"do not come!"

When Zilu saw Chen Lu who was about to rush over, he couldn't help but exclaimed, with a panicked expression on his face.

Unfortunately, Zilu shouted too late.In other words, Chen Lu's sword was really too fast.

Chen Lu's sword is different from Gongnanbei's. Gongnanbei's sword is sword energy, which is the supernatural power of swordsmanship.

Chen Lu's sword is fast!

Fast to the extreme fast!

It seems like a light.

The sword was still the same sword, but Chen Lu added his supernatural powers to the sword.

Chen Lu's supernatural power is to disintegrate time and master the power of time.

The extreme speed of light can generate time, but Chen Lu's ability breaks down time into light.

Then give the speed of light to the sword.

Chen Lu's sword seemed to turn into light, and the speed was extremely fast.

Zilu can be sure that he has never seen such a fast speed before.He didn't even have time to react!

Then at the next moment, the sword light and Zilu directly penetrated the Dharma Realm, crashed into Zilu's magnificent river, and stabbed the Ant Great Sage in the eye.

"do not want!"

Zilu cried out in surprise.

In his grand grand river supernatural power, he summoned 26 kinds of power to form a large formation, like an iron bucket that arranged the entire grand grand river without any flaws.

But this one has no flaws, it's just that there are no flaws from the inside.

When he created the Grand Grand River, he only thought about his own Grand River to suppress the enemy. He always trapped the enemy in the matrix inside the Grand River. He never thought that someone would break the formation from outside.

Of course, it's not that he didn't want to make up for this defect, but this defect is really too big.

With his realm, it is impossible to deduce it perfectly, and it is already his limit to be able to form a matrix in the vast river.If you want to completely make up for the shortcomings, you must prove the realm of a saint.

The law is too abstract, equal to the truth between heaven and earth.

But no matter what kind of law is comprehended, it must be displayed in a magical way.

Laws are like Newton's laws of gravitation and electromagnetism. Knowing that theories are useless, we must shape each other into useful machines.

But after knowing the theory, is it still difficult to make a machine?
Zilu has been comprehending the various laws of heaven and earth for nearly 60 years. He is already on the verge of proving the Tao and becoming a saint. Of course, his understanding of supernatural powers has not fallen behind.

Although his mighty long river has been initially practiced and the matrix has been initially arranged, there is a fatal flaw, that is the power of the outside world.

In particular, Chen Lu has also touched the Dharma Realm. Chen Lu's cultivation may be too far from Zilu's, but Chen Lu's abilities are about to mature and reach the maturity.

The speed of light is too fast, even compared to practitioners, it is still too fast.

There was not even time for Zilu to stop it, the sword had already pierced into the Grand River, and instantly hit a node of the matrix.

Then the Haoran formation broke through with a bang.

Chen Lu's long sword pierced through the void with the snap of his fingers, and stabbed towards the eyes of the Ant Great Sage, trying to pierce the Ant Great Sage's head.

Seeing the long sword stabbed by Chen Lu, the clinker ant sage smiled lightly, and suddenly pulled his palm, and the space twisted and transformed, forming a twisted space barrier between his fingers.

Although the speed of light is fast, it can never break through the barrier of space.

Looking at the space barrier, Chen Lu's body kept shrinking under the space barrier, turning into the size of a palm, and was grabbed by the Ant Dasheng and held it in his hand.

"As expected, it is the law of force. As long as you master the law of force, thousands of laws in the world can be touched." Zilu's pupils shrank in the distance.

At this time, Chen Lu's voice came slowly from a distance:
"Sinister! Give me back my materials. Without the materials, how can I explain to the brothers in the church? How can I explain to the creditors in the world?"

This fight was really a flash in the air, and the voice didn't come through until the fight was over.

"Ants, you dare to fight me? Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get out of that quagmire." The Great Ant held Chen Lu in his hands, and a ferocious smile appeared on the ant's head.

"Unbelievable. Even if you are a martial artist, you shouldn't be able to shake the power of space so easily." Zilu's eyes became serious: "Let my junior brother go."

"Let your junior brother go? Impossible! Unless you judge yourself in front of me." The Great Sage Ant smiled coldly, looking at Zilu with his eyes: "You are finished! The divine blood in your body is about to run out, you are dead! "

The Ant Great Sage held Chen Lu in his hand, and punched Zilu: "Boy, if you dare to resist, the force of the impact will be too great, and you will turn him into a pulp, no wonder I am!"

His voice was full of complacency, and he looked at Zilu jokingly with his eyes: "Boy, isn't your Haoran lineage all about good nature? This is your junior brother. If you resist, you will kill your junior brother. "

Seeing the punch from Great Sage Ant, Zilu cursed in his heart: "Damn it, the monsters that bastard said are all simple-minded, idiots who only know brute force and don't know how to use tricks. If I know who said it , I have to tear his mouth off."

