Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 284 Broken Covenant of Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 284 Broken Covenant of Ghosts and Gods
"The magic weapon is good, but it's a pity that the supernatural power is too poor. I am a born god, and I was born to rule the five elements. Although you have a god-killing gun, your cultivation level is too far from mine." Peacock looked at Wu Qi who was being suppressed, and couldn't help shaking Shaking his head, a pair of eyes looked at King Zhou You, who was killing all directions. The five elements in his palm evolved in the next moment, and a world of five elements was born, and fell towards King Zhou You: "Seal."

He wants to use the seal to seal King Zhou You.

Looking at the world of the five elements falling down, King Zhou You shrank his pupils, knowing that the other party's five elements technique had reached the state of perfection, and he could open up the world of the five elements with a thought.If I accidentally fall into it, I am afraid that there will be no chance of escape, and I will be sealed by the opponent's five elements.

At the next moment, King Zhou You's energy changed, and the power of the heavens circulated around him. The power of the five elements fell into King Zhou You's three feet, and it was actually used by him, turning into a stream of five elements' essence.

"The power of heaven is indeed difficult to deal with." The Peacock King thought in his heart, and the power of the earth's magnetism was activated, wanting to use the same move to deal with King Zhou You.

But the peacock's earth magnetism had just approached King Zhou You, and it had already been assimilated and shattered by the domain in front of King Zhou You.

Then King Zhou You glanced at Peacock with a sneer: "[-]% of the supernatural powers in this world are useless to me. No supernatural power can work before my heavenly power."

The next moment King Zhou You gave birth to a pair of arms under his ribs, directly breaking through the power of the five elements around him, and took it towards the peacock opposite: "The power of heaven is not in the five elements, not in yin and yang, but it is specially designed to restrain you. .”

While talking, the beast claw has broken through the void and came to the peacock.

Peacock's pupils shrank: "What a power of heaven."

"Move the mountain." With Peacock's order, the void twisted, and five mountains were uprooted, and they smashed towards King Zhou You and the ministers behind King Zhou You.

King Zhou You's pupils shrank. Facing this kind of material attack, his heavenly power was really not enough.

King Zhou You roared, and nine heads grew out of his head, and the nine heads were like heaven and earth, and they even held the five mountains in their mouths.

"Suppress me!"

At this moment, the Buddha's seal formed in the hands of the Buddha, which turned into six luminous mantras, pierced the void, and suppressed King You of that week.

"Kenma, you put rice red."

The six-character mantra turned into a beam of law, which broke through King Zhou You's heavenly domain and suppressed King Zhou You's back.

At this time, King Zhou You was a little tired of dealing with the sages, peacocks, Fo Laos and others joining forces.

Especially that horn, which involved the power of the sky in the Dharma Realm, so that King Zhou You was suppressed by three points of his strength.

King You of Zhou was blessed with the power of ghosts and gods. Facing the siege of the crowd, although he was tired of coping, he did not see defeat.

"You can't defeat me. I have the blessings of the gods. The mountains and rivers of the entire Zhou Dynasty provide me with infinite power all the time. I am already invincible." King Zhou You was expressionless, and his sleeves suddenly rolled away. In the next moment, countless ghosts and gods murmured, and the six-character bright post of the Buddha and the Elder collapsed directly, and was shattered by the divine power of all of you.

Seeing this scene, Buddha's expression also changed, his eyes searched subconsciously, and then his eyes fell on Cui Yu who was watching the excitement.

"What do you think I'm doing." Cui Yu couldn't help but tremble when he was stared at by the old Buddha, and his complexion changed, making an expression of what do you think I'm doing.

Elder Buddha looked at Cui Yu, and his voice quietly rang in Cui Yu's ear: "Teacher must have a way to break this man's tricks. If I don't destroy the covenant with ghosts and gods, I won't be able to take him down. When it comes to liquidation in the future, no one will try to run away. "

Cui Yumazhuo, you big shots can't help but make a covenant with ghosts and gods, what can I do?
Cui Yu spread out his hands, showing a helpless expression, expressing that he was powerless to help.

