Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 339 Chen Lu's Dead End

Chapter 339 Chen Lu's Dead End

"What exactly is the Holy Way?" Cui Yu asked.

This is actually the biggest doubt in his heart.

"From nothing to being, from being to nothing. Being out of nothing, nothing out of being." Gong Nanbei said.

"Speak human." Cui Yu's eyes widened. He hated these people who played tricks all day long.

"Tao is the law, form your own law, and confirm the law with all beings in the world, and then entrust the law in the Dharma Realm, thus gaining the power to control the Dharma Realm." Gong Nanbei said.

"The Dao comprehended by mortals can also work in chaos and the law world?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

The law of rites to saints is just the acquired perception of mortals, and it can also affect the operation of heaven and earth?

"Why didn't those laws originally exist between the heaven and the earth, and then they were captured and verified by mortals, so that we can see the true content of the laws if we remove the false and keep the real?" Gong Nanbei asked.

Cui Yu was stunned.

The boss propped his head up, his eyes closed, and he kept nodding his head in a drowsy state.

Chen Lu walked up to Yan Qu and sat down, looking at the fruits on the table, it was easy.

"It's over! It's all over!" Chen Lu knew that she had messed up the matter. Once the old Suanru failed to prove the Tao, Saint Meng would never forgive herself.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was dead silent. At this moment, the void outside the gate twisted, and a figure appeared outside the gate.

Can't explain it!
To explain the vision, one must explain the flat peach, and to explain the flat peach, one must explain the statue of gods and demons.

With the Mi family as the backing, a steady stream of corn was transported and thrown into Daliang City. The writings of horses and carriages in Daliang City decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the number of flags and banners also decreased continuously.

Cui Yu ate, drank and practiced at the old Confucian scholar's house every day, but he didn't know that the situation in Daliang City was rising, and the old Confucian scholar's life was hard.

What they did was not visible, and of course Cui Yu could not be convicted at this time.

Chen Lu gritted her teeth, and after a long time, she flicked her sleeves and turned to leave.

Cui Yu nodded, of course he saw it, these peach blossoms were not caused by the leakage of the so-called flat peaches by himself?

"I'm afraid it will end up in a frenzy." Chen Lu was inexplicably sad and indignant.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, the brilliance in Zhao Cailun's eyes disappeared, and he stood in the yard in a daze, staring blankly at the big banyan tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, not knowing what to think.

In fact, Chen Lu was really anxious now, her mouth was covered with blisters, and her eyes were bloodshot.

"It's too late to say it earlier, the Mi family won't cooperate with us at all." Gao Dacong's face was full of grievances.

Who is he?
Haoran's lineage master teacher brother, who has lived for hundreds of years, is now being scolded by a junior, can he hold his face?

How should he explain to Gong Nanbei?

So Cui Yu chose not to explain.

"What should I do?" Zhao Cailun, the teacher's wife, turned pale anxiously, looking at Cui Yu with a pair of helpless eyes.

"Is he willing to discuss with me?" Chen Lu's heart moved, but finally he said: "Let's lead the way ahead."

"There is really no way?" Gong Nanbei felt unwilling: "You and Meng Shengren's matter, don't involve the old Confucian scholar. I know you are unwilling, Meng Shengren's affairs are not honest, but the old Confucian scholar You have been dormant for 60 years, just to soar into the sky today. If the old Confucian scholar can become a saint, how can you benefit less?"

Let's say Chen Lu
Leaving Baicao Hall, walking all the way on the busy street, looking at the passing carriages on the street, all of them were replaced by the words of the saint, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly:

"If I had a way, I would have said it a long time ago. Why would I stand here and watch the fun?" Cui Yu smiled wryly, "It's all because of Chen Lu. With God and Demon Rice, you said you should hide it well, and made a muffled voice It’s all about money, and everyone in Dazhou who insists on ostentatiously passing through the streets knows about it, and in the end let Li Shengren’s lineage take advantage of the loophole.”

"What?" Cui Yu was stunned upon hearing this.

"The problem is what should I do now? I can't reverse the situation. At that time, I will have to be condemned by Saint Meng. At least, my cultivation base will be abolished, and at worst, it will disappear directly. Because of fighting with Cui Yu, and ruining the major events in the sect, how can the saint Can you spare me?" Chen Lu walked down the street in a daze, he knew he was done for!

What's wrong with him?

A plate of peanuts and a pot of wine.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed, and they all subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"You messed up your errand, the saint Haoran will never spare you in the future." Cui Yu looked at Chen Lu with a pair of eyes.