Zilu looked at the iron fist thrown by the great sage Ant, so he could only back away, avoiding the sharp edge of the great sage Ant.

At the same time, the opportunities around him began to gather again, and they continued to condense around them, and the breath of eighteen movements began to surge again.

"No. 20 five moves!" The breath around Zilu continued to condense.

Seeing that Zilu wanted to fight for his life, Great Sage Ant panicked: "Your junior brother is in my hands, don't you care about your junior brother's life?"

"Up to 25 moves, I'm [-]% sure to kill you and save my junior brother's life." Zilu expressionless.

"Are you crazy? In your current state, you can't control yourself at all. If you use the power of No. 20 five movements, if you exceed this power, your body will explode." Ant Great Sage masters the law of power, which is very important for the power of heaven and earth. The flow direction is the most sensitive, and he can clearly feel that the energy in Zilu's body has gradually lost control along with the blessing of the strange breath between heaven and earth.

It's as if...it's as if...every cell is already full of energy, and if you continue to charge it, the energy will burst the water tank and overflow.

Every cell in the human body emits energy, what are the consequences?
Burst open!

Like a balloon, it exploded.

"So what if it explodes? If I don't kill you, everyone can't survive. If I'm alone, I'll live all the brothers. If I'm alone, I'll live the entire Daliang City. If I don't die, they have no chance! As for Chen Lu Junior brother, there is nothing I can do! I’m sorry! Twelve senior brothers can live without the two of me, it’s worth it!”

Facing the exclamation of Great Sage Ant, Zilu ignored it, and just continued to mobilize the energy in the world to bless him.

"Stop! I have something to say, if you don't stop, I will turn around and destroy Daliang City!" The Great Sage Ant couldn't help but collapse at this moment.

With 24 moves in that sub-road, you can already trap yourself. If you increase it to 25 moves, wouldn't you have to give up?

He didn't expect Zilu to be so crazy that he didn't care about Chen Lu's life.

At this time, Zilu's expression was fanatical, as if he was a devout believer who was dedicating himself to his lifelong belief.

"Crazy! Humans are all lunatics! For the sake of the so-called righteousness, I can kill my own life. It's like suffering from madness!" Looking at Zilu in a state of frenzy, Ant Dasheng felt a little headache. The old place, the red-eyed young man.

madman!They are all lunatics!
While speaking, he grabbed it casually, and a [-]-meter-high hill in Kunlun Mountain was uprooted, and fell into the hands of the Great Ant through the void, and was lifted above his head by the Great Ant: "If you don't stop, I will Smash this mountain down and destroy the entire Daliang City. At that time, millions of people in Daliang City will die because of you. I would like to ask you, is it your twelve juniors who are important, or the number of people in Daliang City? Millions of people matter."

As soon as these words came out, Zilu's condensed aura really stopped, and the aura that had been beaten with chicken blood also stopped abruptly, as if it was stuck.

"What do you want to do?" Zilu silently stared at the Great Sage Ant, and finally spoke after a long time.

"Tell me to kill you, and millions of people in Daliang City will live." Ant Great Sage's request was very shameless.

But he was just asking for a lot of money, and he just wanted to delay until Zilu got poisoned.

"Does your poison really work?" Ant Dasheng quietly gave Chen Lu a look.

Chen Lu looked at the fierce Zilu in the distance, feeling a little unsure, and returned a erratic look: "It should be effective, right?" . '

Zilu didn't eat the poisonous dates, he didn't know what to do.

'should? '

Ant Great Sage saw the other party's eyes, and now he looked confused. Can he be vague about this kind of thing?
While the two were talking, Zilu interrupted their eye contact: "I'm going to be arrested without a fight, can I let all my juniors go?"

"Clam?" The Great Ant couldn't believe his ears.

"Senior brother, these beasts are so cunning, you must not believe his words. If you let go of your resistance, once you ask that beast to take action, you may go back on your word and tear up the agreement in a blink of an eye."

"Senior brother, you must not be so stupid. If you really believe this beast's nonsense, not only will you not survive, but the millions of people in Daliang City will also be reduced to blood."

"Senior brother, don't be so reckless. Is it a gentleman's action to catch him without a fight?"

"Brother, the monsters are cunning, how can there be a truth?"

"Brother, if you give up resisting at this time, and that beast will repent later, I'm afraid it will be too late for you to regret!"

The complexions of the masters of the twelve branches in the distance all changed drastically, and they spoke out to persuade each other, fearing that Zilu would not be able to figure it out, and would actually believe the cunning words of the monster, and put down his resistance without hesitation.

"Really?" Zilu asked.

"Seriously! Seriously! As long as you are willing to be beaten to death by me, I will release the people in Daliang City, as well as your twelve brothers." Great Sage Ant kept nodding, his voice full of astonishment.

"How can I trust you?" Zilu asked.

