Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 303 Because of love!

Chapter 303 Because of love!
There is no way to choose Tang Zhou.

The most important thing was that Tang Zhou had already told himself many things without asking a price.

Tang Zhou was so scheming, how could he leave such a loophole?
This must have been left by Tang Zhou intentionally!
In the world of big shots, many things are not explained too thoroughly.You need to analyze from the clues, to analyze the psychology of big shots.

"What is he going to tell me?" Cui Yu was thoughtful.

Cui Yu thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

"Didn't you plant a demon in Tang Zhou's heart? What was Tang Zhou thinking?" Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan with puzzled eyes.

"The imperial court wants to use the old Confucian scholars to fight against the general trend of Confucianism. The imperial court wants to support a Confucian sage, use it to check and balance the ritual sage, and even replace him. There is no doubt that the old Confucian scholar who deviates from the scriptures and is rejected by the entire Confucianism is a unique good candidate The court of the Great Zhou Dynasty was stabbed in the back by the Saint Li. Now the emperor of Zhou is extremely angry. If there is a chance to replace the Saint Li, he will never hesitate. The Great Zhou and the Saint Li are almost torn apart. Of course, the Great Zhou court must Re-raise the flag."

Since Heart Ape smelted Chi You and completely completed the transformation, he became the Demon Lord of Great Freedom and was able to cultivate infinite incarnations.

And each incarnation has its own thoughts.

It's also a coincidence that Chi You's existence was equal to that of the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon, and made Xinyuan complete his transformation.

Now Xinyuan is happy, he and Chi You are trapped in the same body, but he has an incarnation and can travel around the world, but he is not depressed.

Chi You is not the case, being stared at by Xin Yuan every day is like going to jail.

Live like a year!

It's like a year!

Heart Ape planted demon seeds on Tang Zhou's body, and the little devil Gou eavesdropped on Tang Zhou's secrets in Tang Zhou's bright heart. What happened around Tang Zhou had no secrets for Heart Ape.

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, his mind changed, he already knew the court's plan.

All the ghosts, gods and qi practitioners in the world unite to usurp the 5000-year-old state of the Great Zhou. To be precise, it is to subvert the dominance of the bloodlines. Of course, the court of the Great Zhou and the bloodlines will not sit still.

The Ritual Saint was respected by the Great Zhou, which ruled the world with ritual, balanced the major forces in the world, and used it to restrain all living beings in the world. It also invisibly wooed and promoted the Ritual Saint, and wanted to promote the Li Saint to the throne of No. 1 Qi Practitioner.

Da Zhou wants to recommend a benchmark for Qi practitioners to restrain Qi practitioners all over the world.And Li Shengren is the best candidate selected by the imperial court.

Governing the country with etiquette can calm down the disputes among the princes in the world at the least cost.

But who would have thought that the sage of rites would not care about the favor of the court, and would resolutely choose to betray the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty.The imperial court has been breeding tigers for 5000 years, and it is already difficult to ride a tiger. Now it is about to recommend newcomers to fight against the saints.

But now that all the Qi trainers in the world have been recruited, the imperial court wanted to recommend a suitable candidate, but they couldn't find it for a while.

Zhou Tianzi is a little depressed now, the universe is in his hands, and the world is prostrate at his feet.The so-called Qi practitioners, Taiping Dao, and ghosts and gods are all just ghosts and ghosts, and they have never been taken seriously by the court, but who would have thought they would turn them into a climate?
The imperial court is overturned now!
Without the restraint of ghosts and gods, the hearts of the eight hundred princes were moved, and the Qi practitioners in the world also lost the supervision and suppression of ghosts and gods.

Cui Yu lightly tapped his right wrist with the fingers of his left hand: "Tang Zhou wants to use me as a pawn, but I am willing to be a pawn. No..."

Cui Yu was stunned suddenly, he always felt that there seemed to be something wrong after Xinyuan finished speaking, and then he suddenly woke up: "Why did Tang Zhou get mixed up with people from the court?"


Isn't Tang Zhou from Taipingdao?

How could he get mixed up with people from the imperial court?
Then what I said to Tang Zhou before, and the suggestions I made to Taipingdao, wouldn't they all be turned into the imperial court's trump card against Taipingdao?

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, so he simply put away the Xiao'ao Mountain that had been flattened by gunpowder before, and then went to the mountains.

"If you want to engrave the words on the banners, on the pendants of the traffickers, and on the clothes, you need a lot of writing."

Cui Yu's eyes turned, but it didn't bother him.

He has engraving and printing.

Cui Yu took a few big trees with his sleeves, and then rushed towards Daliang City.

All the way back to the old sour Confucian's Baicao house, I saw the two little ones practicing calligraphy, Gong Nanbei gently stroked the scabbard, looked up at the bright moon in the sky and said nothing.

