Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 281 Death of Nanhua

Chapter 281 Death of Nanhua
The Demon Ancestor chose to escape!
His dharma body is just a true spirit condensed from the depths of time and space, how can it be an opponent of a complete 'heaven'?

All saints are ants, nothing more than this.

The Demon Ancestor wanted to escape, but Master Nanhua refused: "Leave your body and become my law enforcer, and take charge of the order of this world for me, otherwise you will never want to escape today."

Nanhua Daoist had no expression on his face, and suddenly grabbed his palm, the chaos in the void was divided into clear and turbid, and Yin and Yang qi evolved into a silk net, covering Chi You's palm.

The Demon Ancestor saw that his family's way forward was blocked, and the way back was also blocked, but it could be said that there was no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

At this moment, Mo Zu turned his eyes and saw Cui Yu in the distance.

To be precise, it is the heart ape who is constantly exploring the origin of the Kunlun Mountains at Cui Yu's feet.

Cui Yu was taken out of the encirclement by the female demon, and he fainted immediately. Xin Yuan looked at the earth-shattering battle in the distance, and then looked at Cui Yu who had fainted. : "Girl, I don't want you to cheat people like this. You borrowed someone else's body, borrowed someone's sword, and you caused such a big mess, but you didn't know how to solve the trouble. You are an idiot."

He and Cui Yu are connected by life and death, if Cui Yu dies, he will not survive.

After all, he hasn't merged with the Heavenly Demon yet, so he can't live independently.

At this time, seeing Cui Yu sleeping soundly on the battlefield, and being knocked unconscious by the nun, he jumped up angrily.

The nun was on Cui Yu's back, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

What can she do?

There was no way she could.

Being able to escape from Tian's hand is already a blessing in misfortune. Thanks to her current qi being connected to Cui Yu, the Gonggong blood in Cui Yu's body can be stimulated at the critical moment, otherwise she might have confessed on the spot.

The Gonggong blood in Cui Yu's body was exhausted, and he fell into a lethargic sleep, and it would take some time to wake up.

She also wanted to send Cui Yu to a safe place, but she was attacked by the corpse ancestor, so how could she have time to take care of Cui Yu?

Then the female demon's body was attached to Cui Yu's back, and a large amount of divine blood was continuously born to make up for the lack of Gonggong's blood in Cui Yu's body.

At this moment, a black smoke flickered in the void, and before Xin Yuan could react, the black smoke had penetrated into Xin Yuan's body.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! The congenital jade fetus! The congenital jade fetus! This is the embryo that conceived the congenital gods. With this embryo, I can reshape the body of the demon god, and my great demon god Chi You will reappear in the world. What can I do? I, the Great Demon God Chi You, is the most favored cub of Father Heaven!"

The black smoke penetrated into the heart ape's body, and instantly took control of the heart ape's body, and the whole stone body raised its head and laughed wildly.

The next moment Chi You stomped his feet suddenly, and the mighty and infinite power of the earth's turbid evil poured into his body, and at the same time, the dharma realm split open, and countless fresh air fell, which was absorbed by the great demon god Chi You.

Then there was only a 'click' sound, and the stone skin on the surface of Xinyuan cracked, revealing a body of white jade, like a puppy.

"Hahaha, innate body! Innate body! And because of the fusion of the heavenly blood in my body, it has evolved into the legendary bloodline of the tengu." Chi You, the great demon god, controlled the body of the tengu, with a look of ecstasy in his eyes.

"Bastard, this is my body, get out of here quickly." Heart Ape suddenly became unhappy, this is the body it has painstakingly cultivated, it has devoured an unknown amount of beauty, and it has stolen the inside of Cui Yu's small world A body that was carefully cultivated with so much innate energy, but at this time it was taken away by someone?

Not even the Great Demon God Chi You!
Even the rebirth of the Demon Ancestor will not work!
"Huh, there is actually a little devil? Little devil, ridiculous." Chi You used his supernatural powers to swallow the heart ape into his stomach, and merged it into his body: "It's a good supplement. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat."

At this moment, Master Nanhua controlled Huang Tian's incarnation, and chased after Chi You.

At this time, Chi You had obtained an innate body, and his eyes were full of coldness: "I am a heavenly dog ​​in the chaos, I can devour everything in the world, even you evil monsters, I will still devour it for you to see."

Chi You manipulated the body of the Tengu, and in an instant its head swelled infinitely, turning into the size of Mount Tai, and its bloody mouth suddenly opened.