"I swear in the name of the Dharma Realm, as long as you are willing to be beaten to death by me, I will spare the people in Daliang City and the juniors behind you," said An Dasheng.

Looking at the great sage Ant, Zilu really restrained all the opportunities in his body.

"Do it." Zilu's voice was indifferent, as if he was not the one who was beaten to death at all.

"Are you really willing to be beaten to death by me?" Seeing this scene, Great Sage An was a little panicked, but couldn't believe it.

Is there really someone who is willing to be beaten to death by himself?
For those indifferent ants?

"Do it." Zilu simply said two words.

"Then I'm going to do it?" Ant Great Sage raised his fist and looked at Zilu warily, for fear that Zilu would cheat.

Zilu frowned: "If you don't make a move, I will fight back."

"Do it! Do it! Let's do it!" Ant Great Sage shook his ant head hastily.

The next moment, I saw Great Sage Ant raising his fist, but he still asked uneasy: "Are you really willing to be beaten to death by me?"

"If you hesitate any longer, I'll regret it." Zilu was a little impatient.

In fact, his body does not have as much divine power as the outside world imagined, and even if it is raised to 26 moves, he doubts that he will not be able to take down the Great Sage Ant at all, because the Great Sage Ant has no eyes from the beginning to the end. flustered.

If you can sacrifice yourself alone to complete the thousands of incense in the world, then it is worth it.

Chen Lu was held in the hands of Great Sage Ant, her eyes were watching Zilu's choice, and she couldn't help being stunned.

Further away, Yan Qu's face was also shocked, in disbelief.

Ant Great Sage looked at Zilu, then at Chen Lu in his hand, and couldn't help but feel puzzled: "They're all human! Why is there such a big gap between being human?"

The next moment, Great Sage Ant waved his palm, holding up the mountain with a vigilant expression, and threw it at Zilu.

Seeing the approaching fist, the fear of death welled up in his heart. Zilu turned his head and looked at the twelve senior brothers who looked anxious and seemed to be shouting something in the distance, but unfortunately he could not hear clearly at this time.

With one last glance, Zilu's eyes turned to Daliang City, where the incense was luxuriant, and the incense of Wanjia was constantly wafting in the air.

Children's laughter, husband and wife's quarrel, and the lamb kneeling for his mother's kindness and other touching scenes were reflected in Zilu's eyes.

"This is the world that my monks want to protect! This is the source of my humanity and the true goal of my practice. If you can protect the peace of one side, it is better than immortality."

At this time, Zilu was facing the crisis of death.
He fell into a strange state, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.That is the first and most original thought of putting death to life:

"I finally know what my way is! My way is giving up! The saint Meng said: 'At the beginning of human beings, nature is good'. My way is to get rid of the shackles of the saint Meng. My way is 'giving up'. Be willing to give up, first give up and then get. My way is 'giving up'."

"Sacrificing one's life for righteousness, so my Dao should be two words, one is 'sacrifice', and the other is 'righteousness'." Zilu's voice was full of a transcendent perception.

In the tumbling majestic river, two hazy and indistinct handwritings condensed and formed quietly.

He is about to become enlightened!
He is about to become enlightened!
Facing the crisis of life and death, Zilu broke through the barrier of life and death and realized his way.

Give yourself up!
Give up the common people!
Give up everything, first give up and then get.

This is his way.

At the same time, thousands of opportunities gathered behind Zilu, and countless "she" characters in the void came from the vast world and all living beings, and gathered behind him.

And the word "she" is accompanied by the word "righteousness".

Sacrificing one's life for righteousness is his way.

The billions and thousands of words overlap behind him, and it seems to have turned into a giant statue in the haze.

The Ant Great Sage closed his fist suddenly, staring fixedly at Zilu in the distance with his eyes, and could not help but curse: "Cunning shemale, I knew he must have lied to me. How can anyone in this world be willing to die? He delays Time, ready to break through and become holy."

Ant Great Sage was a little flustered at this moment.

"He's going to be sanctified! He has realized his holy way! He has realized his own holy way!" Yan Qu stood behind, his eyes full of disbelief.

Is that how you become enlightened?

So directly comprehended his holy way?
It's too weird, right?
Have you ever seen that person become enlightened so easily?
In the process of becoming enlightened among the saints, which one did not go through thousands of calamities?
Isn't that catastrophic?
How did it become so simple when I came to him?
"Can you be holy just by facing death?"

Yan Qu's voice was full of disbelief.

If Zilu became enlightened in this way, then what is the effort made by Li Zhimai?
What a joke!

The line of ritual must be the laughing stock of the world.

At the same time, a pair of eyes looked at Chen Lu in the hands of the Ant Great Sage, and his eyes were full of questions: "Is your method reliable?"


Why hasn't the poison taken effect yet?
Chen Lu was a little unsure if the poison had to be eaten to be effective.

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