Wang Yi bit his pen and sat in the yard, not knowing what to think.

Gong Nanbei's white clothes fluttered, his hair was pulled back lazily, and he couldn't see the slightest embarrassment during the day.

"Brother Nanbei, have you settled the matter with Mr.?" Cui Yu asked.

Gong Nanbei shook his head: "It's difficult! No one would offend a saint like the sun and the sky for an old and sour Confucian. What's more, Saint Meng is the third-ranked saint in the Confucian school!"

"If you want me to say, why do you care so much? If they dare not agree, they will kill his whole family directly. Exterminate a few more of his nine clans to make an example to others. Then I'm afraid they won't agree." Cui Yu shook his head, his voice full of disdain .

He really wanted to do it, but he didn't have the strength to do it.

Gong Nanbei has this strength, but he doesn't want to do it.

"There is no room for flaws on the road to enlightenment." Gong Nanbei shook his head.

Cui Yu didn't take it seriously: "As long as he can become enlightened, no matter what kind of mental flaws he has, he can't be eaten."

"It is said that once a monk enters the state of 'robbing', all the flaws in his state of mind will turn into catastrophes on your road to enlightenment." Gong Nanbei said.

Cui Yu looked at Gongnanbei with his eyes, then waved his sleeves, and a big tree appeared in the yard.

"Leave the old Confucian Daoist matter to me." Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei: "I have already thought of a way."

"You have a solution?" Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu in disbelief.

"Of course there is a way, but I need my brother's help!" Cui Yu pointed to the big tree on the ground.

With a peerless swordsman around, Cui Yu certainly didn't want to do it himself.

Great Zhou court
A clone of Tang Zhou stood in front of King Zhou You with a respectful expression.

Beside King Zhou You, Bao Si was lazily like a little lazy cat, wearing a big red robe, like a hot flame, lying on King Zhou You's lap leisurely.

Bao Si looked at Tang Zhou, and couldn't help being taken aback: "It's weird, how could Tang Zhou of the Taiping Dao appear in the deep palace?"

"Could it be that Taiping Dao is playing tricks with the imperial court, trying to harm the world's Qi trainers, ghosts and gods? Or is it that Taiping Dao is something that the imperial court invented to disturb the hearts of the eight hundred princes in the world? " Bao Si's heart suddenly became cold with a handful of cold water.

If the court of the Great Zhou deliberately set up a bureau, intending to entrap the princes of the world and drag the people of the world into trouble, what exactly did the court of the Great Zhou want to do?
If Taipingdao had been secretly supported by the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the situation in the whole world would be blown up!
The world is under the control of Taipingdao.

"Do you have something to report to Gu?" King Zhou You caressed Baosi's waist, and casually looked at Tang Zhou, who was standing by His Royal Highness.

Tang Zhou looked at Baosi, a wave rolled up in the depths of his pupils, but it disappeared in an instant, looked at Emperor Zhou expressionlessly, his eyes suddenly blinked: "My lord, I am going to persuade the old sour scholar Li Ming Take refuge in the imperial court. The old and sour scholar Li Ming is now attacking the holy way, but he has been trapped in the same place because of no one to guide him. A few days ago, his disciples talked with Li Ming, but Li Ming let go. He just needs the collection of the Great Zhou court. Use the book of rites. If we can help him achieve Taoism, this person will be willing to be a hawk for the imperial court in the future, helping the imperial court to split Confucianism and fight against Qi practitioners from all walks of life in the world."

"Li Ming? I've heard of this person. He's stubborn, willing to join the court?" King Zhou You gave a pause to the palm of Baosi's thigh.

"No matter how stubborn you are, after decades of time, you should change." Tang Zhou said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Zhou Tianzi asked.

King Zhou You's face was pale, obviously he was seriously injured and still hadn't healed.

"I'm sure." Tang Zhou said with a smile.

"Okay!" King Zhou You nodded, and patted Bao Si's waist: "Go and fetch the book "Book of Rites."

Bao Si withdrew upon hearing this.

Looking at the back of Bao Si going away, Tang Zhou couldn't help but change his face: "My lord, my concubine is not an ordinary person..."

"Needless to say, the lonely king knows her identity better than you." Zhou Tianzi interrupted the other party's words with a wave of his hand.

"Since you know the other party's identity, why stay by your side?" Tang Zhou was puzzled.

"Because of love." King Zhou You smiled, stood up and walked out of the hall: "You come here alone."


Bao Si frowned at this moment: "Terrible! It's simply too terrifying! The Taiping Dao has been a big picture set up by the court from the beginning to the end. It wants to deceive all the [-] princes in the world into it. This is a game! One court targets all the princes in the world. Qi practitioners, ghosts and gods. I am afraid that the covenant of Zheng Yi ghosts and gods will be broken, and it is also in the court's situation."

