Chapter 305

"Saint Li, you don't need to bow down. If you have anything to say, hurry up and say it, don't delay our treasure hunt." Buddha couldn't bear it, so he couldn't help but speak.

"This matter requires the Buddha to uphold justice." Li Shengren took the opportunity to pull Buddha into the chariot, then turned his head to look at Meng Shengren, and finally said with a smile: "Meng Shengren, is that old sour scholar Li Ming your disciple? ?”

Hearing Li Shengren's words, and seeing Li Shengren's smiling expression, Meng Shengren couldn't help but raised his heart.

Li Ming was his disciple, everyone knew about it, why did the other party suddenly ask such a question?

how to answer?

According to his understanding of Li Shengren, since he mentioned Li Ming at this time, he was probably directed at Li Ming.

Answer Li Ming is not his disciple?What if the sage of Rites does something wrong?
Answer Li Ming is his disciple?What if there is something that involves me?
Although Meng Shengren disagreed with the old acid Confucianism, he also secretly approved of the old acid Confucianism.

My own disciples are all over the world, but they are all like puppets on strings, and it is difficult to make great achievements.On the contrary, Li Ming, an old and sour scholar, dared to put forward his own opinions and viewpoints. If he could find a direction, he would definitely achieve great things in the future.

Of course, it's not that he didn't see Li Ming's old and sour days, but he just ignored them.

He believed that the Taoism of Li Ming, an old and sour scholar, was flawed after all, and it was difficult to attain Taoism.If he can't hold on anymore and returns to the academy to admit his mistakes, he will definitely be able to accomplish a lot in the future and become the heir of his lineage.

"What trouble did that evil cause again? Or did he commit some heinous crime of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors?" Saint Meng is not stupid, how could he fall into the trap?
Instead of answering the sage's question, he raised a question.

Seeing that Meng Shengren didn't take the bait, Li Shengren didn't bother, but went straight to see him: "Everyone, please look at Haoran Changhe, a new sage is about to be born in our Confucian school."

As soon as the words of the saint li fell, all the saints tightened their hearts, and they all looked at the river of fate, with a touch of shock in their eyes.

I saw that in the long river of fate, a white lotus bud was slowly brewing, constantly absorbing the breath of the mighty river of Confucianism and Taoism to breed itself.

"Li Ming, is he going to become a saint?" Looking at the white lotus bud, Buddha couldn't help but be taken aback.

This saint is not the saint of the past, but it is amazing enough to find his own way.

O saint!
With a holy word, it already has some characteristics of Da Luo.

Listening to everyone's praise, Saint Meng tried his best to suppress it, but saints are also human beings, and after all, it was difficult to suppress the great joy.

Once the old sour Confucian becomes a saint, he will be a double saint at that time, even if he is a saint, he will be suppressed by himself.

"There is still some distance to sanctification, but it's just a loose foundation. The tall building was built on the ground, but now it's just flat ground. Don't let his family praise him. Whether he can stand the tall building is still a question." Seeing Li Ming in the mighty river, Meng Shengren couldn't help smiling. Although his words were modest, his face was full of pride.

Not bad, just proud!
Extremely proud!

In his lineage, another saint will be born soon.

How unbelievable is it that there are two saints in one lineage?What an honor is this?

Overwhelming the line of saints, just around the corner!

His great avenue will surpass the avenue of the saints and become the second avenue of the human race.

Qi practitioners all over the world have been suffering for a long time, but they don't know that the major branches of Confucianism have been suffering for a long time.

With the support of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the saint of rites firmly stepped on the branches of Confucianism in the world, and he could not stand up for 5000 years.

Now it is heard that Haoran's lineage is about to emerge, and it is a happy thing for everyone to be able to wrestle with Li Shengren's lineage.

No matter which family it is, it cannot be seen that one family dominates.




The saints looked at the flower buds bred in the mighty river, all of them had mixed feelings in their hearts, and they looked at the saint Meng with sour eyes, full of inexplicable eyes.

One by one forcibly held back the jealous bottle in their hearts, and congratulated Meng Shengren.

"Meng Shengren, you have immeasurably meritorious deeds, and you have cultivated another pillar for our human race." Shizi said with a smile.

"Yes, the birth of a new sage is another blow to the morale of the Great Zhou. It means that the momentum of the Great Zhou has declined, and my line of qi practitioners is about to rise." The famous sage Gongsun Long Daoxi.

For a while, the atmosphere in the arena gradually became warmer, and everyone endured the sadness in their hearts, and kept congratulating Meng Shengren.

