Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 370 Deadly sneak attack

Chapter 370 Deadly sneak attack
How dare you go to Liangshan without three points and three points?
How could he dare to discuss the Dao with the saints without complete assurance?

As long as the princes of the world rebel, the sage Meng can ask the sage of rites: "Your way of rites is so good, why do hundreds of millions of people in the 360 ​​and five kingdoms of the world oppose you?"

At that time, the Dao heart of Li Shengren will definitely collapse.

This is Meng Shengren's plan!

Originally, he had to wait until the eve of the Taiping Dao incident before attacking Li Shengren, and then took advantage of the time when human nature changed, seized the status of Li Shengren, and replaced him as the state religion of the new vassal state.

But who knew that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, his disciple 'Zi Lu' was so ambitious that he wanted to break through the holy way.Zilu actually grasped the opportunity of the holy way, as a teacher, of course, Shengren Meng couldn't just sit idly by, so he stood up to protect Zilu from the wind and rain without saying a word.

Saint Li looked at Saint Meng opposite, and he saw peace in Saint Meng's eyes, the peace of victory in hand.

'Where did the opponent's cards come from? A little doubt suddenly appeared in Li Shengren's heart.

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Li Shengren's mind, and suddenly an inspiration flashed in his mind. His eyes swept across the mountains in the distance and whispered to the disciples of the Taiping Dao. Zhang Jiao raised his ears, and he couldn't help showing a touch of astonishment in his eyes: "I knew!"

The sage of rites is worthy of being a sage of rites. He has been in charge of the Great Zhou for 5000 years, and he has controlled the old antiques of Qi training and morale for 5000 years.

"It turns out that they are waiting for me here." Li Shengren's heart burst, his eyes were full of seriousness: "Damn bastard, I actually forgot this."

Li Shengren looked at Meng Shengren with a pair of eyes, and thousands of thoughts flickered in his heart: "Meng Shengren said, 'At the beginning of human beings, nature is good', but I have a different opinion. Say it a thousand times, but don't hammer it once. Meng Shengren, please feel free to I come."

After the saint li finished speaking, he took a step forward and came to a village near Daliang City.

I saw a child in the village grabbing frogs by the river, disemboweling them, disemboweling them, and killing them. There were also bloody frogs nearby: "May I ask the sage, since human nature is inherently good, why does this child look like this?" His heart, without being taught by later generations, is the innate nature of mind, which is most in line with innate frankness."

Saint Li looked at Saint Meng with a pair of eyes, and this is where he cannot tolerate the teachings of Saint Meng.

Ritual saints believe that all things in the world need to be restrained by laws, and so are human beings. Only by being restrained by laws can the world become beautiful and good.

Meng Shengren, on the other hand, believes that human nature is good, but it is only due to acquired influence that it becomes evil.Therefore, we must liberate our xinxing and keep our inner beauty unconstrained.

Meng Shengren was silent when he heard the words. Seeing the frog in the child's hand, the light in his eyes dimmed a little bit, and he gradually lost his spirit. There was a hint of silence in his eyes.

Farther away, there was a four or five-year-old child who was pouring water into the ant nest. Looking at the panicked ants, he could not help showing embarrassment in his eyes.


The crackling hurt.

But who is Meng Shengren?Will he admit his mistakes?
And he also has his own rhetoric.

"The saint misunderstood my teachings. When I said that people are inherently good, I meant 'the moment a person is born'. Once the ear, nose, throat and heart openings are opened, they have already begun to be influenced by the day after tomorrow." Meng Sheng said humanely.

Meng Shengren's answer was even more extreme, directly blocking all the questions of Li Shengren, and nipping all the problems in the bud.

Are you not attacking my teachings?

My teaching is reversed, and I am talking directly about the moment the baby is born.

Once born, hearing the sounds of the day after tomorrow, seeing the things of the day after tomorrow, has already been affected.

Saint Li looked at Saint Meng with a pair of eyes. He never thought that Saint Meng would be so shameless. That's not what the other party said when he preached morality.

For a while, the court fell silent, and Li Shengren was unable to argue.

The other party has already talked about the state of new birth, what else can you say?
So you can only attack the teachings of the other party.

At this moment, suddenly a disciple of Li's lineage trotted over, lay down and whispered in the ear of Saint Li.

Saint Li was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at Saint Meng in surprise, nodded at the disciple, and then raised his head to look at Saint Meng:
"Meng Shengren thinks that all acquired beings can discard the false and preserve the true, and find the good in their hearts?"

Saint Li looked at Saint Meng with his eyes.