Open its mouth wide and devour everything.

It was as if a black hole opened up, and all the laws were swallowed up within the scope of the mouth.

Even Nanhua's small world domain was bitten by the Tengu, and it bit on Nanhua's palm.


With a crisp sound, accompanied by blood splatter, the palm of Nanhua Daoist Cangtian was bitten off in half, and was swallowed by the dog in one gulp.

"This is my doom! This is my doom!" Nanhua real person looked at the palm that was bitten off, and he couldn't help being stunned: "I seized Huang Tian and wanted to control Huang Tian, ​​how could there be no doom? Tiangou It is the nemesis of all creatures and laws in the world, how can there be tengu in this world? How can there be tengu in this world?"

"It's been so many years since the beginning of the world, how could there be a Tengu?" Nan Hua's eyes were full of disbelief.

The next moment, the palm was stretched out, and the law of infinity converged, moving a mountain, intending to suppress the Tengu.

But who knows the next moment, the dog transformed by Chi You transformed into a shadow, and within a few breaths, the mountain was crushed into pieces and swallowed into his stomach.

Then the dog kept moving that day, and continued to bite Nan Hua.

Nanhua Daoist was expressionless, he just raised one finger and swiped towards the void, the barrier between the dharma realm and the real world was broken, and the two fell into the dharma realm together.

In the Dharma Realm, the air of chaos circulated, and the chaotic laws of order rolled up chaotic storms. The two fought together while breathing, and in a short while, the laws in the Dharma Realm were chaotic, and waves of chaos were rolled up in the chaos.

After thirty breaths, Master Nanhua stood still in the Dharma Realm, and Tengu also stabilized his body in the Dharma Realm.

At this time, Nan Hua's body was like a bubble, gradually shattering and cracking, his eyes looked at the real world, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes: "Returning to Huang Tian, ​​joining Huang Tian, ​​this is my destiny."

"Hahaha, this world will belong to me from now on, and my Great Demon God, Chi You, will devour the entire world."

Chi You was also having a hard time, he was beaten out of his head, his snow-white brains were dripping, and he limped and turned around to walk towards the real world.

"Heaven will not give up ruling this world. The sky is just growing up in a deep sleep, and has not yet awakened. When the sky wakes up, it will be the time for you to be destroyed." Following the words of Nanhua Zhenren, his body completely shattered and disappeared into the chaos .

Master Nanhua had already foreseen his doom, but who would have thought that he would return to Huang Tian in this way.

"It's a pity. My Huang Tiantian has just been born, and I haven't opened my eyes yet. Otherwise, how can a mere tengu defeat my dharmakaya." Nanhua Zhenren's voice was full of regret, and disappeared into the Dharma Realm: "The Great Thousand World is indeed full of wonders. , there is still a tengu being conceived, could it be the backhand left by the gods of the prehistoric world?"

"Bastard, you give me back my body! You give me back my body!" Chi You didn't take a few steps in the Dharma Realm, when suddenly he heard an angry curse coming from inside his body, his left foot suddenly didn't obey, and he staggered and fell into a dog Eat shit.

"Impossible, you have been swallowed by me and become a part of me, why are you still alive?" Chi You was stunned when he saw Xin Yuan who was fighting for control of his body.

He was clearly sure that that little devil had already been refined by him?How are you still alive?

How dangerous is it that one's own body has another consciousness to control?

Chi You's voice was full of uncertainty.

"Hmph, so what if you're an ancient demon god? I'm immortal! Dog, you're in big trouble! If you fuse with me, it's like merging with the curse, and some people will play with it in the future." Heart Ape gloated and scolded He said: "You are really good demon god. By merging with you, I am merging with the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon. No, you are a hundred times stronger than the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon. Now I finally have my own body, and I can run around the world. .I have finally evolved into a Demon Lord."

"Get out of here, this is my body." Chi You became anxious immediately, and began to use his supernatural powers, trying to drive Xin Yuan out.

But now that the two have merged into one, how can they get out?

"You're just holding one paw, don't even think about making trouble for me." But seeing Chi You controlling the dog's body, the three legs landed on the ground, and limped towards the real world.

Let's say that Chi You and Nan Hua were fighting in the chaos, and it seemed that the winner was decided in only thirty breaths, but in the real world, an hour had already passed.

in the real world

As Nanhua Zhenren and Tiangou entered the Dharma Realm, the entire Kunlun Mountain suddenly fell silent.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Suddenly there was a loud laugh, and King Zhou You got up from the ground without knowing when, his eyes were looking at the field, and his voice was full of complacency.

