Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 32 The Shocking Words of Xiang Caizhu

Chapter 32 The Shocking Words of Xiang Caizhu
"The underground caves are getting weirder and weirder." Cui Yu was wearing coarse sackcloth, walking on the mountain path, and a thought flashed in his mind: "So, what is on the stone platform? The weirdness seems to have its own consciousness If it is said that when I first entered the cave, the other party ignored me and allowed me to fend for myself in the cave. Then when I cast the supernatural power of 'returning the dead', I have already attracted the other party's attention."

"Not only did it attract the other party's attention, but the other party also used methods to help me cultivate, help me transform the divine blood, and even help me refine the orb in my mouth." Cui Yu paused, thinking thoughtfully:

"So, do all the problems come from the resurrection? Did all these changes appear on the resurrection?"

"The other party has taken a fancy to my resurrection!" Cui Yu's eyes were full of dignity.

Needless to say, the degree of resurgence is against the sky, as long as there is one breath left, it will be immortal.Why is that weird looking at his own resurrection?
Was the other party severely injured, or was he already dead?

Will Weird die too?

Cui Yu was standing in the mountains at this time, looking at the whitening in the east and the bright pearl in the sky through the gaps in the branches and leaves, standing there thoughtfully.

It's time to test him!
Before, he didn't even know about the weirdness in the cave and his own consciousness, otherwise, how could he use the great supernatural power of bringing the dead back to life?

Now Weird is following him, what should he do?
Do you want to go to the underground cave?
If you don't go, if you want to gather the blood of the gods, I'm afraid it will take a year of the monkey.That's 12 drops of divine blood. One drop of divine blood costs [-] wisps. Where did he get so much divine blood?
And even if he doesn't go, can he escape the strange pursuit?

Now that Wei Wei has already set his sights on him, can he let him go?

"Go! We must go!" Cui Yu's hands fell with fallen leaves: "Since Weird has already been targeted, I can't run away. And I have the supernatural power of resurrection, it is not so easy for Weird to kill me. I It’s not like there’s no way to fight back.”

Wouldn't it be a pity to give up such a good training place?
As for what Wei Wei wants to do with his resurrection?
Is it important?
unimportant!As long as his strength is steadily improving, the weirdness in the ancient well will only become his nourishment.

"Realist Nanhua said that the ancient well is called: the well of gods and demons. Could it be that ancient gods and demons are really suppressed in it?" Cui Yu was thoughtful.

"I'm going to ask Nanhua Immortal again in the afternoon." Cui Yu's mind flickered, and at the same time, he grabbed a handful of iron sand in his hand, and used the iron smelting hand to absorb the power of the three-flavored fire poison, and constantly strengthen the source of the three-flavored real fire fire poison in his hand. .

The iron-making hand is really against the sky, in theory, it can refine the essence of everything in the world for its own use!
In the beginning, the vegetation and iron ore spirits were refined, but in the future, the sun, moon, mountains, dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, sun, moon and stars can be refined?
"Shilong is really a good man. He taught me such inscrutable martial arts. It's a pity that he didn't know if he cheated me." Cui Yu's white and delicate palms in his sleeves refined the iron sand, which gradually turned into black powder along the way. , dissipated in the air.

"Material transformation is actually the most heaven-defying supernatural power." Cui Yu felt the essence absorbed by the iron sand in his hand, and the shock in his heart was unimaginable.

If I can transform ordinary blood into divine blood, can I transform ordinary flames into three-flavored real fire?Transformed into Innate Divine Fire?

Even, everything in this world can be transformed as long as one has enough divine power?

"As expected, it is the pre-supernatural power of 'mediating good fortune'." Cui Yu narrowed his eyes, facing the transformation of matter that can transform matter at will, the other supernatural powers seem to be nothing.

As for the ironsmith?
so so!
Cui Yu is here in Versailles, but he doesn't know that Shilong in the Delong Martial Arts Hall is about to run out of lifespan in order to practice iron making, so he has to go to Sanjiang Water God to seek life-extending things.

The iron-making hand is in martial arts, but it can be called the martial arts of gods and demons!
All the way home, the house was quiet, and the thin-waisted dog just lay quietly in the corner when Cui Yu came back, and stopped barking.When Cui Yu returned to the room, he saw the second young lady Xiang Caizhu sitting in the room blankly, her eyes sparkling in ecstasy.

"Why didn't you sleep?" Cui Yu lowered his voice and asked.

"The bloodline is awakened, and the potential is released. I'm so full of energy that I can't sleep." Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu, her body was full of energy, and she seemed to have reached the state of whiteness.

"I really envy you. You were born in a big family, you have the power of blood, and you were born to be noble." Cui Yu lay on the bed and pushed Xiang Caizhu aside.

