martial arts hall!" Chen Chuan said.

In the martial arts school?
This time it's the turn of the three to be terrified!
All the anger turned into horror!
Why did the opponent appear in the martial arts hall?Could it be that someone saw through the clues, so they came to the door?
Even if I feel that the injury has been dealt with cleanly in my heart, I dare not underestimate the people in the world. What if the other party can really catch any clues?

"The one who comes is not kind, the one who is kind will not come!" Chen Sheng took a deep breath: "The other party must have murderous intentions when he comes to the martial arts hall.

"I can't show my face, I want to hide, this matter must not involve me." Chen Sheng looked at Shi Long with a pair of eyes: "I am here, and the Chen family is here. Even if the martial arts hall is destroyed, in my Chen family's With my support, I will definitely teach you to make a comeback. It’s just a martial arts gym..."

Chen Sheng looked at Shi Long, raised his vigilance in his heart, and his muscles and bones collapsed.As long as Shi Long replied that something was not what he wanted, he immediately erupted and killed Shi Long on the spot.

He himself does not have such skills, but since he was knocked down by Cui Yu last time, his family has prepared many means for him to defend himself.

Although the means of self-defense are precious, but in order not to implicate the Chen family, they don't care too much.

(End of this chapter)

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