Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 364 The Easiest and Most Invincible

Chapter 364 The Easiest and Most Invincible
The previous article is far away.

Besides, along with Gong Nanbei's narration, Cui Yu's mind flickered with countless thoughts, and he had already thought of everything Gong Nanbei had suffered.

Vibration is truly invincible!

The vibration of ordinary high-speed cutting can even cut through steel, let alone the way of vibration comprehended by this great supernatural being?

Moreover, Master Ant has mastered the law of power, and indeed he can exert the power of 'shock' to the extreme.

The bruises on Gong Nanbei's face hadn't dissipated, and he looked a bit embarrassed: "I have never been humiliated like this before."

He, Gongnanbei, has always been the strongest in the same realm. Even the big monks who are in a higher realm than him face him, just like a father beating his son. When did he suffer such a disadvantage?

It's like being beaten by Dad.

Gong Nanbei struggled to get out of the bed, picked up a fallen leaf on the ground, and the next moment his hands vibrated rapidly, the vibrating leaf cut the air, and then the leaf was like a bullet ejected from the chamber, piercing through the door panel that Cui Yu had just repaired in an instant.

A ray of sunlight was projected through the crack of the door, and Cui Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

He could see clearly that Gong Nanbei didn't use his supernatural powers, but just relying on the control of his physical body, the force of his physical body shot out, piercing through the door panel.

"Unbelievable! It's simply unbelievable." Cui Yu took a breath.

Gong Nanbei achieved such an exaggerated effect just by relying on the strength of his muscles.

"It stands to reason that I have tens of thousands of catties of strength on my body now, so I should be able to reach this level." Cui Yu held the leaf, but he didn't know how to shake it.

"Use the blood to vibrate the fascia, use the fascia to vibrate the skin, and then the viscera and the six internal organs resonate together to achieve a mysterious wave, and then drive the leaf in his hand to vibrate." Gong Nanbei held the leaf and explained it to Cui Yu, and then another leaf shot out , the air exploded, and another hole appeared on the door panel.

Hearing this, Cui Yu was thoughtful, and picked up a leaf again, and the next moment, the leaf exploded like a firecracker in the wind with a 'pop'.

"The key is how a small leaf can withstand such a high-frequency vibration?" Cui Yu looked at Gongnanbei.

"This involves the law of force and the method of unloading force. Only the law of force will know." Gong Nanbei said.

While speaking, Gong Nanbei adjusted his breath in his body, and the blood in his body was rolling, constantly recovering his divine power.

Cui Yu was noncommittal when he heard this, did he vibrate?

It's no mystery to him.

But how to resolve the self-backlash caused by vibration is the most important thing.

For example, if you want to cut a piece of wood, but the material of the knife used to cut the wood must pass the test.

If you want to emit high-frequency vibrations, you must be able to withstand that vibration.

But the opponent only relied on the most ordinary vibration, but was able to reach such a level, beating people like Gong Nanbei without temper, which shows the strength of the opponent's physical fitness.

Ants can lift several times their own weight, and their physical bodies are already extremely strong.

Coupled with the establishment of the foundation of the martial art of gods and demons, and the mastery of the law of power, this has been heavily blessed, and it has reached a level that Cui Yu can't even imagine.

"How can we decipher the vibration? How can we decipher this high-frequency vibration?" Gong Nanbei stood under the tree in a daze with confused eyes.

"As long as your physical body is stronger than the opponent's, and the vibration frequency you can withstand is higher than the opponent's, you can completely defeat the opponent and you will no longer be affected by the opponent." Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Gong Nanbei shook his head: "The Ant Great Sage is an ant who has become enlightened. His physical body can lift several times his own weight, and his physical strength can be imagined. Based on the law of strength, the strength of the opponent's physical body has reached an incredible level. Unless it is a variety of indestructible diamond bodies, it can be comparable to the opponent's physical body."

"Then find a material that can't be affected by the other party, or that the other party can't comprehend that frequency material, and then use that material to isolate the other party's vibration." Cui Yu made another suggestion.

"No! The other party can vibrate even the void, what material in this world can resist the other party's vibration?" Gong Nanbei shook his head.

That is the power of space.

Although Ant Great Sage is only at the same frequency as the space and integrates himself into the space frequency, that is incredible enough.

Cui Yu also felt quite a headache: "Is there no magical power in this world that can restrain him?"