Among all the schools of thought, no one wants to see a double sage, but now it seems that the rise of the Meng sage line is unstoppable.

But it is a good thing for everyone to have Haoran's lineage stand up and fight with Li Shengren's lineage.

Seeing the uncontrollable smile on the face of Meng Shengren who turned into a flower, Li Shengren coughed and said expressionlessly: "You seem to be happy too early."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a basin of cold water was poured down, causing everyone in the field to stop talking, and they all looked at the saint Li with pairs of eyes.

"What do you mean by the sage's words?" Buddha's eyes lit up, and he said to himself: There are twists and turns.Hastily opened the mouth to inquire.

Meng Shengren also looked at Li Shengren: "What does Li Sheng know?"

The saint Li shook his head: "Li Ming has the foundation of a saint, so it is gratifying and worthy of universal celebration. But... what if Li Ming is not a saint of my lineage of qi practitioners? Isn't he a saint of my Confucianism?"

"What do you mean by that?" Sheng Meng was startled.

As early as the moment Li Shengren arrived, he already felt that something was wrong, and he knew that Li Shengren's arrival was not good, but he never thought that the other party would really attack him at this time.

"According to the secret report from the spies of the Great Inner Palace, the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty has supported Li Ming and tried its best to help Li Ming become a saint. It will be used to compete with us and attack the momentum of my lineage of Qi practitioners. The court wants to use Li Ming. Re-establish the banner of a Qi trainer, tell me to divide the Qi trainer into two halves, and constantly fight against internal friction. Do you think this is still good news?" Li Sheng was unhurried, tapping the palm of his hand with a small ruler.

"What? Li Ming joined the court?"

"Impossible! He is a Qi trainer, how can he join the imperial court?"

"He is a Qi trainer, how can he be the lackey of a bloodline?"

"Then Li Ming disregarded human relations and etiquette when he was young, and contradicted the saint Meng on the spot. He deviated from the scriptures to the extreme, and he didn't care about the eyes of the world. I don't believe people who betray Confucianism and seek refuge in the court. But if you say that Li Ming is a person He can really do it. He even dares to question, disobey, and contradict his teacher, what else is he afraid to do?"

At this moment, Zou Yan, the sage of the Yin Yang family, who was wearing black and white Taoist robes, spoke.

Hearing Zou Yan's words, everyone in the field was taken aback, looking at Zou Yan with eyes, thinking that what this person said made sense.

Even the teacher dares to contradict, question, and betray, what else in this world can't be done?

Teachers preach and teach karma to solve doubts!

Especially in this era of knowledge monopoly, the status of teachers is especially above that of parents.

Li Ming even dared to contradict his teacher, what else would he not dare to do?

"You said that Li Ming took refuge in the imperial court, but do you have evidence? We must not wrong a good person!" At this moment, Guan Zi asked a question.

But he also knew in his heart that if Li Shengren was not fully sure, he might not raise it in front of everyone at this time.

"Evidence? Of course there is evidence." Li Shengren's eyes fell on Zhu Wuneng.

But he didn't pay attention to Zhu Wuneng, but he took out a letter from his arms: "I have a letter here, which can be used as evidence."

"This letter is a letter between Li Ming, an old and sour scholar, and Zhihu, the commander of the court's deceitful department." Li Shengren shook the letter in his hand.

Of course this letter was forged by him!

As a saint, is it difficult to forge a letter?
What he wanted was Li Ming's death!
There is no place to die!

And to die in an aboveboard manner!

The dead caller has nothing to say!

His way of etiquette has been spread in the human race for thousands of years, and he is the leader of hundreds of families in the human race. Now someone wants to shake his position, how can he allow it?

A double saint is a sin!
Forging letters will indeed give birth to flaws in one's flawless state of mind, but so what?

Now is the world of great controversy, so he can't help it.

"Letter? What letter?" Meng Shengren couldn't help but speak.

"Because Li Ming was trapped in the realm, he wasted decades and had no hope of breaking through, so he accepted the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The court of the Great Zhou Dynasty used the ancient book "Book of Rites" as a temptation to make Li Ming abandon his faith and join the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty. "There was a touch of indifference in Li Shengren's eyes.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! He is definitely not that kind of person!" Meng Shengren snatched the letter, his eyes full of disbelief.

His own disciples, don't they understand it?

With his disciple's temperament, is it possible to ask him to join the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Meng Shengren shook his head repeatedly.

"Are you questioning the authenticity of this letter?" The sage said with a smile, "Or are you questioning my falsification? Forged this document?"

