Chapter 30
"Really? What's different?" Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu in surprise.

Xiang Caizhu pondered for a while when she heard the words, and then said: "The bloodline you transformed for me is stronger than the bloodline I awakened myself!"

Speaking of this, Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu very seriously: "It is much stronger, so pure that it is close to the power of law. If there is ancestral blood in the blood of the Xiang family, this power must be infinitely close to ancestral blood."

Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu with wide eyes: "I can only accept one strand."

"What can only accept one strand?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"It means that my body is too fragile, and your transformed power can only withstand three strands of force. Once it exceeds three strands, my body will explode, and my meridians will be exploded by that force." Xiang Cai Zhu stared at Cui Yu with wide eyes.

"Then you can go home tomorrow." Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu with a smile.

Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu with big eyes: "Cui Yu, can you go home with me?"

"Of course I want to go home with you. Not only do I want to go home with you, I also want to deal with the troubles of the Chen family." Cui Yu patted Xiang Caizhu on the head, and then used his divine power to reshape Xiang Caizhu blood.

Seeing Xiang Caizhu being drowsy again, Cui Yu walked out of the room and saw Cui Huhu making jerky.

Seeing Cui Yu walk out, he put down his hands and said, "Boy, come here, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter, Dad?" Cui Yu stretched out his hand with a smile, and helped Dad roast the meat.

The dried meat is smoked with pine wood, and the whole yard smells good.

"Let me ask you, have you committed crimes?" Cui Huhu looked at Cui Yu seriously.

"What did dad say, what kind of person I am, don't you know?" Cui Yu was stunned.

"Because I know what kind of person you are, I'm worried that your sword will go too far. You dare to fight even Chen Sheng. What else are you afraid to do? That is the polished rice that nobles can eat, and there is a whole bag of it , Where did you come from? If you don't tell me clearly, I won't dare to eat this bag of rice." Cui Huhu looked serious.

Looking at Cui Huhu's face, Cui Yu smiled: "Father, don't be so serious. What about the gentry? They are human beings, but they are just people with a group of powerful forces. They will also suffer from old age, sickness and death, so what is there to be afraid of? As the saying goes: princes and generals, would you rather have kindness?"


The knife in Cui Huo's hand fell to the ground, his eyes widened, staring at Cui Yu, his whole body trembling.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Cui Huhu's expression, Cui Yu quickly stepped forward to help him.

"How can you have such rebellious thoughts? Princes, generals, emperors and nobles are born, blessed by ghosts and gods, appointed by the gods, granted by the emperor of Zhou, and ordered by God. Princes and generals have their own seeds, and I am a prince , your son is naturally a prince. You were born in a commoner’s family, so your son is naturally a commoner! Your descendants are naturally a commoner. This iron rank has existed since ancient times, and it is determined by heaven.” Cui Huhu looked livid at this time:

"If you dare to have such a rebellious idea, you will definitely cause trouble in the future, involving your little sister and brother, and even the whole family. Take this bag of polished rice back. Where did you get it? Where to get it, we civilians dare not eat it."

"If you dare to have such rebellious thoughts again, I'm afraid this family won't be able to tolerate you! Last time you provoked Chen Sheng, you almost ruined your family. Now that you don't know how to repent, it's nothing more than offending you even more. If you continue, this family Everyone will be killed by you. How arrogant is your second brother Yang, who has to be wronged to be an adulterer for a female family member because of you? Don't you know you are wrong? How many people have you killed will you know your mistake! But It’s just a female slave, so what if I send it out?” Cui Huhu waited for Cui Yu: “As a commoner, the most important thing is to keep one’s place.”

Cui Yu heard this and looked at Cui Huhu with a livid face, but couldn't say a word, just said: "Understood."

Then he walked out of the yard with the bag of corn on his shoulders.

What can he say?
Thinking has solidified!
He couldn't reason with Cui Huhu.

The minds of the two sides are separated by a generation gap of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Seeing Cui Yu carrying Mi Yuan away, Yang Erlang put down the barbecue in his hand, and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "Uncle calm down, the younger brother is still young, so don't criticize him. With the eldest lady here, even if he breaks through in Daliang City Misfortune can be avoided."

"That scoundrel is becoming more and more lawless. He dares to compare himself with those noble lords. He really doesn't know what to do. If this continues, this family will be killed by him sooner or later." Cui Huhu's chest trembled in anger.

