Chapter 334 Five Elements Moving Mountains
Chen Lu was very angry. The turbulent anger was like a torrential river, which was unstoppable. At this time, the opportunities around her body were chaotic, and a little bit of blood began to come out of her eyes.

He is so angry!

Anger had gradually overwhelmed his rationality, and the arm that had been suppressed by Chi You's angry shout in the Dharma Realm began to pop up little by little at this moment.

The arm struggled and twisted, as if it was gradually turning into a monster.

If he gathers the wealth of the world with the help of God and Demon Rice, then the Triple Treasure of Kaitian will definitely belong to him.

At that time, holding the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven, sweeping across the world to reshape the universe, overthrowing the Great Zhou and establishing a new human order, wouldn't it be beautiful for the Human Dynasty?

Now that Yan Qu and Mi Zhu have found out his secret, this is not only adding another competitor to him, but also losing a first-line opportunity.

"I asked him in every possible way, but he didn't know. But Yan Qu only went there once, and he opened his mouth to tell the secret. It seems that Gong Nanbei and Cui Yu are in cahoots, and they have betrayed my Haoran lineage long ago. They are not from my family." After all, these two people are not the seeds cultivated by my Haoran lineage since childhood, how sincere are they in their hearts to my Haoran lineage?" Chen Lu panted heavily.

"Clean up the house! We must clean up the house! That Cui Yu, who was so ignorant, actually helped Li Shengren's line against us, and that Gong Nanbei said that Cui Yu did not leak the news, which is the greatest fallacy in the world! It seems that that Gong Nanbei also joined in, and they are still on the same line as Cui Yu." Gao Dcong continued to add fuel and vinegar to the side.

"Clean up the door? How to clean up the door? Li Ming's enlightenment is imminent, but he can't make more troubles. If it affects the enlightenment of the old Confucian scholars, even a saint will not spare me." Chen Lu took a breath and forcibly regained her composure: " And this kind of thing, there is no way to put it on the bright side.”

He himself coveted Cui Yu's opportunity, which is something that cannot be seen.

Later, it was discovered secretly that Cui Yu's chance was not mentioned, and Cui Yu was forced to live in seclusion in the courtyard of an old scholar, asking for protection from Gongnanbei.

This kind of thing can't be said on the bright side. Once it is said on the bright side, he himself will be punished by the saint first.

It is a big taboo to covet the opportunity of being in the same family, and to use tricks to snatch it.

For a while, the atmosphere in the field became deserted: "It's useless to say anything else now, hurry up and collect supplies, at all costs, and even reduce the price of god and demon rice, and collect enough before the saint's lineage Materials, and the priority to obtain the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven.”

Mi Zhu and Yan Qu walk out of the cave

Mi Zhu looked at Yan Qu with surprise in his eyes: "Unexpectedly, you are so proficient in calculations, then Cui Yu must have died unjustly now. He will never know until he dies, what went wrong, and he called Chen Lu The murderous intent towards him is extremely intense."

"Calm down, I'm just using a little skill, and I'm already invincible at this level." Yan Qu smiled calmly, and his voice was full of complacency: "But the next thing, I have to ask Brother Dao."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me to collect supplies and transport god and demon rice. The food shops of my Mi family are all over the 360 ​​five-way princes. Does Haoran want to compete with my Mi family? As long as there are enough gods The supply of magic rice, when the time comes, it will only be a matter of course that Haoran will be crushed. There are three pieces of the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven, and you and I each have one piece. As for the third piece, we will have to rely on our own abilities." Mi Zhu looked at Yan Qu.

"My cultivation aptitude is not enough. Although I have the best wisdom, I still fall short. If I can obtain the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven, it will definitely be able to protect my way and make up for my lack of cultivation aptitude." Yan Qu's eyes showed a scorching heat , in the depths of his eyes, the strong desire turned into a bouncing little monkey constantly commotion.

"What do you think is the origin of that demon god? The other party can even give such incredible treasures as the Three Treasures of Kaitian?" Mi Zhu still had some reason in his heart.

He believes that the other party is a demon god, after all, a demon rice can't be fake.But if you take out such inconceivable treasures as the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven, no matter how you look at them, you will feel very dreamy.

"The primordial gods and demons were born in the chaos. Before the creation of the world, it is no exaggeration to have powerful supernatural powers." Yan Qu reassured the other party.