Seeing this, Fo Lao looked disappointed, and looked at Zhou Tianzi who was getting more and more brave as he fought, his whole head was as big as a bucket.

That Zhou Tianzi had a world of three feet all over his body, and there was no way to invade it, and the means of all the saints and supernatural powers were completely ineffective against Zhou Tianzi.

At this time, Zhang Jiao was restrained by the power of the heavenly position behind Zhou Tianzi, and for a while he fought endlessly with the heavenly law of the dharma realm.Buddha and Lao were also helpless in the face of Zhou Tianzi, and the Qibao Miaoshu couldn't penetrate that Zhou Tianzi was three feet around him.

I saw Zhou Tianzi punching and kicking, and the power of the gods blessed him, so that Buddha and Lao had no choice but to defend.

Although the peacock used the magnetism of the earth and the power of the five elements to trap Tianzi Zhou in a corner, it couldn't do anything for Tianzi Zhou.

For a moment, the saints were also trembling with fear, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet and try their best to restrain Zhou Tianzi's power.

However, Tianzi Zhou is invincible at this time, as long as it continues to delay, Tianzi Zhou defeated the saints and suppressed Peacock and others with his backhand, it was just a matter of gestures.

Seeing that the people were gradually losing ground under Zhou Tianzi's attack, they suddenly heard a roar from the sky: "My ancestor, I have lived for so many years, and I have never suffered such a big loss. "

Chi You controlled the body of Tiangou, rushed out of the Dharma Realm, and bit through the three-foot-wide Dharma Domain of Zhou Tianzi with one bite, and bit on the sleeve of Zhou Tianzi.

Chi You is a demon god, and he was also a demon god in the quasi-sage realm before his death. Even if there is only one hand left, it is the hand of a quasi-sage.

Moreover, Chi You also took the mind and ape's painstaking efforts to polish it, and swallowed the entire Kunlun's divine and beautiful aura, as well as the innate body formed by countless small worlds that opened up the heavens and the turbid aura.

Coupled with the unique law of Tiangou, Chi You is endowed with unique supernatural powers.

He actually ignored the power of heaven and bit the sleeve of King Zhou You.

King Zhou You was taken aback, and struggled subconsciously, only to hear a 'click', and King Zhou You's sleeve was ripped off.

Torn off along with the sleeves, there were also some fragments of the covenant with Zheng Yi ghosts and gods.

The covenant of a ghost and a god was bitten to pieces by Chi You!

The covenant of Zhengyi ghosts and gods was actually bitten into pieces, can you believe it?
The covenant of a ghost and a god is broken!

Everyone had no choice but to make a covenant with ghosts and gods, but was bitten to pieces by the dog transformed by Chi You.

King Zhou You was stunned, Buddha was stunned, and Peacock was also stunned.

All the sages, as well as the powerhouses from all walks of life, were all stunned in place.

A pair of eyes stared blankly at King Zhou You and Chi You who was full of bewilderment.


Then there was a loud bang, and the entire Zhengyi Ghostshen Covenant was blown to pieces.

King Zhou You's clothes were blown to pieces.

For a moment, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves sounded, and thousands of rivers and mountains cheered. Countless ghosts and gods were free, and they couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahaha, the covenant of Zhengyi ghosts and gods is broken! The constraints that bound us are finally gone."

"It's been 5000 years, and I've been driven by Da Zhou for 5000 years, and now I'm finally free."

"Da Zhou! Emperor Zhou! I want your blood to pay!"

"King Wen of Zhou, I want to destroy your ancestral temple and your incense!"

"King Wen of Zhou, I want you to die without a place to bury you."


Ghosts and wolves howled in the sky and earth, and terrifying demonic energy criss-crossed among the mountains and rivers.

Heluo rolled up the waves, and some ghosts and gods were freed, swallowing the passing boats in one gulp, feasting to celebrate their escape from the control of Da Zhou.

There are also ghosts and gods who directly opened their mouths and swallowed up a village, and the people of the entire village became the food of the evil spirits.

In the middle of the human race, China, a series of strange and powerful evil spirits surged into the sky. For a time, the entire land of China was bloody and bloody, and countless tragedies occurred at the same time.