Cui Yu went out of the village, randomly filled the Qiankun bag with sand from half a hill, and filled the Qiankun bag with several tons of river water, then got up and walked towards the dry well.

"Foolish thinking! Do you really think the Chen family will let us go? Since we have already committed a crime, of course we must deal with it ruthlessly."

Cui Yu came all the way down the well, and then came all the way to the melting pool, the overwhelming strange force invaded, and Cui Yu poured the strange force into the universe bag, and the countless sands in the universe bag turned into corn .Transform the river water into Maotai in his memory, and then start to call it a day, studying martial arts cheats and making iron hands.

After spending an hour getting the food, Cui Yu began to recall the technique of making iron hands.

As for the possibility that the iron smelter may have been tampered with, would Cui Yu care?
He has the strange power to reincarnate, and has the great supernatural power to bring the dead back to life. Even if something goes wrong in practice, he can repair it with a single thought.

"This place is simply a paradise for practicing kung fu." Cui Yu stood in the burrow, took out the iron pot bought from Daliang City from his Qiankun bag, and transformed the limestone on the ground into iron sand for practicing kung fu.

As well as the 35 medicinal herbs that the Iron Smelter needs to assist, Cui Yu directly transformed them with substances, turning the stones on the ground into piles of medicinal herbs.

"The iron sand needed to practice the iron hand is divided into three grades. The first grade is the green sand that was calcined from the real fire of Samadhi according to the ancient legend. The second grade is the iron sand smelted from natural places such as magma. The third grade is the mortal Ordinary iron sand is forged with hammers in the blacksmith furnace." Cui Yu recalled Shilong's words, looked at the lime powder on the ground, and countless thoughts circulated.

Shi Long just recited the secret book to him, and then explained it. Cui Yu naturally knew the characteristics of the sand calcined in the real fire of Samadhi.

Although he has not seen the Samadhi God Sand forged in the Samadhi True Fire, but according to which characteristics, it can be directly endowed through material transformation.

The samadhi god sand is a god object, calcined by the samadhi real fire, it is the essence of fire, possessing all kinds of incredible powers, if you want to turn ordinary limestone into samadhi god sand through material transformation, the divine power you need is also called It is massive.

Even standing on the edge of the lava, the overwhelming divine power couldn't satisfy his needs.

"One drop of divine blood needs forty-eight thousand strands of divine blood, but one drop of divine blood can only transform into one grain of samadhi sand." Cui Yu looked at the limestone in the iron pot, wondering how many trillions of grains there are, all of which need to be transformed into samadhi Shensha, I don't know how long the year of the monkey will be.

A pair of eyes looked at the hot lava, and Cui Yu looked at the magic bead in his hand: "This bead can emit extreme cold power. I wonder if it can freeze the hot lava underground and extinguish the flames in the lava."

Thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and he recalled the manipulative formula of body beads in his mind, and set his eyes on the word 'fix'. Then, the divine power in his body was running, coupled with the overwhelming blessing of divine power from the outside world, Cui Yu managed to arouse a little bit of it. With the power of the orb, I saw the character '定' on the orb shoot out a clear blue light, I saw that blue light shoot into the hot magma, the magma was frozen in an instant, and the hot flame under the magma was crushed by the ice go down.

The ice is crystal clear and as thick as a palm. Through the magma, one can see the magma flowing under the ice. It is resisting the power of the ice and continuously melting the extreme cold power of the ice.

"Successful! The underground flame needs at least thirty breaths to melt the ice." Seeing this, Cui Yu took a step and stepped on the ice.


Cui Yu only felt his body tremble, he just took a step on the ice, and then an indescribable strange force shot out from the ice under his feet and poured into Cui Yu's body.

The strange power that poured into Cui Yu's body at this time was a hundred times that of the one on the shore.

The overwhelming and mighty strange power was transformed into divine blood by talent, and then facing the power of the landslide and tsunami, Cui Yu almost instinctively poured it into the orb in his hand.

But even so, the meridians in Cui Yu's body were shattered one after another, and turned into a mass of mud in an instant, and was blown into porridge by the extreme cold force, and his whole body was extremely twisted, and his internal organs were turned into flesh by the tremendous divine power The mud, and that force continued to erupt, shattering Cui Yu into particles and completely erasing it from the world.

Fortunately, Cui Yu's thoughts changed, and after he noticed a landslide and tsunami-like force erupting in his body, he activated the great supernatural power 'returning the dead'.

