Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 332 Playing too much

Chapter 332 Playing too much

Cui Yu felt that the plate was a bit big, and he might not be able to handle it.

"The only flaw now is Gao Dacong. I personally introduced this grandson into the cave. But a small flaw is not enough to prove it. The other party secretly followed me with malicious intentions and wanted to take my fortune and secrets. Bad, I will bite back at that time, and it will be enough for him. The other party has done something shameful, and I will veto it at that time, even if I am killed, I will not admit it."

Cui Yu really never thought that it would be impossible to trap Haoran's lineage and Meng Shengren's lineage in!

Those are two saints!

At the beginning, Cui Yu simply wanted to keep a hand for himself, and was about to kill those who secretly coveted him.

But who knew that Haoran's lineage would be tricked into it?

This is a wonderful misunderstanding, and it cannot be undone, an irreparable misunderstanding.

What's more, people from Haoran's lineage have been frightened everywhere after getting the god-and-demon rice, and they continue to use the god-and-demon rice to expand their interests. end.

"I can't control it! I can't control it! The situation is beyond my control now." Cui Yu stood in the yard, looking at the sky speechlessly, his eyes full of helplessness.

He really couldn't control it.

Now that the sculpture of gods and demons is removed, can Haoran's lineage spare him?
How should I collect it?

"After the old Confucian becomes enlightened, with the protection of the old Confucian, I may have the opportunity to push the matter to the old Confucian, and then take the opportunity to get out of it." Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of thought.

Kunlun Mountains

Inside the cave

Gao Dacong moved away the big stone that blocked the entrance of the cave, looked around with his eyes, and only after seeing that there was no trouble around him, he walked into the cave with big strides.

He had just entered the cave, and when he saw the faint layer of dust on the ground, without any trace of outsiders, Gao Dacong's heart suddenly jumped, and his eyes showed a hint of vigilance.

Something is wrong!
The decorations and traces in this cave clearly show that no one has been there.

Let alone people, there is not even a trace of mice crawling.

Looking down, I saw only the footprints of myself and Yan Qu on the road.

Gao Dacong narrowed his eyes, showing a serious look in his eyes, full of vigilance in his eyes.

He smelled conspiracy.

A real taste of conspiracy.

He's just not good at intrigue, not a fool.

He looked around calmly, and then came to the deepest part of the cave, and saw that the statues of gods and demons in the cave were still tall and straight, and there was no trace of outsiders entering the cave at all.

"I can't admit it! I can't admit it! Otherwise, Senior Brother Chen will definitely eat me alive." Gao Dacong narrowed his eyes: "Also, maybe I'm just chasing after the wind and scaring myself."

After scanning the cave and seeing that there was no trace, Gao Dacong carefully turned into wind and floated out of the cave.After manifesting his figure, he was about to bury the entrance of the cave, when suddenly a laugh sounded in his ears: "Gao Dacong, what are you doing in this wilderness?"

"You... Yan Qu..." The moment Gao Dcong saw Yan Qu, his face turned ashen, as if he had been struck by lightning, his body was shaking like a sieve, and he couldn't even speak clearly or articulately: " All this is your plan? It's all your tricks! Cui Yu never betrayed Haoran's lineage, nor did he tell you the secret. .”

"You're smart, but it's a pity you realized it too late." Yan Qu smiled triumphantly.

"You have never discovered the cave here, so how did you get the large quantities of god and demon rice in your hand?" Gao Dacong's voice kept trembling.

"How did you come here? Of course that's how it came about. Your Haoran Academy sells god-and-demon rice in large quantities, and Cui Yu also sold a lot of god-and-demon rice a while ago. I want to gather enough god-and-demon rice. It's not too difficult to bluff people." Yan Qu smiled triumphantly.

"I fell into your trap. I am a sinner of the Haoran lineage! I am a sinner of the Haoran lineage!" Gao Dacong trembled.

He made such a big mistake, how could Haoran Academy tolerate him?

Looking at the tall and earthy-faced Cong, Yan Qu put his hands behind his back and looked proud: "You don't have to be so depressed, you still have a choice."

"Is there another choice? I don't have a choice, what awaits me is a dead end." Gao Dacong cried sadly.

"You can rely on my Lisheng lineage." Yan channeled.

"Take refuge with you? Are you willing to accept me?" Gao Dacong said.