Meng Shengren nodded: "Of course, this is exactly where my avenue lies. Teach the people of the world to get rid of the false and preserve the truth, return to the innate state, and eliminate all the influences of the day after tomorrow."

This is the essence of Haoran Avenue.

"Does Saint Meng think he is the most kind person? Have you developed the ultimate nature?" Saint Li asked again.

"Of course. I have developed the best of human nature and eliminated all acquired influences." Meng Sheng said humanely.

"Then what about your disciples?" Li Shengren asked again.

"Naturally, kind thoughts burst out, and we have seen the perfection of human nature." Meng Shengren said: "They have been enlightened by me, and naturally their kind thoughts radiate."

The sage of li laughed when he heard the words, and the other party admitted, so some things were broken.

Then the holy man sat there without saying a word.

"Why didn't the sage speak?" The sage Meng looked at the sage Li.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be impatient, just wait." Sage Li said with a smile.

Seeing Li Shengren's expression, Meng Shengren was a little confused.

The surrounding crowd also looked surprised at this time, their eyes were full of bewilderment, and they didn't understand what the saint Li was doing.

Saint Li just smiled mysteriously at Saint Meng. For some reason, that smile made Saint Meng's heart skip a beat, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Then the two returned to the top of the mountain, both of them sat peacefully without saying a word.

The world is silent, everything is quiet.

The Golden Crow kept rising and falling, snapping its fingers for several days, and suddenly a cry came from afar: "Master! Master! It's not good! It's not good!"

That voice broke Wan Lai's silence, causing countless people to watch, and they saw Senior Brother Lei Huo hurrying over from a distance with Chen Lu on his back.

Let's talk about the universe covered by the eight treasures cloud light handkerchief

Senior Brother Leihuo escaped from the siege of the Great Sage Ant, running around like a headless chicken in the world shrouded in the eight-treasure cloud light handkerchief.

The eight-treasure cloud light handkerchief enveloped the void, and Senior Brother Lei Huo stumbled all the way, not knowing the time outside or how long had passed, when suddenly he saw a figure staggering and stumbling towards in the distant clouds and mist.

The figure was surrounded by cold air, and the mist in the Eight Treasures Cloud Light Pane where it passed was frozen, and the mist between the sky and the earth dissipated.

"Senior Brother!!!" The man saw Senior Brother Lei Huo from afar, and he hastily exclaimed, his voice full of ecstasy.

"Chen Lu? Why are you here? How did you escape?" Senior Brother Lei Huo saw Chen Lu's staggering arrival, not only was there no joy on his face, but a look of vigilance on his face.

However, Chen Lu's whole body was covered with ice, and frost was hanging on his face, and he fell directly to the ground.

Seeing Chen Lu's whole body radiating cold air, Senior Brother Lei Huo couldn't bear it, so he hurried over and looked at Chen Lu whose body surface had grown a layer of cold ice, his eyes were full of anxiety: "Brother, how are you?"

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother Zilu is dead! Senior Brother Zilu is dead! I wanted to take this opportunity to rush out to report to Master, and asked Master to come forward and kill the monster to avenge Senior Brother, but who would have thought that a great sage Jiao jumped out halfway, The Great Sage Jiao secretly attacked me, and a ray of cold light entered my body. Thanks to my ability to escape with the power of time, otherwise I would have fallen on the spot. I was severely injured by the Great Sage Jiao, and now I can't live anymore, but Feeling unwilling, I forcibly held my breath. I must find my senior brother and help him escape. I know my senior brother can’t break through this barrier, but I can! I have the power of time, and this mere barrier can’t trap me .”

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Lei Huo and turned into light the next moment.

When they reappeared, the two of them were already outside the cover of the eight-treasure cloud light handkerchief, while Chen Lu's whole body was sealed by ice, and he was only half breath away from the breath.

The cold air spread on the arm holding Senior Brother Lei Huo, causing Senior Brother Lei Huo to shiver, his whole body was covered with a layer of cold air.

That cold air was very domineering, it actually followed Lei Huo's skin and pores, and penetrated towards Lei Huo's internal organs.

"I was just attacked by the aftermath of the cold air, and I couldn't resist it. My junior brother has been affected by that supernatural power, how can I resist? This matter must not be faked." Lei Huo looked anxious, resisting the cold, and hugged Chen Lu , the voice said anxiously: "Junior brother, you hold on! Junior brother, you must hold on!"

Then hurried to Liangjie Mountain in a hurry.

When they reached Liangjie Mountain, Chen Lu was completely frozen, and Lei Huo was covered in frost all over his body.