Laughter resounded unscrupulously in the mountains, making everyone present shudder, even Cui Yu, who had passed out, could not help but wake up at this time.

"What happened?" Cui Yu opened his eyes blankly, he didn't know anything about what Nuba manipulated his body.

I just feel that my body is sore, as if I have been crushed tens of thousands of times.

Taotao's divine blood is constantly forming, pouring into Gonggong's blood, and the blood of helping Gonggong is constantly recovering.

"Why did my Gonggong bloodline consume so much?"

Cui Yu's eyes were full of disbelief.

Looking at the Kunlun Mountains in the distance, it was like being gnawed by a dog. The mountains were flattened and swayed between the mountains empty.

Cui Yu sat up quietly, looked around with his eyes, and immediately noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"Where are the Dragon Riding Guards!" But Zhou Tianzi yelled, resounding through the mountains.

"Yes." The voice of the dragonriding guards was full of passion.

"All the Qi practitioners in Kunlun Mountain were captured by the lonely king." Zhou Tianzi was full of spirit.


Following Tianzi Zhou's order, the dragonrider imperial army moved with a loud noise, chasing after the Qi trainer in the distance.

"Ghosts and gods from all walks of life, please show up." Zhou Tianzi slowly took out a piece of yellow cloth juan from his sleeve, with a smug look in his eyes.

Then the void twisted, and inexplicable breaths appeared in the field.

If you look at it with the naked eye, the void in front of you is empty, and you can't see any clues, but if you look at the Dharma Realm, you can see energy bodies appearing in the Dharma Realm, surrounded by golden light, just like ancient gods and demons descending into the world.

"You ghosts and gods, dare to violate the covenant of Zhengyi ghosts and gods, and betray my Dazhou oath, what should I do?" King Zhou You tidied up his messy clothes, his eyes full of complacency.

He won!
Big week wins!

Although the victory was somewhat inexplicable, it was Da Zhou who won after all.

Now that Da Zhou has won, he will naturally reap the spoils.

The ghosts and gods from all walks of life were silent, and they all said nothing.

"My ancestors and kings of the Great Zhou Dynasty treated you well. They told you to be in charge of one side and enjoy the incense and luck of a country. Why did you have the heart to betray the Great Zhou?" King Zhou You raised his head and questioned.

"Since ancient times, the power of kings has been bestowed by gods. How can we be convinced that the king is above ghosts and gods?" At this moment, an ancient god spoke, his voice was full of unwillingness: "Ghosts and gods are also good. No matter how powerful you are, to your Ji family, they are nothing more than randomly recruited servants. Your Majesty asked why we resisted? We have the power to surpass all living beings, but we still have to submit to you, an ordinary king. You told me to wait How can you be willing?"

"Now that we are defeated, we should accept punishment as a matter of course. Why are we talking superfluously? If there is any means, just use it." Dongyue Mountain God's voice was full of unwillingness: "It's a pity that there are more demon gods Changes, otherwise you will definitely die today. The sky of Dazhou will also suffer heavy losses."

"You ghosts and gods, reduce your incense and salary for 300 years, and work for my Great Zhou for 300 years. You must not slack off in your duties. If there is any slack, the lonely king will liquidate it with you." Zhou Tianzi took out the covenant of Zhengyi ghosts and gods, He began to write again, and re-established the contract: "In the future, you must be respectful and responsive to my Great Zhou royal family, and you must not be disobedient or contradictory. Otherwise, you will die under the karma of ghosts and gods, and you will never be able to stand up forever."

King Zhou You scanned all the ghosts and gods in the Dharma Realm with his eyes: "This contract, you can just sign it. If you dare to say no, you will definitely die under the red lotus fire, and you will never be reborn forever."

"King Zhou You, I've had enough. I waited for ghosts and gods to be raised by nature, and I was born to be above all living beings, but I was deceived and deceived by your Great Zhou royal family, and signed a covenant with ghosts and gods. I have been driving them for 5000 years, and I can't be idle day and night. You directly Burn me to death, even if my soul is scattered forever and I will never be reborn forever, I will never drive you Da Zhou again. If you can't be free, what's the use of numbness?" A ghost stood up and glared at King Zhou You, The voice was full of anger.

ps: The little author asks for a subscription, please pity the poor child.It's a ball~~~ woo woo woo~~~ Let's eat it~~~

(End of this chapter)

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