"You should be thankful that you still have some value." Yan Channel: "Of course, you can also choose to refuse, and then go back and Chen Lu will be torn to pieces."

Gao Dacong was silent when he heard the words, his body was constantly trembling, and his whole body was sweating profusely.

To take refuge in a saint and betray a saint is a great crime.

Once it is exposed, he will be the public enemy of Li Shengren's lineage in the future.

"You choose. I'll give you time to count to three." Yan channeled.

Gao Dacong's body went limp, and he collapsed on the ground, staring at Yan Qu with an ugly expression: "I'm willing to take refuge in the lineage of Li Shengren."

"That's right. Since you have taken refuge with me, I happen to have something to tell you to do." Yan Qu came to Gao Dcong and squatted down, with a smile in his eyes: "You have to play a play with me."

"What show?" Gao Dacong said, now he has no other choice.

"Asking Chen Lu to believe that it was Cui Yu who betrayed Haoran's lineage and told me the news about Shenmo Mi." Yan channeled.

Gao Dacong was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Yan Qu with disbelief on his face: "Why? Cui Yu is just an ordinary scumbag, and it's worth your hard work?"

His eyes were full of puzzlement and confusion.

When did Cui Yu become so charming?

"You don't need to know why I do this, as long as you follow my instructions, I can rescue you. What's so good about Haoran's lineage? That mere old and sour scholar, do you really think you can make a fortune? I am the land of China, humane The rise of the country has been established for [-] years. The incense of civilization has continued for [-] years! There are not a few who can reach the step of the old Confucian scholars, but they are always stuck on this line. There is a narrow line It's the natural moat!" Yan Qu snorted.

Of course, as for his heart, whether he is as light-hearted as he said, whether he is as calm as he said, I am afraid that only he knows.

Old Confucian scholars are different!

It is much more difficult for the old Confucian scholars to transcend the sages and walk out of their own way under the shackles of the sages than the 8000-year-old ancients.

Is it difficult to start from scratch, or is it difficult to change the inherent cognition under the framework of the predecessors, so as to have new thinking?
From scratch, although there is no way to start, there is no detour.

To change cognition under the framework of the predecessors, you must first learn the knowledge of the predecessors, then question the knowledge of the predecessors, and then re-argument.

In this process, not only do you have to accept doubts from the worldly perspective, but you also have to accept obstacles from relatives and friends.

So which one is more difficult, in fact, has long been a conclusion.

People who can walk out of the shackles and iron laws of the predecessors have a hard heart and a strong goal, which is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

Gao Dacong never imagined that at the critical moment, Cui Yu survived again.

Yan Qu and Mi Zhu wouldn't kill him, but he had tricked himself into attracting them.It can be described as a heinous crime!If Chen Lu knew about such things, she would definitely eat him alive.

Haoran's lineage can't stay anymore, the only way out right now is to join the lineage of Li Shengren and make contributions to Li Shengren's lineage.

But how to make credit?

Gao Dacong looked at Yan Qu with a pair of eyes full of disbelief: "Just to frame Cui Yu, you brought Cui Yu here? Why should he?"

"I don't know why he is. If you want to get along well in Lisheng's lineage in the future, you have to please him and deal with him." Yan Qu looked at Gao Dacong with a pair of eyes: "I have already thought of a countermeasure , you go and lure Chen Lu here, I will wait here for him."

Gao Dacong hesitated a little when he heard the words, and looked at Yan Qu with his eyes: "Is that how you are attracted?"

"You seem to have something to say?" Yan Qu looked at Gao Dacong with his eyes.

"It's better that the two senior brothers are preparing to sacrifice to the demon god here. When Chen Lu arrived, he happened to see it and directly confirmed the matter. Cui Yu couldn't argue with it."

Hearing this, Mi Zhu became interested: "Do you know how to sacrifice to the demon god?"

"To be honest, I learned this method of offering sacrifices to the Demon God secretly from Cui Yu." Gao Dacong was triumphant, and directly told the story of Cui Yu worshiping the Demon God and being peeped by him.