Gong Nanbei shook his head: "Unexpected."

"Since you can't think of it, just create a supernatural power that restrains the opponent's vibration." Cui Yu said.

There are only a few ways to reduce vibration.

Cui Yu thought of the shock absorber in his previous life, and looked at Gong Nanbei with his eyes: "Actually, I have a way, but I don't know if my brother can use it."

Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu: "Brother, it's okay to talk."

"Brother, it's better to cast a sword that can absorb shocks." Cui Yu said.

"A sword that can absorb shocks? How to cast it?" Gong Nanbei was taken aback.

Cui Yu didn't talk too much, and directly explained the principle and process of shock absorption in his previous life.

(The principle of the shock absorber is long-winded and there are too many mosquitoes, so there is no water.)
Hearing Cui Yu's words, Gong Nanbei was taken aback: "So simple?"

The principle of the shock absorber is not difficult to say, it is nothing more than converting one kind of energy into another kind of energy, converting kinetic energy into heat energy, and dissipating it in the atmosphere.

But it is not easy to make a sword that can absorb shocks.

First of all, the sword should not be too bulky, as it would be inconvenient to use.

Second, how can we use the same shock absorption principle on the sword to create a shock absorber?
In fact, among ancient weapons, the simplest shock absorber is to install various copper rings on the broadsword.

Just like in TV novels, you often see all kinds of big knives with various copper rings on the back of the knife.

Why install various copper rings?

One is shock absorption, and the other is to facilitate the unloading of the opponent's weapons and block.

The third is sound interference.

Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei, and he remembered the Youlong Sword in the novel "Seven Swords Under the Tianshan Mountains" he had read in his previous life. Countless thoughts flickered in his mind: "Is it possible to follow the example of Youlongjian and install a mechanism in the iron sword, and put it in the mechanism?" Little Iron Ball? '

Cui Yu thought of this, so he directly talked to Gong Nanbei.

Gong Nanbei was silent when he heard the words, and after a long, long silence, he looked up at Cui Yu: "It is theoretically possible, but if you want to make such a sword, you first need a material that can withstand vibration. This material, I'm afraid it's hard to find in the world. Second, install small balls in the iron sword, not to mention the material of the balls, and whether the sword can withstand the vibration of the small balls. I'm afraid that when the small balls vibrate, they will be controlled by the opponent's frequency , which in turn shatters the sword itself."

Gong Nanbei is worthy of being a great master of swordsmanship. He has seen countless kinds of swords. He heard the words and pointed out Cui Yu's flaws.

Install the ball, where can I find the material of the ball?
Forging a sword, where to find the material of the sword?

In case of vibration, the frequency of the ball is controlled by the opponent, I'm afraid it will be him who will suffer.

Cui Yu frowned upon hearing this: "Is there no other way? For example, casting a shock-absorbing armor."

"Difficult! Difficult! Difficult! As monks, I want to use my supernatural powers. Wearing armor is a burden. Wearing armor to perform supernatural powers requires more energy and exposes greater flaws. A master's attack is less than a hair's breadth away." Qianli, no qi trainer would wear armor unless they are of those bloodlines." Gong Nanbei shook his head:

"It's unrealistic to rely on external forces to defeat the opponent. Not to mention whether the materials can be found, even if they can be found, is there still time to design and forge them? The opponent is already outside Daliang City, blocking the gate of Daliang City. A chance to forge armor."

"Are you waiting to die?" Cui Yu looked at Gongnanbei.

Gong Nanbei was silent when he heard the words, and after a long, long silence, he sighed leisurely: "I can't wait until death, I want to think of a sword energy that can break the opponent's frequency. If I want to break the opponent's supernatural power, I can only use it from The supernatural powers have worked hard."

Hearing Gong Nanbei's words, Cui Yu's heart was full of admiration, but at the same time, he couldn't help feeling ashamed.

Looking at the north and south of the palace, it is the right way to go.

What about yourself?
When encountering difficulties, all you think are crooked ways.

Gong Nanbei sat under the big tree, with sword qi flowing around his body: "There are only two ways to break the opponent's vibration. The first is to combine my sword qi to form a combined sword qi, or Merge those thousands of sword qi together to form a brand new sword qi. But even if a brand new sword qi is formed, it may not be able to break the vibration of the opponent. The second is that I comprehend a The brand-new sword energy is designed to destroy the opponent's supernatural powers."