"The origin of this document is unknown, so of course we have to question it. Could it be that just relying on a document that I don't know where it came from, is it necessary to convict me as the future leader of the qi practitioner line?" Zhang Jiao on the side asked.

Of course, Zhang Jiao is not trying to fight against injustice, pretending to be a good old man, but the relationship between Taipingdao and Meng Shengren's line is complicated and difficult to understand.

He didn't want to go into troubled waters either, but the rise of Meng Shengren was in the interests of Taipingdao.

In fact, the relationship between Taipingdao and Haoran's lineage is indeed ambiguous.

Previously, the lineage of the Saints of Li was sacrificed by the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it was granted as a national gift. In order to curb the lineage of the Saints of Li, Taipingdao did not less support the lineage of the Saints of Meng.

The Tao of Taiping is sweeping the world, of course it will not do charity or make wedding dresses for others.As the number one sect in the world, it has a lot of layout in the world, and it is a shit-stirring stick everywhere.

Including supporting some thousand-year-old 'second children' to contain those leading leaders.

Taipingdao has done a lot of disgusting things.

In particular, Taipingdao wants to establish a Dao Kingdom in the world, which is somewhat similar to the "Liguo" of Li Shengren. There is a competitive relationship between the two sides. Taiping Dao avoids being picked by Li Shengren. There is no shortage of secrets against.

When Zhang Jiao saw Meng Shengren being forced to the corner, he couldn't help smiling wryly in his eyes.

What can he do now?
He can only force his way out and stand up to fight in the ring.

"Absurd, just relying on a letter to convict someone to death?" Zhang Jiao took the words beside him.

He scoffed at the contents of this letter.

Seeing that Zhang Jiao was in his head, the corners of Li Shengren's mouth turned up, and a weird smile appeared on his whole body, making Zhang Jiao feel a little hairy.

very good!

very good!
The reason why he didn't take out Zhu Wuneng's letter at the beginning, but forged a letter, was for this moment.

Do you really think he is blind?
The nasty things that Taipingdao has done over the years have kept embarrassing himself. He has seen it for a long time, but he just doesn't care about it.

He had already prepared how to deal with Taipingdao, to prevent Taipingdao from stopping him from forcing Gongmeng Shengren.

"The relationship between Meng Shengren and Taipingdao seems to be ambiguous. If you want to target Meng Shengren, you have to drag the other party's Taipingdao ally into the water first, so that Taipingdao can't take care of itself."

Over the years, in order to suppress the major forces in the cultivation world, Taipingdao has made many small tricks, supporting Meng Shengren against himself, and trying to use Meng Shengren to contain Confucianism. Is it true that he didn't notice it?
Now he only wants to deal with Saint Meng, unify the Confucian school, and then sweep the rest of the schools. This is not the time to tear his face with Taipingdao.

But Tai Pingdao jumped out on his own initiative now, and he is not the type to let others slaughter him.

Li Shengren held the letter in his hand, with thousands of thoughts flickering in his mind, he glanced at Yan Qu indistinctly.

He is not a soft persimmon, he has been forbearing until now, and finally he can make trouble.

"Don't worry. Why worry!" Li Shengren turned his head and looked at Zhang Jiao with his eyes. His smile made Zhang Jiao feel a little creepy.

The reason why he didn't take out the first letter was because he thought that if the Taipingdao didn't jump out, he wouldn't have to make extra troubles. After all, the Taipingdao is too powerful to deal with now.

But now that Zhang Jiao stood up on his own without knowing whether he was going to live or die, then he can't be blamed.

See you in the picture!

"Fellow Daoist, I need to trouble you to testify on this matter." Li Shengren looked at Zhu Wuneng.

Zhu Wuneng was taken aback when he heard the words, and stared blankly at Li Shengren.Now that he has suffered catastrophe and turned into an ancient canopy, although he has lived half a step, his strength is indeed greatly reduced.

Now of course, the more low-key the better, I don't want to be eye-catching.

Moreover, as an old antique who has lived for an unknown number of years, how could he not know the plan of the saint li when he saw the actions of the saint li?He never wanted to wade into this muddy water.

But even though Li Shengren opened his mouth and pointed it out in person, Zhu Wuneng couldn't back down, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "I don't know anything."

He didn't want to get involved in the battle between Jinli sage or Meng sage.

What do you care about him?

Wouldn't it be nice to sit on the sidelines and eat melons?

Melon is not tasty, or do you have to make yourself uncomfortable?

(End of this chapter)

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