Especially when it comes to the flat peach and the three treasures of Kaitian, it is even more embellished, and the voice is full of passion:
"The demon god has great supernatural powers. He was born when the world was first opened, and existed at the beginning of creation." There is a flat peach, which blooms once in 3000 years, bears fruit once in 3000 years, and matures after another 3000 years.After maturity, eating one can make the body light and healthy, wash the marrow and cut the hair, and live 3000 years.There are also flat peaches, which bloom once in 6000 years, bear fruit in 6000 years, and mature in another 6000 years. After maturity, they can live for 9000 years.There is also a flat peach, which blooms in 9000 years, bears fruit in 9000 years, and matures in another 9000 years.After maturity, it can make life and heaven equal, and cultivate immeasurable supernatural powers. "

"There is also the legendary ginseng fruit, which blooms in 3000 years, bears fruit in 3000 years, and matures in another 3000 years. If you smell it, you can live 8000 years, and eating one can increase your life by [-] years."

At this time, the tall man was drooling and saliva flying, his voice was full of fascination:

"There are the four swords of Zhuxian, the supreme magic weapon. The four swords form a sword array, which can kill the 'sky'. It can destroy the ancient gods!"

"There is a magic treasure, the Taiji Diagram, which can stabilize the earth, water, wind and fire, and can sweep all time and space."

"There is a magical treasure, the Pangu Banner, which can open up the world and destroy chaos."

"That Chen Lu poured out all the treasures of Haoran's lineage, as well as the treasures of the Chen family in the world, just to exchange for the flat peach that can live forever and become a god directly. And the three treasures that can open up the world and have infinite power. The reason why he sold them so much The purpose of God and Demon Rice is to plunder money and treasures from all the nobles and princes in the world, and exchange them for all kinds of inconceivable treasures." Now Gao Dacong has really sold Chen Lu completely.

Since you choose to betray, where are your scruples?
Where is there any emotion?
Gao Dacong's words immediately moved Mizhu and Yan Qu's hearts, and greed began to roll up in their hearts.

The two looked at each other, and their eyes were full of deep desire.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, their eyes flickering constantly.

"Take me to have a look." Mi Zhu couldn't help but said.

Gao Dacong was not too polite, and led the two of them to the cave, then stood under the statue of the god and demon, raised his head to look at the face of the statue of the god and demon above his head, his eyes were full of seriousness: "Senior brothers, are you still waiting for me?" Please step back and watch me use my means."

Gao Dacong began to dance that funny dance directly on the spot, continuously offering sacrifices to the demon god in the dark.

Although Gao Dacong's posture was funny, Mi Zhu and Yan Qu didn't mean to make fun of it. Instead, they stared at Gao Dacong's movements with a pair of eyes without blinking.

Gao Dacong's every move was deeply imprinted in his heart, and he dared not forget the slightest bit.

After the dance was over, Gao Dacong kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, and an ancient and vicissitudes of gods and demons in the stone sculpture began to slowly revive and permeate in the cave.

Both Yan Qu and Gao Dacong shook their bodies, only feeling that there was a 'line of sight' coming down from somewhere across time and space, like a mountain, pressing down on their hearts.


Facing the majesty of the ancient gods and demons, the two immediately bowed down without hesitation.

"I will pay my respects to Lord Demon God."

"What do you want?" Tengu asked boredly, lying behind the stone sculpture.

"I want to exchange opportunities with Lord Demon God. I wonder what opportunities can be exchanged with Lord Demon God?" Yan Qu looked respectful.

"I have a flat peach, which blooms in 3000 years, bears fruit in 3000 years, and matures in another 3000 years. After ripening, eating one can make you healthy, wash the marrow and cut the hair, and live for 3000 years. I have a flat peach, 6000 years Once it blooms, it takes 6000 years to bear fruit, and it takes another 6000 years to mature. After it matures, it can live for 9000 years. It can ascend to the gods and become a god. I have flat peaches, which bloom once in 9000 years and bear fruit in 9000 years. It will take another 9000 years to mature. After maturity, it can make life and heaven equal, and cultivate immeasurable supernatural powers."

"I have ginseng fruit, which blooms in 3000 years, bears fruit in 3000 years, and matures in 3000 years. If you smell it, you can live 8000 years, and eating one can increase your life by [-] years." Heart Ape keeps bewitching.

"I have the supreme magic treasure, the Four Swords of Immortals. The four swords form a sword array, which can kill 'Heaven'. It can destroy the ancient gods!"

"I have the magic treasure Tai Chi Diagram, which can control the earth, water, wind and fire, and can sweep all time and space."

"I have the magical treasure Pangu Banner, which can open up the world and destroy chaos."

"You want to exchange it like that?" Xin Yuan began to confuse people again, and at the same time a wisp of demon seeds flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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