"But I always feel a little uneasy." Mi Zhu muttered.

"God and demon rice can't be fake! Anyway, as long as we have god and demon rice, we won't suffer." Yan Qu replied.

Mizhu was taken aback when he heard the words: It is also true.

In the small courtyard of the old sour Confucian
Cui Yu was leaning under the big tree. At this time, he was drowsy and breathed evenly, and he slowly fell asleep.

"come here!"

"come here!"

The sleeping female voice was calling a little bit, softly as if greeting a lover, and kept calling Cui Yu to walk over.

Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu's innate sword energy, envious and jealous, staring straight at him with eyes full of longing.

The only difference between him and the saint is an innate sword.

Miaomiao was in a trance, Cui Yu woke up from a deep sleep, his eyes were full of confusion.

He raised his head to look at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, then rubbed his head: "It's so noisy! I can't sleep well every day if I want to sleep late."

"Are you dreaming again?" Gong Nanbei asked.

"There were two voices in the dream, always urging me to find her, but they didn't tell me the route." Cui Yu said cursingly: "I quarrel every day in my sleep, and the quarrel makes me uneasy."

Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu meaningfully, and turned his eyes to the north, the place where the Xiantian Sword is located in Kunlun Mountain: it's still a little early.His current cultivation base is too poor, and getting the Innate Excalibur is purely asking for trouble for himself.

He didn't think it was a good thing for Cui Yu that the Xiantian Divine Sword fell into Cui Yu's hands.

But Gong Nanbei suddenly came back to his senses, and looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: "Wait? You seemed to be saying that there were two voices in your sleep?"

"Yes, there are two voices. Those two voices started arguing very fiercely and ignored me at all," Cui Yu said.

Gong Nanbei's face was full of grief and indignation, he actually just wanted to ask: "Why?"

Not bad!

Where is he worse than Cui Yu?
Why do those innate treasures look down on me?

Gong Nanbei's heart was filled with grief and indignation, he really died of drought, and died of waterlogging.

Those are two innate spiritual treasures!

"Brother, is it where you are hurting?" Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei's distorted face and asked worriedly.

"It doesn't hurt."

"It doesn't hurt, why this expression?"


in the corner

Tengu lay on the straw, nibbling a piece of straw unhurriedly: "Say, do you want to tell him the matter?"

"Tell him what to do, just pretend he doesn't know. We cheated so many treasures for him, he should be grateful that we didn't have time." Chiyou said gloatingly.

"I think you're right." Tengu also smiled at the old mother.

Cui Yu put a magic spell on himself and tricked him, is there anything wrong with that?

Time passed bit by bit, and Cui Yu's martial arts in the yard became more and more refined. With the improvement of martial arts, the divine blood in his body also increased by leaps and bounds.

Especially since having the God Demon Skin, Cui Yu's ability to store divine blood has greatly increased, but the palm-sized God Demon Skin has stored hundreds of drops of divine blood.

The increase of divine blood means that Cui Yu's magical powers are stronger and the range of magical powers is wider.

Internal organs, now Cui Yu has completed the two Tibetans, and his strength has increased to [-] jin.

Another month in a blink of an eye
A steady stream of god and demon rice was transported out, and countless supplies were filled in. Looking at the flattened hills, Cui Yu couldn't help but feel a little uncertain.

Once so many god-and-demon rice are transported to the world and exploded, one will be counted as one, and no one will be able to run away.

this day

Cui Yu was idle and bored in the yard, so he took out the five Polygonum multiflorum roots and looked them up in his hand: "It's about to transform into form and open up wisdom, if you refine or eat them, it would be a waste of money."

Cui Yu held the five roots of Polygonum multiflorum, with thoughts flickering in his mind, a little divine power flowed, and he tapped on the five roots of Polygonum multiflorum: "Order: You are the God of the Five Elements, and you are the gods."

The five elements between heaven and earth are big and small.

The big one covers the universe, and all kinds of heaven and earth are included in it.

Smaller ones, one grass and one tree, one flower and one leaf, one sand and one stone, all belong to the five elements.

As Cui Yu's words fell, Wugen Shouwu's body was distorted and turned into little white and fat dolls, and it turned out to be spiritually intelligent.