"Master~Master~" Senior Brother Lei Huo could not help shouting anxiously in the mountains as he felt the vitality in Chen Lu's body was getting weaker and weaker.

When Saint Meng turned his head, he saw the two frozen dogs from afar. With a wave of his sleeves, the two of them twisted in the void, and they had already come to the front.

Looking at the two people who were shrouded in frost, especially the cold air on Chen Lu, Meng Shengren frowned: "What happened?"

"Master, all senior brothers were plotted against. The great sage of the monster race appeared in Daliang City at some time, intending to bring disaster to the world. Brother Zilu had no choice but to fight the big monster, but was tricked by the big monster and poisoned him. Poisoned to death. The rest of the senior brothers were trapped in Daliang City without knowing whether they were dead or alive, but I and Chen Lu joined hands to kill them. Please return to Daliang City quickly to save the senior brothers." Senior Brother Lei Huo said anxiously.

Meng Shengren looked in the direction of Daliang City with his eyes, and he saw that Daliang City was peaceful, and there was no atmosphere of war as the other party said.

But because of this, Meng Shengren firmly believed in Lei Huo's words.

"What did you say? Zilu was poisoned to death?" Meng Shengren only felt his heart convulse, a rush of blood rushed straight to the top of his head, and his brain was buzzing.

"That's right, Senior Brother Zilu was killed by that monster, so please ask Master to avenge Senior Brother Zilu." Senior Brother Lei Huo's voice was full of sorrow.

Hearing this, Meng Shengren felt dizzy all over his body.

Zilu is the seedling of the holy way that he cultivated carefully, and he is only one step away from becoming a saint, but now there are monsters inexplicably appearing in Daliang City, and Zilu died in Daliang City in a daze, why don't you tell him not to be sad?

How not to be sad?
It's just terribly sad.

"Evil! Evil!" Meng Shengren gritted his teeth, and couldn't help but burst into tears: "Zilu! My Zilu!"

"Master, please avenge Senior Brother Zilu, and quickly rescue all senior brothers from the fire and water." Lei Huo knelt down on the ground, kowtowing continuously, his eyes full of sadness.

Meng Shengren is Meng Shengren after all. At this time, he suppressed his grief and looked at Chen Lu with his eyes:
"Since that evil barrier has come to Daliang City to wreak havoc, it's not too late. Let me stabilize Chen Lu's injury first. There is an extremely cold air in his body. If he can't dispel it, he may die in an instant. .”

As Meng Shengren spoke, he pointed his finger at Chen Lu, and the overwhelming mighty aura poured into Chen Lu's body like the Milky Way pouring down from nine heavens.

Accompanied by the irrigation of Haoran's righteousness, the last ray of vitality in Chen Lu's body finally stabilized.

The awe-inspiring righteousness and the coldness are constantly colliding and canceling each other out.

"Are these two your disciples?" the saint Li asked beside him.

"Not bad." Meng Sheng said humanely.

"But all of them have been taught by you personally, and have awakened the idea of ​​goodness?" Li Shengren asked.

Hearing Saint Li's words, Saint Meng's voice was sad: "They are all good children, all good children with kind thoughts in their hearts."

Li Shengren stopped talking when he heard the words, just glanced over the crowd, and saw Yan Qu standing in the crowd and nodded quietly to Li Shengren.

Haoran's righteousness was surging, like a surging river, but the coldness in Chen Lu's body was not something to be taken lightly.

Accompanied by the collision of righteousness and cold air, the cold air spread along Saint Meng's sleeves and spread towards his whole body, covering Saint Meng's whole body with a layer of frost.

"What a powerful force! Since when did the Great Wilderness have such a powerful monster? Even the arrogance of the old man can't completely resist it?" Saint Meng looked at the Peacock King.

The Peacock Lord was also frowning at this time, with a look of disbelief in his eyes, and a pair of eyes fixed on the cold air: "This kind of cold air??? Could it be that there is a supreme being in the wilderness???"

"Master Peacock, when did such a powerful person appear in your Great Wilderness? I'm afraid it will be difficult to preserve your position as the Lord of the Great Wilderness." The old Buddha's face was serious, and the moment he saw the power of ice, he felt a little hairy .

This power is exactly the same as the power of those monsters in his memory.

But it was far less powerful than the group of monsters in memory.

Just when Meng Shengren tried his best to mobilize the noble righteousness to suppress the cold air in Chen Lu's body, Chen Lu who was in the ice suddenly opened his eyes, and before Meng Shengren could recover, he put his palms through the ice, He shot at the speed of light and stuck it on Saint Meng's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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