"I still envy your ability!" Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu, and looked at him eagerly: "Cui Yu, why don't you come to my house to work. I awaken my blood, and the family will definitely allocate a part of my property to me." , I will make you the chief steward, and all the properties under my name will be handed over to you. When I become a nobleman, you will be my vassal vassal. At that time, you will be a vassal on the surface, and I will be your wife secretly. I will follow you and never marry."

Xiang Caizhu moved her head closer, and discussed in a low voice beside Cui Yu's ear, her words were full of flattery.

"Don't dream! Impossible!" Cui Yu pulled Xiang Caizhu's head aside: "Take four or two on your shoulders as guests, and help others as slaves for a day. I, Cui Yu, will never be a slave! Even if you use it I can’t even be seduced by beauty! Don’t dream, go to sleep.”

"Cut~" Xiang Caizhu snorted disdainfully, lying behind Cui Yu, then crawled over Cui Yu's body, and got into Cui Yu's arms, quietly like a kitten.

The room was full of silence, Xiang Caizhu suddenly said: "Cui Yu."

"Huh?" Cui Yu gave a soft 'huh'.

"There is something wrong between your mother and your father." Xiang Caizhu said in a low voice.

Cui Yu took a breath and opened his eyes in the dark: "What's wrong?"

Xiang Caizhu falters and refuses to speak.

"You mean, what's wrong?" Cui Yu patted Xiang Caizhu's head.

"Your mother stole a man in the middle of the night." Xiang Caizhu whispered.

"What?" Cui Yu suddenly turned over and sat up in shock: "Don't talk nonsense."

"My nonsense, I saw it with my own eyes. Tonight your mother went to a private meeting with a man in black in the yard. They walked out of the yard together without a trace and came back after two hours." Xiang Caizhu heard that Cui Yu said she was talking nonsense , Immediately impatient, arched up abruptly, looking at Cui Yu with bright eyes.

"Impossible! My mother is definitely not that kind of person." Cui Yu flatly vetoed: "You must be wrong."

"I saw it with my own eyes! I have awakened my blood, how could I be wrong?" Xiang Caizhu was anxious.

"You said my mother met a man in secret, so let me ask you: Why didn't the thin waist bark when the other party entered the yard? If the thin waist barked, why wouldn't my father and Erlang wake up?" Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu.

"But I have seen it clearly, there is no mistake." Xiang Caizhu vowed.

"Your blood is awakened, the blood pressure is too high and rushed to the brain, so there will be phantoms in front of your eyes." Cui Yu patted Xiang Caizhu's head.

Xiang Caizhu was taken aback: Is that really the case?

Cui Yu on the other side couldn't fall asleep at this time, because when he came back, his slender waist was lying in the corner of the wall, and he didn't seem to respond at all.

"In short, something is wrong with your mother!" Xiang Caizhu muttered, and then lay in Cui Yu's arms: "I think you are really the remnant of Princess Yunhua. It's just a guard. Hiding here incognito and living in a low profile is just to raise you up."

Cui Yu was silent at this moment, holding Xiang Caizhu in his arms, but couldn't fall asleep anymore.

Xiang Caizhu is a different person, can he be mistaken?
The blood pressure rushed into his skull, and there was an illusion in front of his eyes. He didn't believe this statement himself, so he lied to Xiang Caizhu.

Regarding Xiang Caizhu's words, Cui Yu actually believed three points inexplicably at this time.

"Could it be that my mother is not my mother, so she has worked in the Xiang family's house all year round and met a good friend? Otherwise, it makes no sense! My father often goes hunting in the mountains, and he can't hide the slightest disturbance when he sleeps at night. If my mother walks out The house, how could daddy not know about it?." Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind.

"Could it be that my mother is really Princess Yunhua?"

"When are you going back?" Cui Yu suddenly asked.

"Why don't we go back now?" Xiang Caizhu blinked and looked at Cui Yu.

Cui's house is really simple, she is not used to it.

"Let's go now." Cui Yu picked up Xiang Caizhu and walked out of the room quietly, and he saw that the thin waist in the corner was actually sleeping soundly at this time, and there were traces of snoring in his ears.

Is this still an old dog who looks alert on weekdays?
Cui Yu and Xiang Caizhu walked out of the yard, then Cui Yu lit the lantern and walked out of the small village with Xiang Caizhu.

"By the way, you don't know much about the Chen family?" Cui Yu suddenly asked.

"Samurai Chen family?" Xiang Caizhu said.

"Yeah." Cui Yu nodded.

"The strength is very strong! Although it is a noble family, it is only slightly inferior to our Xiang family." Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu: "The Chen family is not simple. The Chen family in Dayu is a family. The Chen family in the city is a remote branch of the Chen family in the Dayu Kingdom. The Chen family in Dayu is one of the pillars of the Dayu Kingdom. Even my father, Xiang Yan, would not dare to offend easily. You know, after all, my father is just a Xiang Yan. The prince of the Dayu family, and the Dayu Chen family has been with Dayu for 5000 years, and has long been integrated with this country."

Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu: "You must not do stupid things."

"It's not that I want to do something stupid, but whether Chen Sheng will let me go." Cui Yu hurried on his way sullenly.

"Then we can think of a plan, just get rid of Chen Sheng. There is no need to poke a hornet's nest for a Chen Sheng." Although Xiang Caizhu is young, she has extraordinary wisdom.

"How to get rid of it? Hit the sap?" Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu.

"No, the current Chen Sheng is not the Chen Sheng who was a few months ago." Xiang Caizhu shook his head hastily: "Three months ago, when you hit that Chen Sheng with a stick, you hammered away a certain secret acupoint in his body." , to help him awaken the power of the Chen family's blood. After a few months, I'm afraid he has awakened the power."

"Did I wake up his blood with a stick?" Cui Yu was stunned, what kind of shit luck is Chen Sheng?

"It's a bit evil!" Xiang Caizhu nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Otherwise, why do you think he didn't come to trouble you? My sister is just one aspect, and the more important thing is that he is awakening his blood. I will definitely find my way back. When I awaken my ability, the two of us will work together to beat him with a sap. Don't worry, my blood is awakened, and I will deal with Chen Sheng for you. It is impossible to embarrass the Chen family, but it is still not enough to deal with Chen Sheng hard."

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm here now! With me covering you, how dare Chen Sheng be presumptuous?" Looking at Cui Yu's back, Xiang Caizhu said in a low voice, "I'll tell you quietly, my bloodline ability is stronger than my elder brother's." Qiang, the status in the family will definitely be higher than that of my elder brother in the future."

"Aren't you incapable of awakening? How do you know that your awakening ability is stronger than your elder brother?" Cui Yu turned his head to look at the girl behind him in surprise.

"There are seven abilities in my blood! Although I don't have the ability to awaken, I still know how many kinds of abilities are conceived." Xiang Caizhu said with burning eyes: "This is my secret, you can't tell it. People will die if I go out, and I don’t know how many people will want to kill me by then.”

"Don't worry." Cui Yu stroked Xiang Caizhu's head.

After all, Xiang Caizhu is a teenager at heart, so she couldn't help showing off at this moment: "Cui Yu, do you know? Back then, the ancestor of my Xiang family only awakened five abilities. But I awakened seven abilities, and I must surpass my ancestors."

"This way you won't be bullied at Xiang's house, right?" Cui Yu's words meant something, and he would never forget that little girl with tears in her eyes, her nose bruised and her face swollen, asking if she wanted to eat spicy peppers.

"Maybe I will be bullied for a while, and hide myself. If I suddenly awaken my blood when I go back, I will definitely be questioned by the elders in my family, and you will be involved at that time." Xiang Caizhu smiled all over her face: "I'm just waiting for a while Time, when my bloodline metamorphosis is complete, I will teach that bitch a lesson."

Cui Yu held Xiang Caizhu's hand. At this time, Xiang Caizhu was only five years old, but he could think so thoughtfully. Either the other party was a kind person by nature, or he was suffering from human affection.

Which one is it, I am afraid that only Xiang Caizhu knows.

Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu, and suddenly an inspiration flashed in his heart, wondering if he could create Xiang Caizhu's blood in his body, wouldn't he be able to obtain Xiang Caizhu's ability by then?

"You said, if the blood of a foreigner is poured into the body of an ordinary person, will the ordinary person also have the blood of a foreigner? Directly become a foreigner?" Cui Yu asked.

"It's not that simple. If it was all right, my brother would have poured the blood into my body long ago. The disciple of the noble will not worry about awakening the blood." Xiang Caizhu seemed to be looking at an idiot.

"For ordinary people, the blood of a foreigner is a highly poisonous thing. A drop of blood can kill countless ordinary people. Without the restraint of the host, the power contained in the blood bursts out, destroying the five internal organs of a person in an instant Six internal organs."

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard this, and then patted himself on the head: "I'm stupid too."

Blood transfusions in future generations also require blood types, let alone this world?

"Tell me, is the blood in our bodies also a kind of weirdness?" Xiang Caizhu ignored Cui Yu's words, but asked quietly.

As soon as the words came out, Cui Yu was taken aback for a moment, then his body trembled as if struck by lightning.

He thought of the divine blood in his body!

If the blood of all aliens is a kind of weirdness...then...

Cui Yu couldn't imagine it!
"Don't talk nonsense!" Cui Yu quickly tapped Xiang Caizhu's head: "It's scary."

Xiang Caizhu smiled when she heard the words: "Look at you, you are so timid."

 Hahaha, the book of a big boss in Xianxia, ​​friends who are in the book shortage can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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