"This is it?" Cui Yu looked at the strange aura that permeated the world, the aura of grandeur in the world was suppressed by three points out of thin air by the ghostly aura between the heaven and the earth, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in a layer of blood and black mist.

"You broke the covenant of Zhengyi ghosts and gods, and you have caused great disaster." King Zhou You looked at the ghosts and gods who had lost their shackles, and couldn't help but change color: "The ghosts and gods in the world were originally the most powerful evil gods in the world 5000 years ago. .With the restraint of this alliance of ghosts and gods, our human race can have peace for 5000 years. Now that the alliance of ghosts and gods is broken, and the weirdness between heaven and earth has lost its restraint, I'm afraid you will suffer the consequences yourself."

"The covenant of Zhengyi ghosts and gods not only restrains the gods, but also suppresses at least [-]% of the strength of ghosts and gods from all walks of life. Now that you break the covenant of Zhengyi ghosts and gods and release that terrifying monster, even if I perish in the future, the human race It will also fall again." King Zhou You stood on the top of the mountain, his whole body was turbulent, and the mighty aura permeated the sky and the earth.

Although he lost the covenant with Zhengyi ghosts and gods, and lost the blessings of the gods, he still has the power of the heavens.

If it comes to heads-up, he is still invincible!

He is invincible!
Looking at the strange aura rising from the sky, Chi You's eyes were filled with ecstasy: "Hahaha! The devil energy is good! The devil energy is good! I, Chi You, are the biggest strangeness in the sky and the earth, and I am the biggest devil god. "

"Why are all of you frowning? I was born in a strange world, and I am the only one who will prosper in the way of magic. My way of magic will rise again!"

Chi You's body changed for a while, from a dog's body to a human's, looking frantically at the demon energy surging between the heaven and the earth.

"You surrender to me, and I will give you eternal life, and give you eternity. The way of heaven is mighty, and only I, the way of demons, will prosper." Chi You laughed wildly, and his laughter was full of pride.

Seeing the arrogance of Chi You, all Qi practitioners from all walks of life changed their complexions wildly at this moment, with a hint of bitterness in their eyes.

Anyone can see that Chi You and everyone are definitely not in the same group.

Moreover, Chi You's aura was stronger than that of Zhou Tianzi.

"In heaven and earth, I, Chi You, am the only one. I, the Great Demon God Chi You, is famous through the ages, and I, the Great Demon God Chi You, will live forever in this world, immortal and immortal." Chi You laughed wildly, and the next moment directly shot at Emperor Zhou.

Chi You was not stupid, he could tell that among all the people present, only Zhou Tianzi was the biggest threat to him.

Chi You is also most afraid of monsters like Tian.

So Chi You didn't say a word, changed the seal formula in his hand, and attacked Zhou Tianzi in an instant: "The master of the devil."

Accompanied by the wave of Chi You's seal formation with both hands, the void collapsed in the next moment, and the seal formula went straight to suppress Zhou Tianzi.

Zhou Tianzi had the power of heaven in his body at this time, so he was not easy to provoke.The law of the three feet of void is distorted, constantly suppressing Chi You's suppressed power.

"Soldiers attack the land!"

The seal in Chi You's hand kept changing, and with the second seal, the fluctuation pierced through the void, broke through the law of the sky, and came in front of Zhou Tianzi. Cracks appeared on his body.

If it weren't for the blessing of the power of the sky, Zhou Tianzi would have been torn apart by a certain blow.

"The Demon of World Destroyer."

Chi You changed the seal formula with both hands, and saw another terrifying seal formula cast, the turbid air of the earth turned into twelve pillars, trapped King Zhou You in them, and even surrounded King Zhou You like a bird in a cage. Can't break free from it.

Accompanied by the appearance of the twelve pillars, waves of fluctuations emerged in the void, and twelve terrifying phantoms of demon gods flickered inside the pillars in the haze.

"Du Tian Shen Sha's big formation." Chi You set up a large formation in the void at this time, and unexpectedly trapped Emperor Zhou in it: "Use the divine power of the heavens."