A dozen of them were brought back to life and thrown up!

Then Cui Yu's body, which was about to explode, was instantly enveloped by a strange force.Even the divine power pouring down from under his feet turned into a docile sheep in the face of the power covering Cui Yu's whole body.

In an instant, Cui Yu's incalculable divine power was consumed, and then Cui Yu completed his rebirth in a single thought.

"Bring the dead back to life!"

Seeing the end of the first resurrection from the dead, Cui Yu activated the resurrection from the dead again without even thinking about it.

That force is simply not something he can resist!

Cui Yu originally thought that when the resurrection was over, the mighty and boundless divine power would definitely continue pouring in.

But something that shocked Cui Yu happened, a strange fluctuation emanated from the high platform, and the manic strange power suddenly quieted down.

Yes, it's quiet down.

Although the strange power poured under his feet was still mighty, as if the landslide was unstoppable, it didn't hurt Cui Yu at all, just like a gust of wind blowing, which strange force took the initiative to cooperate with Cui Yu's swallowing.

Even the ground fire under his feet stopped rolling, and all the flames and magma solidified, turning into rocks in the blink of an eye.

Cui Yu was stunned on the spot, holding the orb in his hand, not knowing what to do for a while.

He was a little confused about the situation at this time.

Why did all the strange powers change their attitude after he used the resurrection from the dead?

That feeling like turning into a lick dog?
Yes, just become a licking dog.It's not a cruel attack, but a gentle cooperation, actively cooperating with Cui Yu to devour.

Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes looked at the stone platform not far away, but it was still foggy and he couldn't see clearly.

Cui Yu stood on the rock, and wanted to take another step in his heart, but there seemed to be a barrier in the air, blocking his steps.

Cui Yu stood where he was, feeling the endless divine power pouring into his body, and quickly thought about his current situation.

"Is the strange power here spiritual? Has its own consciousness?" Cui Yu felt the warm and strange power in the air, and a bold guess came to his mind.

"No matter what, since the other party didn't harm me, it's a good thing." Cui Yu poured endless divine power into the bead, and then allocated part of the divine power to transform the iron sand.

It seems that he felt Cui Yu's need for strange power, which kind of strange power increased the output, and in an incredible way, it ignored Cui Yu's body and poured directly into his soul.

To be precise, it was poured directly into his gold finger.

Then, within a quarter of an hour, there was already a pot of Samadhi sand in front of Cui Yu.

Even the various medicinal materials needed to practice the iron hand have all been transformed.

Then Cui Yu directly poured the strange power into the orb, and did not mention the sacrifice of the orb. Standing in front of the iron sand, he began to recall the training process of the iron forger.

"If you want to practice Wulei Iron Hands, the first step is to 'enter the extreme'. Use iron sand to continuously exercise your palms, so that your palms will continue to transform again and again. Finally, you can control the pores of your palms and absorb the energy of iron sand. .”

Because it is necessary to absorb the gas of iron sand, the quality of iron sand is very important, which is related to the future power of the iron smelter.

"There are two crucial steps to practice Wulei Iron Hands. The first step is to breathe, and use the breath to mobilize the blood in the body. The second step is the liquid medicine. Practicing with iron sand will inevitably damage the muscles, bones and skin, and the medicine The liquid will heal the wounds of the human body. If you forge the iron, you can control the pores to absorb the golden and iron air between the heaven and the earth, and then the breathing method can adjust the air mechanism in it."

"If you want to reach the extreme, there are 36 movements, and you have to cooperate with 36 breathing rhythms. There must be no mistakes at all."

Thinking of this, Cui Yu confirmed that it was correct, and stepped forward in front of the iron sand, then twisted his waist and hips, stretched out a pair of yellowed palms, suddenly inserted into the iron sand, and stirred in the iron sand.

He has the supernatural power of bringing the dead back to life, so he doesn't have to look forward and backward, afraid of hurting the meridians, or directly crippling his palms.

"It doesn't even need to be soaked in medicinal liquid to repair it at all. My revival technique can directly repair the damaged palm." A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and then he took a deep breath. According to the breathing method taught by the other party, the palm quickly Stir-fry, and then Cui Yu's brain went blank, only a consciousness flickered in his mind: "It's hot! It's hot! The palms are probably going to be cooked."

(End of this chapter)

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