"What should I do? The master is also in the game, I can't just sit idly by. And the old sour scholar Li Ming actually wants to join the court? It makes sense to think about it, then Li Ming has been living for decades, and he is used to seeing the cold and warm for decades. He has been oppressed by Confucian scholars all over the world for decades, and his heart towards Confucianism has long been chilled! Now that the imperial court casts an olive branch and wants to help him to prove the Tao and become a saint, how can he not reciprocate? No! I can never call him a master In the clouds and mist, if you fall into the calamity, if you step in without knowing the depth, you may die in peace." After speaking, he wrote vigorously, and the next moment the letter in his hand turned into a faint red light soaring into the sky.

This red light is Haotian's method, and it is very safe for Zhou Tianzi to cast his gaze over it, and it will never be discovered by others.

At this time Tang Zhou was talking with Emperor Zhou, Bao Si was not worried.

Let's talk about Zhou Youwang and Tang Zhou.

The two walked through the palace all the way, and came to a pavilion, where Baosi's bedroom could be seen in the distance.

In Baosi's bedroom, a faint red light shot up into the sky, trying to fly out of the royal court, but was caught by Emperor Zhou.

After opening the letter, King Zhou You glanced at it and sighed leisurely: "This may be love."

Then he stretched out his palm and slightly revised the letter, and then the letter became two copies, one of which was handed to Tang Zhou, and the other turned into a red light and flew out.

"I have edited the information about you in the letter." King Zhou You turned to look at Tang Zhou:

"You know what to do, don't you? This letter actually helped us a lot. Qi practitioners all over the world thought that the Taiping Dao was an arrangement of the imperial court, and they were not afraid that the eight hundred princes would not panic. It was enough to win us a favorable situation."

"Leave it to your subordinates." Tang Zhou paused for a while when he said this: "Your Majesty will report the news to the Confucian spies, just say 'the imperial court is planning to support'."

King Zhou You was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he reacted: "Murder and punish, you are going to break the state of mind of the holy man!"

The imperial court supports Li Ming, and when Li Ming and Meng Shengren join forces, where will Li Shengren be placed?

This is a dilemma for Li Shengren.

Let Li Ming become enlightened?

What if Li Ming really took refuge in the court secretly?

Kill Li Ming in the bud ahead of time?
How could Saint Meng give up?How can you stand by and watch?

Killing and killing hearts, nothing more than this!

But whenever there is a little uncontrollable factor, Li Shengren will never sit idly by and let it grow.

"At Liangjie Mountain, I will leave it to you, and the court will leave it to the lonely king. The lonely king will secretly release the news to the Confucian spies!" King Zhou You showed a smug smile: "Let these old boys know , My Great Zhou court is not easy to mess with either. Tell Li Shengren and Meng Shengren to kill each other."

"By the way, the "Book of Rites" you mentioned earlier has been left in the Kunlun Mountains by the ancestor King Mu of Zhou. It is said that it fell into the hands of the Queen Mother of the West." Zhou Tianzi said.

Tang Zhou was taken aback.

The two returned to the palace, and after a while, Bao Si walked out of the harem with a jade box in her arms, and placed it in front of Emperor Zhou.

Zhou Tianzi pushed the box to Tang Zhou: "The Book of Rites is here, you can take it away. In the past, the sages of Li made the classic "Li", but they all relied on the classics in this book."

Tang Zhou saluted respectfully, then turned and left.

After walking out of the deep palace and opening the box, it turned out to be an empty box.

"Hehe, what a coincidence. The package that Yang Suchan gave to the old Suanru is the Book of Rites." Tang Zhou looked at the box in his hand with a sneer in his eyes: "Coincidental! What a coincidence!"

As for why he knew that Yang Suchan had delivered a package to the old Suanru, and also knew what was in the package?
Because he is Tang Zhou!Incarnation of countless Tang Zhou!Tang Zhou who has at least 360 five kinds of supernatural powers!

If Yang Suchan hadn't stared at Yang Suchan's use of the lotus lantern, he wouldn't be Tang Zhou!

Gongnanbei is also a factor of instability in Daliang City, how could he be unprepared?

"It's true that man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation." Tang Zhou walked out of the deep palace with a smile: "The emperor Zhou murdered his heart in order to break the Taoist heart of the sage and open a big hole for the devil in the sage's heart."

In the two mountains
Zhu Wuneng was searching for treasures in the mountains, but after searching for half a day, he found nothing.

"If that kid Cui Yu was here, he wouldn't be what he is now, like a chicken without a head, not knowing north and south, and not even finding a decent thing!" Zhu Wuneng cursed in the mountains.

At this moment, a red light flew past and landed in Zhu Wuneng's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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