Then I saw Chi You manipulating the pillar, constantly drawing the terrifying energy projected from the sky behind King Zhou You.

Chi You actually forcibly stole the power of the sky, and wanted to use the power of the sky to perfect the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals by himself.

Facing the supernatural power of the great demon god Chi You, at this moment Zhou Tianzi couldn't resist.

The heavens are asleep, and the power that comes down is limited after all.The power sent down from the sky is to let Zhou Tianzi mobilize the power of the gods, not to use the power of the sky to fight against the enemy.

Seeing that his own projection was suppressed, the power of the sky was being stolen continuously, and the hazy figures inside the twelve pillars of turbid evil energy began to become clear, Chi You couldn't help laughing wildly at the sky.

As long as he can form the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, he will be able to sweep the world and release the other suppressed bodies.

At that time, I will have the two dharma forms of Chi You, the Great Demon God and Tiangou, and I will also have the help of the Twelve Capitals, the gods and demons. As long as "Heaven" does not rush out of the Dharma Realm to smash the chessboard, I will be invincible at that time.

He, Chi You, the Great Demon God, is invincible in the world.

Even if the sky is resurrected, but after thousands of years of the great war, it is no problem for him to escape if he can't beat it.

I saw that as Chi You slapped King Zhou You with his palm, a phantom of 'Heaven' was constantly forced out of King Zhou You's body.

"This is the Great Demon God sealed in the Kunlun Mountains. Don't allow it to succeed. Once this beast suppresses the sky in Zhou Tianzi's body and steals the power of the sky, we are all in bad luck." At the critical moment, Zhang Jiao was still awake. Yes, he gave up the power to stop the sky, turned around and slapped Du Tian Shen Sha with his palm.

"Chi You Great Demon God?" The old monk's complexion changed wildly, and there was a bad memory in his eyes. The next moment, the divine light of the Seven Treasure Tree flashed in his hand, and he suppressed it towards the gods of that city:

"Everyone, don't panic. The old monk knows that this is a flaw in the formation of the gods and demons. Later, when I stop the formation of the gods and demons, you must take action to suppress the Great Demon God Chi You." The light shrouded, and then he walked into the legal domain unhurriedly. The next moment, the seven treasure tree in his hand turned into seven Hongguang, and suppressed it towards a place where the energy gathered in the center of the big formation.

"Seven Treasure Tree?" Chi You looked at the divine light that suppressed the formation, his whole complexion changed, a bad feeling came to his heart, he quickly stretched out his hand, and punched the old monk.

But it's too late to act now.

Zhang Jiao, who was outside the big formation, dropped his paw, and one of the pillars collapsed instantly, turning into a turbid and evil spirit, and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"Do you dare to destroy the Godly Demon Formation?" Chi You saw that the Divine Demon Formation was suppressed, and his whole body became impatient.

At this moment, the colorful divine lights behind the peacock flowed and turned into five mountains. The five mountains connected into a large formation, descending from the void, and trapped Chi You in it in an instant.

"Indestructible true body!"

Under the pressure of the Five Elements Mountain, Chi You's body glowed with a bronze luster accompanied by the terrifying power of the earth's magnetism, and the next moment Chi You roared, the mountains and rivers under his feet began to shake, and the Five Elements Mountain was forcibly overturned.

"Many people bully few people? If it weren't for this innate body, I'm afraid I'm going to fall down today." The next moment, Chi You turned into superhuman and six-armed, and his six arms formed seals, constantly attacking enemies from all directions.


The sage made a move, and the ruler landed on Chi You's copper-skinned and iron-skinned bones, but the copper-skinned and iron-skinned bones could not be affected.

"The heavens are furious." King Zhou You gradually regained his vitality. Looking at Chi You, who was flying across the world and facing the siege of all heroes without falling into a disadvantage, a terrifying flame began to condense in his hand.

Accompanied by the terrifying flames condensing, the sky and the earth suddenly turned dark yellow, and strange winds and sands blew in the void.

The wind and sand contained a kind of terrifying power, which actually dazzled Chi You's eyes.

ps: Sorry, I just finished writing today.

(End of this chapter)

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