Gong Nanbei would never have imagined that one day he would fall under such a simple method.

The opponent's method is simple and rude, there is nothing worth talking about, just vibration!
Simple vibration!

But it was such a simple supernatural power, but it caused him a great difficulty.

It is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei who was thinking, and felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

If Gongnanbei were to suffer a catastrophe, he would definitely not be able to run away.

Even the entire Daliang City couldn't escape.

So Cui Yu sat aside and patted Big Dog on the head: "Do you know how to break the opponent's tricks?"

"The law of strength! It's not a small trick! If it is placed in the prehistoric world, it is not difficult. There are countless innate spiritual treasures, and combined with the formation method, it is not difficult to kill them. What's more, in the prehistoric world There are countless supernatural powers, even the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven and Earth, so how can you be afraid of the mere law of 'shock'? The law of earthquake is just the most obvious usage of the law of force."

Chi You shook the dog's head, his voice was full of disdain and contempt.

"Is there any way?" Cui Yu asked.

Chi You paused as he spoke, and then shook his head again and again: "No! No! The laws of this world are so chaotic, it is really difficult to break the opponent's tricks. At least it is not something you can break. Of course, if the universe in your sleeve is With the power fully developed, it is not difficult to take that person away."

Hearing this, Cui Yu remained silent, with his hands in his sleeves, his eyes revealed a gleam of wisdom, and his voice was full of seriousness: "Is there really nothing you can do?"

"That's not true. If you can cultivate the indestructible body of my witch clan and use the power of the great god Pangu to prove the Tao, mere tricks are nothing. As long as my monks of the witch clan have practiced to the realm of the great witch, they can Master part of the law of force. And shock is just the simplest and most basic law of force." Chi You was a little embarrassed.

"It's useless not to suppress the other party." Cui Yu reprimanded angrily.

"It's you who asked me, and I didn't want to say it myself." Chi You said angrily.

It seemed that what the other party said made sense, but Cui Yu was too lazy to argue with the other party, so he closed his eyes and remained silent, thousands of thoughts flickering in his mind.

Gong Nanbei wants to create a law to restrain the opponent from nothing, how easy is it?

"How can I restrain the opponent's supernatural power?" Cui Yu's mind flickered with thousands of thoughts.

"Actually, if you are willing to use that sword in your small world, it will be a breeze to destroy those mere ants." Just as Cui Yu was thinking, Chi You took a look at Cui Yu.

own sword?

Cui Yu raised his head subconsciously and looked towards the Dharma Realm. In the small world, the sword master was leisurely hanging on the building wood, absorbing a little bit of innate aura.

"Master Sword can defeat the opponent's tricks?" Cui Yu asked.

"If you hand Master Sword to that person, with his natural talent and Master Sword's strength, he can kill him with ease," Chi You said.

An idea came to Cui Yu's mind, he didn't want this weird looking sword for a long time.

But how to deceive the other party out of the small world is still a problem.

Seemingly aware of Cui Yu's thoughts, Master Jian said angrily: "That puppy, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, if you dare to change your mind again, Master Jian, I'll slash you with a sword. I want to see if your immortal body is really immortal."

Speaking of this, Lord Jian's voice became dull, and he looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: "Boy, don't make up my mind, or I will tell you to go around without food."

Master Jian continued to walk leisurely back and forth on the building wood after speaking, but Cui Yu was a little stunned.

Let's say outside Daliang City
Great Saint Ant waited anxiously in his heart, and before Great Saint Ant waited long, he saw Chen Lu walking out of Daliang City.

Chen Lu's condition was very bad at this time, her steps were stiff, leaving icy footprints on the ground wherever she passed.

Seeing Chen Lu's figure, Great Ant was taken aback.

"Why do you look like this?" Ant Great Sage asked in surprise.

"I met a hard stubble in Daliang City." Chen Lu said helplessly.

"Shouldn't it? Then Gongnanbei still has such a method?" The Great Sage Ant was puzzled, and his face was a little anxious: "Did Gongnanbei ever kill him?"

"Gongnanbei is not enough evidence. That Gongnanbei suffered heavy injuries and fell into a coma. The whole person fainted. It is not clear whether he can survive the dying. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill Gongnanbei, but that Gongnanbei There is a difficult character next to Nanbei, if I don't have some tricks, I'm afraid I will have to confess." Chen Lu kept complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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