"Convict Cui Yu," Gao Dacong said.

Chen Lu wore a black robe, covering his head and body, only a pair of eyes were quietly looking at Cui Yu: "I want to talk to you."

The two stopped and stopped all the way, and came to an inconspicuous small wine shop, where Yan Qu was sitting in a corner drinking quietly by himself.

Cui Yu shook his head: "I have no choice. I remember you told me at the beginning that this is just a small skill, so you can't get on the stage? You will preside over this matter yourself, suppressing the line of Li Shengren? Why, now you are slapped in the face? Lian Xiao There is no way? There are no tricks?"

It was Cui Yu who leaked the secret of the god and demon to Yan Qu, so he reversed the good situation and put himself in a passive position.

Cui Yu also fell silent. Even he couldn't think of a good counterattack strategy in this situation.

"This is the saint's first vision, spring returning to the earth." Gong Nanbei said.

Can he tell Shengren Meng that he has plundered Cui Yu's secret?
This kind of thing cannot be said.

"Brother, the lineage of Nali Shengren has the support of the Mi family, and all kinds of rice noodles are continuously transported. Everywhere we go to buy, but we are one step ahead of the Mi family. Even if we have magic rice, we can exchange it now. There is no food. The sage's lineage is too unique, and the amount of gods and demons is [-]% lower than ours." Gao Dacong said.

You must know that what Haoran advocates is 'human nature is inherently good'.Wouldn't it appear that he was 'evil' if the news of his conspiring to steal the good fortune of his fellow disciples reached Meng Shengren's ears?How could Saint Meng rub sand in his eyes?
As for the fact that Cui Yu directly robbed the other party's shop at the beginning, and Cui Yu killed his own branch, can't he express his anger?

What can he do?
Now that Li Shengren is suppressing at all costs, what can Cui Yu do?
It should be Chen Lu who is most anxious.

"What? Down [-]%? Why didn't you say it earlier!" Chen Lu cursed angrily.

What does this have to do with old Confucian scholars?
This vision is obviously caused by the leakage of my innate wood energy, when did it become the vision of the old Confucian scholar?
Looking at the serious Gong Nanbei, Cui Yu was in a trance for a moment, wondering whether he had made a mistake.The rejuvenation of the trees and trees in Daliang City, the blooming of flowers all over the city was not due to the leakage of his innate wood energy, but the vision of the old Confucian scholar.

"Is the old Confucian scholar really going to become enlightened?" Cui Yu looked at Zhao Cailun, who was standing in front of the house door, who looked like a watchman.

Cui Yu stood in the courtyard, thinking of a solution.

"Perhaps you can ask Cui Yu to see if Cui Yu can do anything?" Gao Dacong looked at Chen Lu with a pair of eyes: "For the sake of my Haoran lineage, it's okay for senior brother to bow his head temporarily."

Yan Qu has already calculated everything, he has no chance of winning.

You can't bow your head!

Looking at the other party, Chen Lu couldn't help feeling a sense of disgust in her heart. If it wasn't for the fact that Li Yi's lineage had not deceived people too much, how would there be the situation today?
"I know that senior brother is bored with me, but my master teacher ordered me to wait for you here, saying that it is to discuss matters related to the senior brother's life. Whether to go or not is entirely up to the senior brother himself, but if you miss today, just I'm afraid that my brother's life will be in danger." The disciple said with a smile: "There may be opportunities to deal with the matter of old and sour scholars. As long as the interests are suitable, there is nothing in the world that cannot be discussed."

"Otherwise, let's poison it." One of Haoran Academy's disciples suddenly whispered.

"Did you see this garden full of peach blossoms?" Gong Nanbei asked.

It's no wonder Haoran sage can spare him.

Cui Yu was referring to the fact that he was plotting to plunder all the supplies.

"If you can think of this way, there must be a way to help the old Confucian become enlightened and reverse the current situation." Chen Lu looked at Cui Yu.

"The holy way has three levels of vision, and right now it is the first level." Gong Nanbei said.

Looking at Zhao Cailun's disappointed eyes, Gong Nanbei said in a low voice: "Is there really no way to reverse the situation? If we can't reverse the overall situation, I'm afraid the master will not be able to hold on anymore, and the way of proving the way may be stuck."

Chen Lu's face was twisted, and the muscles on his face were trembling constantly.

Poisoning ordinary people to death is used to frame up the lineage of the saints. If this matter is exposed, everyone present will be counted as one, and they will be stigmatized for thousands of years, and will be cast aside by Confucian scholars all over the world.

The one who was wrong was clearly Cui Yu.

It's Chen Lu.