The five little dolls are exactly the same, but the colors of their bodies are completely different, representing the law of the five elements between heaven and earth.

The five little dolls are very small, only the size of a fist, but their eyes are very agile. As soon as they saw Cui Yu, they immediately rushed over and called 'Daddy' and 'Daddy' chirping.

Although the five little dolls are a bit lower in height, they were born with priesthood. They are the gods of heaven and earth conferred by Cui Yu himself.

Gong Nanbei, who was depressed at the side, couldn't help being stunned when he saw Cui Yu's move to become a god.

Wiping his eyes vigorously, Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu, and then at the five little dolls on the ground, who looked like gods descending from heaven, their eyes were full of disbelief.

'Fengshen! '

A word suddenly popped out of Gong Nanbei's mind.

Then Gong Nanbei rolled up his sleeves and was about to grab Cui Yu's villain Five Elements Doll.But seeing the five-element doll giggling and chuckling, it turned into multicolored light and disappeared into the void, making Gong Nanbei's actions come to nothing.

When it reappeared, the Shouwu Doll appeared next to Cui Yu, holding Cui Yu's trousers, complaining.

Shouwu dolls can't talk, they just keep barking.

Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei: "Brother, you really scared my cutie."

"Junior brother, what kind of method are you doing?" Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu seriously.

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words: "Did you see it?"

Conferring gods is his unique innate ability. Once he is conferred, he can become the righteous god of heaven and earth. This is his unique method.

"As long as I'm not a fool, I can see it. You must not use this kind of method in the crowd in the future, otherwise you may be afraid that all kinds of ghosts and gods in the world will find you in the future. What should you do then? If you If you don't agree, it's vengeance. If you agree, the other party will turn into an evil god after receiving the imperial seal, causing disasters to the world, and all karma will fall on you." Gong Nanbei looked serious.

Unprecedented seriousness!
Looking at Gong Nanbei's face, Cui Yu seemed to realize something, and nodded to Gong Nanbei: "Thank you, brother, for your reminder."

"Junior brother is a good means. If I can't survive the disaster as a brother in the future, I will ask my junior brother to seal it for me." Gong Nanbei's eyes were hot.

If this is granted by imperial edict and enters the Dharma Realm in the future, wouldn't it be protected by the power of the great world, and the security level will be raised by then?
"Senior brother is immortal and immortal, so he needs to be sealed?" Cui Yu asked curiously.

"Times have changed! The world has changed. It is no longer friendly to monks, and the laws and order of the world are constantly improving. It is said that 8000 years ago, when the world first opened, the laws and order of the world were still fragile. Suddenly one day A world-shattering war breaks out, crippling the entire world." Gong Nanbei said:
"It's just an ancient legend, so it's not worth taking seriously. But it's true that the laws of heaven and earth are constantly evolving and improving."

Hearing the words, Cui Yu suddenly remembered the vision of heaven and earth that happened when he obtained the power of imperial seal and sealed that old tree that day, and a thought came to his mind: "Could it be that I caused all this? All these mutations Is it all caused by me?"

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and then he looked at Shouwu Doll with his eyes.

"Since they have obtained the position of righteous gods, can they be accompanied by supernatural powers?" Gong Nanbei asked.

"Five elements move mountains." Cui Yu said.

As a person who conferred the gods, he was born able to control all the conferred gods and grasp all the information of the gods.

"However, their cultivation base is too weak. Even with the blessing of the gods, they can't move the mountain, at most they can move a few boulders." Cui Yu said.

While speaking, he kicked the five Shouwu dolls: "Useless things, why don't you go to the mountains to find fortune, and then find them for me."

Cui Yu landed with one foot, and the Shouwu Doll let out a giggle, and disappeared into the soil in the form of colorful light.

"If you want to cultivate the five elements and move mountains, you need to select five mountains, and then five Shouwu dolls will live in them separately to melt the origin of the five mountains. After the five Shouwu dolls are completely integrated with the five mountains, the five elements will You can practice moving mountains." Cui Yu looked at the distant Kunlun Mountains with his eyes:

"If I use five Shouwu dolls to refine the five largest peaks in Kunlun Mountains, wouldn't the art of moving mountains be directly accomplished? Just one step away?"

"The five Shouwu dolls still have a long way to go if they want to fully grasp the five elements and move mountains." Cui Yu sighed with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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