After half a month, there was no written banner of any store in Daliang City related to the classics of the old Confucian scholar.Whether it's Gongnanbei or Cui Yu, they can feel that the opportunities for the old Confucian scholars in the room to practice have decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Completely finished!
But he didn't know how to reverse it.

If you don't bow your head, how will you face the saints of Haoran's lineage in the future?

"What are we talking about? We have nothing to talk about." Cui Yu shook his head.

But looking at Gongnanbei at the side, Chen Lu finally endured it.


On the contrary, all kinds of words slandering the old Confucian scholars were circulating in Daliang City.

"What should we do now?" Chen Lu asked.

"Blood enmity, does it mean that it can be resolved by resolving it?" Cui Yu shook his head: "He may not be able to kill me, he himself will soon be in big trouble."

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard the words: "There is no way to recover."

"Do you think that Gong Nanbei can protect you forever? Do you think I will be afraid of Gong Nanbei? You are too naive! If you miss today's chance of reconciliation, you will die."

"Senior Brother Chen Lu, please stay still." At this moment, a shout came from the crowd, and a well-mannered and well-mannered figure appeared in front of him, blocking Chen Lu's way.

There was a stalemate in the field for a while.

Facing Zhao Cailun's gaze, Cui Yu spread out his hands: "Sage Meng took my rice shop, and now everything is under Chen Lu's control, and I have nothing to do."

Yan Qu thought that the old Confucian scholar's practice had reached a critical moment, so he threw down a large amount of supplies, and doubled the amount of rice noodles distributed.

But who would have thought that Cui Yu would be so ruthless?
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, really didn't take the slightest loss, and directly leaked the news of the God and Demon Cave.

"Ask Cui Yu? What name is used to indict?" Chen Lu looked anxious: "Does it mean that he leaked the secrets of gods and demons? Or is it some trumped-up charge?"

"You find a way for me. The karma between the Dayu Chen family and you will be wiped out." Chen Lu gritted her teeth, but finally bowed her head and gave in.

Disciple of the Rites?

Looking at the serious Gong Nanbei, Cui Yu had thousands of words in his heart, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

He was worried that Cui Yu would not come up with a solution because of his grudge against Meng Shengren.

The void began to distort, and Chen Lu's complexion continued to distort, but he suppressed it forcefully.

At this time, Cui Yu could be said to be elated, and severely hurt that Chen Lu, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

The shop is very quiet, only Yan Qu is alone.

"Haven't figured out a way yet?" Chen Lu scanned the students of Haoran Academy with her eyes.

Chen Lu went away, and Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu: "Why did you offend him to death? Be a human being and save a little, so that we can meet each other in the future. Among my Confucian disciples, Chen Lu's cultivation is the best in the world. Confucianism in the world , Yan Qu's wisdom is the first, and Chen Lu's cultivation is the first. Yan Qu is good at using tricks and calculating every step of the way, while Chen Lu is good at single-handedly going to meetings to overwhelm others."

Chen Lu's face was cold, and he didn't say anything: "What do you want to discuss with me?"

"Please." Yan Qu poured a glass of wine for Chen Lu.

The only chance lies with Cui Yu, but unfortunately Cui Yu would rather watch the old Confucian scholar fail in his demonstration than tell him the way.

Due to the face of Gong Nanbei and the old Confucian scholar, he couldn't kill the killer himself, but he could still make trouble for the other party.

But now all the responsibilities have to fall on him, and he has no way to justify, can he not feel aggrieved?
It was extremely aggrieved!

"Li Ming failed to prove the Tao, and you will be buried with him!" Chen Lu stared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, her words were domineering and there was no room for maneuver. After speaking, she tossed her robe and turned away:

All the students shook their heads.

"The cause and effect of the Chen family and I will never end, and I will never regret the destruction of the Chen family." Cui Yu looked at Chen Lu: "I have known your identity for a long time, but so what? You still can't do anything for Daliang Chen." Family revenge?"

In the courtyard of the old sour Confucian

With the intervention of Taiping Dao, more God and Demon rice was exchanged, and countless supplies gathered in Daliang City.

"Discuss the future origin of Daoist Brother." Yan Qu put down the jug.

"My source?" Chen Lu was puzzled.

"If you messed up this time, Saint Meng will definitely punish you. I'm afraid there will be no place for you in Haoran's lineage. I think you have worked hard for Haoran's lineage for a hundred years, and now you have such a result. It's really true." Poor." Yan Channel.

"You asked me to come here to ridicule me?" Chen Lu's face became colder and colder.

(End of this chapter)

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